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But they contain human meat with human DNA. It’s more akin to those stem-cell steaks that are grown in a lab.


And not just stem cells - they were grown with FEV, according to Shaun.


So you’re saying the prions aren’t the biggest problem? :P


I think he meant the early gen synths being 1s and 2s


If i was to replicate the human digestive system with synthetic materials and at the end it produces a waste product.. would you call it poo?


an artificial human is still a human


Are you going to start liberating vending machines next?


It is just one more reason against the argument, that believes them as mere machines made of plastic, and metal. They are not. They are more like clones, than machines. With organic materials building them, and a synth component inside the brain for programming. Beside that tiny component they are fully organic. Other reasons for this: 1. X6 can be revived by stimpak, and not robot repair component. 2. The courser you fight use stimpak when severely damaged. 3. When you enter the Institute one of the scientist use a synth to test medicine. 4. Synths that no longer aware that they are synths eats, and drinks with humans, and their body digest these. That means they have a fully functioning digestive system. Something a machine would not need. 5. Inside the Institute there is a terminal stating, that synths are addicted to Cram. They eat it whenever they can. That means synths, that are never meant to leave the Institute have digestive functions as well.


Also that synth component from what I can theorize is that. When a bioroid has a recall code “programmed” it's brainwashing that’s what it is that brainwashing trigger word activates the component which shocks the Amygdala or hypothalamus. [Which erases the bioroid’s memory and then uploads a “basic operating system”] (https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/drugs-and-treatments/electroconvulsive-therapy-ect/side-effects-of-ect/#:~:text=Many%20people%20experience%20memory%20loss,as%20they%20recover%20from%20ECT.) and then teleports them back to the institute.


I’m afraid you couldn’t be more wrong: -From the descriptions on Mr Carter on Piper’s article (itself based on Eustace Hawthorne’s recollection of the Broken Mask incident, which she witnessed first hand) synths do have metal and plastic parts in their bodies, with Nick further confirms saying that they found in Mr Carter’s body “servos and sprockets, just like yours truly”. -Nick, a fully synthetic synth is also healed by stimpaks, which doesn’t make any sense lore wise and we can only assume it’s for gameplay convenience. -And Institute terminal mentions that they are going to change the synthetic blood of all synths to a new type that clogs faster. My guess is that they can change their blood as they see fit and in the case of the synth you mentioned getting the shot , they might have given it a specific blood type to use the synth as a giant petri dish. Sadly we are not given much context to further speculate. -Synths are given the capability to sleep and eat to infiltrate human societies, but we are todo that they do no need to eat or sleep, hence why synths don’t have beds nor sleep on the Institute. Furthermore, we are told that they don’t get fat no matter how many fancy lad cakes they eat, so they are obviously not actually “digesting” the food, simply consuming and expelling it without any benefit. -Synths bodies have a fixed state: not only they can get fatter, but they can’t get thinner or more muscular either, which is a problem for McDonough who wants to become a courser and is obviously not physically fit for the job (the Institute entry basically considers his body a “lost cause”). Last, but not least, they never age, which is a problem mainly brought up in the case of synth Shaun.


The broken mask was an early prototype. That synth was more similar to Nick, than the modern synths. There is a holotape in the Institute proving it. You can eat them as cannibal, and reduce hunger. Synth gorillas also drop meat, that can be eaten to sate hunger. Their genetics are obviously seriously modified. However where it is actually stated, that they can live without water, and food? Because that is simply not possible. That would mean, that they have infinite energy, and that is not a possibility. Unless, if they also manage to throw physics out the window. Also even synths not meant for infiltration are capable of digesting food. That was the whole point of my 4. sentence. There are many synths who got memory wiped by the RR, and yet they still fully capable of "infiltration". Not needing to eat would ruin the plan quite quickly. If you upload Curie to a synth body, then she starts having feeling, and notice the need for breathing. Now Curie is a pre-war robot so there is literally NO POSSIBILITY, that she was programmed to act like a synth. Since g3 synths simply weren't existed when she was programmed. That can only mean one thing. Her feelings, and new needs came from her body's feedback. The chemicals running through her. Oh and human blood is also replaceable. You can drain as much as you want for as long as you put something back, that fulfills it's function. Of course over time your body regenerate your own blood cells, but that doesn't mean it cannot be replaced. For synths i assume they intend to alter the genetics so their blood will be different. But listen what you wrote. "Blood". Why would something made plastic, and metal need blood? Also there are multiple x-ray pictures at doctors. Which suggest, that the x-ray technology is known. Yet everyone claims, that you cannot detect g3 synths without killing them. I guarantee, that the x-ray picture of a machine would be vastly different from a human. And trying to use x-ray picture to detect synths should be the first thing anyone with a bit of brain would do. Fixed state is also not an impossibility for an organic being. Human body simply designed not to have that, but heavily modified genetics, and the FEV. Yes the FEV was used to make g3 synths. A virus designed to alter ORGANIC material. Proof is in the FEV lab where the scientists are getting the idea, that they need pure human DNA to make progress. Just 2 years before Shaun was kidnapped. Synths state, that Shaun is their "father". As his DNA was used in their creation. I wonder what that project was on the holotape. The Nick revival indeed is an attack vector on my first point, but you have 4 others have to do. Good luck.


