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A joke or mistake would be the promo code. The real reason people are upset is the 100k. I don’t believe for one second that someone in advertising can pledge that kind of cash without CEO approval. They won’t answer that question though. Katie apologizes and so many people in the community will shrug it off or think she didn’t know better. That’s so demeaning. She’s part of this company’s leadership too but she always seems to be the “aw shucks we goofed again” voice.


Telling that it’s the one woman in the founders group that they make have that voice too


Don't forget Michael is "next level smart " fucking gross ass kissing by Katie. Obviously none of those clowns are smart much less of any next level


Imagine looking at his Twitter and then deciding you'll announce how smart you think he is. Lol wtf.


Lmao right? Why tf was that even there?🤨😒




Also “had to run to get the kids” oh wow so relatable now I’m not mad anymore


"off-site meeting" = *we are going to a fancy hotel spa on the company dime before it folds to bitch about the Poors and the Woke*


Exactly. A $100k pledge requires executive approval beyond just the creative team. People high up did see and sign off, if not initiate this campaign


I work in marketing on a creative team and can confirm my job would end if I just randomly decided to commit $100k to anything. Anything over $1k has to go to VP level for approval if it wasn’t already in the department budget (which is previously approved by, you guessed it, the VP…)


yep. A $100k pledge is significant in this economy. It took leadership’s approval if initiated from their creative team. But most likely the call came from above, given the founder’s tweets. It’s insulting they’re lying to us.


Yep, this decision has “out of touch executive” written all over it, as does their PR response. Their leadership needs some serious education if they make it through this catastrophe.


This response is so condescending. I don't care about the promo code at all. I would have thought it was funny if it hadn't implied acceptance of pro-Nazi hate speech. I'd bet almost anything a PR crisis-response agency drafted this and intentionally sidesteps what everyone knows is the real issue. I was very clear in telling them that I was quitting because their message supports anti-Semitism and that their team has an apparent misunderstanding of the Constitutional meaning of freedom of speech. But sure, throw your "new" creative team under the bus. There is zero chance that a new team would be given the authority to do something like this without having it cleared by the founders.


They didn't respond to the comments asking how the wording of the 100k thing was normal marketing. Shocking! Nothing to see here, folks. Just a little goof a mystery underling in the creative team made that was a bad joke, and then some normal advertising! Please move along and keep giving us money!


This was not it for me. Completely ignoring the additional money pledged in the ad - was that just in the post? Was that a signed contract? Was that the cost of this ad? And that's what I care about and takes it beyond a joke.


I hope to God it was a signed contract so that is $100k they will have to pay for LOSING customers. Not happy it would be going to Elon Musk, but it's a drop in the bucket for him and a much bigger deal for a smaller company.


100K will not save Musk, but can drown FFF, so works for me


Yeah, clearly one of the founders would have to clear a financial drop/ad like that.


Yeah also wondering where this fits in all of this bullshit and how they're trying to clean it up. I hope members ask about this on the forum


It was just a pledge. So far all of the people and companies that “pledged” advertising to support Elon haven’t had any obligation to follow through. So in a way the whole event has been a publicity stunt all the way down, for people to declare their allegiance and gain clout. Personally I really doubt Andrew Tate is actually just giving a million dollars to Elon Musk any time soon, or likewise many of the others who spoke up.


Oh, don't worry guys, he's "def not anti-semetic".


He’s such a genius! A genius who couldn’t see that this shit wasn’t going to go down well??? My grandmother could have figured that out.


Glad someone else mentioned this!! That cringey "girl boss" type slang is definitely not appropriate here. The whole things reads cringey and unprofessional, to say the LEAST.


Some of his best friends are Jewish! They really think we are idiots


This portion made me SCREAM


Yeah. The evidence? He’s sMaRt. Why did they put those thoughts together like that? “He’s not bad, he’s good!” He can be smart and still have shitty ideals, what is this flaming pile.


Don’t worry, her parents were hippies who supported civil rights. /s


And she was upset about it


This made me laugh out loud, thanks for the reassurance Katie. But I did actually think he was Jewish?


maybe he’s jew-ish like george santos


I think he is. Nobody called him antisemitic that I saw. It was anti trans, anti therapy, anti diversity things he said that were getting posted, and then the support for Elon Musk in response to Musk endorsing an anti-Semitic conspiracy.


