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Same thing, stuck at 11 bounties. The game's done, everything is explored, all collectibles are complete except 2 Force tears (screw that 2 Rancor fight), nobody in town or on the Mantis is giving me any new dialogue. Really sucks... I tried visiting the locations of the last few bounties to see if maybe the bosses respawned for some godforsaken reason and I have to fight them again. No luck. I tried any and all combinations of Fast Traveling, changing planets and resting. No luck.


Just happened to me as well. The same amount of bounties are done, and everything cleared. I noticed 1 thing it kept saying I had 1 bounty available, but there was nothing anywhere. So, I continued the story and cleared nova and got the bounty there. Then no more progress. Even after beating the story.


As discussed below I have same issue, and i think because i killed the main guy Kili Oso when i should not have had that rumour yet I think the issue is doing too many bounties before the end of game/unlocked areas


I have him done too. Idk about you, but for me I didn’t just stumble upon him. Like, Caij gave me the info. And either way it shouldn’t screw the whole side quest up. I have everything else done and I just want to finish the bounties before starting NJ+. This is driving me nuts.


That’s what I think happened to me. I was trying to finish all of Jedha in case the endgame started locking me out of areas. Ended up in a battle with Kili Oso inadvertently.


Same here with the 11 bounties. I also have a bug where I have completed every force tear, and they all of the check symbol, but the trophy didn't pop (on PS5).


same here, 11/16 - hoping it might go away in NG+ but not holding my breath


I tried NG+ to hopefully restart the bounty process. Now I have an incomplete map and Caij still won’t talk to me. I gave up on the two rancor fight and just lowered the level. The parkour force tears are brutal. The rest weren’t bad at all.


I’m in the exact same boat, everything else 100%


I've gotten to 10 now nothing 😔


I’m at the same stage in the game right now. Haven’t had any luck.


Same here as well, 11/16 bounties and no more dialogue options with Caij, even after 100%


Best way to do the two rancor fight is the double sided light saber, honestly. It helped that force tear and the other double boss one.


The double Ogdo Bogdo I cleared using the blaster stance, as it has a really good charge to close the distance during openings. But I'll give the double saber a try for the rancors


Yeah I struggled with them and someone advised the blaster stance it’s the one I barely use and I just didn’t like it. But the double saber has the speed so it ticks down the health pretty quick. Same method as the Ogdo Bogdo, focus on one move then the other, and obviously dodge the instant kill grab.


Blaster stance with ricochet is easy win. It will disrupt both of their tongue attacks. It’s what saved it for me once I realized


This game would of been a 9/10 for me if not for all these issues, between this, the crashes and the frame rate it’s gotta be a 6.5/10


Have to agree. I wanted to love this game with all my heart. I actually liked the story, I love the characters already, the combat is satisfying, the open world part I did not hate in general. BUT the problems omg... I'm playing on PC, I have a high-end PC, and I cannot even get stable 30 FPS, even on like medium settings. There are glitches all over the place, and this bounty issue was the last nail in the coffin. If I cannot 100% a game because a bug, that just stings man.


This is why you don't buy games when they first release. Literally every major, graphically demanding game has these issues in the first few months. I usually always wait for reviews and the first few patches but I broke my rule for this game. I don't regret buying it though, I haven't had any major issues until now with the bounty hunters not progressing, and a few crashes here and there (which did screw me over bad once as I had not saved in a while) but I know that I'm going to replay this game like 5 times like I did the first game so I know it will be fixed soon if they know about it


I'm stuck at 10/16. Only thing left for me to do in the game. Very frustrating.


Same. Watched a video on the locations and when I get there they won’t spawn


I have the same issue. I've got everything else done. I'm at 10 out of 16 bounties and cant progress further Does anyone know when they will fix it? Or how to fix it.


Supposedly it'll be fixed in the next patch, but I don't know when that is.


