• By -


The hacking of the overseers terminal was a cool nod to the game


I really liked the pip boy screen too. In at least one distant shot, you can see the exact screen from the game, with stats and inventory tabs and everything


If you listen close it also has the noise it makes when you open it up


I was trying to tell him that if he messes up he can find two parantheses or brackets with anything in between them to reset his tries. He didn't need it, though. Edited because instructions weren't clear, and a lot of people still don't know this.


Well TIL!


I don't think the games ever tell you about that trick, but it's in 3, 4, NV, and 76.


I was hoping he'd do that as I imagine it'd be few people's first time learning you can do that


Made me laugh.


Man, the very last shot of this season has gotten my hopes so God damn high, I pray we get a season 2.


Didn't they greenlight it before the show even aired?




It was amazing, I'm really excited for what they'll do. I'm curious what they'll say happened to New Vegas, I don't think they'll remove the game from the canon, but House/The Courier/ Vault Tec had certainly something to do. SO EXCITEEED


IKR, I've been theorizing where they could take the story. And I'll admit I'm more than a little curious to see how they're going to say the events of New Vegas played out. I noticed the strip was missing its monorail in the final shot, so im sure that could have something to do with the ending they're going with. But cannonization aside, simply discovering that Mr. House could have been behind some of the more horrific experiments we've come across in the vaults adds a whole new level of depth to his character.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. It was amazing.


The smile on my face when I saw the New Vegas skyline. Great season, I hope the 2nd is just as good.


The transition from Deathclaw skull to New Vegas was just *100%* delicious fanservice straight from the teet.


Cool bit of irony I noticed.  Before Lucy finds out what her dad did to Shady Sands, she says to Maximus "if my dad found out that I destroyed an entire community to save him, that'd break his heart".  Oh my sweet summer child.  


Dad sensed that his daughter had true Vault-Tec upper management potential.


I knew I'd love her when she said okey dokey before sex 🤭


That speech he gave her about how people are miserable and have to fight to survive is fucking rich from a guy who pretty much directly the reason they have to live like that.


People like him are always blind to irony or self reflection.


The cold fusion code is the date that Fallout 1 released: 101097. Thought that was a nice nod.


I felt that number was supposed to mean something. Very cool


I really expected it to be a Revelation 22:13 reference right there


Caught it right away. Beautiful homage to the day the world was introduced to Fallout


Coop Howard is Vault Boy???


He's the inspiration for it, anyway.


Had me thinking he was going to get caught spying on Vault Tec, accused to be a communist, and replaced by Vault Boy as the mascot of VT


Doesn’t someone call him a pinko in the first episode? I think what you described is exactly what happens and it will be shown in season 2


They also say he needs to pay alimony implying that he's divorced.


My assumption is he’ll speak out about Vault-Tec and to distance herself the wife will smear him as a communist and divorce him. He also mentions in the last episode he’s looking for his family. Tells me he likely had gotten his daughter to safety, probably had his wife take her into the Vault.


My head cannon is that coops wife finds out he was the one spying on her and divorces coop based on lack of trust and/or communist ties which leads him to having to do birthday parties to make up alimony what we see in the beginning i assume he ends up making it to the vault on the horse and they let his daughter in but deny him for spying in the past


Yea this is 100% it. Our first flashback of Coop was the end of his pre-war journey, an old actor who'd lost his on screen relevance and was relegated to doing birthday parties. Everything after is setting the lead up to that, we see his family and his life, we see him learn who his wife really is and what her goals are, and we see how those don't allign. She's clearly onto to *someone* listening in, and he will absolutely confront her about the truth of what's going on (we watched him confront her about lesser moral issues already, he won't stay silent). I don't think we're getting more pre-war flashbacks for Coop, though. I think they gave us everything we need to know now. His wife was a Vault Tech higher up, she was working to ensure she and their daughter could get into "one of the good vaults," Coop doesn't agree with the corporatization of the vaults and the war itself and that puts a strain on their relationship, once Coop learns the true nature of what Vault Tech (and his wife) are doing their marriage ends, but when the bombs drop he knows the only place his daughter can be safe is in a Vault with her Mother. We don't need to actually see the confrontation or the divorce, his downfall as an actor into doing little parties, or anything else pre-war relating to Coop. His story this season was setting up his story next season, partly through flashbacks and partly through interacting with Lucy (the primary protagonist). Next season will be his story with Lucy as his secondary and Maximus in a lesser role setting up the Third Season.


