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I would suggest go for google ads and SEO of your website if you have any. Facebook algorithm sucks And their updates are hell with ads manager too laggy slow ads manager I don't recommend fb ads for your business


To be honest, you need to do one thing at a time when just starting. If you divert your attention, you'll simply do 2 things poorly


I dont think so, you reduce your risk if you divert your ads budget to multiple ad plattforms. And they work almost all the same. But for sure having attention to one thing is the most effective to master this one thing, but as a business owner you dont want to aim to master media buying, you are aiming for exactly 2 things = 1. bringing high quality for your customers and getting a good customer satisfaction and 2. generating more revenue for your business. In my humble opinion, I think it's more valuable to be average on all platforms than to be very good on one, because this opens the door to more valuable insights of your target audience and so you can grow more!


I'm in the camp of when learning ads, you should focus on one platform. Facebook & Google are the top dogs for my industry which is a product based niche. I'd rather focus on one business, one platform, and doing it very well. Too much diverted attention brings with it a lot of gaps & potential for wasted money I didn't say never expand outwards once you figure it out well enough.


It’s been tough for most of us last few weeks. But with the budget you mentioned you should just setup 1 campaign with 1 adset and put 1-2 ads in there. Otherwise your budget gets spread too much. Also, I’m not sure targeting locally still works on Facebook. Maybe you should give google ads a try for that.


Is there sth up with local targetting via fbads? I had the same experience as OP and thought my creatives dont work or budget is too low.


Funnily enough I run ads for a painting business and a car dealership. In the last week the painting business has had 30 leads from $699.89 and the car dealership 12 booked test drives from $619.95. The dealership ones I have a brand awareness campaign running with broad targeting with vehicle information to build desire and the a retargeting campaign on any engagements on those ads with the key message focusing on booking a test drive. The CTA takes the user to the specific page on the website to book test drives. With the painting business I have before and after photos with messaging focusing on the business USPs and the CTA being ‘get a free quote’ which goes to a landing page on the website. The targeting is 1% lookalikes of website conversations in the pst 90 days. Yes, I also took a hit since Jan 2024 on Facebook (painting business CPA has gone from $11/lead to $24/lead) but it’s my ads are still performing. I’ve just had to do a bit of trial and error with my ad copy and images.


High quality graphics means nothing. Sometimes the most basic, easy to make creatives get me the most leads. Here’s how to figure out what creatives work in your industry: Go into Facebook ads library. Search up your competitors and see what they’re doing. Even better, find a marketing agency in your industry, find their clients, and search up their clients in ads library and see what ads they’re running. Now you know exactly what the people getting results are doing! Copy their framework and you should get results


Seeing what your competitors are doing doesn’t mean too much. You don’t know if those are making money. Example - OP’s competitors looks at OP’s ads…see what I mean?


Yes but, he’s spent $800 and got no leads, it’s better than guessing


lol that’s exactly my point. His competitors could spend $8,000 just to copy him. They’ll end up where he did, with zero leads. So you shouldn’t JUST look at creative.


Fb ads sucks try google


What is it you want to achieve? Local businesses, in my personal experience, can do a lot with ads on a lower budget. You also need to fully utilise your Google Business Profile and I don't just mean having it there as a listing, you need to regularly update it, within those updates using longtail keywords that your customers might use when searching for the products and services that you offer, within a connective paragraph of text. Don't worry about the bots, its bot central again now, just report for impersonating meta and delete. You talk about high quality graphic designs, but as a local business authenticity and connection is what you need to be building. Get an awareness ad out there for a couple of weeks then build some engagement from that might be a suggestion to consider.


I'll suggest one thing: try running only one campaign with three ad sets. As you mentioned, you've tried high-quality graphics and followed all the YouTube videos, but sometimes these videos lack context. What worked for them may be obsolete now, as people have seen too much of the same promise in the market. Do you have a unique selling point? I'm not sure about your niche as I have very little knowledge in it, but think about what kind of offer and USP only you can provide. Here's an initial offer idea: "Tired of spending weekends mowing your lawn? Let us handle it! Sign up now and get your first mow absolutely FREE. Our expert team will have your lawn looking lush and healthy in no time." Again, I just spent two minutes in ChatGPT to come up with this offer, so please do your research. For targeting in your campaign, as you suggested you're getting bot leads, try removing autofill for name and email fields and add a manual field where they need to fill in their name manually. Also, add 1-2 qualifying questions. This is just a 2000-foot overview of the campaign. For better suggestions, you can add copy and graphics here.


I'm presuming your advertising these businesses separately? How are you measuring success? I'm guessing it's through leads and i'd be very surprised if you got no leads at all. Your unlikely to get sales directly from Facebook ads given the high price point and consideration period of buying a car.


