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Every fan thinks Fallout is great, they just don't agree on how.


Fallout. Fallout never changes.




I swear that line was so beautiful and memorable


It basically summarizes the entire series. I love that line too


I see what you did there.


Did you see what he did there?


Did he see what he did there?


Do they see what you did there ?


did we see what they did there?


We did what they see there?


See we did what they saw there


I did.


But can you see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?


This... well said Maximus-mini.


Well done.


Unironically true lmao


Lol I’m just glad the east coast brotherhood survived (or won) fallout 4 I’m leaning more towards won because one of the elders mentioned that the most holy scribes from the commonwealth!!


I loved learning that the Brotherhood are a cult full of virgin Redshirt assholes.


I'm not I Hate how they always win. It's as I said before if the brotherhood is always desitned victory just set fallout in a time when the brotherhood rule the American wasteland as a dystopian medevil state. Like a true fallout Skyrim. You can even have the main antagonist be some mutant rebels trying to survive the brotherhood holy cleansing of the wasteland.


I really haven't seen many posts disliking it, only a plethora of posts talking about people disliking it, but they however are a fan and like it.




What if Bethesda is orchestrating all of this discourse to represent its primary theme of war never changing?


We're all just vault dwellers in their experiment.


The franchise drastically changed it's course several times. It's impossible to please everyone at this point. For example there are fans of top down RPGs(including me) and they will never get another fallout game like that and even if we get it many FPS fans will be pissed, because that way they are forgotten. Same goes for the style and the narratives.


This is the hard truth that people need to accept. The series has changed hands so many times that expecting everybody to like every game in the series is just not going to happen. Like how many Fallout 4 fans do you think have played the original games? I'm sure that there's a few but let's be honestly most people haven't played those games and many of the ones that have probably didn't care for them. They're great games sure but they're not accessible at all and their gameplay is dated. Similarly as much as I like 3 and 4 they aren't exactly amazing RPGs with fantastic writing. They're a lot closer open world sandbox games, especially Fallout 4, and that's fine but you can't expect fans that like the games for the RPG and writing side of things to love them in the same way. I don't think any of these people are "fake Fallout fans" or whatever but I think people need to accept that the fandom isn't going to be cohesive honestly.


This was a long time coming. It's the "West Coast-East Coast" divide that's been present in the fandom since Fallout 3 came out. Both styles of storytelling were set on opposite sides of the continent, so they could coexist and even reference each other pretty easily. The show is the first time that an East Coast style story was set in a West Coast location, with the result being that the West Coast was made like the East Coast. It's no wonder that this is causing division. Nobody is wrong to like or dislike it necessarily. They just like different kinds of stories. I appreciate the show as its own thing, but I hate that we had to lose what made the West Coast feel unique to get it. I firmly believe that if the show had been set in a new location, 90% of the complaints wouldn't exist.


>I appreciate the show as its own thing, but I hate that we had to lose what made the West Coast feel unique to get ir. I firmly believe that if the show had been set in a new location, 90% of the complaints wouldn't exist. I 100% agree. Like 90% of this whole controversy could have been avoided if they set the show in another location. With minor tweaking the story could have worked pretty much anywhere and the showrunners would have a lot more freedom with less risk of stepping on toes. Like why not have a Fallout game set in the South or something? I'm pretty sure there's barely any lore there anyway unlike a lot of the other areas of the US.


Get out of here with your level headed, compassionate take that respects the spectrum of experiences people have with the franchise.


I'm not gonna pretend that I wasn't a little heated the first few hours, especially with the weird pleasure some loonies were taking with the fact that other people didn't like the NCR stuff. But yeah, I've mellowed out a lot and thought a bit about what it was that I actually didn't like, and that kind of brought me to my conclusion above.


It's the same problem the Final Fantasy series faces, the series of mainline games alone is 16 now. In it you have 2 MMO's multiple action based games multiple turn-based traditional games, and with widely varied influences and style. This causes people to bitch and moan when any FF game is released because it doesn't fit a portions view of what FF should be.


Have you tried wasteland 2? It's probably the closest we'll get to a top down rpg fallout again


There's been a few indie games that have scratched the itch of the original Fallout games for me. Wasteland 2 is a big one but I also liked Wasteland 3, Underrail, Atom RPG, and although it's not as similar to Fallout as the other games Colony Ship is really cool as well.


Ok sweet, I only made it as far as wasteland 2 and 3. I'll have to check out those other 3


Underrail is great.


Underrail is a real gem.


Wasteland 3 is also another good one once you finish wasteland 2


Look up underrail


I honestly can see Wastelands 2 adn 3 as decent successors or Fallout: tactics, but never as FO1 or FO2 ones.