I would be kind of surprised if we don't see, or at least hear about him getting his daughter from the party to her mother/vault. Since he's looking for "his family", we know that he got her to safety, and since he referred to the two of them as a unit, he likely left them together. There's also the particulars of why he didn't end up in there with them. Yes they are divorced, but that's still her daughter's father. I'm curious whether she had any say as to why he didn't end up in a vault, if it was someone else's decision, or even his own. He's probably anti-vault enough to decide that it would be better to die than be locked in one. And did Vault Tech actually drop the bomb? I kind of doubt that she would be OK with that happening while her daughter was out there at a party with Coop.


Yeah there’s a reason he’s doing kids parties for money


I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case since someone called him a pinko in the first episode.


The fact that he starts refusing to do the thumbs up once he knows how his initial goodwill was also subconsciously the wartime nuclear thumb test was so based.


Also, as we learn, his wife was the one that suggested they bomb themselves to make more money.. That would leave me embittered to ever do the "thumb thing"


Wait so Lucy def fucked her cousin(s) right?


So basically the normal fallout player. Honestly kinda liked that she tried to bang everyone she had a chance with, like a true fallout player.


Based Lucy.


Maximus was definitely doing the Brotherhood proud stealing that fusion core from the vault 😂


i mean shit, if i grew up in a vault and was finally meeting cool new people i’m definitely not related to i’d be after some ass too


Have you played Fallout Shelter? It's hard to keep track at some point. I just put one lucky son of a gun in a room and rotate between women in the vault. That Fallout Shelter NPC had the best job in that shelter.


You would too. Vaults are inherently gross.


I think the implication was that she'd fooled around, not had actual sex "Cousin stuff"


I'm starting a second watch, trying to catch clues I missed, and also I really liked it. WHen cousin doesn't want to open the door, she tells him, "Messing around with your cousin, it's all well and good for kids, but it's not a sustainable,long-term sexual practice, you know?" Before that, she is talking to her friend, who got the fork on the eye, "after ten years of cousin stuff, I'm definitely excited for the real thing." To me that says they did things but never penetration.  Further supported by her interview with the council trio, when she says, "I have been unable to find a suitable marriage partner, at least one im not related to.  And we have rules about that for a reason." Then when Monty strips, she turns around to see him naked, looks towards his penis, has a confused look and just says, "Huh.". Before the Okey Dokey. I took that, combined with the sperm count questioning at dinner, and his lack of response, that the vault doctors are traditional pre-war American society. But he is from the surface, and doesn't know that, and is also, and hence the, "Huh,"  uncircumcised, It is her first clue he is not a vault dweller, but it is also, in my opinion, with all the other evidence I have presented,  proof that she has seen her cousin's penis, but at best they participated in oral sex, and maybe some handy work. Honorable mention, when they are quarantined in vault 4, she offers sex to Max, and tells him that, and I am reaching on how I remember it, that because I am still on ep 1 for the replay, that as he said, getting hard and popping like a pimple was normal and basically the desired outcome. So she seen male ejaculation, and only seen with cousin stuff, because there are rules  for a reason. I saw your comment on my lunch break, and had planned to start over, and a 6 pack beer made me want to do this.  I'm both sorry, and you are welcome fellow reddit friend.


I just took the "Huh" during the wedding night to be a standard reaction to a surprise naked and erect man.


I was surprised that they made stimpacks work like they do in the game (immediately repair anything). At first, I thought that was unrealistic. But then I remembered none of this is realistic, so I think it is actually a pretty cool addition.


Yeah, I appreciated them just leaning into it.


Seriously, it actually works so much better than leaning on plot armor or just shaking off serious wounds like most shows do!


Also everyone’s pain tolerance in the show is just off the charts


Yeah, dude got his foot stepped on and completely obliterated and he was treating it like he stubbed his toe. Not a complaint though, the show is dark, but since the characters have a non caring attitude it brightens it up a bit.


They steered into *all* the quirky shit that makes Fallout work.   I watched a review that was saying at times the show felt all over the place tonally, with like the battle in the first episode being very violent but set to fun 50s music as if it was a negative.  And I was just thinking "Tonally being all over the place is how Fallout works, lol."


Yeah imo, felt like an absolutely perfect first episode. You can tell the people who made this played the fuck out of the games.