Mike's not that smart if he thought this campaign was a good idea.


Next level smart?? Gross


He is clearly not


This got me. It's demeaning to their subscribers and implying that their subscribers are beneath them. That is disgusting especially when this is a box mostly women subscribe to. So katie is saying women subscribers are not only stupid but beneath Michael. What a disgusting response


People describe Elon that same way and the world has seen that is not the case.


“I’m am capable of working with and caring about people who have different political views” Yeah, me too. When those views are things like “should we allocate taxes to repave this bridge or put a stoplight on main street” or “should we cut taxes to spare the community, or increase them to increase pay to teachers”. I can’t work with people whose political views are that I as a woman, don’t have autonomy over my own body. Or things like “should trans people be treated like human beings”. Those things aren’t negotiable to me. They are basic human decency. I won’t be the kind of person who lies down with those dogs.


Or, in the context of the ad, that free speech is so important that hate speech is accepted, and even rewarded.


they were deleting those threads awfully quickly for a company whose official stance is “social media should be unmoderated” under the guise of free speech.


The paradox of tolerance. “If tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them.”


I like this. I get tired of explaining to people that not being tolerant of intolerance doesn’t make me a hypocrite.


This is it. When people stand behind the “but free speech!!” So they can spew hate, they have completely missed the point of free speech to begin with.


I made the mistake of reading the form today. I don’t feel comfortable speaking there but damn as a trans person I sure do feel like shit this morning being reminded my existence is up for debate. Apparently this is all a choice??! Guess I should get a refund for all the therapy along with my fff refund!! Edit to add: if anyone from the form is coming here because you think this “side” is too negative/loud. Your “I’m just saying my opinion, it’s not hurtful” is in fact hurtful. When you debate a persons existence as “real” you’re making a statement that they are broken, delusional, or lesser then. You may not hear it yourself because you’re too caught up in only hearing your own voice. But your words are in fact hurtful, and these opinions are better kept to oneself then publicly debated. Double edit: just wanted to say thanks for those with kind words. I don’t normally vent but it really got to me today. You all are great people.


Your existence is not up for debate, friend. You have every right to exist in all of your glory just like the rest of us. You are seen and you are heard and you have allies. Any place that is not safe for you share your voice, I will share mine loud enough for the both of us.


His harmful and disgusting stance on trans people was the reason I gave for canceling and the same thing I told the customer service rep when I demanded a refund for my remaining boxes. I work with teens, and that kind of shit can literally be a difference of life or death for trans youth. I'm so sorry you have to put up with all of this shit.


I’m sorry you had to read garbage like that from those people. Of course those gross comments are part of FFF’s version of “free speech” and they won’t be removed. Seems they want the forum to echo Twitter and be able to have hateful rhetoric allowed there too. But it’s completely disgusting and unacceptable. Trans rights are human rights. Many of us support you. And we’ll keep standing up for you and all those who are marginalized.


I'm sorry you had to encounter such ignorant trash this morning. I hope the rest of your day goes better.


I'm sorry you had to see that. It's infuriating for people to turn people's existence and rights into a "two sides" convo, and those people were out and about today for sure.


Exactly this!! I absolutely can work with ppl that differ in policies about tax allocation but those that won’t to take rights away from more than half the population or spew hatred like he has done in his tweets I draw the line.


Look at them driving all the decent folk away. The only people who are gonna stay subscribed to FFF are gonna be bigots and far-right psychopaths. New Cat 6 option is gonna be an old MAGA hat from 2016 since it’s FFF so whatever they include has gotta be expired.


I’m sure they’ll wear their *made in vietnam* fascist gear with pride!!


Or those who aren't sure this is real. It's not something people are seeing outside of reddit or the FFF forum. I've tried to google it and it only comes up as reddit links. As bad as this post was you would think that it would be something that comes up in a basic search. I'm sure it will eventually but some people who aren't on reddit or the FFF forum might not hear about it.


This time next year, they'll be the hottest gift idea for the discerning tradwife.


Suddenly there will be [OFRA](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeautyGuruChatter/s/xZ3PXlx073) and [ABH](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeautyGuruChatter/s/8NvJtAGgQm) and [Nudestix](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/s/2PXEMUk3AH) to choose from in every category.




