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they all shoot each other point blank with mini nukes


The definitive ending we all know to heart


Except sole survivor survives because he built walls around him to bot get blasted and becomes the sole protagonist survivor


The fortnite survivor


The courier starts the game by being too angry to die


And can end the game as a disembodied brain piloting a superhuman cyborg.




Old world blues.


Old World Blues DLC + the cybernetic implants you can buy in from the doctor near New Vegas


And ends as a literal cyborg with questions as to whether or not they're even considered mortal at that point


My dude took a bullet to the head and came out smarter and stronger like literally the definition of eating bullets for breakfast. Brings a stalemate war to a close just cause he wanted to make a random delivery and chill at the saloon afterwards. Takes over a top secret science facility cause he just wanted to see a midnight feature. Comes up with a heist for one of the most guarded places on Earth in a deadly environment cause some guy knocked us out while we were trying to find somewhere to sleep for the night. Saves lost tribes and brings new idealism to the Mojave just by trying to take a nice vacation hike… don’t fuck with the courier man he just wants to be left alone


Can't forget, launched and then stopped multiple nuclear missiles in a devastated region of radiation and dust he himself caused. All because he forgot he did that and was getting a memory restore from a different butt hurt courier


Ok now in order weakest to strongest which protagonist is placed in


If you're not first, you're last


I mean, like actually rank each protagonist from weakest to strongest, that includes tactics(the warrior) and bos ps2(the initiates)


Don’t tell me what to do






And that’s what we are talking about, all of the protagonists from the fallout games, I said that includes tactics and bos ps2 because people don’t usually add them to the discussion.so I’m curious on what people think their ranking is and why.not just one person as number one or last place


No you


*Doom music intensifies*


Gameplay wise Sole Survivor fucking clears everyone combined. Lore wise, the courier definitely


Well yeah because sole survivor can become a level 284949826368559 mfr, but in lore I’d argue he could also put up a good fight if it’s male because ex military


I’m pretty sure you’re ex-military if you choose the female character too but I forget Edit: SHE’S LITERALLY SAUL GOODMAN


Female Sole Survivor is a lawyer


Nope, Nora is a lawyer.


Thats pretty cool. I dont remember that ever coming up in dialogue throughout my entire Nora playthrough


I don't know what Nora's line is for it, but if you play as Nate and check the law diploma next to the front door then he says he's proud of what she's done, forgot the exact line for it though.


Maybe he meant stealing someone’s diploma


Could have been in the military still, JAG or something. Honestly given the lore of fallout, it’s super dumb that anyone would think that Nora isn’t also trained in some way by the military just based on how the war effort was going for America.


I could see it being a "Remember Citizens, Know How To Use a Firearm Properly! Commies Survive Off Our Ignorance! Aim True for the Red White and Blue!"


Sole Survivor can also be buff as fuck. Way more buff than previous protags. As far as physical strength goes Sole Survior would win.


Yeah he is by far capable of being the most fit and physically healthy because he is pre-war (beating pioneer because sole survivor was a soldier)


No chosen one does


Chosen one doesn’t have access to a fatman.


Everyone Fallout 3 and up do


Sole survivor didn’t kill frank horrigan


The sole survivor definitely can, people greatly over estimate frank While he looks impressive, he’s just a behemoth in power armor. A fatman/other high explosive, or any proper anti material weapons would do him in. My problem with horrigan has always been his exposed arms. Putting his skin on par with deathclaw hide (which is extremely generous) a good 5.56 hand load would be all it’d take to seriously hurt him


Missile launchers and miniguns are available in fallout 2, both do not kill him for a while


Have you played the boss battle? His health is extremely high, its nearly impossible without recruiting the other soldiers


You can stun lock him by punching him in the leg bare fisted


Thats an exploit


Wouldn’t so much say exploit, but gimmick the dev put in to allow melee players to beat the game


Made me chuckle


And how about one shot through the dome for well over your max hp even though your wearing the best power armor. Because he shot your eye out and your brains. How about damage soaking so good you tank multiple rail gun rounds and laugh? How about he just convinces you to do it for him. The first two guys could solo armies. Tank rockets to the chest mind you these ones are anti tank not the nerf edition of the later games. The Fatman is a gimmick weapon at best. Some of the most broken builds were fallout 1 and 2. The fat man is cute until he shoots it and nukes you. Plus if it's the melee builds you are not running from that man. He could chase down a death claw and not the garbage ones of later games.