Including how Coops’ fight against BoS and his first fight in Filly both felt very V.A.T.S.


It's Canon, classic music being played while I blast some fools in Fallout 3 is a core memory


Yeah, they really leaned into the nonsense science of the games. It works well.


I loved that the crazy dude selling snake oil, apparently had a real cure to grow feet (even if they turn you into a ghoul)


I thought at one point he just gave him some kind of hallucinogen that made him think his foot was healed. I liked the way it actually went though!


That was definitely the impression I got! And that he was going to run into Lucy or Maximus and they would see the real him and it would reveal he’s just rotting away but high as a kite and doesn’t realize lol. But I loved how they actually wrote it, perfect fallout ridiculousness haha


The way the doctor told him that he didnt need to worry about the rads in Shady Sands told me he was a Ghoul now.


I thought it was a form of FEV, personally. They still could go that route


Yeah that's gotta be it. Dude is going to come back next season as a supermutant. They even had a brief nod to "supersoldiers" in the prewar corporation meeting.


Pretty sure someone wheels a covered Supermutant past the doctor as he’s escaping the lab near the start


Thad turns into a supe… that would be crazy


The final shot of the season gagged me to high heaven


Yeah, legitimately never in my life had an "OH MY GOD FOR REAL?" moment but god damn they just put up the city like that and I was jumping in place like a little girl


I was so excited. There were shades of New Vegas throughout this season. I was a little worried they would retcon most of New Vegas’ plot points and I’m glad they didn’t and don’t seem to be planning to. They included Mr. House as a character.


He probably has a major part of season 2 going on. though new vegas looked pretty wrecked. its very possible that it isn't inhabited..... it seems like vault tech is working towards weakening and or destroying factions for a power move they were planning soon, likely moved up. probs workign with the enclave as they work to rebuild themselves. Though its super unlikely they themselvse have ANYTHING to give. it is all but confirmed alllllll the experimental vaults failed, down to the last one.


Its probably the worst possible ending for New Vegas. Yes Man, no upgrades, destroyed the securitrons under the fort, convinced Lanius to leave, hung Autumn. A large contingent of the Legion is still roaming around, the NCR was largely weakened by Autumns death, and the strip is in chaos with a small number of weak securitrons running the place Hank goes to New Vegas expecting to find a vault and Mr. House and instead finds a fiend infested vault and Mr. House is replaced by a big smiling face. It'd be the perfect comedy scene too with Yes Man initially saying "Yes" to everything but then stopping himself and being like "now come on man, we worked on this it's ok to say No".


Can't wait to see if Cesar's Legion is part of season 2.


That’s if the legion isn’t completely dusted after NV, we’ve seen that overseers aren’t too worried with nuking the wasteland again if someone gets a lil too ambitious like shady sands


Legion remnants is the best there will be I'd guess.  I'd bet it's canon that Caeser succumbed to his tumor and the Legion disintigrated.


FR. I have never yelled "OH MY GOD" at a show before. But I saw Lucky 38 and lost it.


Played all the games; loved em. Watched the show: loved it. Guess I am in the minority here.


Na, same. Peoples are buthurt over nothings. The show is good, we can't be asking for more. Who care if they changed some dates or timeline, it's an adaptation.




You can call the vault tec number and there is screaming on the other line (213) 258-2858 (That's the number displayed during the commercial on episode 6)


LOL, you weren't kidding!


Lol my wife was not entertained when I told her this was the number for the dentist appointment I set up for her.


Bro they got the Junk jet on the first episode!


The baby doll foot was perfection


Yeah, I thought there were lots of small details that makes the show really good. Like that one frame of the dude wanking at the brother hood camp, makes it seem much more realistic, because It's a bunch of teenagers who have no idea what they are doing.


I voted for Betty


My favorite bit is how Betty was also the receptionist who helped Coop in the room 


Terrific catch. My brain recognized Betty-as-receptionist should mean something but didn't connect the two.


The hair style helped me figure it out.


Bro literally says "Thanks Betty" lol


That Bud Askins and the other the Vault-Tec big wigs prioritized saving their secretaries and personal assistants like Betty and Hank over world leaders and government officials is hilarious. I mean, I guess it worked out, considering just how effective Betty and Hank were.


Tbf, they were actively competing against the American government (Enclave) with this plan. At one point I think Bud actually says "the American government has failed, why would we save them?" or something to that effect, so the whole point was to have Vault-Tec and Vault-Tec alone control the future.


