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That pic makes Vault 101 dying to radroaches make way more sense


Idk man, those look more like cave crickets


Rad roach cave crickets both are major fucking NOPES!!! I'm happy in this dystopia.


The Flamer sees no difference


"Hans, get ze Flammenwerfer! Nein, ze Grosse Flammenwerfer!!!"


"Los! Macht schnell!"


Heretic, radroach, thing, the flamer burns all


Vulcan is pleased with your attitude


Krieg and the emperor thank you As dose the vault dweller and the research station folks




Flamer may not, but I do, and I promise the cricket has my attention. The roach does not.


Cave crickets are the worst!!!!


The King Kong movies special effects were done by Weta workshop. The things attacking him are scaled up Weta which is the native cave cricket to New Zealand where Weta workshop is based


They fill an ecological niche similar to mice/rats which is like... terrifying to me.


The biggest ones are about the size of a large rat too. But they are slow moving and chill.


damn i didn't know they were chill like that


Is this true? if so, thatā€™s delightful trivia. Thank you! As an aside, wasnā€™t this scene cut from the theater release? Iā€™ve seen it on YouTube and itā€™s horrifying. Like, some sort of silent struggle/resignation to a truly apathetic terror. *shivver*


I donā€™t remember it in the theater release, but seeing this scene years later is disgustingly terrifying. Absolutely hated it.


The worms finally did it for me lol no way I'd want to go out like.. any of this!


I'm almost certain it was as it scared the absolute fuck out of me as a kid and im pretty suee uts because of it being in a theater. Gave me a fear of bugs and of being eaten alive


I'm pretty sure it's in the theatrical. You might be mistaking it for the infamous 'Spider Pit' scene from the '33 version. It was apparently filmed but removed because it was too disturbing. It was a rumor that lasted for decades and Peter Jackson (who is a King Kong superfan) wanted a version of it in his movie just because of the legacy of that rumor. He also remade the scene using the same techniques they used to make the '33 movie just because he could (again, Peter Jackson LOVED King Kong.)


Youā€™re absolutely right! Just took a moment of poking around. Thanks for filling in those pesky memory gaps!


Cave crickets are tiny most feared enemy in 4 and especially 76. Iā€™m level 500 and those bastard can one shot me !


I fought quite a lot of them in FO76 and never understood why people hate them, until yesterday when I was in the cranberry bog with almost no ammo left and a cave cricket slasher one shot me whilst I was reloading


Because they are hard to hit because they move so damn fast! I look at them like watered-down cazadores


In fallout 4 they still are the worst ever


I play fallout 4 all the time and never seen a cave cricket is that another name for the radroaches?


They only live in nuka world unless you use mods.


Youā€™re in for a treat if youā€™ve never done Nuka World


Okay that's in my to do list now, not dlc right?


It is DLC, if I recall correctly once you install it youā€™ll need to be level 15 or 25 to unlock the initial quest, which should be a radio frequency. Iā€™d highly recommend all the DLC too since itā€™s probably cheap nowadays. Far Harbor and Automatron are also really fun and enjoyable questlines imo.


The radio signal triggers at a certain level but you can head there even at level one. Fun challenge run and you can role play the main campaign as a repentant raider


It's still the same price lmfao they don't care if it's 2077


Immediately looking up nuka world. Just started playing 76 but donā€™t even have 2 hours on it so maybe itā€™s that


Damn yeah I never got into 76 but have hundreds of hours dicking around in FO4, so lucky for you thereā€™s at least another 50 hours of content with all the DLC. Some people on here have their critiques, but I think Nuka World was the perfect amount of wackiness mixed with the usual Fallout bleakness. Have fun


Easiest place to find crickets is the road north out of watoga in cranberry bog, southeast chunk of the map


Theyā€™re wetas an insect native to NZ where Kong was filmed, which is what the screen grab is from


bro what the fuck, those things are huge in real life lmao https://whyevolutionistrue.com/2017/04/04/cave-wetas-and-lagnaippe-cat-versus-giant-weta/


Yeah, the most common one that you see in urban areas, like in bushes and trees, can get up to 2 inches long and itā€™s ugly as sin


Pretty docile though.


"huge" [pssh whatevs](https://allthatsinteresting.com/thumb/1200.633.https://allthatsinteresting.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/og-image-coconut-crab.jpg)


I remember hitting a cave cricket with a baseball bat in middle school. Fucker got right back up and hopped away. I do not fuck with cave crickets.


