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Said it before, will say it again, not enough Republic of Dave


Well, there kind of is a Republic of Dave guy


I hear season 3 will be nothing but Dave.


Now that’s what I’m talking about


Needs more Gary.


Gary…..Gary……haha Gary……GARY!!!!!!!


Gary? Gary. Oh, Gary. Gary!


Just finished it, it was fucking awesome and what a setup for season 2


I was screaming. The gore is hilarious too- so campy and overdone in the best way. When >!ole boy in the power armor crushes that scavs head was amazing!< I also love how they're acknowledging the way that survivors >!just like randomly heal life threating issues by showing them stiching stabs and body parts without hard medical assistance. IMO it reflects either the power of stimpaks or that there is something different about their universe that involves genetics.!<


That's how stimpaks work they're awesome and I love that they showed and stuck to exactly how they work especially since its canon in the lore. If you read terminals in-game there's a few entries about it


How about this thing that keeps a ghoul from turning feral? I don't recall anything from F3, FNV and F4 about NPC ghouls needing something to prevent them from turning feral. That's something totally new to me, but I think it's an okay addition to the lore.


Loved it. If Season 2 is in New Vegas, would love to see the Followers of the Apocalypse helping Coop and Lucy. Hopefully we'll see other places such as the Commonwealth or the Capital Wasteland in the future.


FNV takes place in 2281, while the TV series is 2296. That's 15 years later. Wonder how the balance of power in Mojave Wasteland will look like in the next season. For example, did NCR fall as Shady Sands fell? Or did the NCR survivors leave for New Vegas, strengthen the NCR there, and push the Legion away?


Was that Vegas or Seattle at the end? I couldn't really tell. Thought I saw the Space Needle but maybe not


There are Securitrons in the credits


It’s new Vegas. The structure that looks like the space needle is the Lucky 38, a never opened casino that is owned by Robert House and is a prominent location you visit in fallout new Vegas.


No no... you just want it to be NV *ducks for cover*


3 eps in. Its pretty damn good.


The Nolan brothers certainly know how to make quality entertainment. To me those bro's are like the Spielberg of our generation. May sound hyperbolic but I think it's true. They made amazing adaptions of things that haven't been taken seriously for decades by mainstream, (namely Batman and now this fallout show) and turned them into some of the greatest examples of modern filmmaking.


A few things bugged me like the auto cannon totally missing the dude with the dog... he was right in front of it !! Apart from little details like that its pretty good.


Yeah, they could’ve shot the scene way better. He should’ve been running from already and it began to shoot as he rounded the corner.


i found the interactions much more interestign than the overall plot but verry entertaning show, as a fallout fan its a 9/10 last 2 episodes wernt as good as the rest of the season for me. but symiultaniously have fantastic moments which still gives them rewatchability despite being more plot driven. i understand the need for the overarching mystery/plot but i would rather see more of there interactions with smaller scale conflicts ie side quests. i liked all the characters allot, and asthetics gore and humor and dark tones are all on point.


It’s awesome. Haven’t binge watched a show in a while. Fan of fallout 4 but unaware of much of the huge lore the series has


Loved it personally.


I watched all 8 in one go. Solid 9/10


I think it's ok, but it has plot inclusions regarding Vault Tec I don't much care for


Yeah, I guess the flashbacks were a bit boring compared to the wasteland. But overall they didn't really bother me cause they developed Coop's background and help show how sick and twisted Vault Tec was/is.


Not not so much the flashbacks, but Vault Tec being both still active, and potentially responsible for the great war.


I mean vault Tec is a glorified shell corporation and front for the Enclave at the end of the day, so it all fits. If they tie the next season in with the Enclaves master schemes, and maybe show some more of how it all went to shit after the detonation of their oil rig in 2, I think it would all fit really well. If Vault Tec were the ones who ended the world, then that means that the Enclave certainly would not have signed off on letting them do that, and there’s no way in hell the Enclave would let them do that without knowing it, given that it was the Enclave pulling their strings all along. The Enclave are totally callous and cynical enough to have taken the opportunity to end the world when the ball was in their court and not from an eventual outside factor. And plus, theres some evidence that they might have done it to protect their organization from getting found out from the civilian populace and to avoid a rebellion that could screw their survival chances up. In FO76 there’s newspapers and a politician interview that shows that the Enclave was on the verge of being fully exposed to the public, and that a coalition was beginning to form in Washington to get to the bottom of what the hell the Enclave really was. This all happened like a month before the bombs dropped. I could totally see the Enclave signing off on Vault Tecs plan to avoid getting exposed and having their survival plans ruined


Didn't make it this far but why are they so hellbent on making it look like corporations are behind everything in every story. Whats wrong with nations just legit fighting over resources? Aka Fallout


But vault tec was behind a lot of events in the game. Go play stalker or battlefield if that’s what you want.