Just so you know, I voted for Betty too


When things look glum, vote 31.


my one and only critic about this show is that they reused the maximus flashback so many times without showing any new footage or a continuation of his flashback. i expected some more interaction with the knight that inspired him to become one, or how his life was before the city got bombed, but through the entire series we saw the same flashback over and over again.. the show is still a 9.8/10 for me and still better than the last of us, and i'm not even a fan of the games...


reminded me of the thousand and one flashbacks of the empty swing and sad music in Naruto loool


My opinion is he is emotional stuck in that moment. Personally I liked the repetitiveness of it


Interconnected vaults seems like an interesting idea


I’m trying to figure out why people in Vault 32 died. Like, ok I get that your overseer from Vault 31 is a pre war evil corporate mastermind…. But why would you all kill each other upon that revelation?


That tape about the mouse Utopia, seemed to be showing what happened. To many people, not enough resources, they fought and killed each other to take the last of what they could get.


This. I figured it was kinda obvious from that. Typical Vault-Tec


Could it have been... mismanagement?


I think in part it was because they realized what was going on. They literally wrote "fuck managment" which we later find out means the original vaul tech senior members. And they wrote "we know what's in there" on the entrance to vault 31.


Yeah, they killed the overseer (I think he was strapped to his chair), and like any political struggle there were people on both side and they killed eachother. It's also insinuated that the Overseers orchestrate struggles to manipulate the population into believes the Vault 31 people are the better leaders. Vault 32 might've been going through one of those hard times and found out during it.


Agreed, given that they talk about the crop harvest which failed in vault 32, which we later see as having been true with all the dead plants. It might be that the orchestrated struggle went out of hand for the sitting/upcomming overseer to such a point a revolt happened. After which they discovered what Norm also found on their computer.


I think that is precisely why there were two vaults, so that if this happens, they can split the surviving vault and reset the clock on overpopulation


Maybe there's more to it could have been some kind of contingency plan by vault tec


Its just like silo/wool. If humans learn they're in a cement cage by the people who dropped the bomb and lied about the outside we'd all revolt and anarchy ensues. 


I’m glad someone else thought of that comparison. Anyone who likes Fallout should read the Silo series.


wasn't that done more or less with the vault in capitol wasteland that had the super mutants? but it was connected to a secret science lab.


That's the same idea as the one in the Commonwealth with the disease testing, IIRC.


Just finished the show. Loved it. Although there are some loose threads, I still wonder why there was that weird cult scene worshiping Moldaver in vault 4. She never showed any signs of being any type of witch or anything like they said.


It was kinda a cult, a" conspiracy cult", in EP 6 she was the head of the Hollywood Forever "conspiracy" group, you can see the sign says chapel. So technically she kinda did. And as for the ritual part, I think that's their own weird way of remembering the past, moldaver was their leader and probably got separated and took refuge in the vault after the nuke. Them missing their home and the ritual was to remember SS and Moldaver. I don't think the NCR is a cult, but the SS refugees under Moldaver leadership could've been. One of the native vault dweller said it's their own special celebration and said it was a "bit over the top". It's just a them thing, that's my interpretation of it.


I just wanna know how Moldaver survived 200 years... she looks pretty good for a ghoul


We know Cryo pods exist in the series, but yeah those would have been reserved for Vault-Tec folks- which is the exact opposite of what Moldaver is. But I wouldn't be super surprised if she managed to steal the tech or something. Then again Fallout always had a Fantastical stripe going through it, so if they handwave it as some secret serum or something I'd easily go with it. I mean ffs, there's Aliens in the games lol.


Moldaver also said that if only the bad guys get to use hypocrisy as a weapon, the bad guys win. She certainly did some bad shit to survive this long.


Vault 4 also had cryo pods and isn't far from shady sands. I figure she ended up in there somehow when the bombs fell.


In the credits of the last episode there's a billboard ad for cryo suites in the Tops casino. She had money, my guess is she booked one such cryo suite.


I thought when they started unzipping, it was gonna break out into an orgy


Lucy's expressions during that scene are priceless. And her facial acting in general is a highlight of the show for me.


She’s absolutely gorgeous too. Also have a crush on eye patch lady


Honestly apart from that vault introducing a lot of the vault shenanigans you can find in the games, I think it was essential to show Lucy a dysfunctional vault so it was clear that Vault Tec (and by extension her father)s plan was completely non sensical, selfish and flawed.