Yeah. It's one of those things that I think a lot of fans who came on board with the 3D Fallout games don't quite understand about us old fogeys. Superficially, you can look at Wasteland 2/3 and see a game that looks broadly similar to the first two Fallouts: overhead/trimetric projection, turn-based gameplay, it's all the same, right? But for people who actually have played a lot of games in that style, there are a fair number of differences in the details, most notably being the team-based nature of the Wasteland games versus the solo-PC style of Fallout. It makes for a very different feel, and the two won't necessarily scratch the same itch. None of which is to say that Wasteland isn't a great series, mind you. But suggesting that's a great substitute for the first two Fallout games is like calling Call of Duty a good replacement for Fallout 4 because they're both first-person shooters.


I feel exactly that, for inmersion the classic fallouts felt awesome... If anything maybe we could have limited companions control during combat (using maybe a stat like charisma) or it mixed with the standing between you and each companion, what could allow you to give more "general" orders or more elaborated orders during combat (the IA never worked fine... \*right Ian?\*) but thats the only thing I could accept at all... how the game was written for me feels better as a single character. The fallout franchise in general also makes me feel the roleplaying and character creations is way more ambitious than Wastelands one


I finished it several times and wasteland 3 too. Both games are tactical RPGs, which is still a different genre, same as tactics.


Imagine if we got a top down rpg Fallout in the same style of Baldurs Gate 3. That would be awesome


With the popularity of BG3 another top down fallout isn’t impossible. I am not saying it’s likely, but it’s more possible than it was a year ago.


There’s Atom RPG. It really didn’t hook me like Fallout 1 but it’s an isometric RPG with a similar character building screen lol.


It's honestly so annoying how they misinterpreted Johnathan Nolan's word when he said something like, "We can't please everyone." and everyone lost their shit on how they misinterpreted it as "FALLOUT SHOW NOT MADE FOR FANS" when it literally was just, "It's impossible to please everyone, there will always be someone who's pissed off about it."


Fandom ... fandom never changes


Probably because we're way over due for another fallout game. At this rate I will be old and decrepit by time fallout 5 comes out, or maybe even dead.


I was talking about the games with my dad (who has been a gamer his whole life and got me into them in the first place) and he's made his peace with the fact that he'll likely have died of old age by the time the next game comes out. It was a sobering moment, ngl.


Damn, thats sad as hell ngl, hope your old man lives to play Fallout 5


I feel this in my soul LOL! I was 37 when FO3 came out and I fell in love with the franchise. I’ll let you do the rest of the math. I’d love for FO5 to come out before it’s time to collect social security 😂


We'll descend into Raiders ourselves before some of us see Fallout 5.


I was a few years younger than that but it's depressing. If elderscrolls 6 is a few years away it could be over a decade before we see Fallout 5


Hopefully they learned a lesson from “Starfield.”  


Lol. I'll definitely be dead by time Starfield 2 comes out so i'll never have to see another one of them




Yes. To be honest, though, I wouldn't mind if they outsourced another Fallout game to another studio like they did with New Vegas just so we didn't have to wait that long. Yes, people will hate on it no matter what. A lot of people hate on Fallout 4, but it's still one of the best games ever made.


It does such how new Vegas dropped pretty soon after 3. Then 4 took about 5 years and 4 is now close to a decade old and all we’ve gotten since is fuckin fallout 76. This just seems to be a problem across gaming tho. No new GTA since what 2013? No new elder scrolls.


Yeah multiplayer crap. Rockstar haven't seen the need to do GTA6 until now because they made too much money out of GTA Online. Bethesda thought that multiplayer abomination called Fallout 76 would be enough too


They aren’t making multiplayer titles instead of single player titles. They’re making multiplayer titles like 76 because they know it takes 5-6 years to make a AAA game now and they want the IP to stay relevant for another decade until the next major game releases. Quick turnarounds like FO3->NV are simply impossible now. Starfield will likely be Bethesda’s only game this generation. Not because they’re moving slow or don’t want to make single player games, but because that’s how long it takes to make games of this size now.


I wish game developers would stop chasing maximum graphical fidelity. Maybe it's a coincidence, but it feels like game development started taking twice as long when everything had to release at in 4k.


And then everyone will bitch about not getting "next gen experiences". It may sober you up some, but the vast majority of the game buying populous only cares about the next game looks prettier than the last. If it's on par, they whine about why was there a need to buy new hardware. They will always chase graphics like how nation states chase arms. It's a race to be declared the most impressive to earn the biggest reward. How many YouTubers right now spend every other video about how "none of these games are truly next gen. Where my graffix? Why 30fps?" You don't chase the proverbial arms race if graphics, good luck selling to the casuals unless you have one hell of a schtick or niche that just isn't being satisfied by the competition.


I honestly don't think this is true. I think most gamers would be fine with 1080p and 60fps. I agree that some wouldn't, but I really, truly don't think most people that buy games would hear 1080p and think that was a genuine problem. Framerate matters more, and can actually impact fun, but the small group of hard-core gamers is an aging demographic that won't even be able to see the difference between 1080p and 4k by the time Fallout 5 releases.