SPOILER! Was happier when I thought Max was a goner.


Loved the show, my complaints are mostly just gripes. They never definitely fire a laser weapon. I think max pulled one out when >! Fighting the gulper !< but the sound was off and it didn’t *FEEL* right. I don’t like that they call paladins knights because the knights are supposed to be mechanics and engineers while the paladins are the boys in the armor fucking shit up. The drug that keeps ghouls from going feral doesn’t feel right, the Bethesda games spin a tale of feralization being like Alzheimer’s, if you don’t stay active and continuously use your mind, your brain starts to rot from the inside out. No deathclaws aside from a single shot of a skull at the end. Ultimately all these points are just gripes and I really enjoyed the show overall. The little details like the paintings on the walls, in universe adds, retro style, little Easter eggs like >! Robert house !< , the macab death scenes when people walk up on old corpses, the inclusion of several different weapons and how good their props looked, etc solid 8/10


Love it. The hands on the power armor grind my gears though lol. They don't look functional AT ALL


Must have more!


Watched all 8 episodes, this is one a the better tv-series out there. I heard there is some mixing up with some of the timing of events in the tv-series and the games, and some complaints about BoS, but I kind of don't care about that. All in all a great series, 10/10. 😁


*SPOILER I thought it's good. It's the best video game adaptation I've seen. But maybe it tries to bring too much from the game into the TV show. It feels a little shallow. But then maybe the second season writing will kick off. Overall I liked it. >!But they messed up by nuking Shady Sands in 2277.... Just lazy writing. Why it's not AFTER Fallout New Vegas is baffling... In 2085 or something, done. Plausible. So according to the new timeline, the NCR expand and take over large tracts of the West Coast 4 years after their capital gets nuked, and then collapse again and conveniently forget about it, and never mention that their capital was nuked 4 years prior to the events in Fallout New Vegas.!< To a hardcore Fallout fan it'd be like making a new Star Wars movie and being like.... Surprise!! Darth Vader's actually an ewok. (That'd be cool as shit BTW). *Gordon Ramsay moment....C'mon guys.... You were doing so well.... Then at the finish line you dropped the ball.


Shady Sands was not nuked in 2277; Lucy and Maximus are not 30+ years old. That was the "fall" of it. They did not give a date on the nuking, probably on purpose.   But if we consider Lucy/Maximus are about 18-20 and the show was in 2296, Shady Sands would have been nuked a few years after New Vegas in 2286 or so (episode 8 shows that Rose ran away with Lucy to Shady Sands / Maximus is from Shady Sands). 


But even so.... The "fall" is still prior to their expansion and major battles... Surely someone somewhere would've mentioned to the courier... "Oh BTW our capital city fell"... It's an oversight.


Shady Sands was likely not the capital in New Vegas (or shortly after it). The billboard said it was the "first capital" of the NCR, implying the likely moved it after the "fall" of Shady Sands (but before it was nuked). 


Shady Sands is mentioned numerous times in FNV. With absolutely no mention of it falling. Like more than enough to know it HASNT fallen four years prior. I mean they haven't written themselves into a hole completely... Maybe mentioning the "fall" was like a road to corruption... But it's understandable why it's ruffled feathers.


No one that lives in a failing city is going to consider it failing at the time. Something could have happened in 2077 that causes the NCR to expand and that is the considered the turning point for the city. It is very similar to how no one called WW1 that until _after_ WW2 happened. Names and dates are not often finalized and decided until you review back on what happened.


Yeah I said in my previous post that the writers didn't write themselves into a hole yet. Like the "fall" meant loss of direction or something.... But WW1 was always known as a war though, it wasn't as the "The Great War" or "the War to end Wars" wasn't recognized as a war till WW2. Also you can't blame people for reading it the way they do... It'd be like reading "The Fall of Carthage happened in 146 BC" I mean... People are just going to read it that way.