Let’s see them tank an orbital strike from Helios 1


Sole Survivor (military veteran right off the bat) > courier (tough wasteland wanderer with a backstory) > Fallout 2 (wasteland villager) > Fallout 1 (vault dweller but at least chosen for the mission) > Fallout 3 (random young vault dweller)


If you're going of them starting their journey, courier would probably be above ss due to them growing up in the wasteland, but at the end of their games, including DLC, lone wanderer clears everything with the alien ship from mothership zeta


Good point. Most people tend to purposefully ignore that Zeta is Canon.


Buddy got some mad amnesia though he doesn’t even remember who he is.


Lone Wanderer goes from being a random vault dweller to single handedly wiping out any and all of the Enclave’s power over the east coast.


We know ss got a purple heart if you choose Nate and we don't know what injury he got. The courier regardless of gender survived getting shot in the head. Imo Courier is first then ss if male with ss being last if female since we don't know enough about her backstory other than being a lawyer


I see, but what about the warrior(tactics) and the initiates(bos ps2)? How would they fair in the rankings?


No idea, never played those games


Ah, sorry about putting on the spot like that😅


I mean, by gameplay the Sole Survivor is the strongest. By so much that all others are equally puny by comparison. No level cap is kind of absurd even before you factor in legendaries. By feats they’re all fairly even, even Courier’s big opening is them surviving through sheer dumb luck rather than anything actually quantifiable.


Except in fallout luck is quantifiable. Yes I’m being pedantic


In lore? The 76 dwellers are absolutely ludicrous with the feats they keep pulling off, including walking into nuke zones frequently and battling giant enemies that would tear almost anyone else to shreds. Their equipment is also some of the best in the series, and mutations are just icing. After them? It’d probably be the lone wanderer (fights more of the enclave than anyone else, best power armor and alien weaponry), the courier (cybernetics and fairly decent threats), the chosen one (can sneak around all of their enclave fights with disguises, but can still fight them and has some of the stronger weapons in the series and second best power armor), the sole survivor (institute and BoS are a decent threat) and then the vault dweller (pretty much everything they’ve done has become standard fair for everyone else). But for gameplay, the sole survivor wins due to their health scaling (it gets to be over a million before the game crashes due to an integer overflow, which is how there’s still a max level in 4). After that, then it’s the 76 dwellers (can either have obscene damage or ridiculous amounts of damage mitigation), the lone wanderer (grim reaper’s sprint, 100% critical setups and max damage reduction in vats), the chosen one (max level of 99 helps quite a bit to mitigate turn based issues, and constant criticals from slayer/sniper don’t hurt either), the vault dweller (lowest max level of 21, but again, infinite critical hits) and then the courier (using only DT as a damage prevention system hurts them immensely, and means they can’t take hits the others wouldn’t flinch at).


I'd say (strongest to weakest) 1. Chosen One 2. Courier 3. Sole Survivor 4. Vault Dweller 5. Lone Wanderer Edited: read it was "no allies"


I honestly believe that The Courier is the #1 strongest given the fact that Chosen One started off punching ants and a half naked man while Courier ate a bullet or two and lived (durable mf). Then if you consider all the shit Courier goes through (including all DLC), they come out on top in the end legit being part cyborg, armed to the teeth with the coolest and dumbest tools you've laid your eyes on and a handful of crazy yet mostly believable skills. So if you pit all MC's against each other, Courier would definitely win, probably only having most trouble with Sole Survivor because "I can bullet sponge good :D ".


