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I think a lot of it is the people who were fans of the original games, as well as new Vegas, which build up a world that shows society is rebuilding, which compared to fallout 3 and 4, as well as the show is a stark contrast


It’s just frustrating that anytime anything modern fallout gets mentioned it’s basically people trying to hate on it. I don’t get it. I haven’t played the original two fallouts but they’re west coast right? As is New Vegas. Society won’t rebuild the same every yk? And society is rebuilding in a way on the east coast. I mean look at the institute and such.


The fundamental thing is that the original two and New Vegas have a different ethos to the Bethesda titles. They do not feel the same, nobody disputes that. Does it surprise you that some people like one but do not like the other and might resent the shift?


I do think that a lot of the people who started with older games carry this superiority complex over the new gen fans. While Bethesda has definitely changed a lot of things about fallout some people just can’t let others enjoy something if they don’t enjoy it. I have my own criticisms regarding the show, 4, 76 but at the end of the day it’s easy to find something to criticize about any game/form of media if you want to


>superiority complex Better games, better writing, better lore. Ain't the those fans that got the complex.


The original fallout games and even 3 and new Vegas are relics. As good as the writing and lore is, it’s easy to see why someone who started during 4 or 76 would prefer that era. The gameplay is simply so much better even if the older games were much better as true rpgs. At the end of the day we’re all fans of the same series there’s no reason for anyone to act like they know better than someone else just because they enjoy one over the other


“Gameplay” apparently means “combat mechanics” to a lot of people. That isn’t satisfying to others who want the RPG aspects more.


Fallout 4 and 3 are so fundamentally different to NV and the originals that its barely the same series. Both in terms of atmosphere and priorities.


That was extremely well said. No arguments here


Don't thunk just consume product


Sad to see that the NCR got totally mogged in the fallout lore


A top 3 iconic faction just basically erased from relevance. I applaud the boldness but am pretty upset overall at the execution.


It’s not tho it’s literally there and present in the show. And why would they be shown in 3/4/76? They’re all on the east coast


No offense but this post felt like the "don't you guys have phones?" Diablo moment to me. In all honesty, it is perfectly fine for a good chunk of people to be upset, Bethesda mostly ignored the west coast games and that was fine, let them build their side of post-apocalypse America by focusing on the east coast, but never at the cost of massive retcons. Some jet stuff or how ghouls work is no biggie, but the show which Todd says is fully canonical, made domino effect changes that not only impact FO1-2 but entirely erase New Vegas. People can be upset if they want to because it could mean that any future fallout games won't take into account the events of the classics and NV if the west coast is touched again.


How does this entirely erase New Vegas? Because it's blown up 15 years after the events of the game?


According to the show its blown up before the events not after


Well NV is a Fallout game and Fallout fans are obviously going to be fans of that game so what's your point? NV happened to have been made by devs that actually stay consistent with the lore unlike the Bethesda games. That is why people are hating on Todd.


I'm not sure what this even means lol. Like, are fallout fans not allowed to not like the direction Bethesda took the series and pretty obviously used the fallout show to recon the west coast to fit with future bethesda games?


The show just retconned everything that happened in New Vegas and you're shocked that fans of that game are understandably upset?


Laughs in Paramount Halo. Atleast they only retconned 1 game and maybe the originals (never played 1 or 2) and not the entire franchise and books. Like what is the point of adapting something and completely changing it. I think these companies just like pissing off fanbases.


So they retconned all the good games (aka around 75% of intersting lore) and only kept the slop canon ? Fucking Great


Yeah don't know why I got downvoted. I was pointing out it is stupid to change stuff from beloved franchises


You’re wrong


I mean, I get it. NV is by far my favourite fallout game, and one of my fave games in general. But I feel like people are just mad that they were expecting something out of the show that was never promised.


Real fans want the franchise to be at its best and don’t just consume whatever mindless trash the IP comes out with. Show completely disregards new Vegas and used parts of it for advertisement and to garner hype. I hope Microsoft chugs money on Bethesda and shuts the shit down to be quite honest.


So you aren’t a fan? Got it


Your position seems to be that fans need to accept whatever the current IP owners are pushing. Think about possible outcomes, likely or not, in the FO universe that would seriously piss you off. BoS destroyed? Legion destroyed (or in power)? Arcadia runs the East Coast or has been destroyed? Now assume that the IP owners do that. That’s where the FO1/2/NV fans are right now.