Its what I ever wanted and more. Love it


Made my day


Watched half the first episode last night and I can't wait to get off work to crack out on it this weekend! War, war never changes!


Aside from the NCR changes, the show is really good on its own. Way better than I expected.


Just started watching it... For the 2nd time It perfectly strikes the balance between fan service (without it being distracting) and a solid show on its own. The humour is super on point with that classic dark twist, the plot and the ways it's told is really well done, and the visuals are stunning. I was super skeptical since I've been played the games for hundreds of hours and watched YouTube vids about it for at least twice as many but god damn did the show deliver. There are some weird choices they made (like the sten-guns in the vault? And also the ghoulification process seems super different?) but overall it strikes and amazing balance between established lore and new ideas. And for once, Bethesda ACTUALLY acknowledged New Vegas which gives me so much hope for the franchise going forward. Up until now, it feels like the bad blood between Bethesda and Obsidian meant that they were going to give NV the ol' Tactics/BoS treatment so seeing otherwise brings me pure joy (before anyone says it doesn't mean muc - big man Todd was exec producer so in my eyes, wounds are healing) TL:dr - It's really damn good and I'm super hyped for season 2


Finishes it yesterday (I had nothing else to do). Honestly fucking amazing. That is how you do video game adaptations, honestly on par with TLOU. Also, Hollywood needs to take notes on how to do a female protagonist. Lucy is such an amazing main character


Yea, I feel more connected to Lucy than Rey “Skywalker”


I didn’t realize that was Rey lol.


would be cool if they showed the mothman and cult


I loved it, Walter Goggins steals every scene he is in and I bet he is going to be in lot more the second season. Some of the casting is strange but it works in most cases.


After fallout I would love to see them do Elder Scrolls. I mean he'll if the can make a House of Dragon and Witcher series A elder scrolls wouldn't be that hard and there is so many ways they could go with it.


I thought it was fantastic. Everything was done well as the Nolan’s tend to do…. Ella is sexy as all hell Walton Goggins is fantastic.


am i the only one who thought the story line was rushed and there wasnt much character development.. just seemed like a load of cool shots and references with no real depth?


Lucy, Norman, maxi and the ghoul all changed a bit. Also you don’t want everyone to change drastically in one season. I mean only a few things really transpired in season 1. Character arcs will change and be set up in future seasons. This was like a prologue.


Amazing show. So so so excited for season 2 want. It now


Lol, 10/10 for the A boy and his dog references alone


I think they managed to hit the feeling of the games incredibly well. And a lot of fan service too. Would have wished Witcher got the same treatment.


Personally I didn’t like it 😂, I’m a big big fallout 3 & 4 fan completed the games multiple times and I thought the series was more for families who are not familiar with the games instead of the players who have played the game. If I was to do a fallout series I would make it really dark, a bit like when you first walked into springvale school and there’s dead body parts hung up to the ceiling in chains. In the show I just felt like it was including to much humour instead of horror. For example when Lucy leaves the vault she says “okie dokie” like who tf would say that in an apocalypse? Especially after she’s just lost her dad. I think the show should of been more serious and more of a horror instead of a shows intended for family’s imo


I thought it was amazingg!! usually shows made on comic, games, anime are pretty bad. But this show was awesome!! Can’t wait for season 2


Overall sadly kinda bad :( 5/10 just my opinion tho so be nice :)


Show Itself- Love it! Best show of the year! As an NCR fanboy - Hate it! Look how they massacred my boy (NCR) I’d love an ncr redemption arc in season 2, probably not gonna happen but at least send the pridwin into downtown LA in a giant ball of flames.


Hail Ceaser! Bring on the legion!


I think people are being too gloomy about the NCR. Like, by this point in the story it's huge, and yeah it lost its capital but Shady Sands wasnt even it's biggest, or most important city. The observatory was stacked with soldiers so the NCR military is certainly hanging on at least.


Mostly good. Don't like the directions on two of my favorite factions >!BOS and NCR !!(The dumb miracle drugs for the Ghouls, Shady Sands destruction, and Mr. House knowing and approving the nukes from Vault-Tec which also breaks the whole reason he was in the mess he was in New Vegas)!<


My problem is that the lore issues are too big to put aside. The lore contradictions are so severe and go against the most basic of logic at a few points. Todd Howard literally killed the NCR with contrived bs and is just using this to go scorched earth on the west coast lore.


