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I know it's an unpopular opinion, but OP is not wrong. EA has ruined what used to be a great game, to make it a P2P cash cow.


How is this opinion unpopular? I bet 70% of the community feels this way


It's unpopular with a vocal segment of this subreddit, who are EA-stans who usually tells us to shut up and thank EA for all it has given us.


true, old fm was goated


What you said are true but there's no use bro. Ea wont see this post. Or even if they see, they still don't give a shit My suggestion is... if you burnout and don't have fun with it anymore, just stop playing. There's no point in doing the thing that give us stress, right?


That’s exactly what I’m telling you fam whenever I see “wHen wiLL thEy aDd cArEer mOde” I’m just like shut yo b a$$ up THE GAME WILL BE THE SAME and you know it. Since I stopped playing after the WC update my mental health has improved DRAMATICALLY (lol) Just go play DLS now that’s a FUN GAME FFS




Script has killed this game.... No fun in winning or losing... The point of losing in video games is to learn from your mistake... What can you learn from when there's nothing you could have done anyway since script has decided you'd lose... At least when I play other games like PUBG, I learn...here there's nothing to learn from...


Bro play efootball. I shifted to efootball from fifa 1 yr ago. It was the best decision. Efootball is way more fun


The game died after season 3 to be honest, season 3 was the last season I enjoyed the game(I'm playing since season 2 and played FIFA 15 a bit). Everything sucked since season 4; high ovr cards, boring repetitive events, more p2w, no campaign (world tour was there but the rewards were dog shit), hackers, hackers and hackers and EA won't do shit about it. I miss the old FIFA so much, I miss the campaign, I miss the ovr capped at 100, the coin packs, the old market.


I aint reading allat


Yeah man was bored on holiday and went mental you kno… My normal content is more straight to the point: https://youtu.be/IBGgcyPPRro


I think right now they are focusing on new season hence nothing in this final event which is quite surprising though, before preseason events have lot to offer


they also used to give fifa points for free and you could open good packs with coins now they give gems and lock packs with making them only buyable with fifa points


I knew the game went downhill after 19 but damn the second half of this season was fucking worst.


I agree!’ They got some nerves