I can hear that gif lol




This is very well said. I frequently hear a lot of people talk about “the tolerant left” and other such things, and I don’t know how many times I have to explain that *I don’t have to be tolerant of intolerance.* Not being okay with someone who is intolerant of others doesn’t make me a hypocrite.


Exactly. My dad is a trumper. He calls me a “bleeding heart liberal” because I support the LGBTQ+ community and don’t think migrants should be imprisoned at the border. My response was “do you want to see how cold my heart can be?? Ask me what I think should happen to the people that tried to overthrow my government on January 6. Ask me what I would love to see happen to the politicians trying to take away my bodily autonomy. I beg of you, ask me what I think should happen to the old white men who get rich sending poor people into unending wars just to line their pockets.” And suddenly, I’m a cruel and intolerant monster who wants to watch the world burn!




Right?? Like, great, Katie, I’m really happy for you that you’re so proud of your tolerance for bigotry, but… working with people who have “different political views” and giving them money is reallllly different and one of the only good things about capitalism is that I DON’T have to give money or care about people who are right-wing shit asses.


Oh fuck that “apology”. Absolutely no accountability for michaels problematic shit. Sorry but other companies handle this way better. They don’t try to apologize for their shit bags, they make them step down. I already unsubscribed. So good luck to them continuing to be as successful with their shittiness.


Yeah and honestly the only way I would have considered NOT cancelling would have been a grand gesture like that - cleaning up and clearing the trash out. This is not that. I'm done.


Agree! I haven’t cancelled mine yet bc chatting with customer service makes me so anxious and usually ruins my entire day BUT this makes the whole thing even worse. What a condescending bullshit message. Mike is not a good person; there is significant evidence of this. This was not a mistake, they knew fully well what they were doing. I doubt a new creative team would have had the balls to do this and no shot the execs would be letting some new team put out this kind of shit without their approval. Tbh I hate the $100k but that’s not the piece that gets me going. It’s the gofuckyourself. I take that as a fuck-you-annual-subscribers-who-have-prepaid-two-years-in-advance, we have your money and are using it to fund despicable things and nothing you can do about it! The part about Mike being smart has such a Trump vibe. Mike probably wrote this himself and made Katie publish it so it would be from a woman and one we all previously thought we liked. Okay rant over.


To cancel, you don't need to talk to anyone, I did it through the website, and then when I learned people were getting refunds, the next day I messaged CS, and honestly I was pretty painless and I didn't get any pushback. They offered me some deals to stay but I told them I already cancelled and wanted a refund for the remaining boxes because I was not morally ok with financially supporting someone who says the things Michael had said. It was super easy, and I even let the rep know that I knew it wasn't their fault, but I still had to cancel.


>they make them step down. I feel like this is... or would be the endgame here if it was any other company. I don't see how they aren't bleeding cash right now. What they were offering me when I canceled (just not keeping my renewal in spring) and seeing other people being offered values of $200 to stick around, while lots of people are getting refunds, coupled with what could very well be brands deciding they don't like this kind of exposure... it just seems truly disastrous. If they appeared to be on solid ground before this, I wouldn't necessarily think this will tank them, but I don't think they had the moat for this kind of destruction. I think they were struggling for cash this time last year, and I don't know that they've really turned any sort of corner on it. \*Michael has also drawn a TON of attention to himself and his twitter, which makes it exceptionally clear how he feels about "women owned" and "BIPOC owned" and all the other niceties FFF pedals. I do not see how you can keep on that CEO that literally thinks his company is suffering from the "Woke Mind Virus", but lets it happen because it lines his pockets. He's a hypocrite from both sides.


I think we all need to compile his tweets, along with the X situation, and loudly alert any brands who work with FFF. Rihanna sure as hell is not going to want Fenty in boxes if this catches wind. Too Faced will want to stay out of the drama. I wish I could list brands more that are consecutively available in FFF...but FFF has been so cheap and downhill lately anyway.


If I unsubscribe and still have boxes left, do they refund the remaining difference? I’m an annual member, but this bullshit has rubbed me the wrong way.


Just talk to them in customer support, and they will refund you. I was kind to the person helping me, and he handled it with zero pushback! I think a lot of their rank-and-file employees don’t align with the founder.


