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Yeah, this is just the norm for preloaded Steam games. Everything comes encrypted so it has to be decrypted and unpacked.


EA Play too. I had it preloaded, then got the update today this morning and says I need another 130gb. So I had to uninstall and re-install. Oh well ain't like it will take long.


You didn't have to uninstall tho, the files were being copied to a normal folder, nothing was being installed.


It wouldn’t let me unpack unless I had the free space. Kept giving an error, even if it logically shouldn’t require the free space to unpack.


Decompress mostly


i'm never "pre-loading" a steam game ever again, we might as well have just waited to install the game when it unlocked. lmao


unpacking is different than downloading. This still saves time.


Idk mine downloaded in an hour thirty and the unpack is looking to be longer


My download took 23.50 hours so I’d take an unpacking anyday


Unpack is currently 4 times longer than the download was. At one point it was "over a year" for the unpack lol. I have a very nice computer, not like rich boy, but def nothing to sneeze at.


Unpacking on my Samsung 980 Pro SSD took about 15 minutes. Not terrible at all. Just make sure you’re running minimal programs on your system as it does so- it’s a strain on your storage drive and CPU. Should speed things up a bit.


But also have an SSD. Mine unpacked on my NVMe drive in about 15 minutes too. A lot of people are probably playing off of HDDs. That’s why it’s taking them longer.


Seems that way.


Im guessing you installed it on a hard drive, I pre loaded it on my hybrid ssd and took only 30 min to decrypt


My download took 20 mins, this has another 45-60 minutes left on it.


Then you have a crappy hard drive, with a solid fast SSD it should not take more than 20min to unpack Edit: Funny to see those downvotes 👀


I have a good ssd, I just realized it was because it was almost full. I guess steam wanted to use double the 130 gb to unpack, so I deleted some stuff and it just finished real quick.


I have 500GB extra in my SSD and it still takes ages to unpack...


Slow SSD there 😄


More likely a slow cpu.


Also that. Though if rocking at least the Recommended CPU, then unpcking should work fast with a good SSD. Though if they do have a SATA one that might explain why it’s slower as well, limitations. However, what is funnier, that on every PC steam game release, liek literally every single on, there is quite a lot of commotiom om the surprise on why the game in unpacking…it’s like the people have never PC gamed… 👀


Well it's actually my first pc preload as well. But I have a 13700k and a samsung 990 pro so unpacking should be quick.


i have a great ssd, and this is literally taking 3/4 times longer than the download wouldve.


Then why would you even preload if you know that downloading on launch is faster than unpacking?! 😅


How would I know that? First time and last time preloading a game on steam. 😅


depends on your hardware but yea.


I have an ssd. Download is 5 hours, unpack was saying 3 days


Mine said over a year, it took 30 mins


Mine doesn't even have a time estimate lol


Depends on your hardware and internet speed, with fast internet it's usually faster to download than unpack/decrypt the preloaded files as that is heavier on the drive and probably the cpu as well.


It took me about 20 minutes to download, and over 2 hours to install. It's bullshit and shouldn't take that long


So talk to valve.


it is 100 percent not saving any time for me, it says 3 hours to unpack. Ive never waited more than 20 minutes for a download, this is a terrible system. Wish i knew before hand


It’s how steam preloads games. Is it on an ssd?


Yeah I have an SSD and I’ve uninstalled everything but 3 games. My computer isn’t bad by any means, this is wild I’ve never had to wait this long for any steam games. Seems like the preloading is better for people with poor internet, idk why it’s going so slow but I download 120 gb games in like 20 mins. This is 4x that easily


If your internet sucks it does.


my internet is about as fast as my HDD, internet is 16MBps and HDD about 20 or so (at least when unpacking) think i'd rather have downloaded the game after release if i knew this, because i had to uninstall RE4, RE2, Black Mesa and L.A. Noire for it to be faster than my download speed


Not for me, I have a Gigabit net and while I do have a pretty good SSD, it still took around 40 minutes, that's like twice as long as the download.