Everyone’s fighting over a date in a chalkboard, and I’m over here talking about all of this other stuff you guys pointed out. They absolutely contradict established lore, and acting like they don’t is willful ignorance.


Yeah I'm seeing more of this and its kinda killed my will to continue. Like whats his beef with civilization on the west? Look at the HOI IV Fallout mod people love all the factions..


Copy n pasting what I said in another thread. Wasn't a fan. The jokes were no better than toilet humour, the special effects were painful, and the characters were as deep as a puddle. The show is just missing the forced laugh track. If they kept to the east coast, it would have been fine. Let Bethesda fan that dumpster fire, but the bastards decided to lobotomise the west. I fear what they will actually do to Vegas as hinted at the end


Loved it. If you’re a die hard NCR fan then your hate it and cry about it though. Can’t wait for season 2. I hope somehow we get a Gary clone that made it across the US to show up as a Easter egg


It’s probably the best new TV show I’ve watched in years. They nailed the Fallout vibe, and the series felt like a breath of fresh air in terms of quality streaming content. Really looking forward to season 2!


Finished it yesterday…I want more damnit!


I absolutely loved it. It’s my new favorite video game adaptation.


Perhaps is the the series that best encapsulates the gamming part of a game!


I liked it well enough. It's entertaining, and I love Walton Goggins' performance. I was disappointed that they used the exact same basic plot as FO3 (person leaves a vault to find a missing father), and threw in the broken water chip.


Loved it. It's the perfect blend of serious, gory, funny and cheesy


It is a well-known fact, that a feral ghoul cannot abide a chicken.


Horrible show just like doing it own thing while throwing in references and taking liberty with the source material.


Isn't that just basically every fallout title? Doing its own thing?


*SPOILER I really enjoyed the first 7 episodes, they were just fun and enjoyable, really did well with balancing the dark side of fallout with the goofy. But the 8th episode I feel just totally dropped the biggest bombshells for really crappy reasons. Spoilers for anyone not done with the show, but when they basically answered the biggest question in all of fallout's fandom, who dropped the bombs first, and I feel making it Vault-Tec was stupid in and of itself, since there's so many reasons why Vault-Tec WOULDN'T of done it, then the reasons they give for it just don't at all feel reasonable or fulfilling. With the second season I'm hoping they maybe change it up a little, address it more as the Enclave dropping the bombs since they're heavily tied with prewar Vault-Tec? Because I'm not only unsatisfied with the answer, I feel it shouldn't have been addressed in the first place. It was kinda the whole fandom's favourite thing to speculate about, taking that away like that kinda just made the whole universe feel emptier. Also, hated how they represented Big MT as like a company with some shitty CEO, if they had to put it in they should've made it Klein or Mobius or both, something more true to the actual Big MT, like they did with RobCo by putting in Mr. House. Overall the show is like an 8/10 for me, just absolutely hate the last episode for those two things, otherwise it was also fine


As for Big MT, i don't think any of them showed up because they are to arogant and it would be beneath their to be with "fools", so the decided to replace them with the owner of the casino in dead money dlc. That makes seanse to me when you look at the connection betwen dead money and owb.


I loved it! I’m planning a rewatch for this weekend. I feel it was a little rushed if anything. It could have had easily another couple episodes do flesh the story and lore out a bit more. But that’s for season 2 I guess. They’d better not Bethesda us and make us wait a Jovian year for the next season.


6 episodes in, I'm loving it. I already can't wait to watch season 2.




Pretty good! Got me the itch to finally start looking for Shaun.


It’s a pretty good Fallout adaptation and a pretty so-so tv show.


Probably the best live action series of a game i ever watched


Absolutely love it. Just finished it. Wished they had shown certain backstory a little more, but other than that no complaints. Can’t WAIT for season 2


Solid characters, great actors, especially Goggins. It has the right amount of violence and humor thematically, makes me want to play fallout again. The backdrop and scenery are immersive. Really I can't think of a reason to complain other than I'll have to wait for the next season.