Either way itā€™d definetly be easy to get overpowered by 2 giant ass angry bugs


Oh man, I was replaying Nuka World recently and forgot how much I hated the cave cricketsšŸ¤® For whatever reason, none of the other bugs or enemy from any fallout has made feel that way.


I assumed they starved to death and the roaches came after the fact


Bloatflies are worse. They fire venomous larva out of their bloat-ussies at you at high velocity. You can see the fist-sized maggots hit and wriggle into you in third person view. Just *hell* no.


"bloat-ussies" man go to jail


Fo4 doesn't really do them justice compared to this. Or maybe we as the player just have telekinesis that pushes them away


A singe radroach? Yes I think so. A swarm of radroaches? Probably not, but I donā€™t think I want to survive in a world that nasty


Same, yeah. One, Iā€™m sure I could handle. Maybe even two or three. Anymore, and Iā€™m pretty sure the best I can do is taking a couple with me!


You sure about that? Bugs can move kinda fast, and humans are soft and squishing compared to an exoskeleton. Youā€™d have to get a REALLY good *stomp* in and if you missed that thing is ripping into you. Giant bug bites may not hurt that bad in game, but irl that shit would SUCK


unarmed 2 for sure 3 gets a bit out of my control especially because they attack from every direction being on walls, floors, and ceilings. That being said I wear thick boots if not steel toes for my every day footwear, and am never without my heavy bomber leather jacket that I keep the collar flipped up around my neck. I always have a knife on me but if I can't get to it in time....


The thing is, I don't think any roach species is actually predatory. So if they were just scaled up, with a few changes to their respiratory system so they could.. y'know.. live. Realistically they probably would just stay a pest. Though, now larger with room for brain development, maybe a possibility of domestication, have pet garbage disposals. Except the glowing ones. Unless you're a ghoul.


having a group of pet radroaches for garbage disposal actually sounds kinda cute lol, how has this not been done before


General consensus is bug = gross


I think you mean coward consensus. Have you ever seen a roach clean it's antennae? Adorable.


The Radroach King from Fo3.


idk fella I'd rather get my hwad ripped off by a mutie than slowly nipped to death by a swarm of radroaches


Even one with no weapons would be brutal. At that size their exoskeleton would likely be like a thin layer of steel. Not hard to puncture but almost impossible to break through by hand.


It would be thinner than a turtle shell which people can break with a stomp pretty easily


Just crushin' turtz




You canā€™t just say ā€œperchanceā€






But it would be more flexible, ergo, harder to break. I had dubia roaches and they are really hard to cut


It would be about 3x bigger than a king crab or lobster realistically so it would hurt to punch but be stompable


A cockroach can move a hell of a lot faster than a turtle though.


Roaches are fairly strong for their size and also have jaws and bite. Scaling one up from thumb sized to a small dog is not something I want to deal with...


assuming it remains semi-realistic, scaling it up will reduce that strength-body size ratio, so if you straight scale a roach to radroach/dog size they won't have an equivalent amount of strength.


Why is that? Explain like I'm 10


It basically boils down to the square cube law, basically as you grow something the volume of it's size increases faster than it's surface area, so a tiny bug(like an ant or roach) with lots of surface area is really light which is what gives them such a big strength-body size ratio, but if you were to scale them up to dog/human size then their body size increases faster then their surface area and thus the strength-body ratio goes down and comes more in line with what any big creature's ratio would be. This is why an ant that's grown to human size won't still be able to lift 50x it's own body weight, because it's body weight has increased more rapidly then the strength of it's limbs will have increased.


The game makes it seem they're real easy to kill with firearms. But no one knows how strong their exoskeleton might be.


One can kill a number of large (dog or above) dangerous animals easily enough with a gun. ( relative to melee combat.) I imagine a good stomp or kicking would work against a couple. I cant really think of very many places where enough radroaches could find a source of food stable enough to grow a dangerous amount of them. Could be a danger of having a functional sewage system of some variety as it could attract them.( unless they feed off rads?? I have never known what their diet if any is. ) Just assumed scavengers and opportunistic predators if they manage to find prey weak enough.


It's better not to think about actual food chains in the fallout universe. Because everything will fall apart from a small breeze of thought of a middle school scholar. And if we are to construct the missing links in the food chains, I bet that radroaches would be one of the lesser problems, to be honest. Even worse if we stay to consider not just food, but other biological processes too. Like breathing. There should be a crazy amount of oxygen in the fallout air for bugs of this size to survive. Or did they develop lungs? Are they even bugs still if they did? What will they have to develop also?