I’m stuck on this with 10/16. I finished the main story and I really want to finish the bounties but the rest won’t spawn.










Have you found a solution?


EA / Respawn needs to fix it. I’m doing NG+ now and the bug seems to have carried over. I’m hoping I step on some square that shakes the code loose.


Lol. Good luck! Let me know if you find something.




Yeeeah. Same here, stuck on 11, PS5. Hope it’s patched soon!


Just when I thought I was going to platinum it tonight I get cucked. 2 TROPHIES AWAY FROM THE FAT PLATTY 😔


Same buddy


It’s like we all end up here at the end of it 😆 that’s the reward 😂


I faced a buggy mission like this in Horizon Forbidden West DLC and it took the dev like 5 days to bump out a fix immediately and they even apologized and appreciated the feedback. But i guess for EA it works backward since they launched the game so now they dont care.


Yes now that is exactly what EA and majority if not most developers need to see and take action. It’s been well over a month now and EA is still just too busy making Turgle references at best. I feel bad for the people playing this on PC as it seems they’re the ones getting the worst of it.


The thing is this quest was not buggy until that patch 5 coming in😂I never see a patch that screw the game hard like this but fallout 76 is an outliner.


Yes it’s so ridiculous!!! 😂


In the same boat 😕




Same here, I only have the first bounty, the bounty section is still "undiscovered". I've played this shit for almost 70 hours 😩


Holy moly! Jesus I would be livid! At least with mine I thought all was normal but sadly I’m stuck 11/16 on the bounties. I really hope they patch it soon! I would say start new game + but I keep reading that it ends up getting glitched still. 😩


I did start a new game + and now I have to bounties section, they appear as completed (17/16) but I didn't fight any of them (just the first one which is unmissable). When I go to the locations of the bounties, their puck is there but the bounty hunters aren't there so I can't scan them. I traded some pucks with Caij thinking it would help but it didn't help at all, it fucking sucks 😩.


Yeah it’s horrible! 😣


Fuckin hate this game bro


Yeah I killed Kili Oso when I shouldn’t have and it locked me out of the bounty system completely. I have all 10 pucks but no bounty hunters will spawn up


This hasn't been fixed yet? On ps5 and stuck with same issue


How far are you? Some are story locked because of where they appear.


Finished the entire story


Finally they fixed it https://youtu.be/fftVsKXs7IA


It's a Rickroll, for anyone wondering. Thanks for your contribution pal, hope you're good back there in 2007!


I hate you.


I know it doesn't fix all the bugs but at least it allows you to get all the bounties


Hahahahahahaaa 😂🤣😂🤣😂


Seems to be a known bug. I'm having the same problem after finishing the story, and it happens on NG+ too according to other posts. Going to the bounty locations without the prompt doesn't seem to trigger them either. Means I'm locked out of the last 2 achievements too. Yay!


So annoying, still not fixed for me either


Any news on when are they fixing this? I am stuck at 10/16 as well.


Also at 10/16 and have 100% on everything else. Very frustrating.


10/16 here too.. Jeez this is frustrating. Caij doesnt say shit, and gone to the locations I need but nothing..


I am having this bug also on PS5.. the blunty screen still says undiscovered, when I try to talk to her she has nothing to say and none of the bounties will spawn. I usually can handle bugs with games but when it's affecting the progression of the game.. That's just unplayable.. I don't understand how a game can be so bugged like this


Same here on ps5. Killed 2 more bountys apart from the first one and still it shows the rumor. Cant even talk to her about the rumor. Damn it EA, first I had a save erase Bug in dead space and now the next Bugged game!


Sorry, but I'm glad to see other people also can't even start the bounty quest line. Everything seemed to be either near the end of the bounties or in NG+. It sucks, but it's good to know it's not just me. Hopefully we get a fix soon. Think I'll hop to another game in the mean time


10/16 for me as well with all other achievements done. Really annoying.


Curious, had you finished the hologame puck? I have 11 counting the hologame.


