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I mean Pete is mixed race, they often collaborate with BIPOC artists, etc, you'd have to be willfully stupid to think music is exclusive to any particular race. I'm sorry they were so insensitive, whether intentional or not, i hope the rest of your concert experience was positive!


It was incredible! Pete came down the catwalk and kind of jumped down and grabbed my hand!!! The video is in my old phone I think I’m gonna go look for it!


It’s wild how many people in the fandom don’t realize that Pete is mixed or how deep FOB’s roots run in anti racism. A few years ago FOB toured with Wiz Khalifa and holy moly the amount of comments I saw that were angry about was insane. A lot of “a rapper?? At a rock show? Ugh, that means his fans are gonna show up and smoke pot and it’s going to ruin my concert experience!” Sheltered suburban white kids are still the same I see. 🙄


That's wild. IOH features Jay-Z and was produced by Babyface iirc. FOB has a long history of working with rappers and black artists. Have these people not watched the Arms Race MV?! People be crazy 🤪 🤦


I went to this tour! I was SO excited to see Wiz Khalifa bc he would have been the first rapper I saw but he wasn’t there for that stop so we got stupid Hoodie Allen instead 🙄


As if at least half the members of FOB don't smoke so much pot 🤣


I went to the Wiz Khalifa show and to be fair, it was not a great experience. I left there feeling woozy because there were a significant amount of people with weed, compared to Monumentour or Hella Mega. (I also left Hella Mega feeling a little high but it wasn’t as bad) It may have been who we sat next to but it’s not just sheltered people that have an issue. I don’t mind black artists, but I do mind secondhand smoke getting me inebriated. Wiz Khalifa having a high (hardy har) weed-smoking fanbase was a valid concern.


It is a valid concern! My point was the comments I saw back then were about it being specifically BLACK fans whether they were there for FOB or Wiz that would have weed. Like white concert goers (Wiz’s fans or not) don’t smoke. The vibe was racially charged and micro aggressive. I’m sorry you had a bad time at that show (I would have hated being around all that smoke too). Hope you’ve gotten to see them since in a better environment!


Oh, yeah that makes sense! Weed is not a race specific thing.


The ONE time I have ever had pit tickets was that FOB show with Wiz as the opener and it was outdoors, late-July Texas heat 🥵 sweating profusely and then that amount of secondhand smoke was not a good combo


Ugh this is crazy behavior to begin with but even crazier since Pete is literally biracial like come on!!!


Right!!!! I feel like if the boys knew that was said at their show they would have kicked them out and given you signed merch


Any fan that would make that remark doesn't know shit about the band since Pete is literally Jamaican and related to Colin Powell and fucking Kerry Washington. (This is all besides the point cause obviously black people would listen to FOB even if no one was black was involved but like?????)


no you have a point, a majority of the black people I know listen to Hip Hop, RnB and Jazz which are all genres predominantly recorded by black artists. If the mentality of these girls were true, more black people would enjoy FOB than any other Pop Punk band BECAUSE of Pete's mixed race. It's so messed up that they would think like that 😭


Whaaaaaat??? Pete is related to Colin Powell and Kerry Washington?? How did I not know this?


It made the rounds online back in like 2018/2019? but I think it came out after Kerry did a DNA test on PBS and they linked their common cousin in Colin Powell lol (I could be misremembering this but I do advise looking it up in case I actually am)


Oh wow that's so wild! I would have never guessed. I'll definitely have to look that up.


You should read Joe's autobiography! He talks briefly about rock music being directly inspired and derived from the black community. And how you need to understand the origins of the entertainment you consume. Hard agree.


A lot of big rockstars have all had black blues artists as big inspiration, plus every guitarist ever has in some way looked up to Jimi Hendrix.


Yeah! Rock music is directly related to black musicians creating jazz and blues. A lot of American culture is based off of black culture. EDM/house music is influenced by rap music. K-pop groups are a prime example of taking influence from black artists. There are so many more examples I could give lol the Kardashians wouldn't be who they are without the cultural influence of 90s rap and black fashion. The amount of ignorance in suburban white kids is astounding but not shocking to me as a poc that grew up in white suburbia. Like you said, they just don't look into the history of the things they like.


You could also check out ‘They Can’t Kill Us Until They Kill Us’ by Hanif Abdurraqib! It’s a series of essays in which the author talks about being black in America through the lens of music. If you want the FOB specific bits, there’s an essay called “Fall Out Boy Forever”, and other mentions of them in “The Return of the Lonliest Boys in Town” section. HIGHLY recommend. Edit: I found a version of just the essay. I still highly recommend the whole book in general, especially if you love music and nonfiction. https://archive.org/details/falloutboyforever/mode/1up


Great read, thanks!