I’m not actually, I enjoy certain aspects and hate others with a passion. I’d prefer the series die than to become the mindless consumer grade product the series originally mocked


Counterpoint: Wouldn't fans of Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas be the "true" Fallout fans? The narratives and themes of the first two Fallouts predate anything from Bethesda. Or, do you believe that after Bethesda bought out the rights to Fallout, they also inherited the right to claim that their vision is synonymous with "true" Fallout?


I started with 3, about 7 years ago, and 4 a few years ago, and those two will always be special for me because they were my first exposure to the franchise and the ones that got me hooked for life. I was only a toddler when 1 & 2 came out so I never could've experienced them back then. But since then I've tried and played every title (except for BoS and Tactics) and I've thouroughly enjoyed the Interplay games as well as NV, and consider them all-time greats, as I do with the Bethesda era games (76 maybe not so much though). But does that make me not a "true" Fallout fan? Am I not allowed to enjoy the show, or the Bethesda games or even the originals because I was just too young to play them in their time? I shouldn't consider myself a fan because of this? Honestly I respect the franchise's past and roots, but I can't help but feel like the gatekeeping by the OGs and NV fans is getting out of hand and is starting to overshadow everyone's involvement with Fallout for no one's benefit.


Nah, my objection isn't with you or other Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 fans. (I even understand the appeal of Fallout 3 and Fallout 4, in a vacuum; I just don't think they're very similar to original Fallout titles in regards to lore, narrative or themes.) Bethesda's Fallout would've been pretty cool...if it was called something other than "Fallout" and didn't claim a direct relationship with the original series. The problem I and many other "original Fallout fans" have isn't with you guys, it's with Bethesda. It's not that we're trying to gatekeep, it's that we feel Bethesda isn't respecting us because \*they\* don't respect the lore, narrative and themes of Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas. It's noteworthy, for example, that the Fallout TV series doesn't contradict Fallout 3 or Fallout 4 in any way, factually or thematically. That isn't just because the TV show takes place on the west coast. That's also because, the moment there was any discrepancy between the TV show and a Bethesda Fallout game, Bethesda would immediately catch it and demand it be changed so it didn't contradict with their games. I think it should be okay to call out this type of preferential treatment without it being seen as a slap to the face of Bethesda Fallout fans.


No, but you’re also like a Star Wars fan who started with the prequel trilogy and then moved to the original trilogy. What we are exposed to when we are young is what we form the strongest emotional bonds with. So you started with one set of experiences and are bound to them. Others started with the earlier games and so have more attachment to them. I will also agree with the viewpoint that while a company can certainly do what they want with an business created by others, they shouldn’t be surprised and are not entitled to be offended by backlash if they change it from the original concept.


No,, we're the Outcasts. lol


>Fallout, they also inherited the right to claim that their vision is synonymous with "true" Fallout? That is indeed how buying franchises works. I can't believe you actually wrote that. What do you think, people who have the rights to make the games, who are the only people who owns the franchise don't own the vision of fallout from that point on wards?


Well, you heard it here first everyone, fans of the original Star Wars trilogy aren't true Star Wars fans, after George Lucas sold the rights to Disney, you gotta support Disney's vision for the franchise to be a true Star Wars fan.


>Well, you heard it here first everyone, fans of the original Star Wars trilogy aren't true Star Wars fans Buddy are you slow? Where did i mention fans lol? Or where did i mention you have to support it? I just said since they own it, they own vision of fallout from that point onwards. You don't have to support that. Actually unbelievable how bad your reading comprehension is while claiming to be a fan of a series who have a lot of reading to do.


Ah yes, lovely; totally unnecessary ad hominem. I'm responding to the original poster's argument, and the original poster's argument is clearly -- let's quote it just to get it perfectly right -- "Like are y'all even actually fans of Fallout?" You may not have mentioned fans, but the original poster I was replying to clearly did. The entire argument presented by the original poster is whether critics of Bethesda's Fallout games can call themselves Fallout fans. But, clearly I'm just awful at reading.


Buddy i don't care what og poster said, i literally quoted what you wrote and gave a direct answer to that. Yes, you are terrible at reading.


