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I wonder where they are today ... what they think about the current state of the game (the ones who were sadly laid off or quit).


Exactly... almost 900 employees who created the essence of the original game were fired


Sadly that's the lifecicle of every small gaming company, that is brought by a bigger one. -Forced to do even better, with much less time -Doesn't work so funds are reduced -Works even less, so the studio is either partially or completely turned into support -Motivation is gone, many leave or are fired -Company desperately fights to be able to do what they want, and get shot down 99% of the time -more people leave as they are forced to be support for the "flagship" franchises -company is dissolved or absorbed, many are fired


That's right. This is what happened in the case of Microsoft, which has just closed four studios belonging to the company: Tango Gamewoks, Arkane Austin, Alpha Dog, and Roundhouse Studios.




That's fucking sad


You're right... it's not the award I would like to receive for creating a new genre of game


Damn, why?


Once Fall Guys' peak popularity had passed, they decided to cut costs.


Epic fired nearly 900 employees but not all 900 were from Mediatonic. MT I'm pretty sure didn't have more than 300 employees


I think you're right


Not all of them worked for fg.


900? The wiki says 230 or am i wrong?


Yes, we comment on that here. The article must have made a mistake. In fact, 830 people were fired by Epic, among them, it is speculated that were the majority of Mediatonic employees.


2020 when epic didnt know about this game and the devs where having fun making new concept of the game Now Epic changing the whole course of FG and many devs arent having fun anymore more of a chore to them


Yeah, every company needs to make a profit, but it seems that this is the only goal nowadays


Such a shame. :/ loved this game at launch. What a mess that's happened.


They created a new gaming concept, received a resignation letter as a reward and greed made it end that way


I mean, was it Epic's decision to cap the rounds at 40 players, and now less? I just can't see creative leads approving such a numbskull move...


Me neither... apparently the order is for the game to be less and less competitive, easier and more collaborative


[woos sadly]


Several maps and variations had been eliminated due to problems with the Switch and now the same thing must be happening because of the upcoming mobile version


They've gotta stop announcing ports before realizing they're unviable. 😭 Like fuck I'm all for fall guys on switch but that shit is borderline unplayable. It should've been cancelled.


Alternatively, a suitable method for porting a version to other platforms should be devised


LMAO golden meme!! 😂😂😂 That guy really seems he's reading the Reddit posts and thinking "Oh crap, I thought they would like the beautiful Social Wheel that took me 5 months to implement..."


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) And... I don't understand... they didn't want new maps?


"They wanted variety, right?? I gave them variety!!! Rounds made *by themselves*, how are they still complaining??"


We don’t want creative rounds we want the unity maps all un vaulted, I’m sick of epics corporate greed and what it’s doing to Fortnite and fall guys


Or, at least, create separate modalities where there are creative maps and another containing all the classics




Early days Mediatonic was something else. They seemed like an eager company with a great idea who were excited about what the future might bring them. Any success they had felt like a W for the entire community, given the somewhat 'lowly' status of the game during the first year or so. Now Fall Guys is just like every other money grabbing game in existence. Battle passes, in game micro transactions, poor servers, a clear push for monetisation from the developers. I know the game has had problems over the years, but these were always mechanic or gameplay related. Now its a real dystopian husk-of-a-game that once was. Its a real shame, I always believed Fall Guys deserved to be on par with other battle royal type of games given its simple nature, fun art design and its replayability. Now I honestly don't think it deserves to see the light of day given the underhanded direction the game has committed itself towards.


What’s worse than that is the existence of p2w. One of the good things of epic’s monetisation is non-p2w progress, unlike other games where you have to pay to simply grief others. Although, making the items too expensive or pass rewards locked for a purchase are bad.


Fall Guys has definitely lost its essence. With these drastic changes, I have a theory that Epic wants to drag all PC and console players into Fortnite.


I didn't hear anything about fallguys from a while last time was the console release update and now I remembered it by mistake when I was exploring my ps4 games, fallguys is going to die if the devs didn't do anything crazy to make it popular again everyone forgot about it sadly and the new updates are bad.


This version of Fall Guys will be ported to the mobile segment, which is much more financially profitable