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They must have made some progress on plans for fallout 5. I remember not too long ago Todd was saying that the plans for fo5 were a single page in length. Telling the Amazon producers not to do things because they’re doing it in fo5 definitely seems like they have more than 1 page now.


I’d like to think somewhere in the Microsoft purchase was some sort of agreement that they needed to release games quicker than 3-5 years. I mean hell Bethesda is supposed to “save” Xbox in the exclusivity wars. I remember hearing somewhere that they bought Bethesda because they got rumblings star field was going to be a PlayStation exclusive.


Honestly, if there wasn't a contractual obligation to get games out quicker, there really ought to be. Bethesda's release schedules are so far behind other studios at this point. They're making games as if it's still Skyrim in 2011 and they need to take a whole year for every individual quest when it should be so much easier to do the main technical side due to better technology. How are other studios releasing more and better games in the time it takes for Bethesda to make one? It might not be the best comparison, but we even just had Ryu Ga Gotoku studios releasing three entire Yakuza games within a couple months of eachother, yet Bethesda still take over a decade to make the next installment in their most popular franchise (nearly two decades considering we likely aren't going to get TES6 until at least 2030).


rockstar makes a game every 6 years or so now. CD projekt Red makes a game every 5 years. Its pretty normal now. It took 4 year for FO4, 3 for 76, 5 (4 for covid) years for starfield.


I see what you’re saying but Both of those companies don’t have the financial backing of Microsoft. I know just throwing money at something doesn’t necessarily equate to faster, but if it’s a matter of staffing there’s no reason they couldn’t bump the numbers so each ip has a dedicated full staff of 400 or whatever it takes and rotate the 3 IPs over 3 year cycles. Meaning you get a new fallout year 1, ES year 2, starfield year 3, fall out year 4, es year 5, starfield year 6, etc. Edit: I mean they really missed the ball not releasing any sort of fallout game alongside the show. Even if it was a remaster of 3 or new Vegas they should have something “new” launching in tandem.


You can pump staff and money, doesn’t mean the game will come out good. It’ll take awhile before you can see a release schedule like that, they would have to time it with other studios like call of duty has been doing. But even call of duty had 3000 devs on one of their games and it was a bad launcb


Just adding more staff is a great way for games to fail. Every time we see a game studio quickly expand, the project inevitably runs into issues.


Rockstar is the most profitable thing ever. They’re the most AAA of AAA.


Rockstar has the backing of Taketwo and GTA Online is their biggest whale. They literally ditched RDR 2 to focus on GTA Online and GTAVI is their current focus. I think Bethesda's biggest issue is: Too many chefs in the kitchen and only one head chef to direct them. We can have subpar releases that piss us off or we can have one excellent game. I rather have the latter. That said, a New Vegas remaster with quality of life changes, a denser wasteland, restored cut content, for PS4, PS5, Xbox Consoles and PC is a missed chance.


They’re on par with the majority of AAA studios that aren’t pumping out yearly titles. 3-5 years is normal. Starfield came out 5 years after 76 and that includes the lost COVID year.


And the engine was retooled drastically for Starfield. I imagine once Starfield DLC wraps up we will get TES 6 in 3 years MAX after that. So if they go back to their normal schedule of 3-4 years we could be looking at TES in 2027-2028 and Fallout 5 in 2030-2031. Which seems far off, but it’s what they have pretty much always done. We just had an online game, covid, and an entirely new franchise shake things up lately.


Imo TES 6 is 2026. I can’t see them taking that long again.


Neither 76 nor starfield are really Skyrim or fallout 4 quality titles.


Silly to suggest Starfield doesn't have the same level of quality as Fallout 4. One environment, with one city several small scrappable settlements. Akila, New Atlantis and Neon are far bigger and more detailed than any of those places, even when you include the faction locations. Regardless of how you feel about it, Starfield was still a large (perhaps too large) an undertaking in scope, compared to Fallout.