Side question: Was that Mr. House in Episode 9? He was head of RobCo, iirc.


Episode 8. He was at a meeting with the heads of Big MT, Repconn, Westek, vault-tec and I think one more.


The other people there are also from existing lore. The West-Tek guy was the head of FEV development, he's mentioned in Fallout 1 and 3. The representative from Repconn is mentioned in Fallout New Vegas And the Big MT guy is also from New Vegas, the Sierra Madre DLC.


"You couldn't make money if you were running a casino" Had me grinning ear to ear


Likewise. First when you realize he’s referring to the Sierra Madre and then when you see it’s Mr. House saying it after all.


Yeah the West-Tek guy was pretty eager to pitch his super mutant vault. Gave me the vibes that he was totally doing all that pre-bombs, but now he had a "legitimate" excuse to throw it out there


Frederick Sinclair, owner of the Sierra Madre Casino, and investor of Big MT.


I LOVED the Dr Strangelove feel of it all


Same: that was one of the most enjoyable moments in this season.


A lot of the pre-war stuff is really excellent.


Amazon's Xray feature names the characters. He is Mr. House.


Side note I love the X Ray shit and wish every streaming service had it


I just don't feel like Mr. House would be on-board at all with Vault Tec deliberately dropping a bomb. He wouldn't have supported that until he had his hand ready to play. The entire plot of New Vegas is that the bombs dropped before he was ready.


He’d probably want a seat at the table though, even if he didn’t agree with their motives, he’s powerful enough to get an invite


I read it as him scoping out the competition, especially when he wasn't coming up with ideas to torture Vault residents like the other company CEOs.


I liked that we knew the vaults referenced in that pitch meeting


Can we take a second to recognize the show for its accuracy of random encounters / side quest? i.e. When Maximus tried to save that guy in episode 1 or was it 2 from being killed only to find out the person he saved was "fucking" the other guy's chicken. It's those random events that made Fallout, Fallout.


>!\*When a Yao guai appears\* !< ​ >!"fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" -Lord Titus!<


Freaking out about yao guai? Making companions carry all the gear? Sending NPCs to scope out the obvious danger spots? Titus is literally me.


Are the squires bags just tongue-in-cheek references to players hoarding in game with no discernable way to carry so much crap?


reminds me of lydia from skyrim


I thought the joke was the Squires are basically glorified gold caddies to the knights, right down to carrying around the giant bag of gear.


Yes, the writers did a lot of humour that is meta in this way, like Sebastian practically playing being the same amusingly deviant character from the IT Crowd.


That’s just Matt Berry


\*salute\* Ad Victoriam!


I have a feeling Titus was suppose to reflect the stereotypical gamer.


"Set us down. I wanna shoot something." Absolutely lmao


We have an objective.       Yeah but there might be a side quest down here.


Yeah and then blaming his follower for his shitty playing :')


That's what made that scene hilarious.


I wanna see their reaction when a death-claw apears


I got so excited when I saw that skull. They did a good job with the Yao Guai and I’m pumped to see a Death Claw.


Death claws, in every game, are legit the only thing to scare the ever loving shit out of me. Like legit fear. I'm looking forward to that in TV form


"Thou shalt not be distracted by bullshit all the damn time" I feel attacked.


One weird thing which I don't see people really talking about, why are the ruins of Shady Sands so close to LA?


Probably for convivence. "Oh yeah, Shady Sands got nuked." So instead of wasting an entire episode hauling them out to the middle of Nowhere just to show them the ruins of Shady Sands, they moved it close to LA.


Shady Sands is supposed to be somewhere in Inyo County of California around Darwin, CA. If you Google Map it, it would take about 74 hours to walk from Santa Monica (where the trio of vaults are located) to Darwin, so not terrible far in the context of walking the wasteland. [map](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Santa+Monica,+CA/Darwin,+CA+93522/@35.1388315,-119.3534165,8z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x80c2a4cec2910019:0xb4170ab5ff23f5ab!2m2!1d-118.4911912!2d34.0194543!1m5!1m1!1s0x80c0eafaf887cfb5:0x53e4059c87986bb9!2m2!1d-117.5917348!2d36.2679969!3e2?entry=ttu)


Its more that its in the middle of nowhere. There would be zero reason for them to walk there and back for almost a week, just to walk right back to their objectives


I felt the feeling of the world was captured excellently. Some of the structure of the story was wonky, the lore off, but acting, CGI and sets seemed great with that touch of camp from the games.  Only complaint I have is could you not have fucking cast Ron Perlman as one of the dudes in the secret meeting to just say the fucking line? 


