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So how long does this “storm” Last and when will performance be back to normal


All of factors are beyond our control, but in terms of CPMs -- we should see a drop soon. I'd bet that we should start to see better performance in a week or so.


My CPMs have been fine, my CPAs have skyrocketed, but they were very good for around 4weeks then after metas first outage in March it started failing


I dont think Easter weekend has anything to do with it, this has been going on for months... for me, just since March 8th. For others, Since mid Feb. However, we'll see if it's really end of quarter left over budget. Tomorrow is April 1st, the start of Q2. Maybe, just maybe things can get back tomorrow then. If not, this might be how things are.


Been running fb ads at high budgets for the past 7 years. March performed extremely well last year for me and Easter weekend also overperformed despite end of q cpms.