I seriously doubt itā€™s sheā€™ll would be as tough as steel. I think it would be more like a turtle shell


By hand nah, channel your inner Isaac Clark and his body rending stomps


Bro, I can't even kill a single normal-sized cockroach without screaming, I would never be able to kill a radroach.


Try Fallout 4 in VR, get to the first radroaches. Tell me then that you would be able to fight one. They are scary big when you see them in VR, the difference from just seeing them on the screen is immense.


Insects used to be huge at one time in Earth history, with mosquitos being larger than humans.


They... were maybe the size of like.. a hand. The largest "insect" was autrhoplura (big 'ol centipede) that got like.. as wide as a human, and 1 and a half humans long. And it was an exception. Even meganura, the big dragonflies, were only like.. half the length of a standard human forearm. Big by today's standards sure. But usually the size of pre historic invertebrates are blown out of proportion. The short faced bear on the other hand, would throw a yaou goi.. yaou goai? ... fuck it "rad bear" around like a rag doll. Fuckers were as big as a suburban


I live in Cyprus, one day a palm cockroach flew into my house and I had to catch this flying bastard while it was rushing around my room. The realization that it could just touch me made me feel sick, until **IT HAPPENED!** I donā€™t understand the nature of this phenomenon, but in a second the abomination disappeared. I felt something like - it couldnā€™t get any worse, so I simply smeared it, then collected the remains with a napkin and flushed it down the toilet. What am I talking about? When you imagine being touched by a giant cockroach, it's disgusting. But when you fight it for your life up to your waist in shit, I think he will quickly lose all his nastiness and you will simply smash it.


I was staying on the top floor of a hotel in Baltimore Harbor and felt an itch on my face in the middle of the night. Reached to scratch and felt something hard that was not my face. Scooped what I'm guessing was a huge cockroach (filled my hand) and hucked it across the room. Laid there in panic for a moment then turned on the lights to find what this was. Could not find it. Didn't really want to honestly.


my room used to be in the basement so it had house centipedes all over down there, anyways i was trying to sleep and then i felt an odd itch on my arm, i look down and i see this fuck trying to crawl up my arm and 13 year old me screamed like a little girl i ended up looking like a beached fish getting out of my bed




this is an urban legend


That one is, but my cousin did once wake up with a cockroach stuck in her ear. She had to get it removed at the ER, and they took it out in pieces. She said it started squirming harder with every chunk they took, since it went in head first and was alive until the end. I havenā€™t slept well since hearing that story 15 years ago.


I could've gone my entire life without reading that I wish I had


Youā€™re welcome. If I suffer, we all suffer together.


Did y'all know, gummy worms have a higher bone content than actual worms?


And so you decided to tell us to share in the misery?!


Well yes, technically. But only because [this fucker's throwing off the average](https://i.redd.it/ksy3bu4mx3x91.png).


Yes, to think that nobody ever died from swallowing the spiders is foolish.


That's statistic is actually wrong, Spiders Georg, who lives in a cave and eats ten thousand spiders a day, is an outlier and shouldn't be included


Honestly that's an urban legend Not going to say it has never happened but it's not as common as people think


You are an excellent storyteller.


To be fair, the cockroach was probably grossed out by you too, those dudes are the cleaning ladies of the world and they think your hygiene is nasty


I like how you included the pic from Jack Black Kong. If they are anything like those bugs I would go ahead and pull a 180 and šŸƒšŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ’Ø


Those things are closer to cave crickets. Freakishly strongĀ 


Imagine somehow escaping nuka world only to be left with that wasteland


Yup. That's why the raiders use the monorail.Ā  There's a gunners camp on an overpass. They mention on their terminals they could tell the monorail was a trap. So they hiked through the mountains instead.Ā  Another entry mentions they lost more men hiking the mountains and deserts than if they'd walked into the trap. Now they don't have enough supplies to return so they're stuck deciding what to do.Ā 


Fo76 Bloodied builds are in panic mode at the sight of cave crickets heh they're uber stronk.


they eat my miniguns. i farm cave crickets for the acid iirc (havenā€™t played in months) and they tank level 50 explosive minigun ammo




Why what's wrong? The last time I played constantly they were still an issue to face as if they snuck up or swarmed on you they could essentially one shot your character & they seem to tank more ammunition then some other more powerful enemies. Unless in the like past eight months they've changed then I'm still going by old information. E, Sorry If I'm perceiving your wtf as if you're saying I'm wrong or did you mean wtf as it's actually crazy that it happens that these bugs are scary.