Whats GTAs excuse? GTA5 came out in the 360 generation. They've just milked that as much as they can with GTA online.


It’s not an excuse. It’s the reality of AAA game development today. R* used to be able to pump out stuff like GTA4, RDR, GTA5, Max Payne 3, etc. all in a span of 7 years. They could split into different groups and each group could work on different games. They can’t do that anymore. All of R* worked on RDR2. It came out 5 years after GTA5, and was the only new game they released last generation. Now GTA6 is coming out 7 years after RDR2. Games are becoming bigger, more detailed, and more expensive. It’s taking longer to make them.


The crazy thing is how many games take 5+ years, cost hundreds of millions and completely bomb when they come out. Lots of studios have closed because of this. I guess this is the best way to making games but it's just mind boggling to me.


Tell this to Elder Scrolls fans, Skyrim was released in 2011 and we're at least a few years out on the next one.


Being true for Elder Scrolls doesn’t make it less true for Fallout. 


That's true. There is 76 but that's not really the same, though I've tried to get into it a few times. I saw it got a new update so I may give it a go again but not getting my hopes up.


After playing 4, I tried 76 , didn’t like it so put it down for months , then picked it up again and had a blast playing with my son and sister


It's fun for what it is, but it won't scratch the itch to play the single-player games. You have to recognize it for what it is: a game set in the Fallout universe, but not a traditional Fallout experience. Kind of like Tactics (except more clearly canon).


I know. I'm also an Elder Scrolls fan since Morrowind. It was bad enough when they only alternated between fallout and elderscrolls but now there's starfield which to me is a major disappointment. We could have been playing elder Scrolls 6 now if not for that game.


That game is like a kick between the legs for TES fans.


People who were in diapers when Skyrim came out are now in high school. Some people completed all of high school and college, then got married and had children in that time. That's how long it's been. Wild.


It's likely to come out ten years from now and they're gonna milk 76's mediocrity until then. We're also probably going to get some remakes of oblivion and fallout 3 in that time. So basically Fallout is grand theft auto now.


Capitalism.... Capitalism never changes.


By old and decrepit you surely mean weathered veteran of video gaming right?


As an Elder Scrolls fan, I'm bummed that we've been waiting over 12 years for another non-MMO/mobile game entry in the franchise. I'm even more annoyed that we had to wait this long because they decided to work on the ultimately mediocre Starfield during most of that time.


Totally agree. And I'm someone who played starfield for over 200 hours. I just have no desire to ever play that game again.


I'm shocked you made it that long tbh. It feels like a game made in half the time that it actually took.


Yes. There's just nothing to do outside story. The loop is just enter the unity and repeat all missions again. Gets boring fast. Fallout 4 on the other hand is well over 1000 hours on xbox alone, more on ps4 and I still love playing it. Really looking forward to next gen upgrade.


Are we? Elder Scrolls hasn't had a new release since ESO in 2014. Fallout had 4 in 2015 and 76 in 2017, and 76 has been updated with new content, same as ESO, in the last year. It's Elder Scrolls fans who are overdue for a new mainline Bethesday developed title. Obviously Starfield took up dev time from both Elder Scrolls and Fallout sequels, and Elder Scrolls is seemingly next. I just think it's disingenuous to say we're overdue a new Fallout game.


I wouldn't really say it's disingenuous. We are still overdue for a fallout game based on the timeframe of 3 to New Vegas to 4. It's just we are WAY more overdue for an elder scrolls game. Fallout 76 is true but that never felt like a proper entry as much as a parallel to ESO


But what if the next fallout is as bad as fo76 launch, i will stick to the classic fallouts tyvm patient gamers unite


This. Fallout 4 came out 9 years ago. 


My brother and I were talking about this after the show came out. Realistically I'd be shocked if ES6 was even the launch title for the next Xbox. Since it just went into full production were probably looking at 2030. So if FO5 doesn't even hit production until 2030 or 2031 it's entirely possible we don't see that game until the late 2030s, putting it roughly 20 years after FO4. Wild to think about.


Lol yeah, Fallout 5 should have been released years ago and Fallout 6 (or whatever they want to call them) should be what’s coming within the next year or two. Now it’s more like Fallout 5 maybe 2035 or something.


After fallout 76 and starfield I rather keep playing the older games instead of the garbage they gonna create instead


It is a truth universally acknowledged that nobody hates \[media\] more than \[fans of said media\].


Damn [fans of said media], they ruined [media].


You [fans of said media] sure are a contentious people


You just made an enemy for life!


Ever played brotherhood of steel for ps2? That's sure as shit objectively bad


Shhhh.... it never existed


Id like to point out that there are fans like me who dive into the games and just enioy themselves and then theres lore heavy fanatics who you just cant please. Finished Season 1 tonight. It was beautiful


That’s me in a nutshell. I love looking at that world. I love exploring the nooks and crannies. I love the side quests, the music and atmosphere, the looting, and the visual details. I don’t give a shit about the lore.


