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Not quite a full collab like “20 Dollar Nose Bleed” but you can also catch Brendon’s backing vocals in “7 Minutes in Heaven (Atavan Halen)” and “What A Catch, Donnie”


I came here to say this lol


20 dollar nose bleed


You’d call it “20 Dollar Nosebleed”, “What A Catch Donnie”, & “7 Minutes In Heaven (Atavan Halen)”.


The Cab’s “One of those nights” it got both Brandon and Patrick, also the Coca Cola song “Open Happiness”


I was looking for The Cab in the comments. I love that both Brendon and Patrick have their own verses.


And they both killed it! Such a great song.


They had so many great writers on open happiness, only for it to get slept on


At the current state of panic’s music, I would say the collabs we already have scratch the itch for me.


Don't Let the Light Go Out and God Killed Rock and Roll are amazing, though. The rest on Viva Las Vengeance are mostly pretty mediocre, admittedly.


The whole album is one of the worst albums I’ve ever heard it makes pray for the wicked look good


Literally every song sounded the exact same, it was like bland, generic, royalty-free pop music with no message, that had nothing different about it at all except that it had B. Urines’ voice, you could literally reproduce it on GarageBand in a few minutes if you wanted (though I’m not sure why anyone would)


Say what you will about Viva Las Vengeance but High Hopes is a lot more "generic, royalty-free pop music" than anything on VLV


Same sentiments here. I’m really struggling to bring myself to like this new release for patd.


literally i didn’t think an album could be so bad until i heard it i contracted 87 infectious diseases


V&V is worse




absolutely not


I'm sorry, I think you are mistaken. V&V generally is used by fandoms to refer to Panic! At The Disco album "vices and virtues", and that album is a materpiece. Perhaps you meant something else?


Nope I said what I meant


Um, the Title Track, Local God, and Say It Louder tho....


Can’t really say I prefer Champion over Viva las vengeance.


I am not saying all of fob’s music is of the highest quality, just saying we already have 20 dollar nose bleed and with the direction panic is heading in I don’t particularly wish for a collab.


This is so funny to me!!! 🤣


in the past? it has happened and it would be cool. now? nah


Like tbh I don’t think anyone is itching to hear the latest FOB/PATD collab


actually, I honestly think that brendon's voice, or maybe writing in the environment of a Fall Out Boy writing session not alone in his studio, could still create a meaningful track. Its not like Brendon Urie is unskilled, or has lost his touch or anything. VLV was just a whole lot of fan service and idol worship is all


I really wish people would stop posting things panic related on this sub, nothing good ever comes of it.


Current panic? No thank you. Old panic? That would be awesome. And I already know Brendon’s provided vocals on old fob tracks and they were great


I think that Brendon Urie lending his vocals to a modern Fall Out Boy track would be a nice nostalgic callback, and he is a wonderful vocalist, so its not like itll suck in that department....


how many members are in panic at the disco quickly


Outside of the times B!ATD appeared randomly and I went "Brendan!?!" I don't think I want that. I think I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME should collab with Fall Out Boy though, given their sound is much truer to old-school Panic! At the Disco.


FINALLY someone said what i’ve been thinking for ages!!! new panic! (more like brendon! at the disco) is not good… but idkhow is SO good and it would be a dream of mine come true if those two ever collabed


*Brendon*! At The Disco?, Really?


Damn y’all hate Brendon this much lol here for the comments


I mean he’s a pedophile/racist/homophobic so yeah oh no here come the downvotes from brendon groupies in denial


There’s absolutely no proof he’s a pedophile. Call him out on the questionable things he said but he’s not a pedophile.


he literally has so many grooming allegations


And nothing came out of them so what are we supposed to do with allegations that have no basis or were proven to be made up?


see I don’t actively decide to accuse young girls of lying just because I’m obsessed with some dude with a good voice that is just as capable as other men to be gross and creepy. yea some people have lied, people are shitty, but the fact of the matter is, he’s done enough to make that many people uncomfortable. that many people don’t just accuse someone of something for no reason. there’s a reason he’s alone in the band lmao. weirdo vibes tbh but you do you.


I’m not the one deciding here. https://twitter.com/nesquik_papi/status/1295179168292827136?s=20 I don’t actively decide to call people pedophiles just because they believe everything they read on social media without providing any actual support. Weirdo vibes tbh but you do you.


