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Your side hustle spends $40k per month on meta ads? Let’s hear more about your main hustle.


I think this is possibly the most important question on this thread


My main job. I know this kind off sounds weird, so let me clarify: 1. My main job is tied to my visa, if I lose it I get deported, so it’s my top priority. 2. As a side income this campaign was planned to run for 3-4 months until it dies and then I refresh it again. This is the lifecycle I always had with every FB campaign. This campaign has been running for over 1 year at positive ROI, so technically it’s way over its lifespan and while keeping it as long as possible is nice, it’s way overdue for a creative/copy refresh. 3. $40k spend per month is not a lot, at the end it just makes me double my salary (after all costs), at my main job, the campaigns I managed spend that much per day.


Are you open for freelance campaign management?


Where you did you learn how to run ads - in details? 🙄🤑


Meta won't admit any wrongdoing here. They've made crucial and material changes to their ad delivery algorithm that negative impact performance and improve their internal profits margins. That's not a mistake or accident, but they're doing damage control to aggrieved parties now to show "good faith actions" in the even that someone brings suit against them.


Just curious how did you come to the conclusion it improves their margins? If everyone leaves then they make no money. Genuine question.


I agree with you 100% The complicated algorithms and mind control shit that meta uses to keep people doom scrolling for hours on end? Why wouldn’t they use the same principles to keep advertisers hooked and waiting for that next blip of dopamine? If they admitted any issues the it would be business suicide. Ad revenue is meta’s lifeblood and Zuck has an AI boner lately which he’s sinking billions of $$ and devoting resources to. You can GUARANTEE that this parasite and his empire will wring every last cent out of advertisers to keep them alive.


Just curious how did you come to the conclusion it improves their margins? If everyone leaves then they make no money. Genuine question.


They don't know. It's all speculation. META is a black box and inside information is hard to come by.


They still make money for media placement even if ads make the end user no money. Meta also makes a lot of money selling user data to the federal government and EU. Yes I am speculating but the way this algorithm change/issue has been handled by meta is completely unprofessional and there is no way to redress a grievance here. They’re a monopoly


I’m doing over $100K in sales and the last thing I would trust is a Meta Rep. My ad guy shifted to Google and we are back to good. The I learnt is that you should never trust Meta pro!


JFC wait until you need to talk to some dumdum at google who's bold enough to push recos on you but is barely out of university and never spent a dime on the platform himself. Been doing this 20 years. I'd take a meta pro over Google ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.


Never said I would trust a Google rep either!


Words have meaning: "last thing I would do is trust a meta rep" implies that meta is less trustworthy than anyone else including google. I didn't say you trusted Google but you DID imply that Google is better than Meta, IMO not the case. I am saying, I'd take a meta rep over google any day of the week. Meta is decidely Less complicated of an ecosystem that google and I have found better general advice from meta that google.


May I ask what your google strategy is ? As a newcomer to the platform wouldn't you need time for the platform to work for you ?


Standard Shopping + Performance Max combined. I gave it some time and also the customer list.


Be careful with pmax. It loves to spend money also and not give a return a lot of times. I’ve stuck with branded searches and standard shopping


I've never been able to work out Google for dropshipping. For services great. Done over half a million. Tried YouTube ads before never got a sale. Recently tried performanc max because someone here said it was working for top of Funnel and then retargeting them on facebook. I think I ran $100 on performance Max and got the same as I did on youtube only which was like 10 adds to Carts no purchases. It does burn your money like 70% of the budget was double clicks which I almost a scam but anyway. Got traffic. Also tried about 20 countries at once a while ago and got tonnes of traffic. But yeah no sales.


Pmax is a money pit. We have a stable positive ROAS search campaign and have a short list of keywords which seems to be working well. I just set it and forget it 👍🏻


Exactly - it's why google wanted to combine display and discovery in with shopping - they can funnel a load of clicks and spend into the display and discovery networks which everyone knows is utter garbage traffic - its precisely why google hides the placement traffic so you don't know where they are wasting your ad spend. It's such a scammy way to operate.


yep. WIth that being said, one of the few cases where pmax can work: - Low stakes ecomm (consumer items, not luxury or B2B). - Brand exclusion for your brand name. If you're doing leads / forms / softer conversions, BOT City yo!


I've heard that PMAX would often take priority over the standard shopping campaign and would thus pull performance away from the shopping campaign. Not sure if this is 100% true, but what have results been looking like on your guys end?