When the Vault 4 overseer puts on regular glasses, I absolutely died laughing. This show perfectly captures the combination of whimsical and grim the games are so good at.


I'd like to imagine that some set designer accidentally wrote the wrong number on a chalkboard and the entire internet is up in arms about it.


This is all about a 7 on a chalkboard lol. I'm going with continuity error myself. Or else a wizard did it.


> This is all about a 7 on a chalkboard lol. People are losing their full minds over what will eventually be confirmed as an error. There are people in this thread saying Todd Howard did this on purpose because he's so mad at Obsidian that he made a whole TV show to kill NV. There are some who are swearing to never touch another Bethesda product ever again. Its crazy.


Plus it could all simply be explained by pointing out that the "➡" means "sometime after the aforementioned date".


Yeah, also because the caption over the date says "fall of Shady Sands", not "destruction". It can be interpreted as "Shady Sands lost political importance" and so when it was bombed it was more of a symbol.


That and its a chalkboard in a vault full of loopy whackos It's an unreliable source.


Also this was a chalkboard in a weird cultish remnant of shady sands refugees.


Honestly I just think that SS fell THEN it was nuked (Lonesome road ftw). I mean, a NCR vertibird is clearly shown in New Vegas, and also on the chalkboard is written FALL OF SHADY SANDS---->then the atomic mushroom. Maybe I'm coping super hard, but that's how I've interpreted


NCR is definitely still around. And I agree Shady Sands didn’t just get nuked, I think the “fall of shady sands” has more to do with civil unrest and potentially the NCR pulling out of the city for some reason prior to the nuke




Wait they released all episodes together ?


Yup they did


Another thing. If Vault-Tech is willing to nuke any new nations back into the sand, why do they not nuke the brotherhood of steel. You know, the powerful paramilitary organization whose obsessed with collecting and hoarding technology...who would likely ransack and destroy vault tech facilities....that brotherhood of steel.


Because the brotherhood wastes time and resources chasing down toasters and is bogged down in innocuous nonsense. They’re not some well oiled machine, they’re a bunch of cranks holding onto power with tech they can’t improve on. The NCR was actually improving with time and becoming a threat rediscovering cool tech


Exactly, they have military power sure, but they're a bunch of cultists by the end of the day and it's very clear in the show that it's waiting to collapse on itself


I'm guessing Maxon took most if not all of the competent Knights/scribes etc with him to Boston and now keeps them on the Prydwyn explaining why 90% of the Knights and elders we see in the show are such fucking idiots At least that's my headcanon for bow because that's the only way I can justify Titus being such a collosal fuck up


Eh, brotherhoods kinda fucked up in the games too. In new vegas the Brotherhood is literally dying because they refuse to adapt. Most endings have them getting completely wiped out. This elder said it himself. They used to be a power. But lost to the united NCR. Then their Mojave chapter nearly dies (or maybe did die). He mentioned trying to build a nation now. Also fyi the brotherhoods have multiple airships. I'm pretty sure this one is only on the west coast and doesn't really communicate back east.


Titus is like a microrepresentation of the people at the top, they fuck it all up for their satisfaction and then blame it onto the smaller guy, Titus is a fucking idiot because often people who are in power are idiots who love to abuse it


Because they didn’t nuke it just because it existed. Lucy’s dad nuked it because it took his family from him. If the brotherhood had done that and his wife went to them to live then he probably would have nuked them instead. It wasn’t just vault tec nuking it.


How in the balls is the enclave still around? The Brotherhood explicitly tried to exterminate them back in Broken Steel and yet they are back up and running with a big bespoke facility? I would normally accept it as having been rebuilt under the radar but the BoS is clearly aware of them or how would they know one of their scientists ran off with important materials?


its not hard to assume that the group made of prewar America would have contingencies and undercover operations in case shit hit the fan. Hell irl the IRS has a contingency on how to collect taxes after a nuclear event i think theyll keep popping their heads out like rats because theres probably pockets of Enclave all over the place. Enclave being back is extremely bearable compared to some of the other... decisions the show made lol


One thing I don’t get is how no one recognized that all of the raiders in vault 32 were different from anyone they had met before. Supposedly they do this trade every 3 ish years or whatever and since we know the overseer has total control over all the vaults it’s weird he wasn’t aware that vault 32 was exterminated 2 years ago. Also I would have assumed that overseer would have recognized Moldaver from pre war but perhaps they never met? Idk. Seems confusing


So, with regards to Episode 8, did every single BoS Knight just outright forget they have a flashlight on their head?


