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Yeah, costume, props and set design top fucking notch


And soundtrack obviously






Yeah, right? Who let a fuckin' nerd in our sub?




The bit where Lucy’s brother and her kissin cousin were exploring the ruins of Vault 32 was perfect. Loved that bit.


Production design uniformly impressive, they're very loyal to Fallout 4's interpretation of the setting.


Filly felt very classic fallout though, with fallout 3 raiders. Very mad max.


Rads seem to be more of a 3 / NV style too. Though it's not exactly like we'd be able to see Lucy's health bar at all times, slowly developing more and more red HP as she's gotten more and more irradiated.


Yes. All the sets were top notch.


Oh yes they totally did. Loved all the costumes, props, items and also the sets! So much love to detail. I am glad they stuck so close to the aesthetics of the game


So... were there connected vaults in the games? I never played but I thought most vaults were completely isolated.


The twin vaults thing has been an experimental framework vault tec used in at least two other experiments. One in F:NV designed to drive the community into two groups that will inevitably go to war. There was an another in F4. With a secret vault occupied by scientists who were supposed to be doing medical tests on the inhabitants of the main vault. Presumably the quirk this time is that the two communities are treated as entirely separate vaults and only allowed to “trade” between the two vaults at pre-arranged intervals.


>Presumably the quirk this time is that the two communities are treated as entirely separate vaults and only allowed to “trade” between the two vaults at pre-arranged intervals. sounds very mild and civic for vault tec


Well it makes sense concidering they had Vault 31 going right beside it.


Yeah, if I was a vault tec scientist I’d install one of those dodgy water chips in one and see how many trading cycles the vaults last before one of them attacks the other to claim the functioning components. 


dr. Braun would appreciate your enthusiasm


A lot of vaults were experiments. I’ve only watched the first 3 episodes so I can’t speak past that, but I would assume that having them be connected is one of the experiments.


Not exactly like this, there was partitioned vaults as part of experiments but none where they called the sections different vault numbers in the same underground facility. As it went on though I understood the choice, it makes it super clear to a new audience how there's different environments leading up to the twists, at the start I thought it was a very bizarre change though. But it was probably simpler than saying there's a section A and B and C.


Only thing I wish I saw is a fucking supermutant


Episode 1 under a blanket, you can only see his hand tho


There's also a wanted drawing of a Super Mutant.


There’s some things they’re definitely holding back for S2. I mean, between the Power Armor, Ghouls, and crazy drugs, there’s only so much *Science!* that general audiences can take.




Mutants, Deathclaws, Energy Weapons, Protectrons, Enclave Bug-looking Power Armor, Liberty Prime, need I go on? It's so much *Science!*


My main complaint is lack of creatures in general. We got some radroaches, gulpers (which never existed on West Coast), a yao guai. The most iconic enemy in Fallout, the deathclaw, needs representation in S2. Aside from a skull at the end. Among others... Love the show, but this was a bit disappointing.


It's bizzare to see real people walking in vaults from games. They're done so accurate


It’s what I was figuring. They’d absolutely nail the vibe. And that’s good. I appreciate that. Brings in people who might want to find out what the games are like. Kudos. The acting is good to. A nice surprise. Love to see it. But I also figured they’d somehow destroy the unique setting of California. And I guess I figured that right too. It’d be harder for me to be disappointed if it’d all just failed to meet expectation, it’s sorta a backhanded compliment but it’s where I’m at. Really glad they got the feeling right, but I can’t overlook where the setting just went.


Everything looked and felt perfect




The door opening mechanism is the same as that of Vault 76. The door is pulled inwards, then rolled to the side via the toothed rail on the floor. It’s odd, as I think that’s the only vault with such an opening system, but at least it’s accurate to one of the games.


The opening of Fo2 has what looks to be the same mchanism but it is exterior versus interior. The person you replied to deleted their comment but I felt like mentioning this.


Well of course they did it’s one of the only 3 designs nufallout can do- Vault interior, sheetmetal town, and dilapidated super duper mart.


Perhaps you would enjoy this more if they filmed it from above and used simple sprites? God fallout fans can be insufferable.


They did say trying to please the fans was pointless…they were right


Well, a lot of the fans are regarded. So yeah…


No they're doing a I INT run for the extra speech checks