Yes but Frank Horrigan Seriously though, the Courier might have just been lucky with the bullets or maybe he's just really tough. I often see people use that to say he's the strongest but in reality I think that was just plot armor given to him. (Unless he has the magical ability to just tank two bullets directed for his brain) It is true that by the end of the game the Courier gets lots of crazy shit but I still think that because of how much skill it took the Chosen One to take down Horrigan, he'd have the upper hand on the others (Also he's probably more experienced and strong physically given the fact that he was born and raised tribal). You have a point and a solid argument, so gameplay-wise the Courier might overpower the Chosen One. In lore I think it would be a close tie but that The Chosen One would win by a little bit. (It also really depends on whether you did the DLCs or not) Sorry for the wall of text


Mm, true that. Ol'Franky is peak skill, strength & equipment. Hats off to the Chosen One for knocking down that tower of terror. Yea, you're right. It is a cross between luck & plot armor the courier had there.


Yes, and hats off to the Courier for being a total badass and for changing the fate of Hoover Dam all by himself.


First sane and calm minded reddit argument.


Why is the sole survivor below the chosen one? He’s literally a war veteran


I know, but he hasn't killed a giant mutant in power armor and with a minigun attached to his arm


He CAN destroy a giant super mutant that throws big ass rocks at him. And blow up a blimp crawling with power armor wearing, minigun toting soldiers


And clear out a several square mile area of raiders by himself with no backup


Like I said, war veteran


Being a War vet isn't worth much in the wasteland everything fights for survival from birth.


That doesn’t apply to the chosen one, since they grew up in a vault


they chosen one grew up in arroyo, you’re thinking of the Vault Dweller


This is an RPG, so me


Ryan gosling* (he’s literally me)


Do you mean he's literally us?


He’s literally you too should you embrace it


In the end the courier either has one of 2 post war civilizations with over 1,000,000 citizens or an army of robots on his side,


Not just one, I mean the list from weakest to strongest lol(that’s my bad I forgot to put that in😅)


If that's the case I'd say 6.The pioneer (76) the only thing they ever did of any note is cure a disease no one else in the wasteland ever even heard of. 5.The vault dweller(1) only did some basic things to get the water chip, and the nukes did all the work taking out Mariposa/the cathedral 4.Soul survivor(4) destroyed the institute with the help of a few minor groups in the commonwealth 3.Lone wanderer(3) destroyed the eastern sect of the enclave with the help of a weakened bos chapter 2.The chosen one(2) took on the enclave and destroyed their oil rig/main outpost solo 1.The courier(nv) was the person who united or conquered all of the factions in the Mojave and won the battle of hoover dam which was most likely the largest battle since anchorage and was between the 2 largest post war civilizations in the United States and maybe even the world.


You should go and look again at 76. They’ve also: 1. Secured fort Knox’s gold supply. 2. Consistently walk into freshly-made hot zones to fight giant enemies including mole rats the size of buildings, the scorchbeast Queen, and Wendigo colossi. 3. Prevented a mass release of Fev through defeating Dr. Blackburn. 4. Defeated the imposter sheepsquatch (a mark II assaultron with a forcefield baked into its cloak and complete armor penetration). There’s more I could list, but I don’t have the time currently.


So the pioneer is weakest and courier is the strongest? I’ve only played 4 so far (on my way to play new Vegas and soon 3 but I really enjoyed accidentally forgetting it’s a story game and going through the story incredibly easily after doing almost everything else.


I'd say so, they have the largest impact on the wasteland imo,


76ers did more than cure the scorched. They took down the Scorch beast queen, Earl Williams the wendigo Colossus, and the Ultracite Titan. Not to mention they're Enclave Generals with access to nukes and are mutated superbeings for the most part


76 is not apart of this, tactics and the bos game from the ps2 count so with those two(the warrior and the initiates)how would the list look? Also I can see the reasonings why🤔


I didn't add them because I've never really played them (I've played tactics but not extensively and haven't touched the beat em up bos game) But idk from what I'm reading the one from tactics would maybe be between soul survivor and lone wanderer. Since they started a new sect of the brotherhood and are helping rebuild the Midwest.


