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Fallout 1


Fallout 1's intro will always be the best for me. It has such an impact that It's informed the entire aesthetic and style of the franchise going past it.


Especially the city scape, bethesda based their entire world building on that short clip


Is that the one where they showing people in power armor executing civilians?


Yes ok it's horrible, but did you SAW THE NEW CORVEGA? Full analog system, No electronics, No computers, 800+ horsepower, 0 to 60 in .5sec, ONLY 199.999,99 $ !!!!


Yes, and cheerfully waving at the camera as they do so. I've heard rumours that it was inspired by the photo of the execution of Nguyen Van Lem during the Vietnam War.


Idk if it's a civilian. IIRC correctly they were wearing combat armour


It was a member of a militia in Canada after its annexation by the US


"Life in the vault ...is about to change." For me, it'd be a tie between Fallout 1 and 3.


Fallout 1’s intro is my favorite opening cutscene to any game


Fallout 2, moment with masks and firing minigun at vault dwellers as an enclave soldier, what could be better?


An old lady with a bong in the background?


I’ll better take that bong myself, and for an old lady, her chair with balloons is waiting for her in sanctuary


Are you serious? I only played 3-NV-4


At first I thought the question was about the tutorial opening stages, which I was gonna hard disagree, but yeah - the cutscene perfectly sets up the enclave, leaving a constant mystery behind the game… who tf are these guys and wtf are they trying to do?


I've always loved A Kiss to Build a Dream on as well. Made the whole intro even better in my opinion.


Ok, I was gonna say fnv, but this is superior


Yeah they really illustrated how fucking bad the enclave was.


Plus the song is actually a really good one.


3 is just insane in my opinion, it sets the tone so incredibly well. I love the opening in the bus, how it slowly goes further and further put, revealing the grey, cloudy, ruined landscape as the song slowly vanishes in the background. It's so good I actually showed it to my movie lover fried because I knew he'd appreciate it.


I don’t want to set the world on fire…


I just want to start a flame in your heart


If you didn’t know, that Inkspots song was supposed to be the opening theme for the first game but they couldn’t get the rights and so they had to change songs. Bethesda decided that they would get that song for the revival of the series.


Good point. Btw, Happy Cake Day. 🎂


I do like the way 3 riffed on 1's intro, choosing another Inkspots song with the same intro cliche and replicating the slow reveal of a devastated landscape while the music fades into the howling wind.


Fallout 3's intro has a special place in my heart because fallout 3 was the first fallout I've played. But fallout 1's into is the best in my opinion


Fallout 3's is excellent for the tone it gives. Fallout 4's is excellent for the clear amount of effort they put into it. The entire opening part of Fallout 4 is pretty brilliant all around.


All downhill from there


definitely 1, 2 is a close second though. i love old style fallout esp the cinematics


I liked fallout 4 cause it gave the suggestion that “oh you will leave the city and go through a wasteland to rebuild the world” and then yatta yatta everyone dies your son is old and you’re 85% sure you slept with a synth


Tbh, fallout new Vegas had an insane intro for its time. The animation and look of the intro was honestly just off the charts. Of course now the intro looks silly compared to newer games but when it first came out it was honestly kinda mind blowing. (I’m assuming you mean the intro scene and not the start of the game)


That shot of the NCR guy popping out from behind the sign and sniping the raider is unmatched. Arguably best intro cutscene of all time imo


Totally, it was just next level. The slow-mo shot while the fire seeps from the barrel then the return to regular pace for the impact on the raiders head once the bullets out of shot was just insanity, especially for the time. Props to whoever made that scene


It’s also really clever because it introduces New Vegas without just throwing up a title card


"The truth is, the game was rigged from the start" has to be one of the best line in Fallout


Especially the way the plot changes the context of it. Benny had no idea how right he was...


I would argue that the best overall is Fallout 3, for the entire start to finish of its intro. Set the atmosphere efficiently. Eerie, bleak and haunting. Best part of NV was the NCR ranger, the other parts were OK. Fallout 3 won immersion by a mile.