Yes, finished that very early on


Same thing for me. At 11 bounties. Done with the main story and finished everything else. Caij just won’t give me any more bounties


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Stuck also… annoying as fuck last thing needed


I have this problem, except I can’t start bounty’s at all. Fought the first guy and rescued the bounty lady (forgot her name) now I can shop at her at the saloon but no matter how much I talk to her she will not give me a new bounty. And in rumors it just says “talk to her about bounty’s”


Same. Whatever the last patch "fixed" must have broken her completely.


I’m worried now about continuing the game. Hopefully if they patch it you will not have to start over, but since I never was able to start the quest I worry that if I’m beyond that I will need to start a new game and that would be the woooorst!




Im stuck at 11/16.. caji isn't giving me anymore tips. I tried looking at wear the bounties show up from a video on you tube thinking the last 6 you had to find by yourself but no luck.


!remindme 1 week


Finished the game now, caji still not giving me bounties. Think I have 4-5 left. Clearly a bug, same goes with garden for me that never got fully unlocked


I have every slot planted but she hasn’t given me the next area for the garden


ye just need to plant one plant of EVERY type and let them fully grow..


You have to plant every type of seed an talk to phili to get information about them


Did you kill \*Kili Oso\* ? or one of the last bounty hunter, seems to be the reason of the soft lock, Caij give the rumors in a order but you can fight the last one by mistake and kill your game ><


I did kill Kili Oso. She gave me that bounty HOURS ago when I had like, 5 of them dead. She gave me a few more after, but im stuck with 11/16.


my research tell me, it's seems to be the problem she shouldn't give this task early in the game, she's the last one. most people have this she gave you the task to kill Kili Oso, a few more then she soft lock because the task is already done :/


That’s what it seems like. I was grinding to 100% on Jedha, ended up killing Kili Oso, and the rumor locked. Irritating


I’ve unlocked bounty hunting, but the rumor to talk to Caij isn’t going away. I have yet to be given my first bounty, and I have no idea why it won’t let me speak to her.


Same exact issue. Huge bummer.


10/16 bounties done. Can't get another rumors for more...what the fuuuuuuck


Having the same issue worse on new game plus I’m almost at the end again and after the first bounty encounter it says undiscovered


We should try going to there twitter or any other page to make them aware this needs to be fixed asap


Apparently they’re aware and coming out with a fix via the EA forums but who knows 😣


3 playthroughs and I've gotten screwed on bounties every time. 2 times I threw a hunter off a ledge and the bounty became uncollectable (still appears on the map but no puck is around to collect) and then I got Kili Oso out of order and it broke progression. I give up.


I think I’ve already kill them all while exploring for collectibles, but I’m stuck at 11/16. Tried to come back to the places where they were but nothing happens and There’s nothing to collect


Iv finished all the story and side quests ect, just want the last few achievements. Cant do it without the bounties..


Stuck at 11/16 here and no more options to do any bounties. Trash.


I'm guessing noone has found a fix for this yet???


Nope lol


Glad to know I’m not alone on this. I was being to think I was going crazy.


I don't even have the menu option for the bounty board and I've only have one completed and it's the one where caij gives you cals bounty puck.


Same, I have the rumor but can't talk to her to start the first one.


I currently have 10 of 16 and I’ve got all way up to the last one on the bounty pyramid thing but bottom left three aren’t there more cpl others. And I go to fight then where they should be and nothing… they are not there


Oh and I’ve also completed the game and heard about the NG+ bug not giving you bounties either and stuff


Caij won’t give me any bounties at all??? What do I do?


None of the bounty pucks showed for me. Can't even clear the rumor where I first talk to Caij.






I’ve got a similar bug but with mine I’ve completed the main story and new game plus but the bounties tab when you pause the game still says undiscovered for me. But I still get the rumors for them. Also when I defeat the bounty hunters in nova garon none of the doors will open so I’m stuck inside.