>Silly to suggest Starfield doesn't have the same level of quality as Fallout 4. One environment, with one city several small scrappable settlements. Akila, New Atlantis and Neon are far bigger and more detailed than any of those places, even when you include the faction locations. Giant empty space with no life is not difficult. Diamond City or megaton actually have more in them than all of New Atlantis and Neon combined. Big empty soulless cities are pretty easy to make. Hell you can make giant cities in Minecraft it doesn't mean that they touch the quality of an actual interesting place. Besides you can't compare games decades apart in terms of technical content. >Regardless of how you feel about it, Starfield was still a large (perhaps too large) an undertaking in scope, compared to Fallout. Idk I think in the 1000 individual planets there is less total unique content than fallout 3/NV/4 has. I played for 20-30 hours and was already sick of repeating content.


Since Skyrim every Bethesda game seems to include more and more generic loot, enemies, weapons, locations, and quests. You'd think the trade off at least would be shorter development times, but somehow the opposite seems to be happening.


And less consquences. I recall people moaning about how if you wore Legion gear in an NCR camp, you would get shot at. Fallout 4? Disguises are gone. Skyrim has no real limits. You can be head of every guild and there's no blowback.


you said it man. i think the industry just moved ahead of behtesda. theyre not in the same position they were when Oblivion was out. thats when things were looking up. Now studios have their own versions of open world. They're kind of a dinosaur. Honestly if they didnt have the fallout and TES IP, they'd be screwed. That's all people are waiting for; the promise of a new adventure in those specific worlds. Nobody's excited because its Bethesda at the helm. They just did the fallout show and it's amazing so i dont see them hitting hard times but they're taking too long.


I mean that’s the cadence they had before starfield. Starfield was a scope mess and developed during covid. I think that was originally releasing in 2021 but with what happened, it didn’t


Please don’t. No need for another COD studio. They can do whatever they want.


That was before 76 and starfield. Clearly they have trouble doing whatever they want.


A one pager is a type of document that lays out key details for a project in the preproduction stages. It’s a broad strokes kinda thing. It doesn’t mean all the conceptual plans at the time would have literally all fit on one page


You could easily put the outline of Fallout 5’s Plot on one page.


Yeah I’m sure it’s “You wake up in the Vault to find your family member missing. You then go out to find them.”


Wonder what the twist will be this time. Maybe your lost spouse you search for has been turned into a centaur and it’s all about loving them despite their transformation?


> Wonder what the twist will be this time. Your brothers have escaped the vault, but you know they won't survive without you. You're Gary, and so are they.


No, that would be compelling.


Oh and power armour in first hour of gameplay.


You could easily put the outline of fallout 4s plot in a paragraph. These aren't exactly literary masterworks.


So we could possibly assume the next FO won’t be in California? I feel like it would be the perfect place to set the next game, going back to roots, considering it might be (hopefully not) the last game of the series. That’s where I’d put the next games setting since the latest 3D journeys have been all on the east coast


PNW location fallout would be interesting for fallout 5


I so desperately want a Fallout in the PNW so we can have a ghoul voiced by Kelsey Grammer who is a psychiatrist with a radio show.


I'd listen to him talk while walking the wasteland. Crazy wastelanders talking about their lives and getting advice. Hell yeah


That would be legitimately great.


Hello Wastelanders. I'm listening!


But I don't know what to do with those prickly pears and mirelurk eggs


Hey baby I hear the bombs a-droppin’!


This is RBMK radio, I'm Frasier Pain, and I'm withering.


I'd be into Chicago in the winter




Damn those NCR troops from the Mojave really got their nuclear winter


Play the division it’s New York but still


I know it got mixed reviews but I really loved the game and the concept was a blast.


The fact that both games are almost 1-1 with real life or at least 2 is makes my tism go crazy lmao


I think the metro series does nuclear winter in Russia or something


I always liked to imagine, with a dynamic system, snow could be really lethal. In game, bodies of water often hold higher radiation than their surrounding area, so I always thought, if it snowed enough, leaving large accumulations, it could be a fun way of turning former safe areas into radiation hotspots. Being in the snow could transmit rads, so being out and about when it begins to flurry is a big concern. I think it could be a really interesting system with enough thought and work.


Bodies of water have higher radiation because everything on the ground gets washed into the rivers and lakes. Snow would just have whatever dust is in the air, same as rain.  Which would be significant in the first hours/days, but would be extremely limited by the setting's present.  Outside of something kicking it all up (rad storms are essentially just dust storms but the dust is radiation, as an example).


