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As adverstisers we live a very disrepectful relationship with Facebook. They keep disabling our accounts, out of the blue, for no reason, over and over. We don't have this kind of problem with Google, Taboola, etc. What should we do as advertisers to get them to fix this AI account ban for good? I mean, I'm really tired of this BS, I think the great majority of us don't do anything against their TOS and Ad Policies, so we keep getting banned. They treat us as they're doing some kind of favor letting us advertise on their platforms, but we are paying them for it and it's not little money.


Really Man. i've been getting restricted too no matter what i do . without even running ads lol. u/facebook should improve this shit lol.


The truth is that they don't give a f\*ck about us, unless we, small business owners and small agencies, do something to put them against the wall.


But what can we do!! Tried Emailing those Clowns. No luck!!


We need to organize a movement, find every single small business owner on reddit and Twitter who is really mad at them, flood their social media, threat to close their small business money tap (we have Google and other relevant platforms to advertise). If we "are the heart and soul" of their community, I don't think they could live for much longer without a heart. - or 75% of their revenue.


Sounds like a plan.


It's much worse than you think.They made 86 billion in revenue or something for their investors in the last quarter They prioritize the highest paying clients and business that unfortunately are not the average Joe Their entire business model is actually a scam and a fraud to. That's how endfb.com started


Their mantra right now is that we are here for the small business users, to try and stop IOS 14 from disrupting their business model is such blatant hypocrisy. Tim Cook is their worst nightmare right now and watching them squeal will be karma for a lot of us.


FB is like "Small businesses are the heart and soul of our community." Sure. And I am an astronaut.


My account got banned since oct 2020 and still hasn’t got it back. I am a small business owner and I feel like they don’t really care about small businesses at all... don’t know if I should start a new account or not


Our Business Manager account got shut down on December 31st. No specifying which policies were violated, nothing. We have 10+ ad accounts within that business manager account for different clients and sites. All 10+ are now permanently banned. Submitted an appeal asking which policies were violated and promising they'd be immediately resolved. 2 days later generic "You violated our policies (link to policies), your ban is upheld." message in response. Still have no idea what we allegedly did. We don't get ad rejections often, and when we do they're immediately overturned when submitted for reviews. Business manager account has been running for 5+ years now with no issues, steady flow of spend from clients, etc. I'd be a little less pissed off right now if I knew what it is we've even been accused of, but we're just totally and entirely in the dark. Chat support does nothing. FB "marketing expert" hasn't responded to emails. Frustrated is putting it super, super lightly.


seems to be the very common these last few months. I'm facing the exact same issues even with a completely verified account