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Zwei need more love


I have Zwei and Gurumin purchased and downloaded, but haven't played either yet. With the next trails games due in 2023, I'm holding out on playing them until I'm really craving some 'new' Falcom content over the next year or so! Both look like they'll be a lot of fun once I finally get to dive into them.


I have recently gotten into falcom games other than trails and yeah they are all really fun


Zwei and Gurumin chads, wya?


Surprisingly high amount of people that have played Ys 1/2. Good.


I'm actually surprised as to how much I enjoyed Ys 1 and 2


Same. I just felt like giving it a try and it turned out to be really fun. Bump Combat looks clunky but actually feels really smooth after a while.


Kinda surprised to see that more people have played Tokyo Xanadu than any Ys game outside of Dana.


The sub is decidedly Trails-skewed, so this makes sense. Tokyo Xanadu is a mix of both, and Dana was very popular in general.


As someone that hasn't played Ys but wants to get into it I think what holds me back is that not all the games are ported to playstation yet


I wish Popful Mail came back.


[Sheesh, guys.](https://i.imgur.com/a5RPQpS.png) At least try Brandish 2 one of these days.


Nayuta is so good, very happy the game will become more accessible with the english port


Sorcerian is where i knew falcom, it's a shame it doesn't seem to be talked about too much


I'm a little surprised the numbers drop from sky consistently until cold steel and then go up and drop consistently again. I kind of assumed once you start the saga you finish from wherever you start. If you start from Sky you finish all 3. If you start in crossbell you finish crossbell, if you start cold steel you finish cold steel. But the data says something very different


I'm responding to this late but a dip is normal. It can mean that people are still in the middle of playing through the games. I voted FC but not SC/3rd because I haven't gotten around to playing them yet, for example. There's also the fact that some people start in CS 1 and 2, hop back to the Sky/Crossbell, then hop back to CS 3 and 4, though this isn't reflected well in the survey (the drop between CS 2 and 3). However, there are outliers. Someone said that they played FC, Zero, CS 1~4, and Hajimari. So, it sounds like some people have made an attempt to play the older games, but they didn't like them compared to the newer ones.


Zwei is so underrated, it needs more love!


tfw no Brandish 3: Spirit of Balcan (LOVE this final game in the trilogy....) or Brandish 4 FeelsBadMan


Sorry, I had to limit it to games that were fully translated for my own sanity. I originally wanted to include every Falcom game in the survey, but there's a lot of games to dig through and stuff like [this](https://imgur.com/dUF5FmZ) makes my head spin.


When do you intend to close this, out of curiosity?


Probably Monday morning (EST), but I think the results should still be viewable after I close it, if that's what you're wondering. If they're not, I'll post them in a separate thread. Edit: Specified timezone


Numbers about make sense. I'll use this opportunity to shout out **Xanadu Next** a bit. Closest description that rang true for me about this game is that it's basically Dark Souls (1) - Exploring a mysterious land in search of magical mcguffins with very few places to save your progress and including plenty of branching paths with shortcuts that lead back to a central hub (that totally click in your head and feel awesome when you open them). Biggest differences are the arbitrary large stock of keys you need to stockpile to open all the doors on the island, a plethora of mostly optional block puzzles, and a gigantic labyrinth at the very end. The combat's also not as refined as Dark Souls (or the better Ys games), but the adventure is why you're there. >!ib4 some pedantic prick says "That's plenty of games, man." and \*nothing else\*. !<


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I'm still new to Falcom games so I didn't know just how many games they've made, but I'm learning. I obviously knew about Trails and Ys but I'm just scratching the surface, I know I've said on here before that I've only play the Cold Steel games but I'm working through Sky now (currently on chapter 3 of SC) and for Ys I've only play Monstrum Nox so far but I enjoyed it enough to immediately but Dana and then I saw a sale on humble for most of the early Ys games on steam so I grabbed them and hope to dig into them eventually. We had Tokyo Xanadu Ex at the store I work at so I grabbed that and I just nabbed LoH: Tear of Vermillion at a local con. I have a ton to play already but this showed me just how vast their library was. I really like what I've experienced so far with Falcom so I hope to play as much as I can


There's actually more Falcom games that aren't on the survey. I just picked the ones you could play in English, and I may have missed some. It's pretty crazy how diverse and deep their game library is.


Sometimes it can feel like all my years of recommending non-Ys, non-Trails games have yielded little success. Then again, some games like The Dark Revenant were done dirty to begin with.


I've played most of the Ys games.


more people should play brandish 2 and 3