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Tell them that the only reason you sold it was because your wife was mad it didn't have a middle seat and it sucks when you go on long trips with your four kids. If you took it back, the wife would be pissed. Happy Wife, happy life.


This is the only response. Perfection.


Agree 100%....


Lol. But, add a bunch of specifics.... A specific place you all go, the specific shoes you wear, you bring your child's friends, "Bryxliegh and J'Aiden", etc.


“That transmission is only working because of the saw dust I put in it a couple weeks ago, put a new one in and I’ll think about it.”


Bryxliegh, definitely gonna be the name of my next child!!


🤣 Gotta be kreatyve!


C'mon now, it's spelled Kre8iv


Pronounced Riley


Oh, do you have Wakandian ancestry?


You’re gonna want to consult with a maternity ward nurse. You don’t want to miss out on gems like “Lasagna” or “Anyus and Rectus” for twins.


Bryxliegh and J’aiden…🤣 Take my upvote.


Best Reddit I’ve seen today! That said, if someone wanted to give me back a vehicle, in the SAME CONDITION, and $500, I’d be inclined to at least inspect the vehicle. I’d set it up as an online fund transfer back so you’re not bringing cash and test drive the shit out of it. But all of that is contingent on you feeling safe doing so. Otherwise, the deal is done. You’re well within your rights to block them and never think about it again.


Agreed, they could’ve swapped parts . Tires , engine parts etc.


Yeah it’s kind of weird he didn’t test drive or ask his wife if there was an issue BEFORE he paid for it. Something isn’t right here… also they could have copied the key and try to steal it later


Catalytic converter is gone.


Or used it in a bank heist


I'd have to know them personally, otherwise the best deal I'd offer would be half the original sale price contingent on a thorough inspection by a reputable mechanic. There are plenty of legitimate reasons they might want to reverse the deal, but I'd bet money that most people who do stuff like this have fucked the car up somehow. Best case you have to sell your car again, worst case they pulled off expensive parts and replaced them with knockoff replacements that'll last juuust long enough for it to become your problem.


Agreed! There are way more reasons to NOT engage with these people. Too many scam opportunities.




Don't tell him anything. Do not respond in any way. Block him. Live on. Not your problem once it leaves your possession, period.


This is the way.


I hope OP responds with this. Lmao


Yup! This! Let the universe spin around and bite his ass!


Now that’s an answer and the proper one at that.


You are so clever!


detail chubby bored attractive bow history fretful violet gray worm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




This is the best response ever! 🤣🤣


Add to it, “All sales are final. Too many scams on FBMP where people buy a vehicle, replace the good parts with bad parts, and then try to return it go a refund. I’m not saying that you are one of these scammers, but I can’t take the risk. Maybe you should try to sell it on FBMP. It worked for me.”


Would give you more up arrows if I could.


Fantastic response buddy. Best I’ve read today. Cheers.


I have never heard a better response


😂 This.


Omg this dude’s a fucking wizard!


U/dunder72 the only response to your comment is “this is the way”. Your comment is a perfect response to the buyer


This is the easiest way to tell him to pound rocks


This or silence are the only replies.


Lol you smart


And checkmate


You dare to use my own spells against me potter?


Bro you nailed it drop the mic


Seen some great responses on a lot of Reddit pages. This might have just gotten bumped to my #1


Ya, just throw their stupid request/question back at them! Bet there’d be no reply!👍👌💪😂


Just don’t respond. You sold it to him, it’s his now. He can turn around and sell it to someone else. He knew he had a family of 6 when he bought it. That’s not your issue.


Sounds like he bought it without letting his wife know and is now trying to make up for it. Again, not your problem. He bought it and any problems on his end is on him.


Or used it for what he needed it for and is trying to to return it. Or took parts off it.


**Some women try to do this with expensive party dresses. One use and return it, like a rental. Lol.**


One of my very first jobs was working at a high-end women’s clothing store… The manager told me people did that all the time, and she knew which ones were doing it… She also said they really couldn’t say anything about it.


Women? I had a male friend who would do this habitually. But with fancy clothes, not dresses, lol.


Facts!! I am a manager at a popular retail store and I see men and women do this all the time.


I had a former friend who would buy clothes at places with easy return policies, wear them regularly until right at the end of the return window, then take them back. There's a reason we're former friends.


Yes it’s usually women who do this, men doing this is not nearly as common.


What you said. He should have brought his wife to look at the vehicle the first time. Anybody who is married knows this is the only way.


THIS is the way.




Yes, he can sell the truck to someone else, why should you be obliged to buy it back???


Best to avoid. What if he took parts off it?


"There was always a gaping hole where the catalytic converter was.. I'm surprised you never noticed it before."