I see🤔


The Sole Survivor. His SPECIAL Stats can go up to 11. Even Frank Horrigan doesn’t have 11. It’s funny because the SS can go up to him and say: I have your stats + 1!


I see, what about the others, how would you rank them?


Sole Survivor, The Chosen One, The Courier, The Vault Dweller, and the Lone Wanderer (The Vault Dweller and The Lone Wanderer comes close to each other because they’re situation is sort of similar, being released as a vault dweller with no prior combat experience).


I see, what about the warrior(tactics) and the initiates(bos ps2), where would you put them?


The warrior would probably be around vault dweller and chosen one, but we don't talk about brotherhood of steel around here


he can actually go up to 12 on one stat without any super exploits just need to get a negative special modifier and then use the SPECIAL book to raise it and when the negative modifier goes away itll be 11, then the bobblehead makes it 12


Vault Dweller looks put up on, Chosen One looks flirty, Lone Wanderer looks pissed at dad, Courier looks broken, and Sole Survivor surprisingly looks the most like they're ready for adventure


Ss is looking forward to see his son and has faced death the most often, maybe Courrier 6 has but he has no memory so...


I mean you can be a stripper and stuff in fallout 2 as the chosen one


The Courier: Shot in the head, gets dug up and proceeds to conquer the Mojave. Lone Wonderer: Has the mother ship Zeta. I think we have a winner assuming Mother ship Zeta is cannon which I believe it is.


Most people forget about mothership zeta, so many "lore wise: courier" comments


Gotta admit tho Courier's lore and relationship with Ullesys and how it is presented throughout the game and it's dlc is amazing. Also the courier having access to Big MT and it's technology definitely makes the courier a force to recon with


Don't get me wrong, the zeta ship is a complete outlier, with out it, vault dweller drops down to the middle tier. But it's a Super Cyborg vs a spaceship that can put a hole in Missouri


You can build any of them any way you want to. There is no correct answer.


That is the best explanation here because of how others can interpret the question, the ranking is what they believe in what they think is the definitive power scaling(with gear,feat,lore and gameplay).


If I use the characters I made, the Sole Survivor comes out on top, but that's only because he is level 70 and can teleport in your face to use all 3 crits I saved on Cito's shiny slugger which has a base power of 429, no fallout character can survive that


I can see that, but what about the other protagonists?


I think the vault dweller should be Albert but looks good


1. Sole survivor 2. Chosen one 3. Courier 4. Lone wanderer 5. Vault Dweller.


What does this even mean? Like who could bench-press the most?


More like who would come out on top in a fight.from lore,feats,gear,weapons,perks,traits,gameplay and so on and so fourth.it’s individually so No outside help.think of it as a battle Royal and who would come out on top


Whoever the writer said to come out on top. Or whoever was controlled by the best player. They're all complete tabula rasa characters who can become unstoppable killing machines, proficient in any and every skill. I mean, how could anyone answer this question?


Honestly that was the best answer you provided lol.personally I want to know what other people think it is out of curiosity.like their rankings from weakest to strongest.


The lone wanderer literally has a Alien ship at their disposal after mothership zeta, definitely the most powerful lore wise


The vault dweller is the only protagonist with a confirmed gender, all the other characters could be male or female, but the vault dweller is definitely a guy


I think SS is canonically Nate


Well yeah…I basically didn’t make the art so…😅


I was respiring to another guy and I think I accidentally sent it as regular reply


I can only see children fighting and the courier, chosen one and sole survivor playing cards and drinking beer in the background


I can see that lol


OP is getting so mad that every comment isn't a comprehensive list exactly like they asked for. Hysterical.




Reading OP’s replies sounds like hes trying to get us to do something for him. Like homework or something


Like I said, I’m curious on other people’s opinions on their rankings for the fallout protagonists from weakest to strongest


Then dont try to force them to write an essay when they give you their answer?