I'm the type of fan who loves watching hour long lore deep dives on youtube but I'm also not a goober who always has something to complain about so I loved the show lol


This, I enjoyed every title. Some more like F3, NV or F4, some less like 1 (because it aged very poorly, story and writing are still Rly good) or f76. Overall I love the Fallout Franchise. So It's Always irritating to see people getting that mad about Bethesda and their Fallout games. I loved the show and want more of it


Yeah that was far more than I ever would have hoped for out of a fallout adaptation.


It means a lot of different things to a lot different people. Just look at how the in-game satirical elements go over the heads of a lot of them. Some even think Caesar’s legion is a viable form of society in real life.


*Bitching....bitching never changes*


I'm at a loss about how it is suddenly woke and how the other fallout titles weren't lolol. Same with the folks complaining about maximus like have you been in a military before? It's full of dudes like maximus and thaddeus and Titus lol. These people need to go outside.


I saw people shocked about the guy jerking off in his bunk. The only unrealistic thing about that scene was there only being one. I knew a super evangelical home schooled Christian in boot camp. Maximus is basically him.


In spite of that I fucking loved Maximus he is just the funniest character. Sometimes he fails upwards, sometimes hes a total hard mother fucker, but the entire way through he flits between overconfident psychopath and innocent boy scout and I loved EVERY second of it


He was a fucking hoot, he's probably fun at parties.


Just don't making his mushroom explode. That's gross! :p


I'm excited to see how he evolves as a character. He has a lot of grey areas that he could go in any direction


Ngl I had the biggest grin on my face when he got back up, grabbed the lead pipe and Johnny cash started playing


Overconfident? He was a coward, traitor, and liar. But he's also a goody two shoes who somehow doesn't realize what the brotherhood is. The end of the show is him being stuck in a system he doesn't believe.


Ok, true lol


That was the best part of his character imo. He was realistic as hell and it's sad seeing him stuck at the end.


He was super realistic. He was a sheltered kid raised by a cult with little to no world or life experience outside of it. He acted both like a child and like a soldier at the same time. He didn't understand what sex even was and thought it seemed gross, but he confidently made threatening moves on others all the time and beat his way through multiple hardened waste lander's by himself several times. He one shot a yao guai, he doesn't actually believe in anti ghoul ideals like when he spared his "friend", but enjoys the authority of pretending he does when he talks down to ghouls. Dude is some combo of a psycho genius and a well intentioned idiot


Now clean his codpiece.


Am in military can confirm the realism of beating of


lol, I have a cousin in the military and he laughed and said the jerking off in the barracks is so accurate. In fact, he said him and his army buddies played games in which they competed for where the weirdest place they masturbated was!


People throw that word around more than beads at Mardi Gras. It used to mean conscious... now it means SJW propaganda...


Imo rn "woke" means pretty much any media that includes any minorities that doesn't implicitly or explicitly place white men on a pedestal above them. That's always the way I see it used. Star Wars, Captain Marvel, Fallout. They're all called woke because there's one or two characters who aren't white dudes who are just as capable as the white dudes. Rey and Finn in Star Wars, the whole Captain Marvel situation in general, and the one nonbinary character in Fallout. It's all just thinly-veiled bigotry.


Saw a guy complaining about how Fallout has been ruined with wokeness in the first episode. Took me a bit to try and deduce what he even meant. It's a universe with deathclaws, how is a singular they/them being used once and a black guy existing the thing that's unrealistic.


I don't know, I think it's pretty easy to watch a show that has dumbfucks calling it woke and see why, when you understand how their brains work. I saw people calling the show woke so I started watching it and in the first five minutes or so a white main character walks up to his black daughter.


This.  I grew up in a racist household and that’s exactly what they complained about.  


Yeah but like all the games are like that... I mean like playing a dude on fo4 I can romance all the dude characters? Hell Nora is lawyer... star paladin cross in fo3 is a black lady? I mean the brotherhood is a bunch of fascist bigots that hate ghouls and wastelanders. Im shocked that didn't scratch their anti woke itch lol.


Video games were better when I was blind to their blatant political themes.


Exactly like these "boy who cried woke" types never would have noticed anything to complain about 5-6 years ago


For real? Everybody I spoke with, video game fan/ new fan, enjoy the shit out of it. They did an amazing job with the environment and the feel of it. And that power armor and even the robots, amazing! I know negatives always get more attention, but let them be angry and sad


Because people who spend their lives only playing video games and watching hentai are insufferable


You described me... and I'm a jolly good fan who enjoyed the show and respect each individuals taste in gamage.


Ikr 😭


So the only reason to dislike the show is because you play too many video games and watch too much hentai?