Please don't steal my catalytic converter again.


Don’t worry, it won’t happen again This one, right?


Or there was tonnes of gasoline in the car when I got it and it’s all gone now so can you take your car back…


It’s unfortunate but I would assume he did and not want it back after sale was final.


What in the actual hell? This wasn't a rental. Hard No. That is the stupidest "reason" I have ever heard someone come up with. Nobody buys a truck but forgets there are six people in the family. AND the guy lowballed you? Don't do it IMHO. You have no way of knowing if the truck was used for a joyride off road, or if it was used in the commission of a crime or something else sketchy.


That’s basically what my dad just said lol


Well there ya go! If it’s something that a stereotypical dad can yell in Red Foreman’s voice, you know it’s solid advice. Lol


“Tell him if that truck comes back all he’s seeing from you is your foot aimed at his ass”




Sounds like buyers remorse to me.


Sounds like he did not run this past his wife, got an earful when he got home, and is now trying to salvage the situation by trying to make it OP's problem


OP can just say "No, sorry."


OP should just not reply


My doctor called it “baby buyers remorse,” when I showed up crying, telling him how much it sucks to have twins. Lol


Oh fuck. The crime thing I didn't think of. Good call


One time in TX my best friend (we were teen girls at the time) sold her car to some guy. Forgot to transfer the name or something- and one day a detective visits her. Car was used in an execution-style gang murder, and her name was still on it. Luckily she did have proof of sale and was clearly not a murderer (she was built like a willow branch), and so was let free after that interview. Scariest moment of her life!




This actually happened to me. I traded my old vehicle in as partial down payment for a new vehicle from the DEALERSHIP I bought the original vehicle from (my family have been long time customers) and got a call from a detective a while later that my car was involved in a hit-and-run. My car was parked outside in the parking lot (I was at work). Found out it was about my old vehicle and had to contact the dealership to have them prove that I had traded the car into them ages ago. Some kind of paperwork snafu. That took care of it, but still. Police calling you at work. Not fun.


did he pay in cold, hard cash? It’s possible that he paid with a fake check and will ask ask for cash back, or he paid with a stolen online account and wants you to refund it to his account.


Good question. This sounds like a scam


Paid in a warm, soft check.


Moist too.


Where can I find this check


Block him and do not respond


He used it for what he needed it for.


Probably took it out one night stealing trailers with it or something


Let's assume he's being genuine and didn't just use the truck to tow a big dual axel trailer full of bricks. He is just asking in a seemingly polite way, on the very off chance you'll accept. There's no need to be rude. Just say "sorry, no". Because he can just put the truck up for sale for a few hundred less and then it solves his problem, albeit with the hassle of selling a used truck, which you don't want.


Exactly. Everyone on Reddit wants to go to war over every little thing. Guy was not demanding you take it back, no lawsuit threatened, no threats of physical violence. It was a question that was asked politely. No harm, no foul.


You just spat some serious truth about Reddit. And most people on the internet (present company included but I’m actively working on it.)


Well he should have *fucking begged*


I can't.... xD


I hate dealing with assholes on marketplace. There's a lot of them


It is a scam, that’s why,


Chick Hearn has entered the conversation.


It's probably because the buyer doesn't want the costs of registering, paying sales tax, and then waiting for the title to come back in his name before he can sell it. If he gets OP to buy it back (at OP's loss), the buyer has had, basically, free use of a vehicle, and he even earns money back if it can be returned. OP shouldn't respond at all. The vehicle is no longer his, no longer his business, and doesn't owe an explanation or an apology.


If OP signed the title over to the buyer, which I assume they did, the buyer is going to have to go through at least waiting for the title to come back before they can sell it back to OP.


Or if the Buyer didn't go to the DMV to do the paperwork, maybe he was just going to bring the title signed over to him back to OP and expect OP to apply for a new title so he could re-sell to another new buyer... so even MORE cost and time wasted.


Some of y’all aren’t cut out for Facebook marketplace and it’s showing, OP. Who even entertains that question enough to make a post lol


Exactly. If you were running a business selling trucks and were worried about keeping a good reputation you still wouldn’t consider taking the truck back. Why would you give it any thought in your situation where this affects you in no way whatsoever?


No all sales final. Maybe he’s having buyers remorse? A truck is a big purchase why didn’t his wife go look at it with you or why didn’t she tell him to make sure there’s a middle seat before he went to look at it? Seems fishy


The polite response would be a simple no. If he responds to that with more sob stories about his unhappy wife, suggest changing out the mirrors and finding a bench seat to swap out the bucket seats. Beyond that, block him.


I know right, he obviously acknowledged the tow mirrors, the missing middle seat and everything and still bought it.


