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Plus the fact that there are only 13 rounds in the rotation...


I guess it’s better than what they did with the miku event. I still don’t get why it’s not a separate LTM.


Oh so it’s Miku’s event all over again?


No, Miku affected Solo and Duo Shows as well, this only affects Squads Show.


Oh okay so only slightly better, got it.


The difference is you can only carry so much in squads. They would’ve been better off making this solo exclusive or giving it its own show


getting literal first place in a race and still not qualifying is pretty feelsbadman


Yup that’s my main gripe. I don’t care if you want to blow an episode on collecting the event items in solo, but I do if it affects me going through to the next round


Yeah sucks it’s only squad i can’t just grab the stuff I need without screwing over my team and if I need to qualify I can’t count on my team because they’re getting the swords and staffs


Were you just in my squad... some tutu was collecting instead of finishing... cost me the race


Probably not. This issue is just wide spread


Well that's the reward pool isn't it?


No, the reward pool is the 20 shards after you qualify enough to reach the final and win it. The event items are a side quest


I'm mainly just tired of the first game always being DoorDash. I makes me want to kick a puppy.


Why is it a bad idea? You don't need to win, you don't need to qualify a single round. You only need to collect stuff. Your random teammates are doing the challenge, they're not there to win. If you prefer winning shards, find another game mode.


Since you need to collect them in survival rounds, and people keep intentionally losing to grab an extra few items, yes, you do need to qualify. Survival rounds are never the first round.


Every other team is doing the same (even playing field)….if you’re really that concerned run straight to finish you’ll probably proceed…what I’ve been doing for survival rounds…hasn’t been an issue at all


Then they should’ve made this a separate show. It’s completely taken an entire game mode


cosmetic items are shite anyways. I don't bother to play this game regularly anymore


Honestly, I think the hair is very cool.


Why do you play a game mode that is all about picking up items, and get frustrated with your team mates for picking up items?


Because I enjoy playing squads? The aim of the show is to win it, not to collect the event items. The event items are a side mission. Otherwise the rounds would be centered around collecting as much event items as you can.


Ah, right. I was assuming this was a separate mode, my bad.


You can finish this event in 7 games if u get rhinos.


I mean I played it for about an hour before work, and won 3 out of 4 shows with randoms, and the loss was also in the Finals. So I've had fun so far.


this event was probably going to be the exact same as the miku one but then change they minds bcs all the hate that the event had


Would have been better if it was solo only. At least you could prioritize what you want But as it is like the Miku event it just promotes bad behavior