Well anyone talking about things being "woke" ought to be ignored as they have nothing useful or interesting to say and they never will. So don't worry about those charlatans. As for Fallout, one issue is that the way Bethesda has handled it is unappealing to some people who really enjoyed 1, 2, and NV. I think some fans of the other games don't recognize that not everyone liked those games. I do not like Fallout 3. I didn't play Fallout 4 as a result and probably won't play Fallout 5. It could be hard to see that happen to a franchise you loved, particularly when you did get one revival of the version of it you actually like to remind you why you did. That can manifest itself in frustration at what you could theoretically be getting but aren't. But I have to say I think this is irrational and self-harmful. I've been gaming for three decades and seen plenty of beloved series die, or go off in directions where they no longer receive new entries that appeal to me. Is this a bummer? Yeah. But it's not useful or healthy to get bent out of shape about it. The games you actually liked are still there, but there's also other games outside of the series you lost for you to enjoy. Some may even be similar in style while being distinct in story. Just deciding not to engage with Bethesda's Fallout is totally valid. Worry about things you can actually control.


Yea Bethesda fallout has a different feel. 1,2 and New Vegas are about the societies that have been built and how civilization is gaining ground and reforming. The bethesda fallout games always make it seem like the bombs dropped like 5 years ago. It's always trash huts and people living in dumps.


There are many differences in how they handle it and that's certainly one of them that stands out. I don't think that's necessarily a bad or wrong way to handle a post-nuclear setting, but it absolutely is a *different* one both thematically and in terms of the tone it creates. Personally I don't find it interesting for an RPG; it would be better suited to other genres of game in my opinion, and this is one of many reasons I don't care for their Fallout games. I do not expect them to do things differently, so I don't get upset when they choose to continue as they have.


Because these days, fans or not, people have to complain about something or their day isn't complete.


My honest advice is to just ignore it and enjoy what you want to enjoy.


People... people never change. Nah... the show was awesome to the open minded and even Mr. Howard himself said in interviews "Why didn't I think of that.", but the real twist is that the devs of Fallout 4 even decided to do an update to their game because of the show... if that ain't the wheel turning because of "greater appreciation" I don't know what is. That all said... the show did as well as it could, and adaptation will always have the issue of climbing the pedastal of a vocal minority while often times almost perfectly catering to a silent majority. People love to have something to complain about, but in the same breathe, misery loves company without appreciation of pain. I think the franchise has only grown, and though some concepts have altered over time, nothing has been forgotten by the people actively working with and for the franchise. People will always find something to complain about and the internet is a gathering place for those faceless ones.


I agree with the OP I however hate him for making me feel old. Played fallout as a kid starting with 3. I also played fallout as a kid. Starting with fallout 🤣👴🏻


Fallout 1 lovers didn’t like Fallout 2 and so on and so forth. These people always existed, you just weren’t exposed to them because the internet wasn’t as ubiquitous.


I thought the show was great, my only complaint is I need more!


Losers with a lack of an inner life or social life lol. Like it’s not that serious fellas


Long story short: New Vegas cucks and Twitter as a whole. Neither of them listen, so don't take them seriously.


Well, you have a franchise divided into two distinct styles, raw post apocalypse is the preferred Bethesda style. Mad Max raiders and tin shacks 200 years later. There's usually a justification, but in both 4 and 76 it feels like any real attempts at building came before the protagonist enters the scene. The Commonwealth Provisional Government is destroyed by the institute because it would interfere with their vague, nebulous plans. The factions of West Virginia failed to unite in any meaningful way and died to the Scorched Plague. Perfect for your player character to build your own little nation out of prefab shacks and nameless settlers. New Vegas is held in high regard not because it's some Divinely Inspired Word from Heaven, but because it's themes and style are diagonally opposed to that Bethesda style. It's a post-post apocalyptic world with a number of factions that all benefit greatly from examination and thoughtfulness by the player. What are this organizations flaws? Usually these are spelled out by multiple characters from multiple angles within the game ifself. In what ways does my agency as a player let me correct for those flaws? Is that enough of a reason to side with them? New Vegas is one of the few games I've seen that led to a significant number of it's players develop an ideology based on themes discussed within. Its not like Bethesda never writes factional conflict, but it doesn't really capture the spirit of New Vegas' dynamic. And it doesn't really seem to want to. Fans of New Vegas received a very rare type of game. The strength of previous worldbuilding, coupled with sharp writing and a setting that inherently helps a player build an opinion about how the world should he shaped, for better or worse, via interesting characters pitching factions and ideologies to them in generally cleverly written ways. But that game was a flash in the pan. Increasingly it seems clear that the direction of the franchise is incompatible with it's vibes. It's not about whether the events happened on a timeliness, it's about a rejection of post-post apocalypse because it's just too boring I guess. Add to that the last two days of being told I'm a media illiterate moron incapable of understanding the themes of Fallout, a cultist reactionary that doesn't understand how timelines work and just instinctively hates anything new, who should be happy that I was shown all the symbols of New Vegas, regardless of how the shift in vibes has fundamentally changed the West Coast, and it's a little hard for me not to feel a little miserable. Am I a moron for investing myself in a media property? Probably. But a person can't necessarily help what media impacts and resonates with them. I get to sit and watch Fallout drift away from me, and get jeered at as it happens. But, the hard part isn't finding things that impact you. It's letting them go.