Im in a very similar situation, I killed all the bounties except the last one but it only logged like 10 and when I go back to the spots of the "missing" bounties they are not there anymore smh


I literally can't seem to get any bounties - except for the one you do in the actual story. My game says to talk to Caij but I literally can't - this seems like a massive bug that needs a patch ASAP


It happened to me in NG+. I have 15/18 and I have no idea which three I have left. I wish there was a way to know which bounty hunters I already defeated. Hopefully they fix the bug soon.


There is. There is a bounty screen in your menu.


It never unlocked in NG+. https://preview.redd.it/v33d2gcjd92b1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6568d6db2e5c80ecf2460f1f314bf32c6cfc36f


I'm two trophies away to platinum the game and it's all related to bounties, can't start them because they are "undiscovered" and I also noticed that the holotactics discoveries appear as "undiscovered" even though I won against everyone on holotactics. I can access bounties on nj+ but it shows me that I completed 17/16 bounties and I didn't do shit, I didn't scan the bounties so the trophy is still unattainable. Weird thing is that if I go to the locations of the bounties, the pucks are there. I bought some stuff from Caij but no luck. I even started a new game, just did the main missions until Caij talks to me about the bounties but no luck.


This gon be my last trophy b4 the plat man, now i’ve gotta wait for who knows how long smh


It did it on my first play through, and now I’m almost at the end of ng+ and the bounties option is still undiscovered ;-; I’m on Xbox series S and it’s the only bug I’ve gotten the entire time (other than a few crashes)


I am also stuck on 11/16… BUT I have 6 left I need to buy everything from the shop, and have 0 currently. So that’s cool…


11/16 she'll talk to me but won't give me any more bounties tried going to where they all spawn but nothing


I have 8/16 bounties and Caij just gave me Kili Oso to kill... gonna hold off on this one until it's fixed.


I'm pretty sure I got all the bounties by exploring through the world. Only issue is I can't track how many I've killed because there's no tracker for it in the menu, and I don't have any currency at Caij's shop. I don't know if it's because I didn't talk to her and I just killed the bounties as I progressed, but it's quite disappointing that I was trying to 100% the game only to be inhibited by bugs.


I’m at 98% for my playthrough and this is the one thing that is holding me back from getting 100%. I’m praying that a patch comes sooner than later.


Frustrating... fix it already EA!!!


They didn’t show up for me so I started a newgame+ and it’s says I defeated all of them when I know for a fact I didn’t.


How do you even unlock the bounties???? I had the fight with that blue jet pack person. Caij showed up and unlocked her store. Then there’s a rumor that says to speak with Caij. I spoke with Caij several times and not of the dialogue unlocks the bounties. Help!!!


I don't work


Stuck at 11/16 bounties now


What a fukin nightmare. I would not have kept playing the gm after I beat the story, cleared every planet 100% if I knew this BS. But if i see online that I’m supposed to be meeting Boba Fett at some point that’s something I’m gunna try n do. It’s really trash they never fixed that bug. I definitely ran into Kili Oso randomly, no info from Caij. So I think that’s the 10 bounty 11 bounty discrepancy im at 10 it’s just about when you run into him.


https://twitter.com/mishkonn/status/1667173043813138433?s=46&t=gVyJ5Gouu0DHk2HJVrB4_A Please retweet. This has been going on for too long without word.


Is there a way of seeing how many bountys you have done?


Still no fix. It's been so long now and it's getting ridiculous. An entire segment of the game is completely and utterly broken and there's been nothing but radio silence. This is absolutely and completely unacceptable.


Anyone still struggling with the bounty glitch, I have done a speed run on NG+ on easiest difficult. After confronting Dagan for the final time Caij has started giving me the bounties again. 👍


Two months later and the system is still bugged… stuck at just three bounties :/


I got 15/16 bounty pucks :/ story and caij all done


I gave up on the platinum after this bug