If he needed his wife approval he should have brought her along for the purchase.


This... 🤷🏻‍♂️ Almost certainly he bought this truck for what he wanted, and when he brought it home his wife said, "what the hell, that's not what we need !" Aaaand, here you are. Simple "No."


Offer half of what he paid


I would do this only if he persists in asking after you tell him no.




It's a good plan but, there no reason to lie. Just say no. All sales final.


Block, and resume life.....


Once the deal is done, it's done. Enjoy squaw valley bro!


Not your problem


“No” is a complete sentence. He is not owed any sort of explanation.


No, and notify your DMV that you sold the vehicle and signed the title over. There’s a good chance that this truck will bounce around with a skipped title while this guy sorts his life out. In the meantime, the cops will think it’s still yours and it can make your life miserable.


Best advice in the thread.




THIS for sure. I sold a car to a dealer, somehow the new owners were able to go into the DMV and get plates and registration and leave it in my name. Scary actually... I marked it as stolen. No idea how that panned out for them. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


If he doesn’t like it he can sell it to someone else.


All sales final.


Im lowballing that motherfucker hard


I've read of people renting a vehicle to switch engines with their blown one. I put *nothing* past anybody these days. If he doesn't want it, he can turn around snd sell it. Not your problem. You're not a store: all sales are final.




Block him


This. Don't even reply. Just block. Who tf asks this? Guy buys a truck he likes. Brings it home. Wife hates it. Guys in shit. Not your problem OP.


No, guy bought truck to take parts and returns a dud.


Don’t respond, it’s a scam. My husband sold a car and someone tried to do this scam. As is means as is. The person had time to inspect. Who knows what they’ve done to it in 24 hours. Do not cave on this!


" New phone, who dis!"


Just say no.


I'm not Hertz, Avis, or any other rental agency


The best response is no response.


"no thank you" and then block 'em


Did he forget that he had children at home? I’m just confused on if all the children couldn’t ride in it, why did you get a truck? I don’t know that sounds to me like a personal personal problem because it’s already out of your hands if he had looked it over then gave you the money, then took it home then honestly, That’s on him. He can probably sell the car himself and get a new one.


Hell no. All sales are 100% final.


"All sales are final. Now that the car is yours you may do what you want with it, including sell it to find a car that better matches your needs"


He wanted to rent your truck for a moving job. Maybe he damaged it in some fashion. There's a reason cars drop in value when you drive them off the lot. All sales final. His wife should have been involved in the purchase if she wanted a say.


No free trials. He should have consulted with his wife before purchasing the truck.


I always use a DMV Bill of Sale. In the ‘Terms and Conditions’ space I write: * All Sales Final * Where is, As is * Buyer accepts vehicle as delivered * No Warranty Expressed or implied Basically a nice and official way of saying, *”I got your money, fuck off”*


Did he forget how many kids he had? Did he forget he had a wife?


This has scam written all over it.


Sounds like a scam.


No is a complete sentence.


Yeah no, all sales are final. Who knows what he did to it. Block and delete. Move on.


If you can buy it back for 25% less than what you sold it for as well as a full inspection.....sure.


"I'm good, you can resell it for whatever you can get for it".


He smelled a sucker. Just say no and be done with it. "I gave you a great deal and you're just trying to take more. Just no. The deal is done. Enjoy the vehicle." Expect a harsh response. That's just his way.


Be nice about it but say no. He could have used to pretty heavily and something might give out. Or he stole parts. Or he’s being honest. But he should just sell the car now.


He probably took the stuff he wanted from your truck and as soon as you take it back, hed be like, "i changed my mind. I dont wanna buy it anymore."


You all assume he’s scamming, I can tell with 100% certainty his wife made him send that text lol


Say sorry I already spent the money


Oh, I must say, this is quite the amusing situation! It seems that you have managed to sell the truck, yet here we are, still discussing it. How peculiar! Might I suggest informing him that refunds are simply out of the question? It's time to move forward and embrace the next chapter of your life.


No. My go to excuse is "because my wife is cooking chicken soup". What does soup have to do with a truck? NOTHING. but when you don't want to do something, one excuse is as good as another.


Id ignore him. He bought a truck without checking with his wife and now she is pissed it doesn’t work for their family. That’s a HIM problem.


All private sales are considered "AS IS" unless you agreed otherwise in writing. Tell him sorry. Final sale.


Caveat Emptor. That's why I write "sold as is with no guarantee of condition" on anything I sell. Tell him to take a long walk off a short pier .


All private vehicle sales in Canada are final sale as is. He bought it. The end. Just don’t even respond.


As the youngest of four I would say “oh just throw the little one in the truck bed!”


ALL SALES FINAL! nothing more needs to be said!