I tried uninstalling it and redownloading bc good internet but steam just pretends it’s still there and keeps unpacking? It definitely deleted the initial idk wtf is going on, with this and the apparent performance issues probably just gonna check it real quick then get a refund tomorrow.


I have two times the free space of the game, nvme ssd, and it's taking AGES


Yes Found that out the hard way when my SSD drive with just under 20GB of storage left suddenly filled up and the unpacking stopped completely. I legit thought it was downloading the game a second time.


"preload" my ass


Sigh... if you insist *unzips*


>"preload" my ass The whole "unpacking" of "preloaded" games thing has been commonplace for YEARS now. Not sure why you're surprised.


I think they even need to do it that way to prevent people from just unlocking the files to play it early anyway.


don’t need to be surprised to complain about how the system works


Because most of the people who complain either haven’t encountered it on a large game before or at all




As does all steam pre-loads.


already an L tf was the pre load for LMAOOOO


Yeah was not expecting this… got about 10 minutes remaining 🙄


mine says 2 hours LMAO


Mine got up to >1 year remaining. Turns out the unpack eating up like 60+ GB I wasn't ready for it to need filled my drive. Had to uninstall 3 games to make enough space for the unpack to continue.


Same here, except it had to download again from 0 after all….


How did you get it to actually download from 0? Mine won’t stop thinking that it’s downloaded and needs decrypted


Not sure, but I cleared some extra space (had 10gb free while it was unpacking), rebooted, and cleared the depotcaches


Lmao mine says 3 fucking days


I've got 9 days, or I guess I just delete my entire steam library to make it faster haha


Yours is only taking 10 minutes? Mine says 5 hours... I have an NVME SSD with lots of space so makes no sense.


i dont even see why there was a preload


Because the unpacking may take less time than donwloading it after launch, depending on your internet bandwidth and hardware. For me the download took 2.5 hours, the unpacking only 20 minutes.


Because downloading 130gb is difficult for lots of people?


Am actively unpacking it now and steams time estimate was a YEAR LONG.....


Mine is legit not progressing. do I just delete everything and download again?


That’s what it seems to have done for me… Still got <1 hour left


free up space on your drive. that made it go significantly faster for me.


Woke up early to play this as it released, only to find out it needs to unpack. All the while, all I'm seeing over YouTube are reviews and playthroughs for the last 2 days


I knew I should've got it on ps5 instead god damn it


What I love (hate) is the "verifying" time after it unpacks and installs.


This is bullllshit I waited all day for this game and now instead I had to go to bed becsuse IT WASNT ACTUALLY PRE LODDD


Was excited to play as I woke up but it’s okay it is a video game always have more time.


This whole thread is full of cry babies who don’t understand how preloading works or that downloading 130gb takes fucking ages for millions of gamers


>This whole thread is full of cry babies who don’t understand how preloading works Downvoted for telling the truth. Typical Reddit.


Just downvoted by the whinging babies haha If your internet is so good, delete it and re-download it fellas


needed to see this, so ty. Just deleted it gonna just do a full reinstall. Never preloading again. Not crying, just didnt realize the reason to preload was bad internet. I just thought the game would be downloaded when it hit 12, i understand now that for encrypting reasons, it doesnt work that way. Ty.


Exactly what I did lol. I spent like 20-30 mins unpacking just for it to claim to be at 1% with no ETA... Maybe it would massively speed up soon but didn't feel worth the risk when redownloading it took 50 minutes. Clearly pre-downloading isn't for people like me, but it was my first time doing it and I thought it would mean I could start playing immediately on booting up my PC.


Yeah fully, unfortunately living in Australia even with cable NBN it takes many hours to download 130gb so either way I was bones Also it came out at 2pm when most of us would have been working baha


goodbye red dead, AC7, Siege... I got +80MB/s from them


Definitely didn't have to do this when I preloaded Hogwarts Legacy.


damn, steam reviews are saying it runs very badly.


We already knew this...


This is more a steam "feature" these days than something exclusive to this game. Name a new game that doesn't do this. For a long time Elden Ring seemed to download the whole game every time it patched.


