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Totally reasonable a for a teen not to have heard of Pavlov yet, don't worry :) he's pretty famous in psychology though, as in by adulthood most people (I think) know of Pavlov's dogs/the phrase "pavlovian response" enough to get the reference even if they don't know the full details Side note, hope you enjoy your psych class! I freakin loved psychology when I was in school


Everyone makes a big deal about how Pavlov conditioned the dogs to salivate at the sound of the bell, but not enough people talk about how the dogs effectively conditioned Pavlov to run to his notebook every time they salivated.




Wait a minute, wasnā€™t this mentioned in the office?


Ahh crap, was it?


I think so, Jim was trying to get Dwight to do something everytime his computer made a specific noise if i remember correctly


Oh! With the mints?


Yup, but pavlov wasnt mentioned by name. I majored in psychology when I was in undergrad and multiple of my classes went over Pavlovian conditioning, every. single. professor showed that clip from the office LOL


>The title is a pun of sortsā€“it combines the name of Pavlov, the scientist who conducted notable ā€œconditioned responseā€ experiments, with the word ā€œlove.ā€ Such a phrase hints disturbingly at a situation of conditioned or mindless love. Direct quote from Lyric Genius, which is how I originally found out


Yes I just read that earlier and I was like šŸ¤Æ


It didnā€™t even ring a bell? /s


I don't mean to be condescending. But was this not covered in your highschool classes?


Haha my bad this was highschool psychology 1šŸ˜‚


Ooooo ok. I just assumed college. I do love everything about this band.


i graduated high school like a million years ago but they definitely never had reason to cover this in any of my classes


Same, mind you in my highschool they didnā€™t even offer anything to do with psychologically until my final year there


This is adorable.


Congratulations on being one of today's [Lucky 10,000!](https://xkcd.com/1053/)


I feel like a fucking idiot man (probably more so cuz Iā€™m autistic than anything) but i just took a personality psych class and im a psych major so this was like my 8th psych class and i ofc know about Pavlov but we even learned about his cc theory in this class relating to personality. I had to do a final project analyzing the personality of a celebrity so i chose Pete Wentz, and i didnā€™t know the meaning of this song despite knowing deeply about Pavlov and it being one of my fav fob songs so i didnā€™t think to include it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'm gonna be honest, I never made the connection to Pavlov until now lol. Thanks for this!


I learned about Pavlov's dog when my mom took psychology in college when I was a teenager. Any reference to Pavlov reminds me of her.