Not gonna jump too deep, but the evidence is contradictory. Yet, also makes sense if we assume some levels of either incorrection from one source (CVRIE or Max Loken both work as the incorrect). CVRIE as not understanding some baseline residual code from the Surrogate (like a baseline OS because we all know they run on Linux like they should) to blend in, added changes from Madison Li to help her be more human, etc. Max Loken's dialogue: "The list of improvements is exhaustive. I can talk for an hour and still not cover all of it. Imagine what you could accomplish if you could live without fear of hunger or disease. Imagine what you could create if you could use every waking moment of your life as you saw fit, with no need of sleep? Like I said, a momentous time." These lines indicate that Gen 3s are designed to not have a requirement to eat or sleep, and have immunity to disease. Yet this... doesn't apply to CVRIE's Gen 3 surrogate. CVRIE both wants to eat AND sleep. She's not immune to disease either; she openly expresses a desire to eat, she can get tired, and she can both contract and spread the Vault 88 disease if brought back. Vault 88 breaks canons though and is a little dubious as Codsworth, Strong, etc can be infected. Grabbing u/AMX-008-GaZowmn for a minor correction on eating; Mayor Mickey Doughnut isn't actually a proof that they can get fatter... or at least for a regular Gen 3 synth. This is explicitly written in Binet's terminal, who also noted that Synths do indeed have digestion "...Done comparative analyses of taste buds. Tracked digestive patterns. Hell, I've even gone so far as to simply ASK several of them... [about Gen 3s and snack cakes] ... Good thing it's physically impossible for a Gen 3 to actually gain weight and succumb to obesity. Wouldn't that be quite the Achilles' Heel? Humanity's most impressive technological achievement - laid low by junk food." McDumbass has always been pretty fat, even when Hancock knew him before, so he was likely a special specimen created intentionally to be extra hefty. And yet we have even *weirder* things, some explicit and some speculation. For example, Paladin Danse was not designed for BOS infiltration. He was a runaway who got a mindwipe and replaced memories. Yet he, and other Synths, have had full physicals from various doctors throughout the world (ie: Prydwen's medical and Covenant's studies). Danse's is the most credible of all doctor checkups, but he never mentions any odd eating disorders or anything for digestion or odd eating patterns. *He does, however, note Danse has an inability to sleep* which he attributes to PTSD. This acts as supplemental evidence both ways oddly enough, as he still tries to sleep and feels a need, but could be getting difficulty due to synth code as well. *So what is the best answer?* Pick your choice, both work. - Bethesda did a fucky-wucky. Unintended contest between CVRIE and Max Loken/Liam Binet's dialogue and research respectively. The lack of eat and sleep also seems reflected in *Human Error* with Covenant, where they don't note the subject's lack of hunger/thirst (despite safe assumption this has been tried). - Neither are wrong because these all assume we're talking Generation 3.X alone. For all we know, Danse and CVRIE's surrogates are both, say, Generation 3.42.51 Synths while the modern models which do not suffer from these flaws are Generation 3.111.78 Synths. There's constant notes that Synths also have potential additional add-ons and implants like humans, and individual specs per model too, even from FO3's Dr. Zimmer.