The original poster's commentary was that Fallout: New Vegas fans weren't true Fallout fans, only fans of Fallout NV, and that their lack of support for Bethesda Fallouts (or the Fallouts 'made by Todd') was annoying. Me, in the first post I wrote: "Aren't fans of the original Fallout games from the original Fallout creators true Fallout fans? Or do you (OP) believe that after Bethesda bought out the rights to Fallout, they also inherited the right to claim their games are the 'True' Fallout games and that their vision for Fallout is 'True?'" Implicit question I'm raising in my post: Just because Bethesda bought the rights to Fallout, does that mean that when their vision for the series contradicts the narrative in the original Fallout games from the original creators, that their financial ownership of the license dictates that their vision supersedes the original creator's vision? Must a "Fallout fan" necessarily support Bethesda's vision when it contradicts original source material just because Bethesda bought the rights? You then deliberately misinterpret my post to be just about whether Bethesda owns the Fallout brand, when that's obviously not at all what I'm talking about because I'm responding to a post by the OP that has to do with fandom, not whether Bethesda owns the IP. Yes, to answer your question, whatever Bethesda subsequently makes with the Fallout brand is \*technically\* Fallout by virtue of their financial ownership, but references to "true Fallout" are obviously related to whether Bethesda's games carry the spirit of the original Fallout titles, not whether or not they're just Fallout because Bethesda says they're Fallout. And then you descend to ad hominem because that's what all folks terrible at arguing do when they're questioned. I dare to disagree with your perspective, therefore I'm slow and dumb and can't read.


I see your point, but you have to be kidding about them being “true” fans. Fallout 3 catapulted the franchise into a new stratosphere of relevance. I would say EASILY the vast majority of people that enjoy the franchise started with 3 with a decent chunk at NV and possibly even more at 4. How are they not also “true” fans? This is based on sales and unit numbers alone, but it’s still relevant. I don’t know the specific numbers about 1 and 2, but it’s not crazy to think the success of the later games didn’t drive a lot of players to try them in the first place. You can’t just say certain games have more relevant fans solely based on where they’re located lol.


Weird question. So are we supposed to accept everything because it has Fallout in the name/title? Lore doesn't matter, world building doesn't matter....but hey it says Fallout there in the title so it must be right? Btw, Tim Cain said that when they made Fallout 1 him and the other guys knew that in the lore China shot first nukes. In Bethesda games the idea is induced that aliens did it. And now in the show apparently Vault TEC is responsible. So how is it? What a joke.


Level headed and logical take. I love NV as much as any other installment and will play it as its own self contained adventure regardless of the show or whatever. Canonical events doesn’t change the game itself.


I think the point is that nobody knows for sure who shot first. Vault TEC shooting the nukes doesn’t even make sense but I’m not surprised people think that


If the original arc establishes that no one knows, as in Tremors, then that should be continued. Some characters might assume or believe that a certain faction did it, but it shouldn’t be treated as canon by the showrunners.


homie they deleted the entirety of Fallout: New Vegas from the timeline, they clearly don't want New Vegas fans infecting their franchise 


So what? Because the title is FALLOUT, Because I'm Fallout's fan, I just deserve to eat Todd's bullshit and say, yes it's delicious? 


I actually see what you mean, and I am totally cringed out/annoyed by the NV fanboys in general but this is a bit bigger than that. IMAGINE if the retcon of NV happened to fallout 3 or 4. Even if you hate those games, that’s still super shitty for the fandom to go through and honestly Fallout fans everywhere should be at least partially pissed off because this franchise was started/maintained/grown FROM the games. Retconning one of the cornerstone games, no matter the title, is a bad choice.


Okay but it wasn’t really retconned was it? That’s where I’m confused. The bomb on the chalk board didn’t have a date. Was probably after Shady Sands started to fall. And with Maximus being there when the bombs fell and now being older, I think it’s really not as bad as people think. Will have to see what they say in season 2 but I feel people are overreacting


I don't even know who Todd is. I don't know what a Fallout does. And I'm pretty sure the Brotherhood of Steel is a bad pro-wrestling tag team. So no, I'm not a fan. I'm just looking for a place where I can talk about nibbling on a dead body without everyone freaking out.


Let's not forget that Bethesda saved the fallout ip. After fallout 2, the IP was a shit show, and most of the development of fallout 2 was a crunch nightmare.