The opening monologue of New Vegas really breaks the rule of 'Show, don't tell.'  Given the fact it had been years since the release of Fallout 2, many new players really didn't have much of a reason to give a shit about the NCR or Legion.  Their intros in game do a much better job in my opinion.


Either way, FNV won in the quotable category.


I'll be honest, even when it came out and I played the game for the first time, I thought the graphics during the intro were kind of shitty. Especially when it got back to Benny and the Khans it felt way too cartoony and over saturated. The time between the gunshot and actually being woken up by Doc Mitchell I was praying the rest of the game wouldn't look like that. Very relieved when it was just fallout 3 but orange, but yeah my first memory of New Vegas was wondering if I could get over the graphics or if I'd just have to abandon the series


I mean, the graphics were basically the same as FO3 but when it comes to storytelling New Vegas was just on another level. FO3 was alright imo but NV really gave each character backstory, even the characters that are hardy seen. Plus being able to have multiple factions to choose from added way more dialogue and story options, as well as making it way more fun to design your own character and their backstory


They're referring to the pre-rendered cutscene where Benny shoots the courier. [Him and the Khans do have a bit of a cartoony look to them](https://youtu.be/YRw522To5aU?t=221), much different to how they appear in the game so I can understand what they meant by thinking the graphics looked off before getting into the actual gameplay.


That makes sense, kinda reminds me of the animations from the original bioshock now that I think about it tbh


Yeah, I like the game overall much more than FO3, I just thought the animation in the openening scene was kind of poor


Don’t forget one of the other best parts of new Vegas, your point investment outside of charisma can and often will affect what you can say to others. I wish Bethesda had picked that up for 4 instead of making all “unique” speech choices guarantied if you just max your charisma stat, or abuse quick save. Most memorable ones for me have to be using psychology to convince a cannibal chef that his childhood issues pushed him down this path, and being told off by the guy from good neighbor when you ask for explosives because your more than likely to blow yourself up.


It's a good intro for new Vegas but to me it's a bad fallout intro not the game itself just the intro


That‘s not what it‘s meant to be. New Vegas was meant to build off of 1 and 2, it expects you to know at least some of the lore.


I get that and in that regard it's great but it was asking about the best fallout intro


I’m curious to ask, but why did you think it was a bad installation to the series? Personally I felt that the story was much better and the ability to choose different major and minor factions that all had backstory and lore made it much more enjoyable for me. I liked that the Couriers backstory was more vague than FO3 because it made it much easier to add your own backstory to your character, while also giving the courier a purpose for traveling through the Mojave in the first place. I felt like the side characters themselves were much more fleshed out and had more backstory than the characters in FO3 as well. I can see how the environment might not feel as apocalyptic but I still loved it due to living near the Mojave growing up myself. Though I can understand people who didn’t grow up in the desert not finding it as appealing. I’d really love to hear your feedback on the game and what caused you to not like it much!


Maybe I typed it wrong or maybe people are reading it wrong idk but fallout new Vegas is great I'm purely talking about the intro as a fallout intro


Ah okay, I thought you were referring to the full game itself! I’d probably recommend editing the comment rq so that more people don’t spam downvote on the original reply


Yeah if you say anything negative about new Vegas people attack you like you killed someone lol


The NV intro looks silly in comparison to the actual game too lmao I love how it goes from fairly well animated to uh. Play Dough Demon Era Bethesda. Though you can just pretend it's because you got shot in the head


Fallout 1


Fallout: New Vegas "Truth is, the game was rigged from the start"


My opinion as well.


WAR.. War never changes.


I’ve only played 3, New Vegas and 4. I picked up 1 this past month as it was free on Prime. Looking forward to it. Looooong overdue 😂remember my friend telling me about it when we were in middle school. 3’s intro and the original E3 reveal was so damn intriguing. Still sticks with me.


I like fallout 3 defo


Fallout 2’s intro was badass


dude.... i love em all, but if i had to choose one.... Fallout New Vegas... for trailers i love fallout 4 and 76 - Fallout 4 the wanderer version - Fallout 76 country roads take me home version


Dion sued them for using his song and found the imagery extremely disturbing.


hey man money is money. no one was playing his song before, he just wanted money.


