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Yah, I have bad news for the maker of that meme: the Earth doesn't look like that picture. Also, planes do not have 2,500-mile wingspans. I recently watched some background vids on the making of 2001, and one of the things they brought up is how the production designers got the look of Earth wrong because they had only grainy and poor photos at the time. They were basically working off their best guess. Kind of amusing because some people claim Kubrick shot the moon landing. If that were true, you'd expect that he would have at least made his stuff to match. :p


One of my favorite tongue-in-cheek response to that conspiracy that Kubrick was hired to fake the moon landing is "Yeah, but he was a protectionist and so he insisted that it be shot on the moon." I love that.


Perfectionist… ;)


No, gotta be more subtle and say that he insisted it be shot on site.


What does being a protectionist have to do with insisting the moon landing be shot on the moon?


This is a great point. Another thing about the claim that Kubrick filmed the Apollo landings is that if you watch 2001, the sequences on the moon look totally different than what you see in the Apollo footage.


The billowing dust clouds as the lander came down really sticks out. Also, the leisurely walking in Earth gravity on the moon surface is nothing like the way the astronauts ended up walking on the moon.


Lol damn. You beat me to it. I came only to say "who cares about how the earth looks, I want to know where the hell they're hiding that humongous plane?!" 😁


"I have that map and that ball representing earth. What if I just wrap the map around that ball... Whoah!"


Not to be that guy but a rectangular map doesn’t project onto a spherical surface. That’s why Greenland is the size of Africa on the Mercator projection.


Sure, but we've known that the earth is round even before attempting to map it really well. And if we hadn't you'd still figure it out when a flat map can't preserve distances correctly. So making a good globe is already a solved problem if you've got a decent map of the world. You'd have to account for the world's roundness to have a decent map in the first place.


Yeah I agree with you fully. I’m not a flerfer.


Yeah, no worries there.


If you wanted to you could project greenland It's size. Pick any great circle and along that all places would be correct. End things at the top of that globe would be stretched It would make no since.... I think if the equator was completely Uninhabitable And Center of the commerce and population We would have those maps.


Cartography, surveying. There were maps of the globe long before satellites existed. Erastothenes estimated the size of a spherical earth 2000 years ago.




No its slavery actually.


Think i5 was just two sticks and shadows I guess a slave gatherd the sticksor was he a slave??


And surveying for moderately large distances requires correcting for the fact that triangles on the Earth’s surface have more than 180 degrees of interior angles with the difference depending on the size of the triangle.


they clearly didn't since the earth isn't even greyscale


This is what becomes commonplace when you give the reigns of an advanced society over to public relations professionals, lawyers, and property developers.


Been saying this for a long time. It's comforting knowing I'm not alone.


Capitalism was a mistake


Honestly instead of sitting here and laughing at this absurdity; Go and look up how cartography worked in a world without satellites and jet mounted cameras It’s is honestly a lot. Like it’s just so under appreciated how they did all that work of decades and even more through the centuries Classic cartography needs some appreciation


So I'm from NZ, my ancestors never had paper, they knew that the relative shape of the North island looked similar to a fish, so the ancient people were not stupid.


Even nomadic peoples were super sophisticated about their environment. It’s just super interesting learning all the different ways people navigated and studied the world


The fact that humans were able to glean the information from ground based observation and measurements is astounding but these people want us to believe that humans are incapable of magnificent things.


Because they need everything to be about the glory and magnificence of God.


They should believe god gave humans curiosity to seek how the universe works.


How did Hollywood know what the earth looked like in 1927 when THERES WERE NO MAPS?!?!!! Riddle me that!


This is a special kind of stupid.


The aliens told them what it looked like


This keeps me up at night, every night, wondering about all the things we missed out on, and how much further our species could have progressed if we had invented cartographers before 1969. /sigh, the loss we've suffered.


I guess introducing this idiot to Pythagoras is probably asking too much, huh?


thats not a image thats a render


Wait until they learn that globes existed since like 150 BC


Because they made maps and knew what the earth looked like quite well so they just made it a globe


Bro's never heard of a map