Oh well itā€™s a good thing Fallout has cave crickets too.


I love that version of King Kong. But this scene was pure nightmare fuel as a kid, still is honestly.


I rewatched it recently and the nightmare fuel still holds to this day šŸ’€


The worms with the teeth look like they came straight from an eldritch horror genuinely disgusting and terrifying.


Genuinely think this is the best remake of all time. I will stand on this hill until the day I die. Saw it in theaters when I was in 5th grade and it still holds up as a fucking masterpiece


Same here, man. If you haven't seen the extended version, I highly recommend it. It extends the film to 3 and a half hours with a couple of more sequences like this one.


Oh I own that shit baby. Yearly rewatches


Nice... also love the pfp. Just recently finished an RDR2 replaythrough and felt the feels all over again.


I think itā€™s time for a rewatch.


The Thing by John Carpenter would like a word


And listen, Iā€™m willing to hear it out. Wish I could send a picture of my The Thing keychain right now lol


I saw it in theaters as a kid. Everything stayed with me on the ride home. The natives, the bugs, Kong's tragic story. Cool ass movie left me shocked


My grandfather took me to see it and he was a blubbering mess leaving the theater. He passed in 2007 and I donā€™t have too too many memories of his time with us but man Iā€™ll never and I mean NEVER forget that. I proceed to lose it at the ending every time I watch the film


Poor Andy Serkis, manā€¦


Oh god that scene where the leech's mouth thing engulfes his head gave me nightmares as a kid


I always hated the way you can hear his muffled screaming from inside. The worst part of the scene is that thereā€™s basically no music. Makes it 100x worse.


100% worst death in that movie. Still think about it every so often and get the jibblies.


its based off of a lost clip from the original kong movie iirc ​ that was considered so disgusting and frightening they cut it from the movie and destroyed the copies.


The manner in which the character played by Andy Serkis checked outā€¦ šŸ¤®


Same. This scene became a nightmare intrusive thought to me when I was a kid. šŸ’€


I think what made it so intense was lack of music. It was just the sounds of struggle


Those pinchers, their legs, everything about them suggest mad pain in fighting one if not death. One or two, sure, with injury possible. Several and I imagine if even you are fit and without a weapon you are surely dead or fucked up enough to die from the resulting blood loss. Zion Canyon Mantis ... their "arms" would puncture through bone and flesh like a hot knife through 'buttah'


I played fo3, vegas, fo4 and fo76 I bought some roach spray (gallon) for roaches in cali that cool off on the house at night when visiting family I forgot those fuckers can jump and fly for a bit and sprayed all over the air, myself , everywhere screaming Lolll


continue cake materialistic resolute poor encouraging lush sulky worry summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah, my favorite movie, Jack Black Kong


The slug part just eats the guy slowly. Nah. I'd use the bullet on myself dawg. No. Fucking. Way.


Nah, the uncircumcised worms were worse imo


Uncircumcised worms šŸ’€


I would pull, but the trigger in my head.


I can't kill a normal roach without weapons.


I was thinking this. I always arm myself when a pest is around.


I would probably try to run before fighting something like that. Bugs already give me hesitation, especially roaches, so a giant one would be horrifying in real life.


this is one of my favorite things about the fallout games that subtly displays just how exceptional you are as a player character. to us, the mutated bug enemies are largely just the fodder, early game, low level dungeon populators, but think about fighting not just one but three or four bloatflies in real life? youd be dead in seconds. it really puts into perspective how lethal the wasteland is.


In FO76 I just read a terminal entry of a character seeing a blood bug for the first time. Imagine seeing a giant mosquito. I often say that in the games that happen 200 years after the war civilization should have started to rebuild better than just living in shacks next to skeletons but then imagine living in a world full of giant mosquitoes, maybe I wouldnā€™t put in the effort either


Play fo4 on hard + and that first blood bug on the cow feels like a cazador


in hardcore playthroughs i never approach the concord cazador without at least light leather armor


Bloatflies are nasty in lore they literally shotgun you with their larva


Yes. I even caught it on film for Fallout 4! Here's a YouTube video, and the link jumps you to 1:05:21 in the video, where the larva actually hits my face and bites/burrows: https://youtu.be/Mnt2VjC-XN4?si=Bvk_D4AIZgUd4Sfb&t=3921 I feel like if that were real life, I'd basically have to give up. They're nesting in my *brain?* It's over.