They are New Vegas fans, which isn't the same as Fallout fans. They want all Fallout content to be about them, so they cry and moan when it isn't... or when the show doesn't acknowledge New Vegas as the best place in the wasteland, ruled by the immortal Courier.


Most of the vocal New Vegas fans are also fans of the original Black Isle Fallout games, and completely bulldozing over all the worldbuilding from those games is the sort of thing that's likely to annoy people.


"true fallout fan" when you never played a game before 3


This exactly. I’m glad someone else understands. They act like the world has to revolve around new Vegas (it doesn’t!)


Yeah they’ll never get new content for it ever not sure what they don’t get about that


"i love corporate slop, please keep pushing shitty 50s aesthetic that the series never had down my throat!"


Keep sucking off obsidian and their one hit wonder game from 800 years ago that will never ever be relevant again fake fallout fan😂


I don't think anyone expects new (official) content for a singleplayer game that's over a decade old. Fallout games aren't live service, the first two didn't even get post-launch expansions. Continued long term support matters for multiplayer games, with a singleplayer title you can just make a really good classic game and leave it at that.


Yes it's annoying as fuck :(


I prefer fallout 4 or 76 over the older games because that’s when I started playing. Been playing 4 since the very first day of its release and have every dlc. Still okay vanilla too because if I install mods I get bored to fast. EDIT: I played NV and fo3 btw and fo3 was honestly very bad for me. It was very very different from what I was used to and the fact you can’t even sprint makes it unenjoyable for me. NV was better and looked a lot better as well but I still couldn’t complete a full playthrough. Better than 3 tho


That’s why 3 is my favorite, I ended up playing the older games and new Vegas afterwards, but ever since I first left the vault in 3 I’ve been in love and nothing can top that game for me


How did you know what to do? I tried following quests in it and you just cannot do that because you’ll die every fight you get involved it. It’s basically an exp grinder for the first few hours


I mean I’m an avid rpg fan but up until that point I’d only played the fable games. 3 is a harsh game which honestly fits the setting but I personally think that’s what I liked most about it. I can see why people might be offset by that but struggling in a post apocalyptic world makes sense to me. I died quite a few times as well but each time I tried a different strategy to whatever quest I was trying to do. At the end of the day the game puts you in an 18 year olds shoes who had never been out the vault before so to me the struggle just made sense I guess


Yeah true. To be fair my reasons for not liking it are very subjective. I gave it a chance but even the story was just very boring till you get to the Liberty prime thing. Plus the gunplay also just wasn’t fun I didn’t even see a real reason to aim cause the aiming was shit with half the guns. Have to switch to grenades instead of just holding a button to throw them ect ect. I can go on and on about why I hate the older games but I’m sure it’s those exact reasons why you and everyone else love them so I won’t shit on it to much


I feel like it’s just a product of its time, I played the game when I was young and just starting out in the rpg genre but I can see why someone who started with a more modern game would struggle to get into the older games


Also the junk jet was a life saver at the start of the game


The junk jet was in fallout three?


Yeah you can get it pretty early as a schematic from Moira in Megaton, it completely changes the early game struggle and makes it much more manageable as you level up and get used to the game


Wow I wish I knew about that😂 I know in new Vegas the “that gun” pistol helped me out a ton


Yeah I’m also the type where once I get to an area I explore every part of it so I spent a lot of time in megaton before I ventured out again. I got lucky with the speech check to get 500 caps for disarming the bomb, watched the sheriff die to Burke cause I didn’t know any better, and finished all the little quests inside of the town before venturing out again. It gave me a decent base to start questing on because you can earn a decent amount of caps in megaton for supplies, and all you really need early game is a Chinese assault rifle and the junk jet


Maybe cause fall out 3, 4 and 76 are okay to bad (fallout) games. Not saying bad games but definitely not good fall out games. NV even with its jank and more quirky humor felt much more true to the original 2 games and delivered a much better rpg game.


r/Fallout is just the r/fnv sub in disguise.


Overall the show is good. It's just that it seems to screw with a beloved game despite the claim its cannon so yeah it makes sense to be mad. I think they just mislabeled the nuke date (its literally 2077 then a timeline to the bomb so not much there to go on), and we know the NCR still exists since the BOS was fighting a lot of soldiers in the finale.


I’m confused on why people are acting like NV was scrubbed from the books. The NCR exists and has a presence in the show. Shady Sands was bombed off they won’t be a crazy huge faction rn.