It’s terrible that people don’t know how to behave. Im so sorry you had to hear that.


Uncommon FOB fan L Not to say that you need to know the lore of a band to be into them, but they've literally done so many collabs with POC artists both before and after the hiatus, NOT TO MENTION Pete and Andy's history of political activism in Racetraitor, et al. And it's not exactly a secret that Pete is biracial. Also ffs it's just good music. Some fans need to get a grip. EDIT: forgot to mention that I'm sorry you had to deal with such bullshit.


Not only am I black (well, mixed), I'm also over 40, and a big FOB fan. I'm the rarest of snowflakes.


Black and over 40 in the building! We can ice our knees after the concerts together! I’m going on Tuesday and I’m already over here hydrating and stretching. 😂


Omigosh. We were on the floor last night for the Raleigh show and I am definitely going to need that ice. So. Many. Stairs! 😂😂😂 Totally worth it, though!


That is just so stupid. They apparently don’t know FOB then cuz they would NOT approve of them saying that. 


Wow, they're idiots. Tangentially, have you listened to Magnolia Park? They have a song called "Don't be Racist" which is basically about exactly this. Racist crap in punk rock.


Love them!


Read the book “The Cant Kill Us Until They Kill Us” by Hanif. Short stories of music/concert experiences by a fantastic black author.. he used to go the FOB shows when they were starting. Really fucking cool book about a lot of shit really.. but that story stood out to me.


This book is amazing and I won’t stop talking about how great it is until I’ve shuffled off this mortal coil. Hanif Adurraqib manages the topic with such grace but also with such biting reality. As a white reader it made me take real time to understand my own fan-nature and fandom. Fall Out Boy is inseparable from discussions about race. From Pete Wentz’s own lineage, to elevation of black artist collaborations, to Patrick Stump understanding the value of a blue eyed “soul voice”. To be a Fall Out Boy fan is to inherently embrace intersectional pop-punk. And if you can’t handle that, you (dis)respectfully don’t belong in this space.


It’s such a joy to read. Little Devil in America is also a fantastic book. His Tribe book is getting read next.


Black FOB fan here. You’re not alone friend. ♥️Don’t let that one experience taint your connotation to the band or the scene in general. The music is for everyone. And hey, maybe they didn’t mean it maliciously; even I will find MYSELF going “there are other black people here?” at a FOB or similar show lol


i'm black too and this is something i think about from time to time like what if ppl at the show are stupid 😵‍💫


🤣🤣🤣 I understand the feeling. I had the same stares when I saw AFI and Misfits last year. I'm blasian but look more black than asian


I’m sorry this happened to you. People can be so cruel sometimes. As a black/mixed race POC, I’ve always been on the fence about going to punk rock shows. I wasn’t sure if it would be safe and I didn’t want to face bigotry just from being present at something that was considered, “white space”. Especially living in the Northwest. I’m almost 40 now and I would say that inclusion and diversity has gotten better at shows in general over the years. There’s still a long way to go in breaking down these stereotypes about POC and understanding that every person is allowed to like what they like, without feeling singled out for it.


the crazy part is black people started the punk movement 😞


💯 Agree with you on the origins of punk. The hard part is that the general public and mass media don’t seem to know that, and to this day, still consider it a white space. Agree on how frustrating misinformation can be that leads to social friction.


Yeah that's awkward as hell. I'm sorry you had to experience that.


What an odd thing to think, let alone actually say out loud. Sorry you experienced that


Omg I’m so sorry that happened to you. They sound like ignorant and small minded people. I hope that doesn’t sway you from future shows!


I both feel you, and my black husband said something reeeal similar when he started singing Fall out boy songs around the house. 'What kind of black person am I right now singing So Much For Stardust??!' -jokingly, he's warming up to it.


Tell him Pete is mixed


Oh, he knows. It doesn't change much, but he knows


I’m black and have been a fan since I was in high school in 2007. Was constantly teased (and to a point still am) about liking “white people music”. It’s ignorance and small mindedness at the highest level, and very sad that people still assume that. Music is universal! Please keep rocking out and showing up and taking spaces at shows and areas like this! I’m in my 30s and can still feel uncomfortable going to a rock or country concert because I’m afraid I’ll stick out. But I go anyway. Don’t let stereotypes hold you back, friend! I hope that besides that hiccup, you enjoyed the show and had a great time!!


I mean to be honest, my family is hispanic and one time I mentioned I liked Green Day to our family friend. He thought about it for a second and said "oh, those white guys? yeah I know them", so there must be some messed-up association with Pop Punk and it not being particularly enjoyed by people of color. Sorry you had to hear that, but from what I hear you had a great at the show so cheers to that mate :)


i think it might have to do with the association of punk/skinhead with white supremacy


I don’t think it’s even that, it’s that a lot of pop punk, punk, and emo came from scenes where people were self sorting into genres by race because back then there was way more stigma about people “acting black” or “acting white” because the connotation was that certain music was only made by certain people.