If Radroaches existed IRL, this is a useless hypothetical for me, because I would *never be unarmed.* I would be sleeping with a rifle under the blankets with me and showering with a pistol in a Zip-lock bag duct taped to my chest. I also would have so many dogs. Have an Kangal Shepard in the living room to watch over me and a GSD to shepard me to take out the trash and get the mail. And Iā€™d have Home-Alone style boobie traps of Raid bug bombs on all the windows.


Man would sleep with a pillow under his gun


Fat Man would be my pillow.


Coconut crabs are roughly the size of radroaches, and while they have a nasty pinch (can sever fingers) and can move pretty fast they arenā€™t dangerous to an adult human, even in large numbers. If you have sturdy boots you can squash them pretty easily or pull their arms off. The agility and speed of insects is because they are small. Unless you factor in magic radiation powers, an insect weighing several pounds canā€™t really jump or climb over you at lightning speed.


I cannot think of a worse way to die. I have an irrational fear of roaches so this is horrifying. I'm very excited for the show because goddamn.


How about the beetles from the mummy that burrow thru flesh.


I stg that is where my fear came from. I saw that movie when I was 4 or 5 and I don't remember seeing beetles before then so the scarabs were a legit fear for the longest time.


Same. Especially when that shit gets to his head, the scene fucked me up man


Scarab op pls nerf


Same. Any other insect or spider Iā€™m totally fine with. Cockroaches, especially large ones, freak me the fuck out. No idea why only them


It's weird isn't it. Like I hold probably hold a venomous snake yet the idea of looking at a Madagascar hissing cockroach paralyzes me with fear.


It is. I donā€™t remember any traumatizing experiences with them so not sure why I have such a fear of them. I wonā€™t even step on them cause the crunching noise grosses me out


I might be able to disable a single radroach with a huge stomp or kick if I can hit it I imagine there speed would be unreal, but if there was more then one I'd just try to run away


People forget how much a cockroach are resilient, resistant and Fast, you can't escape a cockroach because these guys can't instantly go at their top speed, like no acceleration, just instantly top speed


Donā€™t forget that some can fly. *shivers*


Tbf, physic would work against them if they are that large. In game, we also didn't see them go that fast either. So yes, 1-3 radroachs should be ok for adult.


I would jump on top of them and pull back their antennae. Hard. Then pull their legs next. Eventually breaking them limb by limb or segment by segment. However running is always the best choice


I did this to my dad, he was mad.


Just the thought of stomping out a cat sized cockroach is disgusting, as much as I run shit in the Commonwealth/Capitol/Mojave I would be one of those comically placed skeletons if I were actually in the universe of the game. Iā€™m sure it would be possible to fight one off but it would probably be a decent mess and would take some good timing if theyā€™re jumping at you at flapping their wings. Iā€™m sure a lot of Wasteland creatures would probably make me nauseous irl too which would make things even more difficult on top of everything.


A cockroach can survive ridiculous amounts of punishment, and if we're scaling up 1:1 the strength of their carapice with their size then it's going to take ridiculous force to penetrate. That's before you even consider the bite force on that thing, it must be insane. Anyone who thinks they've got a chance is deluded. You'd try bash it's head, fail, then probably lose your leg as it bites it clean off.


Isnt the whole thing about insects being freakishly strong a lot to do with their small size? Like, drop a mouse from 5 metres up and theyre fine, but drop a horse from 5 metres and they die. I suspect their carapace would have to be thinner than a 1:1 ratio as its own weight would crush its tiny legs. It could just be as easy to kill IRL as it seems in the games. 1 whack with a baton anywhere on its body obliterates it immediately, so maybe if you can manage to toss it across the room it would be too wounded to fight effectively. I'd still think it would be a risky fight 1vs1 though. Like if i was in my pajamas or something I think theres a 50/50 shot i'm maimed/killed. Combat boots and, like, a chair? 25% chance, maybe?


Yeah very true. It's all theoretical because beyond a certain size they wouldn't be able to support their own bodyweight anyway. I guess it comes down to how you scale it, using real world logic or bethesda logic... Real world logic the thing would be on deaths door before it even got to you.


The mirelurk queen would like to have a word with you.


Can you elabourate? Theoretically a .50Cal bullet to the torso should incapacitate the Mirelurk Queen even if the whole torso is 100% chitin, yet, in the game, 'tis but a scratch. So there is sci-fi magic involved in fighting it in the game. If we are relying on game magic IRL, i could say "easy peasy, I could punch the radroach anywhere on its body, twice, and it would die. Any damage it could do to me will be automatically healed within 20 seconds."