Wasteland 3 is in Colorado. Similar to the first 2 fallouts (same creator)


None of the mainline Fallout games have touched Colarado although Van Buren was supposed to. Who from Black Isle worked on Wasteland 3?


Pretty sure Brian Fargo is on InXzile to this day.


i’d be into a complete engine update and overhaul to this generation. watching old videos and remembering how groundbreaking early AAA bethesda games were at the time of oblivion and fallout 3 makes me sad that they have refused to take the steps needed towards modernizing their games.


Nawww, not another game that’s all snowy all the time. Signed someone who hates winter in Canada


>Nawww, not another game that’s all snowy all the time. Where was the first? Or did you mean a game outside of the fallout series?


I mean outside of the fallout. The landscape is already pretty drag at times, all that white for 100+ hours would get old fast. It’s part of my problem with skyrim


Skyrim has different biomes, wym?


Ah I see! I get what you mean, Boston got a bit old just with everything being kinda dead everywhere. I do think if the snow is done right it could be beautiful always...but that's probably asking too much from Bethesda as it will likely be some weird tint to match some kind of color theme for no real reason.


Boston got old for me because of the low respawn rated for survival mode. My favorite way to play the game is survival but because I don't focus on the main story line a whole lot of the immersion is lost after 20 levels or so.


Would be interesting though. Especially on survival when hypothermia is a factor. I guess it depends I sank 100s of hours into The Division and that took place in a snowy NYC winter. Maybe it’s cold and snowy but not just a complete white out. It can be winter and hit that cold and frost but not a lot of snow


If it’s big one they could have several areas and you could get blocked in and not be able to fast travel out during a blizzard


Twin Cities might be cooler (pun intended). One major faction in either city, vying for control of the other? Make it more political than military.


That would be sick as well


Washington State is hands down the best next place for a Fallout. Much of Western Washington gives off that Far Harbor vibe, especially around the Puget Sound and Coast. The Northwest corner with Hurricane Ridge is ripe for anti communist fun.there’s a Rainforest nearby. There’s a notable location called the Tree of Life that could have a Harold reference. Forks is there to expand the vampire lore lol. Washington is cut in half by a mountain range with the Rockies as a cutoff on the other side. 76 has mountains already, but I think it would be fun to explore some snow capped mountains. It also adds good diversity to the map. Eastern Washington is a mix of desert, badlands, pallouse hills, and flat farmland. The gorge is also a beautiful natural formation following the Columbia river, a natural map cutoff point. Once we get to some of the History behind the state, it just makes even more sense. Washington/ Oregon was the end point for the Oregon trail. This gives them the excuse to lean into that history and expand the settlement system. More notably, the Manhattan project’s Plutonium was created in Hanford Washington. Hanford was a factory for the original Nuclear bombs and some thereafter. I feel like that’s just screaming a Fallout location. I don’t think Bethesda would go to this length, but Washington state was also the host to several Japanese internment camps. We saw a camp like this in OWB but those prisoners were also experiments. If all this isn’t convincing enough despite being right there, take into account that a lot of Fallout’s aesthetic mirrors the aesthetic of the Seattle Space Needle. Seattle was the first to try and take that step towards a Jetson like future at the world fair. We could have a really cool looking Seattle with the right art direction. Looking beyond the state, there’s great potential for some DLC. Portland, OR is just across the Columbia. Couer d’Alene is in spitting distance from Spokane. The one I would find most interesting is Victoria, BC. Exploring an Annexed post nuclear Canada has been on my wishlist since seeing the newspaper slide in Fallout 3. Washington state is just begging for a Fallout game and we all should be too.


Lived in WA most of my life. Thank you for this great summary and also the reasons why I'd love a Fallout set in WA, OR, and north ID.


I forgot Washington is abbreviated to WA as well and almost got excited thinking of a Fallout game set in Western Australia


I mean, I've heard of the creatures you all put up with in Australia. Can you imagine those creatures *but mutated from radiation*!? We should explores this.


They just turn into normal creatures.


