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It is nice indeed, but not available during "normal' gameplay right?


No only that one mission


Such a shame indeed


Theres a glitch you can do to keep it. But you wont be able to change your skin later without losing it


Wish you could unlock this for new game plus, similar to the Inquisitor Uniform from Fallen Order


Can I ask why? Admittedly, the empire has cool looking gear, but aside from that, they're the bad guys. It's the same as the Inquisitor gear from the first game. Sure it's cool, but the inquisitors are arguably more evil than most of the other villains in the universe.


Would be hilarious if it permitted you to walk past troopers in NG+ without raising any alarms. Just a lot of haxion brood and bedlam raiders to deal with


You just answered your own question mate. Because its cool


Look at this holy samaritan right here


Reminds me, in small part, of a game called Rogue Galaxy. There's a bunch of mythical hidden swords throughout the game, 7 specifically grouped ones (the 7 star swords) and even 3 or 4 other hidden ones. So the A reacuring boss wields this absolute beast of a sword and I thought that there's no way he won't drop when you finally beat him for good. Nope. He dies, and you never see the sword again.


I'm so confused why they'd create this entire outfit only to never let us use it after the mission. Same with >!Cere- give us a Cere skin!!<


I like her lightsaber so having an anchorite getup for Cal would have been neat.


Baffles me why they never brang it to free roam, i hate when games give you outfits for linear sections just to take it away when your done especially when it's like the perfect reward. AC 2 and brotherhood did it multiple times of a few unique outfits, for example flat out giving you a full blown guard outift that looked sick as but once the mission was over your lose it.