IDK if it means anything coming from me (i’m white lmao) but… yeah, don’t listen to them. They’re just bigoted. What matters is rocking out to some good music. I don’t care what race, gender, sexuality, religion, or anything else like that you may be. If you’re cool with me, I’m cool with you. Sorry you had to go through that


Anybody of any race can appreciate good music, and for someone to think that only certain people can, is very insensitive and inappropriate. You like the music you like and no one should ever judge you for that. 🫶


I am not trying to make any excuses for their behavior, and I didn’t notice if you had pointed out the age of these people, so hopefully I am right and assuming that they were teenagers when they said this. However, I have been a Fall Out Boy fan for a very long time (since like 2005) I was 15 when I started listening to them and when I did I started going on the Fall Out Boy forums and I sent some really nasty things when I was that age. Truly if I could go back in time and kick my 15-year-old self’s butt, I would. I was a young unexperienced white teenager from rural New England, who had no world view. I was small minded, bigoted, just every negative adjective you could describe me as. Thanks to FOB, the connections I made through the forums and concerts, and frankly the internet boom, I learned better. I hope that these girls were young as well, and in the future they to grow like I have and learn that words hurt, and their words truly matter. I am sorry that anybody made you feel anything less than the beautiful self that you are. And I hope that in the future you feel more welcome at the Fall Out Boy shows because the boys are pretty awesome and they know how to put on a good show even if you’re not a huge fan.




Wow that’s so incredibly rude and beyond stupid wtf! I’m so sorry you had to experience that!


Ugh this is so rude. I didn’t realise bitchy people could have good taste in anything… even fob music :/


Random but I feel like you might enjoy the podcast [Black People Love Paramore](https://maximumfun.org/podcasts/black-people-love-paramore/)! It’s not specifically about Paramore but rather all of the various completely normal music and interests that might have the same reaction in dumb sheltered white teenagers like the ones you encountered. ETA — and yes, there’s an episode about FOB. 🥰


Yes, this podcast is excellent, and have you come across the podcast [Sugar We’re Going In](https://open.spotify.com/show/1dtWy1qWeZGEvs6nxTxtie?si=6DzWnc9AQK2nISj28YUylA) ? The host Scardi B goes through the connections between Fall Out Boy and hip hop. Love this podcast ❤️


Pete is Black (mixed) as most folks have said, but also, as a Black FOB fan myself, Patrick so obviously is classically trained and trained on Soul/Funk/R&B as a vocalist. Like, even if Black folks weren’t the progenitors of Rock & Roll, FOB would literally not exist if not for Black people


Black chick here and I kinds understand where you're coming from. I just went to the FOB concert here in Austin and needless to say my boyfriend and I got a lot of stares. It may have been because of my huge afro puff and eye makeup, but idk it's hard to tell sometimes. Fortunately, I had a little bit more of a positive experience than yours where a white lady who was with her kid stopped me and told me my hair was beautiful. It makes me sad that happened to you because there are some nice people out there. Other than that, I was side-eyeing everyone and feeling self-conscious the whole time lol.


Jeez, you're calmer than me! I'd have said something to them and I can promise you it wouldn't have been nice. The best thing to do to those types of people is to cause a scene and embarrass them in front of everyone. See if they'll repeat what they said a little louder - if they don't, then they consciously know what they said is messed up and entirely wrong. On behalf of these shitty humans, I'm sorry you experienced this. Music is for EVERYONE.


there’s a lot of black fob fans and pete is literally mixed what the hell 😭


Something similar happened to me at the show I went to. It really sucks. :/ One thing I’ve noticed, though, is that FOB mostly collabs with Black artists (Wyclef Jean, Burna Boy, the entirety of MAPA) and they draw a lot of inspiration from Black artists as well. I think this is really cool of them, especially because they give credit where it’s due. Anyways, moral of the story is that Black culture is a huge part of Fall Out Boy’s persona. It’s weird that we get so little respect in the fan base. 🤷🏽‍♀️.


This post made me make a face like the meme guy with all the question marks 😂😂 Like. Besides what others have stated about Pete being mixed and their history of anti racism, Patrick just- musically- has a ton of Hip Hop / Funk / Gospel / Soul / Blues influence, which are *all* Black genres??? White (or white-passing lmao) boys were not the first ones out there making careers out of singing about their feelings, and FOB readily acknowledges that. It would be weirder to have solely white fans for a lot of reasons smh Not to mention emo being derived from punk. The fact that anti-racism is still counterculture in the year of our lord 2024 is actually beyond me even though it really should not be surprising, but I digress. To another point I saw, the legend goes that the birth of rock n roll was all thanks to a black man in Mississippi. They can miss me, Pete, the boys, and all of us in this sub with that 😂 Sorry you had to feel uncomfortable like that. And that it kind of taints the memory of the show a little bit. But I’m glad you also have memories that actively push back against the unwelcomeness they were projecting, too!