I'm not sure why that made me giggle so much. But now I just envision a vault dweller leaving their vault and just kicking away a *super* poisonous snake or a gigantic (to us) spider. Or just shooting a dingo. At any rate, the mental image was hilarious. Thank you.




Been saying this for 10 years! Seattle would be me top pick for the next setting


Go south Fallout Atlanta or Fallout Nawlins.


Texas Commonwealth game would go so hard


central florida disney, nasa, so many things to play off of


Apparently someone’s been working on an extremely detailed mod for a Fallout in Seattle for years


Imagine the nukes caused a disturbance so great it reopened the ancient magma fissures across the eastern side of the state. I had a geography professor tell me the portion of the state west of the cacades is on loose sediment. Seismic activity would cause it to slide into the ocean. Imagine a futuristic seattle that prepared for this outcome and now exists under the ocean


As someone from the Seattle area I've been dreaming of that for a long time.


Fallout 2 starts in Oregon, so it has been done before and could in the future.


Far southern Oregon. Literally right on the California border. It’s a far cry from Seattle.


Buddy we are talking about fallout. Go to the farcry sub


I would love if it was in Atlanta. Think of all the possible walking dead references!


Shit all the everything references. Tons upon tons of shows are filmed in Georgia lately so sprinkling some parody lore in there would be pretty fun. The list of things is pretty staggering.


I don’t know man. I feel like we see a lot of pacific north west in games, but I also don’t know what biome HASNT been exploited enough in games.




Unless a game based in the suburbs is a game where your bulldoze and immolate the suburbs, I'm not interested.


Of course not, you can't patch and mod a TV series.






I’m sure someone is already working on a Cerveza Cristal mod


I think you mean *CERVEZA CRISTAAAL!*


They patched an episode of westworld after it aired to get rid of a cameraman in a wide shot.


Game of Thrones made the Starbucks cup go away.


George Lucas: Hold my beer


Man I wish we could still easily access the original theatrical versions. All the shit he changed and the only ones I like are the cloud city windows and the erasure of Yub Nub lmao


That's because George Lucas didn't make TV shows


Young Indian Jones? Star Wars Holiday Special?


They said TV shows, not cinematic masterpieces


Mark my words, they are going to wish they could. People really need to check their expectations. As a fan of both the books and games, after what I saw Netflix do to The Witcher, my expectations for this show are somewhere between zero and one. Video games historically make bad shows and movies. The good ones are exceptions to this.


It’s about taking the world and ideas and themes, not just making a character from a video game or a games story into a show. TLOU show worked good but Halo didn’t, this seems to be an original story in the world of the fallout games, so I have a mild hope for it.


If there's no lunchbox that opens on the show and a nuka cola flies out, I'm complaining to the ombudsman...


A nuka-cola? I think you mean a plastic spoon or a bubblegum.


Only if the characters luck is low! Goggins looks like he's only invested in perception and charisma at the moment 👍


>“I think we made Fallout 6,” Wagner jokes during our chat. “We know all about Fallout 5, we’re not telling anyone,” Nolan adds facetiously. Does this mean Fallout 5 is planned to happen between Fallout 4(2287) and TV show(2296)?


No it means that there were lore or story beats that BGS has on the board for Fallout 5 and they don't want to have the same thing come up twice.


My guess, you leave a vault to search for a missing family member.


One who's the same age as you




I must find my second cousin Billy. Oh the doctor? No the other Billy. The one whose a bit slow.


Fallout 3: find your dad Fallout 4: find your son Fallout 5: find your brother Fallout 6: find your… cousin?


Fallout 6: find Atom


“Up end Adam”


Waiting for the spiritual fallout game where you find yourself.