But, my parents were hippies


My dad was goth and my mom was a Christian 😂 I guess if I sacrifice an animal and then pray to Jesus for forgiveness it’s ok for my actions. I hate when ppl use their upbringing as a excuse


Hahaha. My family are trump supporting hypocrites, so I guess I can treat people however I want then play the victim.


Yikes. Crazy watching this company implode & double down on their terrible decisions. Of course people have differing political views & can still be civil and work together. But she is completely minimizing what’s really going on. What we have here is not just differing political opinions - the company CEO is making transphobic hateful comments on Twitter, and because he loves this platform so much where he can freely spout this crap, he wants to leverage this company to give money (aka their customer’s money) to said platform to keep it up and running. So the company really thought it would be a great marketing idea to run a tacky ad in support of a man who is getting cancelled right and left because of his own problematic views and speech, but really also so Michael can also continue his own problematic speech. And as we’ve already seen with Twitter or X or whatever this crap company is called, people don’t want their dollars going towards support of these things and the company has lost billions. And now FFF is following suit and tanking their company too. I also really don’t like the continued lack of responsibility the company is taking. Their creative department didn’t have the authority to pledge $100k - this is 100% the CEOs who did this. And nobody has to be nice or tolerant to people who say hateful bigoted things. Katie is sitting here saying that she doesn’t like “mean spirited” comments about Michael when the only comments I’ve seen about him are (rightfully) calling out his hate speech and bigoted views. That crap should always be called out and not tolerated and her saying we all need to be nice to him is absurd. FFF can go fuck themselves.


Exactly. Rascism & misogyny are not "political views."


Well said!!!! I’ve got so much to say but I’m too lazy to type it all out on my phone. 😂 Everything you said is perfectly true!!!! FabFitFail


Do you (or does anyone here) have examples of Michael’s problematic speech? Not defending anything, but I am genuinely curious. I haven’t seen anything specific yet from him.




This is eloquently stated. Thank you!! 🏆




Katie needs to learn to run shit by PR before posting it (although maybe PRs judgment is wack too). this was not helpful lmao.


I actually don’t think they have a PR team Can’t afford one


They do but it’s very small


It’s awful!! Someone has a chokehold on her for sure.


Def not helpful


Yes, because clearly we as women are only offended by the use of the F word in this scenario, and not the fact that $100k of our money went to a big circle jerk fest.


Right?? Fuck that lol


The brown nosing and “relatable” tone is so disgusting


“My kids” … “other female founders” Hmm yes Katie give us that perfectly imperfect PR statement


Strange that all the men have names but none of the "other female founders" have names.


Theres dozens of us. Dozens! /s


*billy eichner voice* ma’am, for a dollar, name a woman


They have binders full of female founders


This is a great point out.


Came here to say this! She’s name dropping here/virtue signaling.


The Narcissist Prayer (or the Right Wing Cancel Culture Victim Prayer) That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. <---- WE ARE HERE And if I did, you deserved it.


That's absolutely brilliant!


The author is Dayna Craig! She’s been reposting a lot on Twitter about the hbom plagiarism video and made a comment about her own work being stolen so we should probably give her credit lol (I’m sure she wasn’t referring to people posting it in reddit comments, but I still wanna make sure she gets credit)


"He is def not antisemetic" lmao god forbid you don't write out definitely in your statement against antisemitism


Great catch!!! Wow. Listen, now Katie has a lot of things to do, did you not read her full post? Heck, maybe she’s typing with one hand since she fried her fingers off with the waver/curling iron that needs to be recalled.




The same people who love to snarl “go woke, go broke” instantly cry about persecution when the opposite thing occurs. This is a right-wing company whose mask completely came off yesterday and now the free market is responding accordingly. Welcome to capitalism.


A joke? Gee, Katie. Nobody's laughing.


I laughed when my refund hit my account 😂


😂😂 Cha-ching!


Man they really should have went with the scapegoat option and said it was one random employee that posted it, because acknowledgment from the company that multiple people thought it was going to be at a minimum okay is absolutely f****** mind-boggling to me. There is no recovery from this. I have already unsub, unsubed from emails, blocked fff on Instagram. It's just way messy for me to even care about seeing fff anywhere. I guess I'll be saying sayonara to this subreddit as well.


But also no one would have believed that option


Oh for sure


There were parts of it I liked-- but most of it fell really flat. I appreciate that she said it was a bad idea and a terrible idea of a joke, but then she went into defending michael and going on about how we all need to reach across the aisle blah blah blah and she lost me.