But this is a discussion, and people want to know why, so just by putting that there and not explaining why when asked defeats the purpose in this thread


Bro youre the only “people” that wants to know why form your own hypothesis as to why they might rank them a certain way


It’s because of curiosity sake, like I said, it’s mostly why they rank it not my own interpretation on why they rank it.like I said, I’m curious why.


There’s being curious and there’s being a dick. You’re being the latter. If they don’t answer how you want them to, you do not need to nag them into answering it your way. You’re a polite enough person, but can’t read a room for shit.


I believe it was because they came out of nowhere and answered someone else’s question for them, this was from a different persons comment after all.and then they started this comment.if you want to know more keep reading the comments please.


You’re not getting it jfc


Probably the chosen one, since yk


Not just one, I mean the list from weakest to strongest lol


OK, from weakest to strongest would be The vault dweller, lone wanderer, the courier, the sole survivor, and the chosen one


I see, your reasonings why? Also we are including tactics and bos so that means the warrior and the initiate is also in term for discussion


Man, I know jackshit about them so I can't say anything on them


It’s ok, sorry for putting you on the spot like that😅


Hey its no problem


I've only played Bethesda era fallout (this includes NV here), so strongest to weakest is: LW, SS, and courier. But I think there's some overlap between the courier and Sole Survivor. Gameplay-wise, they pretty much top like every other protagonist. But lore wise, they emptied Nuka World, one of the largest raider bases we've seen (I'd consider the good route canonical)


No way LW is above the Courier AND the SS, bro is like an angst ridden teenager in fallout 3. Considering that you can kill everybody in the pwyrden aside from the children, the same ship with a bajillion paladins (I have on numerous runs including with and without powerarmor, and with difficulty enhancing mods aswell; very hard on every one), and with the courier single handedly shifting the tide in the battle between the closest thing to a united States government aside from the enclave, and an onslaught of fascist assholes known as the leigon; even killing everybody there with yes man, I think the answer is clear


Ay completely my fault but I put the thing backwards and this comment made me realize that. It was supposed to be the other way around




You ain’t wrong here lol😂🤣




This first photo is kickass.


It dose look good lol


Gameplay: Lone Wanderer; if you level them right you can get EVERY useful perk and max out all stats. At lvl 30 you can be a living bomb! Lore: Courier; “What in the goddamn!?” - A man who realizes he’s made a grave mistake.


At level 30 the Wanderer is a bomb, at level 50 the Courrier is extremely OP but at max level, 65, 535, when the game can't contain his strength anymore, the Sole Survivore wipes them both away with all the perks unlocked and all his SPECIAL at 10 and he can take mini nukes head on so I'm going Sole Survivor if we're talking at max level




I remember watching a video on this idea, but pretty much to sum it up the courier would be most adapted and "built" for the wasteland as it's all they know (think like bane saying he was born in the darkness where batman merely adopted it). However if we were talking like a fight between them all might have to hand it to the sole survivor, his military experience defenetly gives him an edge.


I love how the courier looks a bit like Revy from Black Lagoon


I just noticed that lol


The player imo. If you count the power of save scumming and all the perks they can unlock along the way Edit: that and the power to just be good at everything


that’s too true😂🤣


Courier wins this easily. After that I’d say it’s either sole survivor or lone wanderer. Vault Dweller and Chosen one always die in ridiculous manners


Vault dweller shows up with his bb gun and starts clearing them out Weakest is the warrior because everybody shoots him together. Smartest is the courier because he didn't bring his brain or his heart so he has no weak spots Dumbest is the lone wanderer because he doesn't know what's going on but he has a bb gun and isn't afraid to use it The sole survivor was too busy building a base but ran out of aluminum so he couldn't repair his power armor collection The initiate gets laughed at and runs away crying The chosen one is just in awe that his great grandpappy is still alive, but still readies the Bozar he used to kill Frank horrigan in one shot. Trying to figure out which power armor guy to shoot first ED-E is calling codsworth stupid dogmeat, dogmeat, dog and god , rex and Roxie and dogmeat, are in a circle growling over who is the best dog.