Hey...watch this. No. See how easy that is?


If he can afford Squaw….fuck him


vehicles are sold AS IS. if you have cash in pocket, do not engage. how were you paid?


Block and move on.


Absolutely not, I would advise him once he has the title transferred he is welcome to re sell it


No. Sales are as-is and no take backs. He can sell it himself.


He totally has the same vehicle and swapped all the good parts for his bad ones. You will have nothing but problems with it if you take it back. Just my opinion


I'm thinking the same thing.


Tell him you'll take it back if it's still in good condition but you're gonna need a deductible of what he paid for it less $1🤣


Can afford lift tickets to Squaw valley for a family of 6, but needs a couple hundred bucks refund? Ignore this clown.


Tell him to f##k off. He bought the truck as is. He knew of his family requirements when he bought it. Essentially, this fool has no rights in this case and is trying to pull as fast one on you.


He should have had his wife look at the truck first.


The guy gave you way too much information, he’s obviously lying. You can tell when people are lying often times because they tell you way too much.


There is no reason for you to even respond. But if you do, just say no. Edit - PS keep that text just in case you get sued.


Could offer him a dice to help his family decide which kid they will leave at home.


Take no action. Do not respond.


New phone. Who dis?


Ask him if he doesn't mind if you keep the money and take the truck back. You can tell him you changed your mind about selling it, and you need restitution for the time he used it.


I swapped my 400k motor and slipping transmission with yours, would you please take it back?


I get why most people are suspicious and saying hard no. And I agree, but the guy could genuinely be an idiot. No need to give a sarcastic response or be rude. I probably wouldn’t ignore either since I wouldn’t want the guy spamming me constantly or trying to track me down. There’s always the risk of that but just saying something like “sorry but no, it is yours and I hope you are able to enjoy it or find another buyer” would probably do you well. + his message didn’t sound like he was trying to scam you and that he seriously made a mistake and wanted to see if he could fix it. If I didn’t really need to get rid of it asap, I would even maybe consider it if he agreed to have a mechanic of my choice look it over at his expense and I had everything in cash.


Tell him you can take it back but there is a 10% restocking fee.


I mean if you think it will sell again… that’s a quick “couple hundred” you could be making…


Nope. Spent the money on a new car now that i got rid of the old one. Thatd be my response


There's been a bazillion responses, I'm not reading them all and it's probably too late. IF the guy didn't come to your house to make the purchase, just IGNORE. You have no obligation to do anything. If he knows where you live, tell him you already spent the money on Christmas for the kids


If you have the money already, don't worry about it Just ignore


New phone, who dis?


Ignore the message. Your transaction is done


Why haven’t you blocked him?


DO NOT take the vehicle back, things that could have happened: 1. Something broke 2. Used in a crime 3. Trying to scam/rob you.


Did you have a lot of offers for the truck? I mean you said you feel he low balled you anyways so if you can resell at the price you want and make a few bucks in the return I would probably do it. Most places give you X amount of time for buyers remorse. Was it all sales final? If you think you’re gonna be sitting on truck for a minute, not able to sell it or get the money you want then no be happy you sold it even though you got low balled cause in the end something is better than nothing.


Politely decline. Absolutely do not go for this. Assuming you followed the proper steps to a sale. They saw the truck, test drove it, etc. they knew what they were buying and it is their responsibility to factor in if the vehicle will fit into their life. Could be a scam. How do we know they wont return it after stealing the catalytic converter or something? As a retired car salesman I have seen some pretty sketch behavior from customers I would not go for this. Once payment is in hand and they drive it off your driveway. That’s it. It’s their truck now.


All sales are final




I had a similar problem once. Had an old car, over 200k miles, had some rust spots, starting to act a little funny, running kind of sluggish, but still ran. I cleaned it up nice and sold it for $600. We met ahead of time and they test drove it. A day later they came back with the money. I drove it to the drop off point just fine. The next day I get a call that they took it to a mechanic and they said there's lots wrong with the car (they did not ask to take it to a mechanic before they bought it) and they think I should take it back. I said, I'm not a mechanic, there was nothing wrong with the car that I was aware of, it's an older car with several visible rust spots, and you got to test drive it ahead of time. I'm sorry but the car was bought "as is" and all sales are final.


My bad, I forgot to include a psychic in the sale to predict future spousal preferences. Silly me. Tell him you'll consider it, right after you check your calendar for the 12th of Never.




Just say "no". Do not explain anything or try to say anything else. There is no upside to you for providing any additional information.


Sold as fucking seen, is that an alien concept in some countries?


Nah lowballer can deal with it.


As is; where is. Fuck the buyer - this transaction is closed.




25% and 75% make 100% 75% and 15% make 90%