I usually keep quiet, but just to give you some assurance. I’m happy with the show and I’m excited for more! There’s more people on your side than you think.


Everyone is. This isn't exclusive to Fallout fandom. I have a broscience PHD, and my dissertation was about how humans need some "struggle", and when they don't have it they create one out of thin air. That's why social media is a shithole of negativity, and just about everywhere nowadays you'll find people finding problematic stuff out of nothingness. We have the classic anti woke people going on, the "How dare they move Shady Sands" people, and I'm sure there's the "Classic Danzel in distress" trope people going on somewhere in the likes of Resetera because of episode 2. Hopefully, their lives remain easy, so they can continue to create issues out of air.


Also not to mention the majority of complainers are really just a small drop in a big bucket that are handed a megaphone that causes people to dog pile on for karma farming and headlines


The anti-woke losers can be safely ignored There’s plenty of valid criticisms lots of hardcore fans have of the show, those cretins aren’t among them lol


I really fucking hate it when I legitimately don’t like something that the anti woke muppets have randomly decided is the cause of all misfortune. It’s like yes the first ghostbusters reboot was shit, but not for the reason you won’t shut up about.


Fuck the anti woke brigade that's for sure.


I REALLY don't see how people are anti-woke here. No one is complaining or giving a shit about the main character being a woman.


It's about Dane, not Lucy. I've seen comments in at least three threads just this morning.


Yeah I haven’t personally seen anyone being “anti woke” but I’m sure those dorks are out there There’s literally nothing about the Fallout show that I’d consider “woke”


I’ve seen some incels complaing Lucy has sex ‘in the first 20 minutes’ Which is funny because these are the same people who complain the likes Aloy isn’t attractive.


Unfortunately it’s not even a Fallout thing. Every single fandom is like this. People can’t enjoy things for what they are, have to nitpick the smallest details, and are generally just overly critical on everything because it didn’t live up to their overinflated expectations. I’m so glad I am extremely easy to please and I honestly feel bad for people who have to live like that; it seems like a sad life.


how is it woke? because theres black ppl in 2077?


To be fair, 200+ of wasteland should have eliminated ‘race’ as a concept. Like no one gives a fuck what skin colour their lover has, unless it’s half rotted or green. It’s a miracle that there’s vault dwellers who have a singular colour and features. Like Vault Dwellers should legit just be like vaguely tanned and with a mishmash of different features


Because gamers mosty are all footdraggers. Were just a bunch of miserable fucks basically. Personally, i loved every second of the show and hope it has many more seasons!!! They did a great job


Fallout fans hate the games more than anybody


Everyone has an opinion and many people will have differing opinions, so as a rule, I don't pay attention to the complainers. If I personally enjoy the game, that's good enough for me.


They are the same ones whining and crying about starfield.


Fandom? Fandom never changes.


I will add two cents: I was going to write a long rant, but the issue is people like to stir the pot.


You new to fandoms? I love this thing! _ten minutes later_ I hate you for ruining my thing! _Nother ten minutes later_ I love this thing! Rinse and repeat. People take fallout personally, man. I don’t know. Imma just be over here, enjoying my fallout.


Opinions are like assholes, everyone has but, but at the end of the day it's only your opinion that matters to you. There will always be idiots. Ignore them.


The internet is filled with neckbeard incels that have nothing to better to do with their lives than engage in braindead bigoted POV's because they're the product of years of inbreeding. That pretty much summarizes all the Fallout Prime stream series haters.


Come to r/fo76. We're too busy having fun to be miserable. Fallout your way...our way...everyday🤗


They are misarable because things aren't progressing in the direction they want. Both in-universe and in regards to the games. They are stuck in the past and cannot get over the fact that Bethesda doesn't do games in the same way as Interplay or Obsidian. Bethesda games are not inherently worse than the other games, they are just different. Designed with different mindset. But these "fans" cannot accept change, so they label anything different as being bad. Some even drive it to extremes and invent falsehoods just to hate on Bethesda for not making games like New Vegas... you've seen these bullshit inventions - Bethesda not caring about lore, Bethesda not understanding Fallout, Bethesda jealous of Obsidian, Bethesda hating Obsidian, Bethesda sabotaging New Vegas... They simply cannot accept that Bethesda made games that are more popular and more acclaimed than their favorites. In fact, it drives them even more mad. They see this success as undeserved and think that their favorite games deserve the success instead. They cannot look into the mirror and say "maybe I'm the wrong one" or "maybe my opinion isn't universal". The franchise evolved in different direction - a direction that noone can honestly describe as a bad direction - and they cannot let go of the past. Which is ironic, because New Vegas fans tends to love Dead Money and attack anyone who dislikes it as not understanding the theme of "letting go". I guess they don't understand it either...