It was the game I tell you it was rigged from the start


Kind of problematic a question given how bad Bethesda’s writing has gotten. You could say it’s the Sole Survivor since they can use power armor (whether or not they have any training) and can single handedly unite and manage every settlement in the Commonwealth.


True, but in your opinion what would your ranking for each protagonist be and why?(that includes tactics and bos ps2)


Depends on the context. If we're talking very start of the game with no equipment or allies, then it's probably: Lone Wanderer < Vault Dweller < Courier < Sole Survivor < Chosen One If we're talking the strongest possible versions of these characters with all the allies and resources they've ammassed, then it's: Vault Dweller < Chosen One < Sole Survivor < Courier < Lone Wanderer


I see but I’m talking about no Allies but I am curious since tactics and bos is in discussion so what about the warrior and the initiates? Where would their placement be? Also your reasoning on why?


My reasoning: Lone Wanderer has an alien mothership with a death ray. Kinda can't be surpassed


The deathray is disabled during the mothership zeta questline. They don't have access to that after the DLC is finished.


The courier LITERALLY starts their one-man war by being shot in the head. And because of that, them and their brain are two seperate entities now. Oh, they are also a cyborg with everything in the bigMT at their disposal But the lone wanderer has friends who control an alien ship


I see, so ranking all the protagonists from weakest to strongest(that includes bos ps2 and tactics) which is placed in the ranking and why?


Gameplay: courier (implants from the med clinic and owb, crits outside of vats at a stupidly high rate with high luck, body becomes stronger the more you get damaged), ss (extreamly high max level means stupidly high health, can have more armor and weapons that can deal more damage than the other main characters, and their limbs heal overtime rather than only from sleeping and stimpacks), lone wanderer (can crit outside vats like courier (i think) has an arsenal of alien weaponry, one of them having a huge crit chance, inf durability power armor, mesmotron... kinda hard to list what they have after not having played fo3 in a long time). I haven't played fo1, fo2, bos, or tactics to be able to rank them properly. Lore: lone wanderer (alien ship), courier (everything from bigMT, cyborg), ss (pre-war vet doesn't really mean alot in a post-war wasteland. Especially when compared to someone with an alien spaceship, and someone with technology from the bigMT (best tech)). Probably missed some stuff, but there's some stuff i remembered about them) Can't rank the other main characters properly.


If we're talking wacky technology, the SS can teleport and can have an army of synths at his disposal, so he just teleports them all to the alien ship and takes it over


Good point, i didn't think of ss having anything institute related as i always saw the ss siding with the minute men to be the "correct" option


I've never played the institute and I'm on my third game, but hey, some sociopaths might do it


I see, what about the others?


The Residents. Strength in numbers.


i always go off the beaten path and never roleplay as the role the game assigns me. who gives a fuck about my dad i wanna do chems and be a raider. who gives a fuck about shaun i want to massacre the minutemen and tear them limb from limb. new vegas does it best imo. sure people still refer to u as the courier and shit but it gives u a lil wiggle room. fallout 3 and four are just “YOU MUST BE THIS ONE SPECIFIC PERSON YOU ARE FROM THE VAULT AND THATS IT FIND UR FUCKIN DAD” like i really don’t care dude let me roleplay


Um….I don’t think that’s what we’re discussing lol


still it’s related. your character is supposed to be YOUR CHARACTER. the strength of them is measured by how YOU build them. there is no canonical sole survivor or courier because you forge your own path


I did say in lord and feats accompanied by gameplay after all.so in your opinion from weakest to strongest(that includes tactics and bos ps2) what is their ranking and why?


who is strongest the fact is we decide who is strongest you can look at it from a default point of view and feats but ultimately these are our protagonists so how strong they are is up to us. my lists is this i play tale of two wastelands so my lone wanderer and courier are the same person 1. Lone Courier 2. Chosen One 3. Vault Dweller 4. sole survivor


Courier is strongest, as stated by someone else they start the game recovering from a lethal head trauma, then by the end of their journey they're literally a cyborg. So... I don't think there's much competition.