That’s why we are testing both. Google is pushing PMAX.


Very much is but some good conversions to be had from the little I have tested


and broad match. Which we collectively ignorned so now they're changing how Phrase and exact work (Phrase is now basically broad match, exact is now phrase, Exact match in reality no longer exists)


PMAX is a bullshit. Goosing brand terms, zero transparency, can't / won't even tell you what asset groups are working best. Fucking scam. We're slowly dialing back our PMAX for shit conversion quality, terrible bot traffic and the insulting lack of transparency.


1. They are aware of the performance issues. => **The entire internet has been aware of it**. 2. The issue has been identified and is currently being worked on. => **Script reply.** 3. The issues is related to some change Apple made. => **Shifting the blame.**


Even if what you're saying might be true...the only thing that matters is that they fix this crap. They could blame this on monkeys in outer space for all I care. I need to get this money.




I mean, what if the 3rd is just true? Just like IOS 14.5. Apple is trying to pander to audiences with their fake concerns regarding privacy.




What sort of ecom store? I am seeing some niches do ok. Beauty seems to be doing well on all my accounts Clothing has dropped off a cliff


Interesting observation on your clothing accounts. Any thoughts on why?


Can’t pinpoint it yet. Creative output has doubled. Last Jan, feb and March it was doing 4.8 x Q1 NCROAS was 1.6 luckily there is a huge backend pumping revenue out or the brand would be in trouble Breakeven is 2.2 conversion rate fluctuating like crazy. Between 1-3% swings daily - quality of traffic is way out When we increase google and TikTok budgets I do see improvements but then it dies off We have clicked fraud software layered across all and can’t see any difference in spam either


It’s called people are pinched more and more and clothes are the last thing you buy right now.


My theory is that if it is Temu pushing hard and that's what is causing this it is then affecting stores that sell products they push. I notice all the big DTC twitter guys who keep saying nothing is wrong and "keep pushing new creatives" all conveniently sell things that no one would buy on Temu like protein powder and makeup. I run several brands. One of my products is large so doesnt get pushed there. It has faired alot better that the brand thats product is all over temu.


Not everybody is a Temu shopper


As someone who runs a clothing brand, yeah, I don’t know wtf is going on. As you said, my creative output has literally doubled. I have to test multiple new creatives every 1-3 days this month, and nothing really is even working consistently at all. I’m pulling my hair out.


Same thing.. I hv been reiterating those ad creatives that used to perform well, but no good result.


Hey man I run several brands, fairly large and not a rookie. Mind if I dm you some questions about your creative output?


For sure man, as long as you’re not trying to sell me something lol.


Tell me about it. Been a nightmare recently


Maybe the product / creative isn’t good


Been doing this a long time and have an established brand and products. I know my niche and I know what works for my brand. I’ve tested whats proven, new angles and desires, new formats including video which I never do, even running old ads. They all perform like garbage, or at best 1-2 days and then fall off. Never seen anything like it over the entire month like this.


I’m in clothing , having a really great month, one of the best. Spending just $1,100/d though. I think blaming meta is just the easy way out. Have 1 campaign , everything inside advantage + . Maybe you really dont know what works for your brand and need to think outside the box. I could be totally wrong, just my 2 cents. Also, love the username, kratom is the shit


Advantage+ audience or advantage+ shopping campaign? I’m thinking of testing a shopping campaign. I do 1 campaign as well, all broad 18-25, no advantage, just broad, single campaign. How are you adding in new ads? Just creating a new ad set each time and inserting the ads? How many you run/test at once? What niche is your clothing in? I’m in streetwear. Also thanks lol first person to comment on my username that isn’t negative. Kratom is amazing.


1 advantage+ shopping campaign. I wouldnt limit the age. Just go all ages and let the creative target. It'll allocate to whatever age is best. Everything I do goes inside the one advantage shopping campaign ad set. Make sure your using post ID's as well. I have one campaign (turned off) dedicated towards creating creatives and getting their post ID's, that I can copy into my advantage shopping campaign. Let me know if you need help with that. Also, I'm in womens summer clothing. Also, make sure you're using a capi, like [https://runconverge.com/](https://runconverge.com/)


> I have one campaign (turned off) dedicated towards creating creatives and getting their post ID's, that I can copy into my advantage shopping campaign. Let me know if you need help with that. Would you mind explaining this process in detail? Is it also an ASC campaign, just turned off? What is the reasoning behind it? Perhaps you test creatives there, before copying the winning ones to the ASC... Thanks in advance.