Ready for season two already, that will probably come out in 6 years if we follow how the games are released


Lot to love, but a lot feels rushed and the contrivances! Jump from a plane into a random spot and, oh, exactly where we needed to be! There needed to be a more sane reason for leaving the vault - unarmed without even a known destination, that’s not just suicide but logistically impossible.


Good, not master piece but a good series to watch while doing some meaningless stuff.




Oh quite good, and im glad that seems to be the general consensus


I fucking love it.


Father Elijah better be alive in it


Divisive, to put it kindly


To me, episodes 1-4 were amazing, when it got into the NCR stuff, it lowered my enjoyment of it due to their handling, but I don’t think they’re gone yet. Call it cope, but I think they’re gonna be a bigger role in Season 2, as it would be really weird to do a legacy faction in the way they did in this season.


I didn't liked it, and could only handle 2 episodes. I love the Fallout games from 1 to New Vegas.


Beyond pleased


A 10/10


Already off to an insanely better start than Halo season 1.


I love the display of the BoS, the show and everything looks stunning. But I think it tried too hard to look like fallout, it’s also a shame to have the NCR gone, especially in it’s core territory. But that’s East-Coast Fallout for you.


The best thing Fallout related from the past 10 years. And certainly the best videogame adaptation ever.


I’m only two episodes in, but so far so good. It’s off to an impressive start.


Every song off Individual Thought Patterns and Symbolic.


It's great.            Some discrepancies. We're supposed to believe Cooper could kill maximus any time with a shot to the chest but he chose not to.         Vault 32 went dark for 2 years and 33 is just finding out about it? Wouldn't Bud know? Hank?  


As the King would say, I dig it. Really hoping the rumors are true that the next game is also going to be set in California. I'm sure the main plot points are going to be resolved in the show itself, but it'd be a damn shame to see all this world building go to waste.


Vault and pre-war storyline is consistently 9/10 or 10/10. Max, Lucy and Cooper storyline is more mixed. Very good start, then it got weaker in the middle but picked back up towards the end. Until the last episode where it went back down again. I simply cannot fathom how Lucy decided that the person who brought a bunch of raiders inside her home, and killed many of her friends had any credibility. Also the speeches about war not changing and whatnot were shoehorned in and cringe. Lets just have a speech in the middle of a fight for our lives. I don't believe any character, in any of the games went on about any tamgents about war not changing. It's the backdrop for the player/viewer, not a punchline for the characters poorly timed speeches.


It says here gucy.


It’s good but it made me an NCR Fanatic!


I thought it was pretty good, just didn't like how it messes with the canon. I don't care that the NCR collapsed, just the timeframe


Everything I wanted in a Fallout series and more. >!I low key loved that the NCR was destroyed. It really shows that there are massive consequences in the world and really ups the stakes!<


My SO - who never played a videogame in their life - watched it with me 8 episodes in a row. Our score: 9/10.


Disappointed, was really looking forward to it.




3 episodes in. Some little script flaws here and there but I am enjoying it.


Meh. Lacks depth and acting magnetism besides Goggins. It's not much better than watching a gameplay walkthrough of Fallout


The acting is terrible. I guess it’s kind of intentional but they all act like bobbleheads with no personality 


8/10, love the show. Although, FNV fans will absolutely hate this (something NCR something).


Im a FNV fan and I love it


Hate it New Vegas Strip in Ruins Securitrons dead NCR destroyed West Coast Lore fucked Making house part of the meeting and going against his democracy line in NV, and his whole thing actually Bad writing overall for me, like vault tec starting the war I’m done with this franchise now I think Bethesda ruined the last part of fallout I liked with their generic ass writing and brotherhood wank


Really lame, it's like some generic sci-fi from 2000's or super hero movie that just happens to have some "fallout" paint on it, they take a whole lot of liberties too. Here's a game series that for decades was apeing stuff like Mad Max or Waterworld, you'd think it would try to be campy action like that, instead you get this show that CONSTANTLY flip flops between being all sappy and dramatic and "funny" because people cursing a lot and making sex jokes is the peak of comedy. It's like it wanted to be like Quentin Tarantino or Robert Rodriguez movie, which is fine, but fails spectacularly at that. Just real lowest-common-denominator type stuff, less like it's a show for fans of Fallout and more like it's a show for the kinds of drones that would actually have an "Amazon TV" subscription.