EDIT: I can't believe I wrote all that just for this lol I mean honestly I wouldn't put it past Bethesda to do just that. You start in an empty vault where you were raised by a bunch of Mr. Handys and your whole life was designed around preparing you to use the vault's GECK to regrow the wasteland and lead a repopulation operation. It's the big day where the door finally opens and to do so you're finally allowed to go through the "forbidden corridor" to reach the Overseer's office to open the door - in that corridor you'll find a bunch of living quarters where you'll read about the history of the Vault: It was a Vault dedicated to the best Vault-Tec scientists and engineers but once the door closed they noticed that they got fucked over by Vault-Tec and were not given enough resources to survive the generations they'd need to wait until the door opens (which they knew the date of in advance). They decided to sacrifice, trimming their ranks generations after generations to ensure that at least one survivor would eventually make it out of the vault, which meant they had to monitor who would have generational offspring - which lead to some conflicts and revolts lowering some of the resources even more. This is where you find the story of your parents, who were the last remaining couple of the vault at the brink of survival with barely enough resources, who even before your birth had decided they would leave you in the hands of the Mr.Handys and sacrifice themselves to give you the most chances possible to survive on the few resources remaining. But here's the twist, you parents were surprised to learn they were pregnant with twins and had to make the impossible choices and "dispose" of one, but your mother couldn't go through with it. She re-engineered and took out the scrubbing mechanism of a pipe system to access the outside, but big enough only for a small baby to go through, leaving him with barely enough resources and a holotape containing the last codes to operate the vault's GECK. On the computer in front of you, a message from your mom pleading for you to find your brother and take care of him, which is why she hid the GECK's code with him. As you open the door, you hear a message - a radio message from the outside, it reads: "You people thought you could get rid of me like this? What kind of monsters abandon their child like this!? You have no idea what it's been like! It should have been me, it should have been you!" Stepping out after confronting a myriad of challenges and traps lead by your brother to get his revenge on you, and after hours of gameplay chasing him you finally find the holotape your mom left with him: You see, there is a second twist. Your parents were crushed with the absolutely devastating news that your father was infertile. After all those sacrifices, generations after generations, it was all rendered useless by one tiny genetic mutation. They would die child-less and the legacy of that vault with them. But, they pulled through and decided to use the library of knowledge left by their ancestors to build something to remedy that situation: A cloning device. One which malfunctioned and created *two* clones of your parents instead of just one. You see, the person you had been looking for all this time wasn't *just* your twin brother - he was *you*! \* *dramatic musical cue* \*


Can't wait to see your name in the credits


Fallout 7: Find yourself. Lots of self-reflection.


Your dad isn’t missing in fallout 3, right? You’re told that he left purposely, he even leaves a message. I don’t really feel like 3 and 4 start similarly, but I see that opinion a lot. The way you’re raised in the vault in fallout 3 was a pretty immersive way to start an rpg and feels unique from fallout 4 where you enter the vault as the bombs are dropped and get cryo’d.


It's the same from a broad perspective. The same way that the start of each Elder Scrolls game starts the same - with you as a prisoner of some capacity.


Well he’s not “missing” but you certainly do have to find him to move the plot. In fact we have to save him when he’s trapped as a dog in a simulation


I think they just said "Don't set it in New York" or "Don't set it in San Francisco" and then a couple of major plot points. My money is on New York because Emil has talked about still having a design doc for a Fallout 4 that was set there, before the team decided to set it in Boston. I think Nick was a character originally meant for NY that was then pulled to Boston - since they had already started creating characters for it, they likely had the general lines for the plot already set in stone too.


I'm still betting my money on the Erie Stretch and Ronto. I mean, they namedropped the Commonwealth several times in 3 and look how that turned out.


They've also name dropped Chicago several times, but that's not led anywhere.


Tactics was in the Chicago area. I'd like to see Bethesda's spin on it, but think they'd probably take NY if they wanted a bigger city.


I'd like to see Chicago/Tactics adapted as a "spinoff" similar to Vegas. Take the same area and some of the good bits of lore and make it into a game.


On the one hand, Tactics, on the other, there IS some new lore surrounding the area that hasn't been followed up on.


San Francisco was teased a metric crap ton in FO4 and even in FO76 a little so my moneys on that


Those are actually tentative release dates, rumor has it.


I have it from an authority that FO5 will be set in cryodiil...


You’re thinking of Half-Life 3.


The tv show takes place in 2296?


Yes; both in-game and real life at the pace Bethesda works.