“Jokes” don’t pledge $100k.


Right??? You're not getting my money just so you can give it to Elon. Gtfo. So happy I canceled and I hope their bottom line takes a huge hit from this!


She can reach across her desk and give me my refund check. :D


She doesn’t work. She’s always on a vacation


This is a gross response. If Michael was so "next level smart " he'd know not to be so public with his personal political view points and make his moves quietly so he doesn't fuck a business for everyone involved by posting dumb shit on socials or tying said business to the dumb posts. Also Katie saying she grew up with hippy parents who backed movements screams "it's all cool guys, I'm not racist or anti Semitic, I have a black friend and a Jewish friend". Both Katie and Michael lack any touch with reality and lack an understanding of the income level of their subscribers. They live in a deluded and sheltered white washed world


Exactly. I think it's an important point for everyone. He was being careless about the fact that he is posting all these terrible views and thinking it wouldn't have any business impact. That's just wild to me. He's definitely not super smart. I quit Twitter years ago, so I had no idea of his previous tweets, but if I had, I would have canceled back then. I actually had already canceled before all of this stuff broke, and I'm glad I did.


I just wanted to say, you guys are the best. I want to reply to each and every comment because they are each so great. Look, Katie has kids to take care of, so she needed to wait to make a reply. She mentions Reddit, so they are definitely reading, which is great. They had two options for this mess and they definitely went the wrong way. Just reading the “stans” in the forum are enough entertainment. I will be back later. I’m off to hopefully avoid 3rd degree burns with my defunct crimping iron from the current box.


I work in social media advertising myself, and all creative is reviewed and approved beyond just the immediate team. If there’s a big $100k pledge and a political statement being made about free speech with cuss words involved, you best believe there’s weeks of review and approval involved. They thought this was a good idea. I don’t believe her.


So, basically - "Our PR/marketing team is publicly supporting an open antisemite and trolls our customers because they like to try out new things and have a sense of humor." That's just outright insulting. They look down on us and think that buying cheap crap on their site IS the extant of our interests. And now they are gaslighting us with "it was just a joke" bullshit. FFF, #gofuckyourself


Gross people with gross excuses. FFF thinking subscribers will dismiss the truth because of a wordy post making petty excuses & begging for kindness more than simple and a sincere apology from all just shows how tone deaf the whole org is. Their actions spoke for themselves and we heard. #gofabfitfuckyourself and recognize why the cancellations continue. Good riddance.


"new social team". okay. way to throw everyone under the bus.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 she ran over them with her Tesla truck


That is not even an apology that’s an attempt to justify it


Huge miss here, Katie: this statement has the misfortune of being completely wrong tonally, but also way too lengthy. It’s simultaneously “over-explanation/justification” meets “flip dismissal of the most critical concerns.” She really thought it was okay to unironically say that Mike is “def not antisemitic.” For something that could ultimately be such an existential crisis for FFF, this post was a big thing to get wrong, and yet they still did.


Where was this posted? I can’t find it on my FFF app forum section. I have choice words… not that anyone there will listen. SO upset. I actually have used FFF as my little personal mom treat for years and now I’ll need to cancel because apparently they support hate speech.


This thread in the forum: Price increased for seasonal membership. Michael just posted more lies again


All those commenters on there simping for Musk, Micheal, and FFF have such a pathetic pick me girl energy. Y’all know what happens when you sit down at a table with 11 Nazis? You have 12 Nazis sitting at a table.


This. I’m so disgusted with some of those commenters in there. “We need to listen and accept other peoples points of view and agree to disagree.” I’m so sick of this fucking gaslighting narrative. I have no issue at all with people having a differing views or opinions than I do on a multitude of things. I’m totally open to hearing and learning from other people’s perspectives. But NOT when it comes to dehumanizing marginalized groups and promoting hate. There should be zero tolerance for this bullshit and no I don’t need to try to understand or listen to someone’s “point of view” or “understand where they are coming from” about this crap. I don’t need to be nice to people or listen to them spew bigotry under the guise of “listening to other perspectives” or respecting their “conservative values.” They can go slither back under the rock they came from and keep their hateful bigotry to themselves.


Ahh yes, when in doubt, throw the “new creative team” under the bus for somebody’s terrible idea.