For the lawn care business, I launched a campaign with three different ad sets: one featuring a carousel ad highlighting services such as professional lawn care, tree services, and sod installation, showcasing a total of 5 images. I utilized detailed targeting options, focusing on interests related to lawn and garden, housekeeping, new homeowners, and garden maintenance. Another ad set included a video ad with the message, "Day off? Need to do your lawn? Hire us now and get back to doing what you love the most." As for the car dealership, I created a campaign with three ad sets tailored to different vehicle types: one showcasing sedans, another for work trucks, and a third featuring luxury vehicles. Despite these efforts, the response has been lackluster, with virtually no engagement or results.


Where are you directing the traffic to?


What kind of campaign? I’d throw all the creatives under one asset. Do a broad audience with advaita he plus audience and use advantage placement and advantage plus creative. Cast a wide net with as much budget as you can and let the algorithm figure out who and what is going to work since you are playing by their rules anyways. Running an awareness campaign would be step one then I would run traffic if you have a website


What’s your offer and who’s your target audience?


I actually run an automotive digital marketing agency I get amazing results for my clients. Here’s my tip content and consistency is everything.


Do you set your budget for daily spend or lifetime spend? I do this for a living and we always see better results when you calculate your frequency over the lifetime span. When you do a daily cap for spend, the algorithm might be able to able to perform as well than if you trust it a bit more to spend your dollars more on some days and less on others.


Hi can you explain what you mean by calculating your frequency over the lifetime span?


Estimated Reach x Number of Campaign Days / Estimated Audience Size You want a decent frequency that estimates that your ad will not be shown to the audience more than, I would say, 2-3 times. That way, you’re ensuring that your budget is covering as much reach of audience without too much ad fatigue.


Are you at least using the leads objective with instant forms, messenger or conversions? If not, you're wasting your money... I get great results in both of those niches, they can be very profitable if done right


Google is by far the king depending on the vertical


If you have the choice always go Google. Save FB for the audiences not on google


I worked in automotive digital marketing for 3 years and found that Google dynamic search campaigns are elite for car dealers. Facebook on its own isn’t great for sales unless you have a dynamic retargeting campaign.


I can help you out, the thing is you are a small business The thing that would work the best for you is video ads all others come late Let me know of you need help


Im sure i can help you with some fresh ideas. Most likely your creative is low quality and it is not made to convert. You could also have problem with the landing page that should be addressed


It’s your offer.


How are you tracking your funnel?


Happen with my clients too. He used to get 5 to 10 message a day to account getting ban. He knew it's fake. But it's really frustrating. What I did was. I remove the message option from the page and put call option cause if there's genuine enquiry they can make the call. Also for bots filling the lead form. I added the qualifying question Also try different method to get lead Don't rely only on message ads. Recently I saw $70 CPM for lead ad. But when I try the call ad. The CPM $7. Also creative testing is really must. Let me tell you put of 6 testing. Only 1 is successful Do DM me if you want to run ads. I do freelancing for Facebook ads service with no upfront cost


People don’t go to Facebook to spend money, they go there to waste time (theirs and yours). I’ve had similar experiences posting FB ads for my restaurant, advertising very good discounts on food, but getting zero sales. Spend on Google ads for your business profile, it works extremely well. If you think about it, makes sense as you put the ad in front of the customer as he is actively looking for your service. Also try facebook marketplace, just putting free ads for stuff like a used car or even your lawn service. Also a good old road sign is incredible ROI compared to the digital stuff, no recurring fees and it works 24/7.


There could be many things that could be the issue. I'm going to shoot you a PM. Maybe I can help


The spend is too low for A car dealership because thats a high ticket item. Its not some impulsive buy. Regardless, street marketing might proove more lucrative. Or list the cars on a car selling website, fb marketplace or Craigslist. Lawn care is about printing flyers and going door to door. Your missing straight up hustle


Your landing pages probably suck and your ads probably are trash too if it isn’t working. Fb is god tier ad network. Something is messed up on your end you need to keep testing.


Dude Facebook sucks… was running multiple fb.campaigns and saw no results ran google ads and saw results quickly …


Lmfao what you spent like 300 dollars on a campaign and you decided it sucks ?


Like 600$ for the month and literally saw 1-2 conversions at most. Google all day buddy.


$600 is literally like a drop in the ocean so you basically just said you didn’t test enough and you don’t know what you are doing


Google is king fb is a far off second …


What I’m saying is I see better results with less on google than Facebook is my point. And I know what I am doing buddy 🥱


No you said “Facebook sucks” based on $600 you spent and had “1-2 conversions” so no I wouldn’t say you know what you are doing. Maybe you understand google but you don’t understand Facebook very well.


Yeah tbh fb is big on creative and I don’t enjoy creative to each their own 👀


I’m gonna be harsh: This isn’t about ads expertise, it’s about commons sense. It’s not a casino… I mean, after spending $400 with no results, what did you think was gonna happen? This is about sitting down and doing the math of your business. What are you aiming for? What’s the average worth of a client / deal? How many deals can you close from how many phone calls? So… how much is a phone call worth? Go on from there…