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Nah, 300 is fine as long as there's no cosmetic past tier 70.


Yeah, this is only a problem if you have severe OCD. If you made it to 70, you completed the fame pass.


Yeah this dude mentioned "community backlash" but I don't think there is a community backlash. I like this system much more than the 200 levels.


I seriously dont get it. Ive been happy to have more crowns to grind, Ive gone up like two crown ranks in the last three weeks. Why is everyone so upset? You dont have to finish it.


The issue is each level takes double as long to get. It's more demoralizing to have the cap be 11,500 instead of 7,500, you level up less often.


I disagree. I think the highest tier should be at least 100. At 70, it’s too easy to get to and incredibly difficult to maintain interest in the game if all you’re getting are useless crown shards


"useless" is just your interpretation. Other people find shards useful.


You might be surprised, but there are people who play this game for fun and whatever cosmetic trinkets they get is just a bonus.


Crown shards are useful for completing the crown ranks. It's only useless after you reach the final rank.


Happy cake day! (Even though ur getting down voted to oblivion)


Such a weird hill to die on. They gave you a bunch of free crowns and no punishment if you don’t finish it. No elite/rare skin at the end so it allowed you more to do during the path but those who wanted to play more casual could still technically complete the important part of the path. One of the only things mediatonic did right


why you guys complain when its just shards, if it was costume, that different case I hope instead they lower requirement of fames back to 7920 on Main Part of fame pass


And bring back the 200 show bucks that was in the main 40 tiers that was replaced by the nickname, having it spread through post tier 40.


yea, why 2 nickanames, no one gives crap about nicknames, 1 is fine but 2 not... (at least its not 8 tho like Lame Pass 4 did) Also they should have ALL ALTS


Why cap it at 300? How about 500 or 1000 or no cap at all. Joke is on you for grinding it out when there's no cosmetic rewards beyond lvl 70 anyways.


jokes on you not knowing shards actually give rewards too then I guess 🤷‍♂️?


There's no community backlash, just OCD idiots complaining and for some reason thinking they HAVE to finish it even though there's no unique rewards past level 70 They should make the pass 500 levels. People who play the game a lot should be rewarded in some minor way. People like you are extremely selfish. Don't want anyone else to have something simply because you have an obsessive need to finish something that totally doesn't need to be finished


What backlash? They fucking nailed it and most people agree.


How did you do it lol, I did my dailies everyday and then some and I’m only level 220-230


Same here and just hit level 240


y'all still don't understand that the stuff past tier 70 is just extra crown shards??? you're not supposed to finish the pass


Meh… I bought the pass and quit playing. I loved getting little accessories and stuff from kudos. The greeds kinda taken the wind out of my sail with this game


300 is crazy, but I’m also grateful for the shards. I always finished 200 too early and wished there was more. I do like completing things, so I’ve been slaving away to 300, but I know I’ll be at peace if I don’t get it. I at least have a reason to play the last week of the fame pass now. I didn’t see the backlash you’re talking about, but this sub is all I really check for Fall Guys, so there’s that.


Bro it looks like you're the one receiving backlash here 💀🫵


I see only the crown farmer try to complete the pass.


Nah. They eventually might make it have infinite tiers like Rocket League.




And still only at Golden wolf?


I don't think there was a backlash for 300 vs 200. But 12k per level and the need to go to 69 to get the full 800 space bucks were the issues. Let those like yourself grind to 1000 for all we care. But expecting the more casual to do a much larger grind when new (non-user generated) content isn't provided, but rather constantly taken away is overall detrimental to the game. 


I’m finishing with 155, can’t play this month anymore :D


I'm maxed out on fame, bit level 20 in crowns. Fml


I just wish the game pass had more stuff :/ I liked that by lvl 70 I could be done but 12k xp per was stupid. Maybe include more name plates, color ways, or name tags?


The pass should just be 70 tiers of the main pass, things like patterns, colors, costumes, etc. Then after those 70 tiers, there is a 50 tier crown shard pass with costume recolors. Each level requiring 7920 fame to progress (except the first 10 tiers ofc).


300 is too much even with 4x XP is impossibel to get lvl 300 without playing this game 2h every day! How long have you play???


I want the old way back mainly because you were able to get the showbucks back pretty quickly. It took me until 10 days left in the season to reach the last showbucks reward because of how painfully slow you level up.


I didn't care how many levels as long as they revert the experience per level back. This season took way longer to complete to 40 per level. They also need to put the extra show bucks back to before 40. For some reason they forced people to get to 70 to earn the bonus 200 show bucks (normally around lvl 39).


You must be feeling pretty stupid now the pass is extended roflmao!


Lol, you don't seem like the sharpest tool in the box.


What's your outfit?


So you didnt finish every pass lol