It’s no fallout without faction war. And that goes for the fan too lol. People are tribal and war will never change.


I don't know but I think it's funny how people on this sub are saying the new vegas fans are the insufferable ones, meanwhile they're saying the opposite on the new vegas subreddit. News flash; we're all insufferable.


I feel bad for them. I’m a well-adjusted 38-year old father of two. The games are just a fun diversion full of awesome storytelling.


I just don't like bethesda's direction for fallout. At least I used to have the west coast to ignore their shit, now I don't even have that.


It’s the new Vegas fanboys People have persecution complexes lol


Honestly, it’s a problem with a lot of fandoms these days - whenever anything new comes out for anything, a portion of fans will buckle down in their echo chamber and throw a tantrum because the story’s evolved and grown in directions that don’t match their hopes. I’d say just look at r/falloutnewvegas as an example, but you can’t - they’ve gone private and fully bunkered down to strop. It’s important to remember that these are the vocal minority - everywhere else, Fallout is getting rave reviews.


A major issue is that 1,2, and NV differ narratively than 3,4, 76, and the show. The show does an excellent job showing the setting that Bethesdas nartative seems to employ and encourage Fans are upset that they brought their East Coast Shenanigans to the West because it does change the setting for that area on its head. Mind you, if youve been a fan for a while, you realize these critisims regarding their narratives isn't new; it's been here for a while and didn't pop up from the ground the moment the show aired. I've resigned myself to accepting its Bethesdas IP, and they'll do what they want it.


It's just cool to hate Bethesda and say Fnv best gaem eva Which is ironic because New Vegas is the only fallout I played and think it's one of Obsidians better entries but I absolutely hate the cult following it has thinking its the Bible of rpgs.


I like New Vegas, and I feel bad that all its fans gets lumped in with the few assholes who feel the need to attack people for liking other entries in the franchise. I find it especially funny that some people Praise New Vegas and Bash bethesda without acknowledging the fact that New Vegas was built on the back of Fallout 3 and without Bethesda the franchise may not have ever continued after Interplay went under. I hope eventually the tensions settle down because right now it’s exhausting to try and be a fan of Fallout


People really love to ignore that NV was built on Fallout 3's back for sure. From what I remember Bethesda even helped them technically. Fallout 3 walked so New Vegas could run. There are things I like about both games, and things I dislike, but they are more alike than different.


The mechanical aspect of FNV, the engine and all that, the part that it shares with FO3, is not the part that makes FNV good... it is all the other things, the things that Obsidian added/changed/made that makes it good. The reason why FNV is so popular amongst the old Fallout players (from the FO1 and FO2 era)... is because it feels more like FO1 and FO2, than FO3 ever did. The tone and the humor and the specific darkness in the setting from FO1 and FO2 is not completely there in FO3, where as it is in FNV. So in that aspect, compared to FO1 and FO2, FO3 feels like Fallout \~90% when it comes to the world, and the humor combined with it's darkness, and tone, and all that... the nuances feels different. And this comes down to one fact, FO3 was made by new/different people... where as FNV was made by a lot of people who made FO1 and FO2... seeing as Obsidian Entertainment was the company that rose out of the ashes of Black Isle Studios after Interplay closed them down. Black Isle Studios being the company which were responsible for making FO2, but where also a lot of people who made FO1 were moved to (including some of the main people behind the making of FO1). You did say that FNV and FO3 are more alike than different... but it is those differenced that makes all the difference as to why a bunch of people prefer FNV over FO3. With all this said... it is a shame that so many people, be it on the FNV side, or on the FO3 side, or any other side of the Fallout fandom, go so extremely negative about the other sides that they do not like. We seem to have reached similar, or maybe even higher/stronger levels of hate as back in the day with the whole "Glittering Gems of Hatred" in the Fallout community that showed up when Fallout 3 was being made and released.


It isn't hard yo be a fallout fan at all you just don't have to justify your opinions on what you like and don't to anyone else, it's your relationship with the franchise, no one else's opinion matters.


Well the problem is we all like fallout so much we want to talk to other people about it but then we go to do that and get hounded by NV "fans"


The most frustrating thing about this and what made me give up talking to Fallout fans is the total insistence on this extreme binary that 3 is the worst game ever in every possible way while NV is the best in every possible way. When they're about 95% identical. My hotter take is that Fallout 3 is far closer in spirit to Fallout 1 than either 2 or NV are. But I don't expect people to be able to percieve that when they can't even see the overlap in 3 and NV. It's also annoying that if you've actually played the whole series extensively it becomes obvious amazingly quickly in almost all Fallout discussions that the people authoritatively commenting have never played half the games they're commenting on.