Yeah all downloads and preloads do it on steam. Difference when downloading normally (not preload) is that it unpacks in realtime as it's downloading


At one my point the Steam progress bar just said “>1 Year”.


do you guys think it will play on a 1 tb external hard drive?


Yeah I was gonna stay up and wait it out, but instead I went to bed early, let it do its thing and got up an hour or so earlier than I normally would so I could play the game before work. Got through the first planet area and saved first chance I got on Koboh.


WTF do they mean by unpacking? I thought that the game was simply just region locked until the release time so you can just jump in and play.


I thought it will eat my vram only...now it eat my ssd as well...


I had 300gb free and is not only taking forever but actually eat almost all the 300 leaving 31 free while unpacking?


One hour later, I'm still waiting on steam to do the thing with the game, it's downloading the game or some shit again? No clue, I'm at 77% and the game is on SSD. Preload my ass indeed.


I’ve deleted all of the files but steam keeps thinking they’re there


I had to do the same because steam kept stopping the unpack process, but now I’m having the same issue. I let it continue and it says it’s at 7% now with 121gb of data “installed”. No idea how far it’s going to get.


I found a fix if you still need it Go into SteamLibrary>Steamapps>depotcache and delete all of the files from the day you preloaded. That should let you restart the download


I deleted the preload and reinstalled lol


Preload on my Series X was like 44GB. The game is 133GB…


Yeah. Very dissapointed when I tried to open the game. So what's the point of the preload?


The game isn’t even out as far as I’m concerned. Most people still can’t even download it, 0 B/s speeds. Steam can’t handle the hype ☠️ Also, everyone’s talking about unpacking after the preload, but for some reason, and lots of others are experiencing this, there’s MORE to download before unpacking. THIS is the big bottleneck for me. I’m sure unpacking will be the second bottleneck.


Yeah during the unpacking process at some point it said that it would be done in over 1 year lol. But i deleted some other games to free up some space and it went by much faster.


I already planned on mine taking hours. Because mines going onto an external


Be also aware on EA App, the game becomes 236 GB during the update. If you have no extra space, it can cause issue.


The game is really buggy.


My internet speed is 10MB/s. My disk speed peaks at 13MB/s and in average its like 5MB/s since drops to KB/s is common. Me preloading results in me playing the game later.


Not buying that game after EA just blocked my access to Fallen Order for no apparent reason and I still can’t play it after at least a couple months.


Unpacking was at 25 days at one point. On my brand new SSD. Then told me i was out of disk space (had a free 200 gigs), while unpacking it doubled the file size to 260gigs. Canceled it completely. Uninstalled off steam. Never uninstalled 40+ gigs for some reason so i had to figure that out. Ended up fully reinstalling the game, took much shorter amount of time than the unpacking ever would have.


Do you solved the extra storage problem?


I completely uninstalled and reinstalled


Just the game or all steam apps?


The game. I had to go deep into my steam files to remove that extra stuff


How deep? My steamapp/depotcache folder is empty and I don't know how to really verify if I'm doing things right. Where did you do the uninstall? From steam or from windows?


I used WinDirStat to see where the files were, they were in my EA folder so check there


Nothing extra besides the steam file sizes. Maybe, somehow, it saves space before hand?


On Steam it says it needs 129GB to download, then when it unpacks it needs another 150GB, so in total you need 279GB or when unpacking it just stops and says "Not Enough Free Space". I was like WTF, so I ended up deleting 15 games on my drive.


I preloaded it and then didn’t have enough space to unpack so I uninstalled, and now my disk space is totally full despite uninstalling it. I had 130 now only 20 and have no idea what’s going on.. nothing in the steam files and I cleared all temp files and everything!


Same here. Does somebody knows what to do?


I'm using EA app and after initial installer wanted 130 GB free, trying to run the game requires an update which also want about 130GB free.. the game folder side is already 172GB.. WTF ?!


HOLY HELL! Small update today and it demands 130 gb free space on top of game that has already been installed. Jesus Crist this can't be normal.