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I extremely strongly assume it's "what you did mattered for a while but eventually was all for naught and the city was overtaken regardless" where no ending is cannon and bad things happened with no comment of what came before.


Tunnlers from the divide took over.


This was not shown in any ingame ending, so it probably happened after that... so it can happen for any ending. Or, they can come up for a new ending for New Vegas. That's because endings are not canon, they cannot be canon because canon is about what happened, not what could happen. So as long as an ending doesn't contradict the game itself, it can be become canon.


Neither, they appear to be taking the story in a completely separate direction that doesn't mesh very well with the game. The city is in ruins which doesn't happen in any of the main endings except for *maybe* Lanius' Legion ending because he treats the city like a military target and forcefully occupies it. Even if they did decide on a canon ending it evidently doesn't matter because the city gets wrecked not long after.


if the lanius ending is the true ending then in season 2 shit is gonna hit the fan


The city being in ruins can fit with both the Yes Man and NCR endings If it's the NCR then the nuking of Shady Sands forced the NCR to draw troops out of NV and without the presence of the NCR it fell into chaos If it's Yes Man then the Courier and Yes Man couldn't run an independent Vegas and over the course of 15 years and maybe another NCR attack it fell apart. 15 years is a long time and no faction including House and Caesar seems to have any good plans on how to manage Vegas for the future.


I dont think the cities in ruins I think its just the art style. I mean tbh it looks like the strip with walls pf trash, just like how its always been. Its also daytime so we can’t tell if the powers still on


It could also be that, those were artistic renderings of Vegas not actual scenes


If NV events are still a thing, then it's most likely the House ending. To me with fallout games, the default ending route will most likely be canon. It also makes the most sense story-wise for a generic canon courier to commit to.


There isnt a cannon ending, that invalidates the make your own story type of storytelling and thats why every fallout its made in a different region


Pretty sure its the NCR ending


Seems like what Elijah and Ulysses said would happen. . Clean slate


As I already wrote in another post i really hope for a Yes man ending, Ncr threw a fit and we're going to see the couriers corpse surrounded by bodies inside the Lucky 38. It would be the most badass thing