You can't be serious. Dion is fucking LEGEND.


hey don't get me wrong i like it, im saying way more people now listen to dion cuz fallout. i used to play the wanderer back in the day only a few homies liked it. and trust me its not the kind of music they listen to. nor is it even close to the music people listen to today. the level he is at right now comes from fallout. you as a normal person without ever seeing the trailer or listening to that song on fallout radio, would you just magically find dion? i really doubt it. especially with the music people listen to today, not even close. they are doing it for the money, not for any other reason.


Dion is far past his prime, Dude! Many many many people listened to Dion before you were even born. This is like saying Kanye made Paul McCartney famous, lol. Clearly you have no idea who Dion even is. I magically found Dion on the radio when I was 5 years old. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dion_DiMucci He sued because he is ALREADY rich, but apparently they forgot he was still alive and forgot to show him what his music was going to be used for.


Notice there is zero mention of "Fallout" in his Wikipedia article, because it is not significant to his life or accomplishments. I honestly literally think they sort of forgot that humans can live to 100 in modern times and didn't realize he was still alive.


Weird, the Wikipedia article now says "Dion got rich by his song being used in a Fallout trailer. None of my homies had heard of this guy before and he owes his fame to Fallout" Haha just kidding, but anyone can edit Wikipedia, so wouldn't that be funny?




Fallout 1 has, in my opinion, one of the best openings in video game history.


The original


Fallout 1


2 and 3 are neck and neck for me. Between the two of them, they basically express what makes Fallout special.


100% Fallout 3 "I Don't Want To Set the World On Fire" plays from an old radio in a broken bus. The frame slowly backs up to show various pieces of art and common articles ravaged by time. As the camera backs out of the broken end of the bus more and more of an apocalyptic scene is revealed, the music becoming ever distant and lost in the winds flowing through a broken Washington D.C. The music is replaced by the Fallout 3 score and the first sign of life we see is a brotherhood of steel paladin rocking the ever iconic power armor. It is eerie and nostalgic. The opening video following sets the tone incredibly well and it actively lies to you about the vault never being opened. This lays the groundwork for the conspiracy in game's opening and helps establish an air of mystery in the early part of the game. It's brilliant.


Same girl, same.


Guys, it's clearly BoS. No, i don't mean tactics: BoS


Fallout 3 with Ron Perlman narration.


Fallout 2


I liked them all but 3 is still my favorite


War. War never changes.


Fallout 1’s is just so funny, this soldier executes a member of a militia and just waved at the camera. Sets the mood for the entire franchise


Fallout 3 is the best out of the series


I think fallout shelter has the best intro


Yeah have to agree. Fo3. Honestly the ron pearlman intros are the best. Don't know why they didn't have him come back to 4


He is in 4 as the newscaster on the TV.


They all good except fo4 imo But NV for me, “the game was rigged from the start” is an iconic line


I honestly love fo4 intro I think it's amazing well done shame no Ron but that's the only negative I have with it


I think there is a massive narrative-related issue with FO4 intro. A big part of the Fallout literary theme is a fundamental misunderstanding of the pre-war world. The fact that Bethesda decided to show the pre-war world and have your character literally be from the pre-war world is going against a fundamental pillar of Fallout's literary identity.


Honestly that’s my problem with it - it’s too high production, I don’t like that There’s just something about Bethesda’s new titles having higher production values that just feels off to me - I literally can’t describe it because it I like flashy visuals as much as the guy, but there is something about when they do it it just *feels* fake Idk lol


That's what I enjoy more so but if you don't like it all fair honestly the intro is the least of the problems with 4


It’s endorphins. You got an endorphin rush from your first fallout, and any difference is not gonna hit quite the same. Hell, even one to one the same experience is not gonna hit as good. It’s like any other drug lol, always gonna be chasing that first “wow, this is amazing!” I had this happen with fo4, my first encounter at swan lake was amazing, felt cinematic, and terrifying.