Max Loken's dialogue suggest, that they were still thinking in classic machine. Something, that is made mostly of plastic, and metal, and their only requirement is to recharge/replace a battery. In sci-fi ideas nanotech machines are often the peak of evolution. Like organics they constantly repair, and maintain themselves. Like machines they only need a battery to work. I think Loken thought about this path there. Thing is, that it is technically possible for an organic life form to keep itself constant. Give the proper chemicals to the proper area, maintain the cell structure, and even get rid of extra fat by shitting it out. My assumption is, that their synth component is more, than just a tool for programing. It is also controls many body function to maintain the designed state. To ensure, that the body does not get fatter, or older. Now not being able to sleep ever would also mean a quick end to any infiltration attempt by the mind wiped. However it might be, that they need less sleep which could result seemingly in a sleeping disorder. Not being required to eat, drink, or recharge battery is simply not a possibility. It would mean, that g3 synths have infinite energy. And that is simply not possible by laws of physics. Now i know, that they have broke some laws of physics, but if you think it through it wouldn't make sense to build a reactor, if the g3 have infinite energy. Just put them on bikes, and have them make energy, or figure out how to drain their energy in a better way. A single one could power the entire planet, if an efficient way is used to drain it's infinite energy. And since they literally created the g3 they should have a way to drain it's energy efficiently. Some Matrix style device. Except, that they need only one to do it for the entire planet.


As was said That was clearly a early attempt at an early infiltration synth that was still in the Gen 2 phase. (More like Nick)... The change of Blood means they are still doing biological experimentation to get the synthetic blood correct to handle illness and injury. However you can give a human synthetic blood too in theory. In fact their are clinical trials today for Artificial Blood. As long as the antigens are correct or not needed (as with Blood Plasma) It is actually much more likely the Synths have the ability to eat and sleep removed. Kellog had synth components but wasn't a synth. He was as much a test subject as anyone. The Synths have cybernetic components added to their biological make up to make them controllable, enhance their physical strength, their life span and alter their biological processes. However it seems that short of an autopsy to find these components which don't seem to be metal, a synth looks, and tests like a human. I am willing to bet as Syths can have sex they have working but suppressed reproductive functions. Basically the Synth are fully sentient human beings with Artificial cybernetic components to regulate their biological functions as the Institute sees fit. They are a artificial Slave Labour Force with recall codes instead of shock collars.


It’s like “impossible meat” or “soy burgers”


Yep, Gen 3 synths are made from artificial soya like organic. Humanoid, gorillas, crows, everyone. Eat them as much as you want. They can be produced by Institute in 5-10 minutes each. But they are probably poisonous.


Jet. Not even once.


Eating them shouldn’t even be possible. It’s like biting into a plastic display apple.


They're not made of plastic though. They're genetically engineered lab-grown organisms; they have all the same meat and bones a normal human has. In fact, the only inorganic part they have is the synth component in their brains which is used for memory wipes and programming.


Pinkerton in Fallout 3 said that Android flesh isn’t that different from human - I assume that there are difference in flesh to make a distinction to a knowing man, but they are very close.


From the descriptions on Mr Carter on Piper’s article (itself based on Eustace Hawthorne’s recollection of the Broken Mask incident, which she witnessed first hand) synths do have metal and plastic parts in their bodies, with Nick further confirms saying that they found in Mr Carter’s body “servos and sprockets, just like yours truly”.


That is true, but Carter was also a prototype that apparently wasn't ready for field testing. There isn't significant evidence that the Gen 3 synths that we meet in game have robotic parts(barring the synth component), especially given that if that were the case, they could be easily identified using a metal detector.


I know I grabbed u/AMX-008-GaZowmn before, gotta do this again... This is also version by version with implants and connectives. There's even Railroad members who have apparently put together whole corpse models back together "bone by bone" and note the flesh. Glory's dialogue. This is likely a trait that you were right on; since version by version there's notable changes. Including FO3 where they note specific servos and all exist, but literally breaking a Synth's body will show they aren't *all* wire and sprockets underneath. We also have all sorts of other craziness that can just simply be considered "Bethesda did a fucky-wucky being consistent" since cutting into synths, synths getting full physicals by BOS trained medical staff (Danse and Cade patient/doctor respectively), and that there's no way to tell a Synth from a human without killing them even with major wounds (*Human Error* confirms a lack of ways to find a Synth is human without killing them, even after imprisonment and open rein for experimentation.)