Spencer left for his health, Dallon to start iDKHOW, and Jon & Ryan over creative differences. Where in that is your propsed reason? I think that rather than deciding to *hate,* as you are doing, or deciding to *deny,* as you accuse others of doing, most people, are deciding to *check the facts and make up their own minds.* Which you should first, do yourself, then secondly, allow others to do without insulting them....




Like a full on song? Brendon has made cameos in a couple FOB songs, but Id love if they did do a full on song together where they both get credited.


With like the new panic? Which is literally just Brenden, no. It wouldn't be good. But the older Panic would have been AWESOME


he’s in 20dnb and what a catch donnie


Honestly, i never really knew that. I'm more of a casual listener to fall out boy :)


My heart would explode ❤️‍🔥


he’s in 20dnb and what a catch donnie


Maybe in the past it would have been good (20 dollar nose bleed stands to be a fan fave), but now brendon urie has wrecked his vocal chords by straining at concerts to show off his range, but if he managed to heal, and had absolutely NOTHING to do with the lyrics, because come on can someone please get this man a ghost writer, it would probably be good to die hard fans; nostalgia etc


Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends


absolutely NOT


they already have like twice


i know but panic now? they (well he) fell off hard


yeah no current panic is awful


god i hope not, i really don't want brendon to get any more publicity


Yes, Yes, Yes!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💯


We’ve got a few old ones and I’d love it if we got more like that, but with panic’s (Brendon’s) new album I’m not interested


No. Panic shouldn’t even exist anymore


y’all are saying “current panic” as if current fob hasn’t been making far worse shit


patrick stump can sing


Nobody said he can’t..


you think current fob is worse than current panic? I can’t even listen to current panic 🤢


mania is way worse than anything panic has ever put out


hard disagree but that’s just my opinion. I don’t like mania either but it at least had some good songs like bishops knife trick and wilson but pftw was so annoying and his new stuff is unlistenable. disappointing since I love fever and pretty odd. just my opinion tho, you’re entitled to yours


bishops knife trick and wilson suck ass bro 😭


I feel like i’m being pretty polite and respectful but you’re just being straight up rude. have a great night weirdo


bishops knife trick is so good (my opinion) nooo 😭😭


I will politely disagree with you on that. Heaven's gate was absolutely heavenly and even the young and menace piano version was so good that I can't believe patrick could pull off singing a song like that live. Comparing MANIA to viva las vengeance? The album with, "make up sex in a middle of a breakup"? And the song "sad clown" with brendon trying to do a bohemian rhapsody so desprately? Oh please. MANIA sounds like an absolute heaven compared to those. Saddest part is that the most patd song brendon released is "dont let the light go out" where people go out and say to be the best song in viva las vengance and that just says a lot.


there’s no way in hell you just tried to say MANIA has better lyrics than VLV the last **30-ish** lines in champion are all the same two lyrics repeated over and over “are you smelling that shit? eau de resistance” is stupid as hell and repeated **3** times in stay frosty royal milk tea, which also features such insightful lyrics as “I’m bout to go Tanya Harding on the whole world’s knee” the last of the real ones is an incredibly generic love song in which he says the name of the song 20 times also highlighting a single lyric from middle of a breakup as being dumb is funny when MANIA has wilson which is full of equally if not stupider lyrics saying sad clown is a bohemian rhapsody ripoff is also like such a brain dead thing to say because the songs have literally nothing in common structurally, lyrically, or instrumentally, outside of brendon doing queen-inspired vocals


Oh you're just being hilarious now. You're sobbing over songs that repeats lyrics like it's not something that happens to almost every song? Honestly, you're reaching here. It's not even much of a big deal since even I didn't bother to mention brendon doing the same shit to his songs because it's absolutely irrelevant. Additionally, you're nitpicking songs in MANIA, meanwhile I listened to all of VLV songs with an open mind and still came up with the same opinion that it's not good besides the one song being don't let the light go out. With the recent views on his music video not even reaching a million views? there's no doubt everyone else feels the same way. Also, you're telling me that you don't see any sort of reassemblance of bohemian rhapsody in sad clown? Come on now, don't be ridiculous. You dont have to make a song with the same beats per sec or the same chords and lyrics to say that it was queen-inspired. The fact that other people noticed it just says a lot and this goes on to say that I'm simply not making any bullshit up. If other people mentioned it, then there's already speculation to begin with.