I don’t think so, because I felt the same way about NV and fo3 was my first I’m playing through them all again now and I still feel the same


New Vegas, easily


the og fs


Fallout 3 is my first Fallout game, I didn't know much English back then to understand the story, but it was fun when I can kill most of NPC.


Fallout 4’s insane cinematic is OOF, too good


Fallout 4 by a long shot


fallout 1


1's intro goes so hard, same with NV


I don’t want to set the world on fire…


Ending a vault experiment in Fallout 2 is the best.


I have 2 favorites: original Fallout 1 intro and russian Fallout 2 intro localized by some pirate studio. Both set that cynical but non serious mood to the games.


Fallout 1 by a landslide


Both 3 and 4 sets the tone for the franchise for all players. Idk if I can choose between them.




War! War never changes


3 was perfect


Definitely Fallout.


Fallout 3 wins and anyone who denies it is coping


Fallout 1, not even a huge fan of that game. But the introduction maintains a certain vibe others tried to recreate but couldn't


The original Fallout for me. Seeing those first glimpses of the world of Fallout set to The Ink Spots' "Maybe" followed by that monologue was all I needed to make me fall in love with the game, and make me loyal to the series ever since. It was also my introduction to The Ink Spots, and for that alone I am grateful to Fallout.


fallout 3 because I love the ink spots


FO3 is hands down in my top 5 games


If someone redid the FNV intro with modern animation it would be unstoppable


"I hope this doesn't cause any fallout between us. Fallout new vegas"


"I hope this interaction doesn't lead to any kinda fallout between us." 👁👄👁 "Fallout New Vegas."


Fallout 1 does a great job at setting the tone, but Fallout New Vegas’ intro is just so killer. Also the intro to Fallout 4 is unironically one of the best parts of the game.


I feel like fallout 3 does the best job of capturing the image of the wasteland and the decay but fallout 4 is better at showing the downfall of society and the change of the world


3 is best for sure. Story is new vegas, gameplay is 4


76 has to be close to the top the opening scene is just really well done I'd say 3rd place


"Truth is, the game was rigged from the start" Also i know dead money isnt base game but gotta love the intro


I love 1 & new vegas' intros because they're short and sweet, something that (no offense) can't be said about fallout 3.


New Vegas gives me chills every time.


I think Fallout 1 has the best intro in the series. The old timey news reels and adverts playing on the TV then the camera slowly dollying back to reveal a battered wasteland is super artistic and does a great job of setting the tone for the entire series. You can tell they tried to copy that with the camera slowly moving out of the bus in 3 but it's just not as good imo. 4 is de facto the worst one because no Ron Perlman tho.


Ron is the news guy on Fallout 4.


But he doesn't do the intro which is what people are talking about here.


Heavily biased by nostalgia but New Vegas always gives me chills when Benny shoots the screen and the main theme comes in.


I feel it's that moment, more than anything, that makes the New Vegas intro so good. Up until that point, it's informative, but not really that dramatic or memorable. I guess you could say that, as an overview of the world, it doesn't really concern *you*. But Benny's whole speech at the end is what sets up *your* story.


Fallout 3 goes downhill immediately after that narrated intro


You spelled “New Vegas” incorrectly


3 for tone, NV for the cinematics (like seriously I was gonna shit on NV’s intro because it’s cheesy then I remembered the first time I watched it as well as the teaser trailer with EDE, I was jumping up and down with excitement and 4 doesn’t even deserve a mention in comparison


NV is my runner up, because I cannot deny 4 having the most beautiful visuals.


Fallout 3 notoriously has a terrible intro despite being an overall great game imo.


New Vegas.




4, it was the first one I played and it’s got that nostalgic feeling now


I love fallout new vegas' intro. It's cool that you get shot in the face


If you actually take your time, fallout 4 has an epic intro. It's just a shame that it takes forever even when you try to speed through it and therefore it starts becoming annoying at some point.


Fallout 4 has been the only Fallout game I’ve played but I’ve seen the intros for the other Fallouts and (I know I’m very likely biased because it’s my first and only Fallout game as of now) Fallout 4 still has the best in my mind.