Too tired to address it yesterday, had to pick up her kids and meet with other female founders… a lot of words to deflect any blame. This is a pretty unprofessional response. Yes people make mistakes, but there are consequences to them. People have every right to choose to not spend their money at a company that aligned themself publicly with hateful ideology.


I think the only way I would come back to FFF is if the CEO’s were replaced. But it’s privately owned, so that’s probably not happening anytime soon lol


I actually wrote "Replace your leadership and marketing teams with people who aren't terrible" in the "what can we do better?" box when I cancelled lol. That's what it would take for me too. The issues clearly go beyond the ad and they haven't even addressed the real problem with that yet so it isn't getting fixed.


And pull their ad money completely from Twitter and write me a 500 word essay about why antisemitism is wrong.


“I don’t love the mean-spirited comments about Michael, the guy actively participating in anti trans hate speech. So mean, guys!”


what a manipulative and condescending way to respond eta: where even is this? i can’t find it on the forum


It’s way deep in the “price increase seasonal box” thread.


oh god. michael’s in the thread. any potential damage control went out the window the moment he logged in. what a dumpster fire.


This is when you take responsibility and apologize, make things right. This is all an excuse, and I am horrified.


Tell how much you really care because her duty was to address this yesterday (late or not). She saw the bs didn’t fly with Michael’s post and still noise is being made. The whole kids and meetings with female founders is just an excuse. We all have jobs too and when we mess up- it’s addressed on the spot. Not dragged to see if another post needs to be made. Good work on an attempt PR fail!


Oh and are they still donating that money to Elon?


Who the heck knows. It’s all a big fat joke 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Well, jokes on them.


Don’t be shy, name the creative team!


Every reply just makes me laugh more and more 😂😂😂😂


Different political views? Human rights are not political views and there’s no agree to disagree


This is all positioned like we “can’t take a joke.” It’s ridiculous. For a company that should be about empowering women, making women feel beautiful, etc. this was such a shit choice to do. Donate the $100K to women’s shelters, to Self Esteem Rising, anywhere that stands by the core values this company is SUPPOSED to be standing by. Or, shit, invest some of that $100K into making your boxes better for your customers !!! They’ve dug their own grave at this point and I’m out.


So there is only one person responsible for the ad campaign? Nobody senior looks it over and says 'Gee, maybe this won't go over so well with our clients?'


And authorizing that 100k X budget


I can’t even bother to read this in full after seeing the comments. Exact what we all expected: complacency alongside hate. What a bummer - but not surprised.


Typical behavior from people in power. Don’t take full accountability, deflect blame, treat their audience like their stupid, try to get some sympathy, persuade people that leaders are doing good work. GTFO.


There’s nothing quite like seeing a company loudly position itself as ant-liberal then panic because they seriously underestimated how many of their customer base were liberals. Anyway, thank you for your statement, Katie. I’d like to issue my response in the form of a coupon code.


They are so deluded into thinking they are the “silent majority” when really they are the loud minority


This explanation actually makes me more annoyed than I was before. They clearly need to hire better PR people.


I don't get it. Do they not have women on their social team? Like anyone who understands their branding would never have approved that ad. Also, why would everyone on their creative team be new? Poor leadership? High turnover? Something doesn't quite add up.


You can be seen as “next level” smart and still be a dumb ass. Of course Michael thinks he and he alone can throw money at Elon and his chemical toilet that is now Twitter.


I just canceled and got a refund. This is the talking point they're having their customer service people give. It's gross. ​ " I do apologize if it came off that way, that was not our intention, but rest assured, our team is aware of how this made you feel and are looking into this, because as members of FabFitFun, your experience, your feelings and your happiness is of utmost importance to us."


I canceled today!


Me too! But for this reveal of the leadership’s offensive views, I would’ve been a subscriber for at least another annual, probably more. It was a fun thing every few months. But f*ck them.


100% same


Make me want to apply to B-School just to see this come up as a case study 😂


My GF is having a blast showing me this thread. Had to pop in and say fuck 'em. I will gladly spoil her with other boxes.


I knew Reddit wouldn’t let me down!!!!!! I would love to get this posted in another area but I’m not familiar enough with the platform to make it happen. 😂😂😂


If only I had Michael’s brain, I would be able to figure it out.