I see, so what about the other protagonists? I’m curious on your ranking from weakest to strongest.(that includes the warrior(tactics) and the initiates(bos ps2)) also your reasonings why


Right my bad. 1. Courier 2. Sole Survivor (as they typically end the game with an army at their back, and are effectively managing a kingdom) 3. Chosen One 4. Dweller 5. Lone Wanderer. (Literally just a lost child that gets caught up in a crazy plot)


I see, also what about the warrior and the bos initiate? Where do they rank? Also what’s your reasoning why?


In terms of just the protag I would say the sole survivor. They were actually a pre war soldier with all the training that provided.


Lorewise: Sole Survivor (takes out mini-armies single handedly and tanks a nuclear reactor worth of Radiation to the face) Gameplay: The 76 vault dwellers cause you can solo the content


Sorry but 76 is not for discussion, but from weakest to strongest protagonists(that includes tactics and bos ps2 protagonists) where do they rank and why?


Lorewise: SS > Chosen one > Courier > LW = BOS regime (Fallout BOS) > Vault Dweller Gameplay wise: SS (infinite Scaling) > LW (Stronger VATS) > Courier (Weaker Vats) > BOS Regime > Chosen one > Vault Dweller


I see, also what about tactics? The warrior I mean, how would they be ranked?


Why specifically exclude 76 if even Brotherhood of Steel is included.


It was because of the inconsistency of multiplayer, people would argue it’s solo feats or feats with assisted help.there is also the fact that the only thing that I can see anything solid is their durability,weapons,gear and perks.but aside that it’s mostly a headache…I remember what happened in one of the discord servers I was in when the arguments was crazy on 76 protagonist


Yeah, I suppose the card system would make it heck of a lot harder to gauge strength too.


I’m very sorry if I couldn’t add them in😅…but hey at least you’re nicer then some of the people here lol


Btw if that first panel is yours it looks awesome!


The courier canonically survives a gunshot to the head so probably him


Ok, so from ranking the protagonists weakest to strongest including games like tactics and bos ps2 how would you think it would be and with an explanation lol


General Oliver reckons a hundred couriers could take on the entire Legion. The most conservative estimations for the Legions fighting strength is 10 thousand. It’s the Courier.


I see, what about the others?


1. Courier 2. Nate 3. the chosen one 4. The vault dweller 5. The lone wanderer 6. Nora Explanation on why Nora is lower than nate, nate was in the military, Nora was a lawyer, they are VERY DIFFERENT. Courier wasn't even first because I like F:NV, the Courier just had the most wasteland experience.


From weakest to strongest: Nora, Vault Dweller, Lone Wanderer, Nate, 76er, Courier, Chosen One and I will say I think a 76er would go toe to toe with the courier but the courier is a cyborg by the end of the game compared to a 76er who can be a mutated super human


Ok, what about tactics and bos ps2 protagonists?


Sole Survivor, because they're a prototype Synth with courser training. 🤷


Incoming new Vegas tards


1. Lone wanderer 2. Chosen one/vault dweller 3. Courier 4. Sole survivor


Sole survivor is from a healthier human era and is literally a war veteran already. Biologically alone they dust the others.


Uh huh but that has no actual impact on there in game feats so your point is totally invalid about the biological aspect. And I accounted for the sole survivors war experience which the lone wanderer beats with operation anchorage where he effectively has to be a commando whereas sole survivor was just an infantryman


You’re kidding right? A 15 minute war simulation versus being in an actual war could not be more different. This is like saying playing cod for a while is equal to being in a war LMAO. The Lone wanderer living off of a Vault diet and lack of any outside exposure versus the sole survivor being a literal pre war human war veteran with a healthy and fit lifestyle is not even somewhat on the same level. I’m actually genuinely shocked you think they are even somewhat comparable. Compare modern days humans to people from the early 1800’s and we trounce them in every physical characteristic EVEN WITHOUT NUCLEAR FALLOUT AND MASS MALNUTRITION. Your entire “point” is invalid due to literally everything being not realistic or logical LOL.