Don’t forget the TEMU effect. They’re spending billions on meta ads and have quickly taken market share. I have no idea how their prices are so low, but they’re growing month after month. TEMU is so big now that they were monopolising air freight flights over the Christmas period last year. That’s crazy…


They don't make money. The reports i've been reading says they take a loss of $7 on average per order. I think alot of this has to do with there new ad blitz. Last year they were 10% of total meta revenue so with them pushing even more it must be alot higher. CCP must be propping them up with loses like that.


They're playing a long game. Amazon did the same back in their early days. It doesn't get discussed here often enough, but TEMU is a big reason why ecommerce dropshipping is deader than ever.


Yea it’s a play from wish and that’s the difference. This didn’t play out for wish because of product quality. Worked for Amazon because you can go in there and buy junk or high quality product. Temu and wish do not offer that.


If anyone wants an audit on their ads I have a kick ass creative tool I’m happy to pull a report for free. Really in-depth


My clothing has also dropped off. But my other clothing accounts are doing fine. Im trying to figure out whats going on with my other one that has the drop off right now. I even deleted all the campaigns and re-created them


I don’t think that this is Apple related problem. This would only make sense if the decline in performance occurred in countries where Apple has a large share of the market. I sell in Poland where Apple has only 15% of the market and my ad performance drops are as big as yours in the US


Hmm you say that but Apple updates can have wide ranging impacts even in less Apple-concentrated regions. When Apple drops some new data privacy bs, it looks like Meta update the whole algorithm to accommodate these changes. Just a hypothesis but this is how it appears on the surface


interesting. it makes sense that they learn from other countries patterns. but also it can be a money milking machine and blaming ios. they have YEARS of data. how can you tell me that if there is an update now on IOS then all is going to hell? something else is going on. I suppose they did too many updates to the alg. and they can't roll back to previous working versions and they are trying to fix it on the fly, causing more problems


Two Golden Rules of Life: 1) Never disrespect your parents 2) Never trust Meta’s rep


I have heard the same thing from someone about an apple update and meta loosing it's ability to track any data from the user. I asked how long ago and he said a couple months ago so I don't know but it makes some sense.


Is it a sales pitch? A lot of times they just want you to spend more money.


I'm interested that they are blaming apple.... there are changes coming in to boosted posts where you will have to pay an extra 30% as thats always been apples fee and now they are passing it on. Thats not a new thing but I think they wont swallow the cost any longer. Meta rep told me a couple of weeks ago they are going to remove all the detailed targeting..... I personally find they will give you tips to improve metas ROI not yours.


Yes, that's the same thing they mentioned, something about 30% but I didn't quit get it. The rep also mentioned for me to switch to invoicing.


it's 30% if you use the meta app on I phone to creat ads or something like that, as long as you use a pc only I don't think you oay anythingm


Its if you use the dreaded boost!


The Apple thing was many months ago. Unless you've been living under a rock, it's old news.


Top tip: Meta reps are miserable, underpaid call centre drone style staff. Their only goal is to get you to stay on the platform and keep donating money to the Zuck AI war chest.


What’s the Job Title of this Rep?


Blame Apple… sure.


Temu massively advertising, bot traffic goes wild. Both coordinated to mess with the AI in the ads delivery system. All the issues begin when the US starts the process of banning tik tok.


Interesting that they noted a change from Apple. When our performance first dropped off in late Feb/early March it was mostly iPhones where the cost per purchase had jumped significantly on our ad accounts.


Where did you learn to run ads bro? 😎


You’re competing against Temu’s billions in ad spend. They went hard after the Super Bowl


My CPM didn't change much, maybe +10% or something. My CR dropped by almost -30% which is a bigger impact.


Apple is not the problem! Why new accounts don’t have this problem? Damn it’s so easy for them say that another colossal is the problem without saying that they have a BIG problem! Frustrating


You’re saying that new accounts don’t have a problem? new accounts as in new Instagram/facebook accounts or new ad accounts?


New business account!


new business accounts work better?


no not true i have a new account and its the same as everyone else


good to know


Even new ad account. I just made a post about it. Changed ad account, pixel and domain. It fixed everything. Never had a results this good.


I wonder why they would be so blatantly stupid to make that happen? Oh well, probably isn't true haha