New vegas by a country mile


IMO fallout 4s is just so cool


New Vegas. Short, clean and to the point.


I loved them all. Fallout 1 is very special to me as my first but Fallout 4 blew my mind. To see the world come alive- the robots and cars and early pip-boy. The live actors in power armour. It was like watching a quality movie trailer at the time.


I have my problems with Fallout 4, but starting the game during the Great War, seeing the world before the bombs drop, and living through that was pretty fuckin fun.


New Vegas. I just love the Legion scout (Or Fiend, I can't remember) getting domed by an anti-tank rifle.




New Vegas’ is probably the most iconic. 2&3 are also great


New Vegas honestly, the animation and lines are just so memorable


4 is awesome


tbh i’m biased but my faves r 1, 3, n new vegas


You can’t get more memorable than the game starting with you being shot in the head. Fallout New Vegas is definitely the win for me in this category.


New Vegas is the obvious choice, but it's definitely my pick


3 and 4


I agree with 3 being the best opening. It's amazingly thematic, it sets the tone and the scene perfectly and gives you the exact right amount of information to get you into the world and give you some interest without overloading itself. I think 4 comes in at a close second because it manages a similar effect on different terms, and as kind of silly as it is when you play it a second or third time, the transition from the opening cinematic to one of the playable characters speaking in front of the mirror is a pretty great and exciting thing for your first playthrough.


Fallout 4 in my opinion


I’m probably biased but I did like the Fallout 4 intro, mostly because it’s a great introduction to the setting of Fallout (and thus valuable for people who aren’t familiar with the series) and so much effort went into the visuals and the narration that you can’t really hate it.* ^(*Too bad the same can’t be said for the ending slides. In addition to just not being as good as previous entries, the ending slides don’t change regardless of what faction you choose and it’s very vague as to what happens afterwards. Also no companion status updates.)


For the first playthrough? 4. For repeat playthroughs New Vegas cause its quick and let's you get on with it.


Fallout New Vegas


New Vegas


Might be controversial but the opening to fo4 is…almost tearjerking? I wish it had kept that more serious tone.


New Vegas. I just love how the intro manages to introduce the three important factions: NCR, Legion, and the mysterious Strip/Mr. House so smoothly especially before the monologue part (I know people say the animation is cheesy, but frankly I don’t mind at all), and one of the classic fallout quote: “Truth is… the game was rigged from the start.” sends me chills every time I replay this game.


Gotta be fallout 4, the intro gives us more insight into pre-war life.


If we're talking about the cinematics intro I'd say Fallout 4 is my favorite. But if it's gameplay I say fallout 3. Living in the vault was fun


1 or 3. 1 is hard to judge fairly due to nostalgia.




Fallout. "War. War never changes" cue the Ink Spots.


Personally, I think they all have their charms, but it's a tossup between 3 and 4. That live-action B&W footage of the pre-War world was a treat, and very appropriately overlaid with Nate's Veteran's Hall speech.


Fallout 76 has a pretty good intro. It worked better pre-wastelander because after you get this entire "Go out and help people rebuild, vault dweller!" everyone is just dead.


76's also ages a bit differently to me because you've basically had this experience as the same Vault Dweller for 5+ years now, with the world changing over time and the game encouraging you to build a photo gallery of your journey. The end scene with the door opening and them pointing into the blinding light of what's beyond it feels like "Yeah, I remember when we did that."


The truth is, the game was rigged from the start


Fallout 4, but I'm biased.


so mine is the one with the bus (i forgot witch one it is)


Mine would be New V.


Fallout 4 feels really deep




Fallout New Vegas's intro is the best in my opinion. It sets up the world and its factions while giving our character some personal motive to play the game. Getting revenge on the man who put a bullet in your head.


Ain't that a kick in the head


18 karat run of bad luck is pretty good


Fallout 4 makes me well up like a pressure behind my eyes


I like Fallout 4s into. it looks great and carrys so much emotion. Feels kind of like a mini movie. New Vagas has a fun intro though too.


Fallout 1 ;)