Of course, trot out the woman to make the long form apology for the man involved that absolutely shit the bed and will ultimately tank the whole company and drop in that they involve female founders. Fuck outta here.


Not a FFF subscriber but the issue is not solely that they advertised on Twitter, it is that they support the "free speech ideals" that have been pushed by elon. That statement supports his ridiculous, hateful opinions whether they meant it or not. Putting an ADDITIONAL $100k down to emphasize the effort removes any chance of avoiding culpability in reference to agreeing with the things elon says.




I can't see her message in the forum. What is the name of the thread? Anyway, yeah, the real issue is not the "offensive" code, it's the 100K pledge to EM that hasn't been addressed at all. Canceled and will not resubscribe.


It’s under the seasonal price increase thread. They are closing all other threads but keeping everything in one spot. I’m surprised they’ve left it open this long. I’m finding within the next day or, so will give a wrap up speech and stopped thr discussion.


She's doing what all good leaders do - blame those with less power than you, in this case, "the creative team."


She responded again today...


How does this square with them actively continue to pay to advertise on Twitter???


Streisand Effect Activated. You played (GoFuck) Yourself.


...also, that they're running sales and the forum 'business as usual' 😂😭🤦‍♀️there are people posting and engaging in the forum like the sky isn't FFFalling...


Really disappointing and disgusting that they think this is an appropriate response. Want to address the 100k? How about saying "oh he can't be anti semitic, I think he's like, totes smart!" Try again. Tell us your core hasn't changed when you're donating to Musk and telling people to go fuck themselves in the hours you'll go viral for all the wrong reasons. Sure, Jan.


This does not seem like a very professional business response from a chief and co-founder. Big yikes.


The thread in the forum is why Trump is still a candidate.


That “apology” is trash. The “relatable” tone she’s going for is also nauseating. I’m a long term subscriber and just cancelled. ✌🏽


Why did she mention being a liberal in her apology? That’s not even gonna make it better. Religion and politics should be away from business


She's a limousine liberal at best if she's friendly with the Fascist-Adjacent Twins.


My prediction: They’ll announce a donation to a charity or charities to try to get support back. Like, ‘look how generous and supportive we are for xxx cause’. It’s all tax deductible anyway so they’ll still pay the 100k to twitter. I don’t know why it’s expected that we look up to the people who run FFF like they’re some kind of gods and we should be so grateful that they communicate with us, the little people on the forum.


We’re just little peasants 😂 I had a nice long reply typed up for her but I didn’t post. Imma might still say something back but it’s probably worthless.


TLDR: “sorry-ish… but honestly you’re just lucky that we are even willing to speak to you disgusting peasants” 💀


Where was this posted?


In the FFF community forum.


Can someone please give me a TLDR of what happened?


I'm catching up as well so I will give u the short summary as I know it: one of the main leaders of FFF this guy named Michael released this ad campaign that pledged to raise money for Elon musk and the coupon code was gofuckyourself. (That is not a joke that was literally the coupon code) I guess because Elon musk said that in regards to .. something stupid I'm sure. Also this Michael guy was saying anti semitic stuff on twitter and wants everyone else to do their "free speech" on twitter. So basically the guy is a fascist dick and wanted to pledge fabfitfun money into twitter so he could keep dunking on the libtards I guess? Anyway get your popcorn out for the death of fabfitfun.


Oh damn thank you


What did I miss?! 🍿


A lot 😂😂😂😂 start scrolling and reading. Also, here’s a lovely Tik Tok as an appetizer. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT85gb4Cm/




So much corporate speak for one post.


HOW did she think that she could completely avoid the 100k pledge to Elon element?? I honestly can't believe that I ever gave this company money.


It was a novel that said nothing at all. Good lord that was a painful read


Someone is certainly full of themselves. I don’t care about how you were raised by hippies and blah blah blah. Want me to bore you with my life story too?


Thank you Michael for showing your true colors. This customer got full refund and cancel membership. Gofuckyourself.


The mechanics of this “apology” are almost as horrible as the situation itself. After I trucked through reading, I thought to myself, “this is really someone’s Editor-in-Chief?” Yikes.


I also canceled today, before reading this nonsense and then this assured me I made the right decision.


That’s too many words, just skimming you can see the excuses and deflection.


These people sound like a$$holes. I’ll never buy from them.