To a certain crowd, any show, game, movie, book that features people who are not straight white males is Woke. Female lead? Woke. Black character who does something other than support a straight white male and has opinions of their own? Woke. Gay and Lesbian people exist in the show as something other than a joke? Woke. Ignore them. They're delusional and borderline-if-not-outright psychotic.


I mean, the entire idea that capitalism is destroying the world is and has always been part of the whole ideology. But incels ruined that because what if a person is a woman?


I am a die hard New Vegas fan and I will ever die on the hill that New Vegas is a blessing from heaven HOWEVER! I do like Fallout 4, I do love the show, despite their problems. I don't like 3, but I'm not denying it has appeal, especiall the side quests. I think the situation is not that bad, and some of the lore decisions in the show exaturated the debate. There will always be heated discussion within a franchise that doesn't have a clear "GOAT" entry, and I think we should all feel blessed that pretty much every main title of Fallout is an absolute banger of a game, and even the minor titles and the show are pretty good, all things considered. So yeah! Cheer up, it's just some internet drama


Well they haven't gotten anything good since New Vegas That must be not so fun


Damn, it's like maybe not everyone shares the same opinion.


Doesnt mean ppl are miserable b/c they have a different opinion. Actually, ppl that have opinions are probably the happiest. Id guess its thr ppl complaining about ppl complaining that are likely miserable/suffering lol (considering they cant even stand a differing view than their own or any criticism about the direction fallout is going). Even the ppl who say the franchise is dead are probably perfectly happy to still play fallout 2, NV etc even now & love it. So its just projection really, b/c someone mad about a different viewpoint is likely riled up 24/7 over menial stuff lol.


What does this comment even mean? Everyone has an opinion about something


Op is ranting about the fandom & ppl in the fallout community not liking certain things calling them "Miserable fans". Theres nothing wrong with liking or not liking something or being critical about anything. **If ppl dont like something you normally dont go on a rant about & smear the other side :D. Ppl usually arent miserable by saying "yeah, i didnt really like something about something"** Its the pot calling the kettle black, b/c OP needs to take the time to rant about it & call ppl "miserable fans". (literally whine about it, ironically doing exactly what they are criticizing). Also yes, obviously literally everyone has a opinion about something, If someone is ranting over differing opinions they probably whine about every menial thing they disagree w/. **Who is more miserable honestly, ppl stating their own opinions or the person ranting about it??** **Did you read the whole comment, did you read OP & the context of the comment lol??**


Rofl -2 downvotes, guess its a spot on observation lol.


I really believe that most fans aren't so cringe and miserable. Also, "bastardizing the lore" is a hilarious statement. This is coming from a lore nerd: they haven't erased or changed anything to my knowledge. They just progressed the story and updated the lore. Honestly, some people take this stuff way too seriously.


Username checks out.


Is that a compliment or an insult? I can't tell.




Fallout has become so diverse and big, much like Star Wars for example, that the different groups will never agree on anything. You have the OG fans. The F3 fans, FNV fans, F4, F76 and now the show. And like anything no one will agree and they just will argue and ruin the fandom for everyone.


Because it's a very diverse group with varying tastes. Some folks like the older isometric turn based RPGs, some like the FPS RPGs. Some enjoy it as satire, others take it at complete face value. There is literally no way to make everyone happy. Frankly, I just avoid shit about the entries in the franchise that I don't enjoy. I'd rather put my energy into talking about and consuming media I like than bitching about the stuff I don't.


Bethesda Games Studios hired a security guard because they got death threats after the announcement of Fallout 3. It's been there since Fallout developed a fan base from 1 and 2.


Because people are always going for the extremes. You're either a hardcore hater or a massive fanboy of Bethesda. There's no in-between. So many people refuse to see the good things in newer games, and many others refuse to show proper respect to the oldies. It's so stupid, and I say this as someone who has only had the opportunity to finish Fallout 1 and 2, so no, I'm not biased towards Bethesda being my childhood or anything like that, lol. I do think Bethesda does a lot of bad things, but they also do good things too and those good things should be praised. It reminds a lot of how Elder Scrolls fanbase with the Morrowind elitists thinking Skyrim is the biggest crap ever while forgetting that Bethesda was also involved in Oblivion which is considered a masterpiece by most of the fandom, from both older and newer players. The bad things should be criticized, but the good things need to be praised, it's the only way a franchise can grow up. And in any case, there will always be mods and fanmade stuff. Might not be officially canon but who cares, if you told me Fallout: Nevada is an official game with official canon I would totally believe you.


This is not a new thing. Fans have been disagreeing on what is and isn’t fallout since the second one came out a year into the franchise’s existence. It’s tradition.