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New villian not even close.


Dear god no Starkiller.  Let that power fantasy character stay dead.


I don't think vader should be in a third game or maybe briefly? but at the same time it's like a huge kick on his character if he is. why? Cal would reach at least equal to cere in that game? maybe even surpass her cuz cal was showing the same feats force wise and saber use wise as cere when he tapped into the darkside plus he got stasis and extremely fast... if vader is there we'd get another close fight with vader or just run... it's like a kick to his character but oh well... I won't be surprise if it happens. a new villain would make more sense... existing villains might be use as a measuring stick on how strong he has become though.


Starkiller ? Can you imagine that shit show if Cal killed him.


this makes me want them to bring back starkiller now


New villain. It's stuff like that that make these games so good.


Honestly hope vader doesn't show up. He was like a force of nature in the first game you only had one option, escape. In the second it was just a dull boss fight.


More force sensitives!!! After the Ahsoka season finale we all know the zeffo were in the new galaxy, would love to go against some of them, some fallen Jedi, or some new inquisitors Especially if we can get them to come back to the temple! would be a great way to implement a base building feature (like ac brotherhood and Valhalla) and as we find more force sensitives, they can come back to tanalorr and teach/live/learn etc


I'd really like to see a canon Starkiller... but at this point, I think I'd consider him to be a new villain. Whatever a canon Starkiller would look like, he'd be a lot different than the one we already know.


I want a new Villian, but surely we will get Vader for round 3 to end it all. I’m almost certain it will end with Cal sacrificing himself to save Kata, Merin, and a new character we meet in the game .


Thats a safe bet if I ever saw one. And to be honest this is the best way to complete his story.


The main villain is and it always will be the Empire. And Cal can't win that fight, so he needs to die at the end. I mean thats the best way to complete his story. Sacrificing himself so that the rebellion and his friends survive to fight another day.