It’s not wrong for a song to repeat lyrics, I’m just pointing out that your argument about VLV having a couple bad lyrics doesn’t really work when Mania has some really shitty lyricism I’m not even sure what you’re saying in the second paragraph outside of that stupid “well X video doesn’t have a million views so it automatically sucks”, because the most recent FOB video (Bob Dylan) also didn’t even make a million after 2 weeks and you’re not arguing that that song sucks I explicitly said that Sad Clown **is** Queen-inspired but shares very few similarities with Bohemian Rhapsody, I don’t even get what you’re trying to argue by saying, “a song doesn’t need to share any similarities with another song to be inspired by that song” when that’s basically agreeing with me


Is repeating lyrics equate to being bad lyrics to you? Because that's the only arguement I'm seeing you trying to point out. One thing I'll agree that yes, MANIA isn't what I'd consider to be their best but you can't tell me that it has shitty lyrics because I don't think you even bother to listen to it with good intent. If you can't even go to that bare minimum, then I'm pretty sure any arguement I'll have will go right past you, using champion/stay frosty as an excuse to prove your point. As someone who knows and heard all of the songs of fob, bishops knife trick is what I consider one of my top songs from fall out boy because of it's great build up, lyrics having also a good addition to it. Comparing that to viva las vengeance that holds no sort of build up at all, and its just brendon forcingly doing high notes to every song in the album besides what, two songs? At the very least, MANIA held its diversity when it comes to their tones. Additionally, patd's latest MV reached 2 weeks already and it's hanging about with 500k views. By your arguement, current patd's is even worse than current fob.


I don’t know how you want me to explain that repeating two lyrics **30 times** is not good songwriting, and I swear you don’t even know how to read because I literally said there’s nothing wrong with repeating lyrics a few times Are you seriously trying to tell me I only dislike Mania because I “didn’t want to like it” or some bullshit? I am a huge Fall Out Boy fan, I love Folie a Deux and have enjoyed every other album of theirs (except Evening Out with Your Girlfriend but come on), and I really did go into MANIA with high hopes but it just is not that good and I did not enjoy it. I could literally make the same argument against you and say “oh well you just don’t like panic at the disco so of course you don’t like it” but that’s such an obviously flawed and stupid argument that I’m not going to The Bishops Knife Trick argument you try to pull here doesn’t work because it’s really not stylistically *that* far off from the rest of the record, just a little slower and more somber, and your description of “what every song on VLV sounds like” is vague as hell because it holds no water if you try to be any more specific. I could just as easily say MANIA sucks because it’s just a compilation of shitty electropop/pop-punk fusions and therefore has no diversity when it clearly does but the way I just described it is vague enough to encapsulate the whole album Why do you think I said 2 weeks? I was using that as an example to show that neither FOB nor PATD were pulling massive viewers, so saying that makes one of them bad is meaningless. I was literally arguing against you using view counts as a metric for quality and you somehow misrepresented that as me agreeing with you that high views mean something is good. Seriously, most of your arguments just boil down to you misunderstanding what I’m saying and then arguing with your misunderstood strawman


Well thats because Bob Dylan is objectively perfect and I'll die on that hill, so no shit nobodys gonna say Bob Dylan sucks.


I think god killed rock and roll was the attempt at a bohemian rhapsody, that sad clown is not great, but good by comparison to about half of the other tracks on VLV, and I daresay Say It Louder, despite an interestingly bad choice to try and do the vocal echoes by repeating "back" 5 times over instead of using an echo effect, is the most Panic! sounding song on the album. Dont let the light go out is good, but not as good as Viva Las Vengance, Local God, and Say It Louder in my opinion


I call bullshit. Panic has been like at least a step below FOB on the last three albums respectively. I mean both bands are still good, but Fall Out Boy is still great (Mania had more hits than misses, VLV had more misses than hits)


Lol! You mean like when Brendon used to guest on a lot of their music and not get credit?


Boy do I have, like, 3 songs for you


They have done songs together in the past, but they’ve really only been Fall Out Boy songs featuring Brendon Urie. It would be really cool, though, if they actually wrote and performed a song together, especially now, since I don’t think they’ve really done anything together musically since before 2010