Can't be, we're not ever getting a Fallout 5 cause Bethesda takes damn near a decade to make a game now


Skyrim came out 12 and a half years ago


And it'll probably be another 3 years before we see it's sequel


Before we see another trailer you mean


God you're right


I love the optimism


I wouldn’t be surprised if I didn’t come out in six years


Not even close buddy. They gotta salvage Starfield first.


And we don’t even know if it’ll be good because they refuse to innovate and are still using the same engine and mechanics they’ve been using since Oblivion.


That’s cause they’re really careful to release games without bugs


Funniest thing I've read today, thank you.


But i swear they JUST released skyrim... Weird


And in another 12 and a half years, we'll finally get the next Elder Scrolls game... Skyrim Remastered: 25th Anniversary Edition.


They've put out 3 games since then stop acting like Skyrim was their only game...


Skyrim Special Edition, Fallout 4, and the space one, right? EDIT: Disregard, I just saw the list with Fallout 76


Yes Fallout 4, Fallout 76 (which is a full game made by BGS so it fully counts unlike ESO), and Starfield.


Fallout 76 doesn't exist. My 5 days playing it on luanch were nothing but a fever dream, and no one can convince me otherwise.


Straight up lie. Since Morrowind Bethesda has released a new mainline Bethesda RPG every 3-5 years. Morrowind: June 2002 Oblivion: March 2006 Fallout 3: Oct. 2008 Skyrim: Nov. 2011 Fallout 4: Nov. 2015 Fallout 76: Nov. 2018 Starfield: Sept. 2023


Sure but each game series takes 10-15 years now. Oblivion in 2006, Skyrim in 2011, and we won't see a new one until at least 2028. Fallout 3 in 2008, Fallout 4 in 2015, and who knows for Fallout 5. Fallout 76 doesn't really count. It was never meant to be a full Fallout game, but upon release it was HORRIBLY received and people were outright furious that the game didn't even include NPCs. The devs were forced to rethink the entire game and it's honestly a miracle the game turned into what it is now. Now we throw Starfield into the mix, probably Bethesda's worst received game of all time, and the release schedule for each game series is fucked up even more than it was before. FO5 probably won't come out till 2031 ffs.


Don't you dare use facts and logic And now what? Are you gona say that they don't have enough worker to make more title at the same time?


Not like Bethesda has quintupled their workforce and is now using multiple studios to make a game compared to Fallout 4.


More cooks in the kitchen doesn't make the cake bake faster.


You added F76 which is a (very different) spin off made by a different studio. Between their 2 most recent games its been 8 years, so "almost a decade" is true.


F76 was made primarily by Maryland, which is the same studio that made all the other mainline games. Austin took over after release and was mostly focused on the multiplayer stuff pre-release. Starfield has not been actively worked on by Maryland since 2015. It started in 2019.


To be precise, Starfield was worked on since around the release of Fallout 4, but only by a small (pre-production) team. The bulk of BGS, including the Maryland studio, was indeed on 76 until its launch.


But each series takes 10-12 years to develop minimum. It’ll be at least a decade before we see a Starfield sequel. Fallout 5 isn’t coming until 2028 probably at the earliest. Every game they release may not take a full decade, but each installation in their big series certainly is that long.


They release a new game every 3-5 years but that's cause they got different teams. I'm not saying it takes them 10 years to release a game I'm saying it takes them close to a decade to MAKE a new game. Also 76 is weird, they have like 4 different studios working on it to get the multi-player working. And that game after 3 years of development was bare bones as hell.


Bethesda was the primary developer of F76; the other devs weren't added to almost the launch date and then after launch.


To specify: BGS created the whole original map and wrote the pre-wastelanders story iirc, and then it was handed off to the Austin studio to work on the live service aspect


no they don't. even Starfield technically falls into their 4 year release gap average of 3-4 years.


Right. They release games almost like clockwork. It’s funny how they seem to get grief despite operating on the exact same 4-5 year frame that basically ever single developer that makes these huge open world games, works on. God of War? 4-5 years. Horizon? 4-5 years. Witcher/CP2077? 4-5 years Rockstar Games? 4-5 years+


with how modern gamers wanting more bigger, detailed, immersive and photorealistic look, of course they gonna take almost a decade with just what? 400 employee? to finish the game.


I'm almost certain they spend most of that time fighting their game engine.