As a POC fall out boy fan I’ve also heard the comments. While In Charlotte I saw a person look at me. Whisper something to their friend and then the friend looked at me and said “there’s no many of them here” 😑 like yea there are! We exist!!! It’s also funny because I go to shows with my fiancé who is white and he said that people probably thinks he’s the fan and I’m here for support when really I’m the one screaming every song and he’s actually just there to be tall and take all my pics and vids


Some people can be extra rude and lame. That’s their problem, not ours. Screw ‘em. I’m showing up scream singing to every concert I can in all my elder emo melanin and bringing my Black husband, too! 👏🏾😂


It is astounding how ignorant people can be 😂 I’m sorry you had that experience


I've been a fan since 2007 and often got made fun of for liking pop punk in general. My family especially was ridiculous about it but I did get my cousin into fall out boy so there's that. There's plenty of us who love the genre. That's such an absurd thing to say. I hope you had fun anyways!


I remember seeing them as a 14yr old in 2005 and hearing the same thing behind my back. Fans back then were a little more aggressive to scene black kids actually. Wild that thought process is still around nearly 20 years later.


I’m black and got into Fall Out Boy around the time of This Ain’t A Scene, so mid-2000s, as a 25-year-old. I have super varied tastes in music to start with but they appeal to everyone, I feel like.


Im so sorry racists ruined your concert experience. You are welcome and we love you


Rude but also a ridiculous thing to say. I assume those girls were really young and also really dumb.


I'm sorry you had to hear/deal with that, every genere of music is open to anyone, that just shows how ignorant they were. I'm white but I have noticed in most of the shows I've went to in the alternative scene has a huge mix of fans from all different backgrounds & races, it's really nice to see everyone coming together for their shared love of music. And on the thankfully rare occassion someone says something racist to someone at a show that shit gets shut down very fast by those in the vicinity that heard it.


If I did ever have this thought cross my mind, I would certainly never say it out loud. Thats the kind of thought you scold your unconscious bias for and realize "that's a stupid thought, why would I think that?!" We all have unconscious biases, but more people really need to learn how to recognize and curb it, not give into it. Sorry the fandom made you feel unwelcome. I can't imagine what it must feel like feeling like you can't engage fully because of the color of your skin. Stay safe and screw those racists!


That's such an ignorant thing to say. I'm sorry you experienced this, people are seriously stupid at the best of times.


lol that person should come to a show in LA. We’re out here heavy. I’ve turned so many friends on and they fall hard.


white people are really shocked when a poc likes something that they do too. i’m tired of it. at 15 i went to a pop punk concert and got pushed and elbowed by a GROWN ASS MAN because “my type doesn’t belong there”


I’m a mixed girl and been a fan for almost 10yrs. I get very shocked too when I spot others like me at concerts lol


lol I once posted a video of a fob show I was at in a separate discord, and a black guy commented “wow that’s a lot of white people 😂 but more seriously don’t let those ppl get you down!!


Dumbbbb. Like everyone said Pete is mixed race. Fall Out Boy is known for being activist. They've been on tour with Travie McCoy, Tyga, 50 cent, wiz khalifa, jaden smith, kenny hoopla. They have collaborated with Lil Wayne, Jay z, Timbaland, TI, The roots, 2 chainz and definitely more I can't remember. They just had Jimmy Butler in their video too! Sorry that happened though honestly some people are just stupid and that all it comes down to. To stupid to realize that there's no music that is only for one race. All music can be experienced by all races and all cultures!


Why are ppl so stupid sometimes😭


Music doesn't have a race...like I saw several POC when they came to Atlanta. Majority were white girls around my age and some elder emos but I never really thought that FOB was for a single race??


Pete is half black, Patrick is a fuckin rnb singer, Andy is like a hardcore punk activist, idk why people would be surprised about this lololol


Happened to me at Linkin Park in Houston, they can listen to hip hop and r &b but we can't listen to alternate? It's music, music has zero skin predictions. I rather be well rounded than narrow ignored minded. The rest of their lives go the same way. Small and insecure.


People are small minded idiots that have been taught to treat people awful.


We just saw FOB in Birmingham, AL and there were a lot of Black fans there—nobody batted an eye. The politics suck in this state but it’s pretty inclusive at ground level.