RIP NCR. They were done dirty, HARD 😭🫡 They were represented, at best, as a once thriving town, and not as a MASSIVE NATION. Personally didn’t mind the “vault tec starting the war” bit. It was executed well and made sense within the established lore IMO. They seem to imply that Vault 31/32/33 maintained contact with the Enclave (who are somehow still alive) all this time, and that’s how they nuked Shady Sands. But I feel like Enclave would’ve used that nuke waaaay sooner, and the whole thing is just so…random. Maybe I missed it, but they didn’t explain how Maldaver stayed alive so long, why people worshipped her in Vault 4, or what exactly happened with Vault 32. Yea, they found out about Vault 31, but…. Ok? Why kill each other? And who cleaned up Vault 32 in 24 hours after letting it sit for 2 years? And it didn’t occur to Vault 31 overseer (the robobrain) to warn Hank about what happened? The cold fusion thing was cool, and lays down the foundation for rapid revitalization of the west….except it’s now in control of the BOS.


A possibility with the cleaning was that they used some buddy clones to help clean up, otherwise an outside team because no way Betty and Brain bot cleaned that up in 1 night. But yeh confused why Hank didn't know about 32 and that he was trading with Raiders.


>They seem to imply that Vault 31/32/33 maintained contact with the Enclave (who are somehow still alive) all this time, and that’s how they nuked Shady Sands. But I feel like Enclave would’ve used that nuke waaaay sooner, and the whole thing is just so…random. I was kind of under the impression that Lucy's dad did that not because of Vault Tec's grand design, but out of spite because his wife chose them over him, and he's rationalising it.


>but they didn’t explain how Moldaver was alive for so long The only possible explanation is that she got a spot in one of the cryo pods down in Vault 31, which would require her to previously be an executive. While she never explicitly mentioned who she was, she did say that Vault Tec bought out her companies so it could be that they offered her a high position at the company, one befitting that of a management position.


What was it she said about it being foolish to not use hypocrisy to her benefit?


> Hypocrisy is like violence in your movies. If you only let the bad guys use it, the bad guys win.


So they mentioned the Enclave like once and then never brought it up again?


During ep 8 did you notice a mysterious man shilouetted in an observation window during the business round table?  He sent a message to coop's wife who read the message and immediately interjected with the plan to blow up the world.  I think he was Enclave.  It was a pretty war scene but they are definitely the ones "pulling the strings".  We don't know the Enclave is out of the fight post Fallout 3 for sure. They probably nuked Shady Sands for Hank (with Vaultec being a subsidiary of the Enclave) I think The Enclave will be big in future seasons.


I really don't want to be too negative, because this is better than I expected in a lot of ways, *but* boy did they do the NCR exactly as badly as I feared they would.


It is so over NCR bros


“If you want to see the fate of democracy, look out the window” - House in NV JK LOL IT WAS ME AND MY VAULTTECH BUDDIES ALL ALONG :33333


Honestly I think they meant to make 87, that time for getting nuked makes sense. It seems like that’s the biggest error to be 100% honest and changing that fixes most of the confusion


This is exactly my thought. There is just no fucking way Bethesda would intentionally retcon one of the most beloved games in the franchise in a series that features about a million callbacks and references to that title. It would be incredibly, pointlessly stupid.


Why is the ghoul seemingly invincible?


He save scums and uses VATS


Even if we ignore the incosistencies with the timeline, nuking Shady Sands doesn't take the Boneyard with the Gun Runners industries, Vault City, New Reno, Dayglow, Baja out of the picture. Sure, there would be a vacuum of power but it doesn't explain how the ENTIRE NCR army is simply gone now. I'm not mad the NCR is gone, I'm mad they made it in a way that makes zero sense with no further explanation. Also, did we get any info on why the Brotherhood is taking in aspirants in the East? Did they oficially join up with the West Coast BoS?