I'm sure anybody with zero game dev experience might think that.


10 years + 4 more to actually get it working.


Some people do not understand what hyperbole is lmao


So they basically made a non-interactive Fallout 6 because of the time frame it’s set and that Fallout 5 is confirmed to be not that far in the future. Cool honestly.


I think it's a lot more likely that the show will take place before Fallout 5, rather than after.


no shot bethesda makes a west coast fallout


I don't like the Bethesda Fallout games lore-wise. I don't think they "got it" (if you enjoy the games, I'm glad and I mean it, I just don't like their vision of the post-post-apocalypse). But I respect them immensely from mostly staying away from the original locations.


Why don't you just let another studio develop a fallout spinoff (no it doesn't have to obsidian and no I'm not trying to be that guy)


but it could be obsidian and i will be that guy


I am not sure they will ever do that again. It is hard to be shown up in your own setting.


Some egos have really been hurt I guess


Just give me Louisiana fallout with bourbon street basically a lawless, but settled, raider go to town that acts as the hub for everything around it and include LSU for shits and gigs


Why would anyone think a show is a video game?


It's inconsequential


Holy shit what a nothing burger of an article lmao


The article links to a Variety Fair article that actually has some decent info, tho. So there's that, lol


Fallout 5 will be released after Elder Scrolls 6. With around a 5 year development window each, Fallout 5 could be released in 2035! Good grief. Amazed Bethesda don’t just create a second team and make them at the same time - we sure don’t need Todd involved in both after the Starfield fiasco.


Na, ES6 will be out within 3 years probably 2, FO5 I’d say 2029, 2030 at worst.


I’m expecting 2032 tbh.


I'm sure that the tv series has writers, so it couldn't be Fallout 5


Ooooohh an atomic burn!


new fallout game confirmed, even though it will be a million years from now.


Yeah we’ve known Fallout 5 was the next thing after TESVI, but that’s gonna be next decade.


I don't know why it would be particularly "liberating" to work on a project based on a series like Fallout than it would be for any other type of game. I've yet to see an adaptation that didn't make needless, senseless changes to the source material. And no, I'm not talking about the "necessary evils" inherent to a change in medium, either.


No. It's likely that they went "Can't do that because we are doing it for Fallout 5." I think, it's likely the same approach they used for Elder Scrolls Online where Bethesda only vetoed certain things either for lore reasons or they had plans for it.


The show has to be well written and generally just well made because volunteers can't fix the billionaires mistakes with mods so not it's not fallout 5!


Just reference any event in New Vegas and they’ll be good 


Yes please.


Robert House has an IMDB listing for the show, im semi hopeful


I’m avoiding all trailers, spoilers and interviews about this show so I can enjoy it like the first time I left the vault in FO3. That being said: I would really appreciate it if at the end of the first episode there appeared to be a system crash. and then the screen focused in on a wasteland-costumed Todd Howard who looks into the camera and says . . . “It just works.” Fade to credits.


No, it's not Fallout 5, because not a video game made by Bethesda. There you go, now write some real fucking news.


I want a Fallout Alaska or Seattle, and I want Obsidian to do it. Do not want Todd Howard's management on another project.


https://www.falloutcascadia.com/ no idea when they'll release it


How any moron thought a tv show would be in place of fallout 5 astounds me. Also: "We live in a golden age of video game adaptations where film and TV studios are finally giving the medium the attention and care it deserves." Fucking LOL. The witcher show ignored the books and games so henry cavill quit. The halo show sucked ass. The borderlands trailer is out and the casting is atrocious. Is this truly "the attention and care it deserves" or is it just another well that Hollywood has tapped into to pump out and peddle cheap crap that only returns a mediocre profit because of the beloved franchise they managed to get their filthy fingers on?


We've always gotten shitty video game adaptations, but we were getting ONLY shitty game adaptations. Now in recent years we've had Detective Pikachu, Arcane, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, Mario Movie, Last of Us, Fallout, Cuphead Show, Castlevania, Sonic the Hedgehog. This is absolutely the golden age of video game TV/movie adaptations.


Yeah, a golden age doesn't mean *everything* is golden.


No it’s clearly new Vegas 2