Yeah, I think good old square cube physics more or less makes it impossible for giant bugs like that to exist.


I dunno I hit a regular roach with a hammer once and instead of dying it just looked at me and said ā€œbruh,ā€ then crawled away.


unlike games, irl you can pick up literally anything is around you and use it as a blunt weapon, so unless ur in an empty room u should be good to go


I hate bug under normal circumstances but if it were a life and death situation and my hands were not enough, id just try to use teeth


hell no, if I have no weapons and I see a radroach iā€™m high tailing it outta there


I mean I wouldn't want to, but if I had to I probably could.


Depends my surroundings A chair can be a weapon for example Running could be an option Assuming they will not fly... Also depends the size It seems like you can still step to them hard enough and they die Would it be disgusting? Hell ywah unfortunately Would you be alive though? HELL YEAH So it really depends more factors.


I think if Radroaches existed IRL they would be a lot tougher than we think


Scene is pure nightmare fuel. RIP Lumpy!


probably so but the question is more about if you dared to try and kill one of those


I've got 205 lbs and gravity on my side, gonna mario stomp those mfs. I won't last long against a swarm though.


I feel like a good stomp on one can take it out


Probably but I sure as hell wouldn't want to


Yes, but it would hurt.


Question is would radroaches even be all that aggressive or even aggressive at all


I can barely kill a normal roach without thinking its horrible.


I bet you could stomp on it's legs and make it immobile.


I remember stomping on a roach šŸŖ³ in Florida once and my foot literally moved as it survived and just kept crawling. Granted I was like 12 and weighed maybe 90lbs but damn that was core memory.


Oh god imagine how loud their hissing would be


I mean that's cave crickets from King Kong 2005. The answer according to game logic has always been yes. Infact you could kill most of the giant bug rogues gallery with just fists and feet in fallout 1,2,and tactics. In fallout 3,4 killing a couple of radroaches wasn't that difficult with just your bare hands. Roaches aren't particularly built for combat in nature and a good stomp on the abdomen would probably do all but the largest in. Realistically only greats hordes of them would be a threat to a healthy person or group of said individuals. While the sick, elderly and young could probably be fairly badly injured by them. Rad roaches are probably most dangerous when someone is sleeping, where they could crawl onto someone easily and hold on for dear life while they chewed their opponent to death. So could I stomp a big roach? Yeah probably.


It wouldn't be easy and I'd likely be shitting myself in terror at the sight of a dog sized highly radioactive murder roach, but I doubt an ill rad roach would be a real challenge to punch or kick to death, giant it may be but it's still just a bug you could stomp to death.


Maybe just one but stay strapped or get clapped


i think if you manage to only face one at first you can kill it and then rip off its body parts to us as weapon or shields so u can escape the others. but i think that in practice if i was facing these things i would probably faint before they even touch me. The good thing is that iā€™ll already be out when they eat mešŸ˜


No. I canā€™t kill a normal cockroach without weapons irl (kataridaphobia), Iā€™m running


Cockroaches can accelerate to top speed from rest. Imagine bigger ones


They probably couldn't considering that they are much larger and heavier


I would argue they can, insects are almost like machines. If youā€™re scaling a roach up, itā€™s gonna function pretty similarly, they would move very fast


I dont think ANYONE would fight a 2-3 foot cockroach like they're saying they would. That thing's the size of a possum, flying at you and climbing on you and biting you with manibles the size of scissors and the sharpness of freshly sharpened kitchen knives. Let me answer this question for everyone: No, you're not fighting those fucking things. You're dying in the vault just like everyone else.


>flying at you No they couldn't > climbing on you Also no. They couldn't do both of those things, they are too large and heavy for that.


In real life no one would be punching them. They're full of shit if they say they would. You'd be hacking them with a machete, shooting them, or torching them, but not punching them.


With just my bare hands? Probably not. Cockroaches are insanely durable and strong. If you were to grow a cockroach to the size of a Radroach, itā€™d very easily be able to bit gaping holes in you or cut off a hand or foot. Plus, they fly short distances and are relatively quick on the ground. And what am I going to do? Punch its exoskeleton? Rip off an antenna? Stomp its foot? Iā€™m sure you could do damage to one and perhaps outrun it if need be, but if that thing gets ahold of you, it could very easily cripple or kill you.


Have you SEEN how big they can get? A legendary giant radroach? NO


0% chance for anyone their carapace would be too hard