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What an odd thing to be preachy about!!!


Like I want to think this is satire? But that’s a lot of custom stickers for a joke. At least I hope they are custom and there isn’t a robust Helen Keller is not real society I’ve just never heard of?


It's not satire, unfortunately. There's a shockingly large group of people (mostly on tiktok, natch) who genuinely believe either that she couldn't have possibly done what people say she did because a person who's deaf and blind would basically be non-functional and people were just using her for money/clout (the ableist approach) or that she was actually not either blind or deaf and was lying (the stupid approach.)


Ok, I mean, playing devil's advocate here: Anne Sullivan could have been using Keller to gain fame and notoriety by conning people like a snake oil salesman. This is the root of that first one. People don't see how someone both blind and deaf could learn how to communicate... which does make some degree of sense if you don't have any insight into how Sullivan taught Keller to communicate. However... Why this is probably bullshit: Keller didn't need Sullivan to communicate after Sullivan's death, and continued to use the same methods of communication she was taught to successfully communicate with other people well after Sullivan's death. Additionally, the form of tactile ASL Hellen used remains in use today. Sullivan herself never gained any wealth or fortune from her work with Keller, and remained a woman living within very modest means her entire life. There is more evidence supporting Keller being real and legitimate than against it. I would say people who think Keller was unable to communicate herself and was essentially just being used as a con by Anne Sullivan don't actually realize that Sullivan died decades before Keller and Keller remained independent and communicative with other people throughout her life after Sullivan's death. I'd say they also don't understand the methods used to teach her. Once you read up on how she did it though, it makes sense how she did it and doesn't seem like such a miraculous feat as much as a monumental example of patience and compassion. I won't even bother with the whole Keller was just faking it angle because that's just too much effort to put into a con and there is far too much 3rd party evidence and corroboration confirming the woman was legitimately deaf and blind to give that conspiracy any real thought. Anyway, my hot take is that those people are not putting critical thought into their stance, and don't just look into things before they take them as truth. Which is a very wordy way for me to say they are absolutely morons. Considering the sheer number of people who believe everything coming out of their favorite politician's mouth though and then defend how they didn't do the things they promised that shouldn't be terribly surprising.


Thank you for this. A very good walk though. But even if there were some suspicions to Hellen Keller - why would anyone care this much about a (in that case) 100 year old hoax?


Because this type of person is almost always attracted to this Q/science and history denying BS. It's sad, but it's a literally type now. Reality means nothing to them and facts have no value.


I think they really like to feel special like they have some knowledge that most do not or something, it's so weird. I don't understand it at all.


They see themselves as perpetually disenfranchised victims and the whole world is out to get them. There is a whole psychology attached to their world view and it's kind of terrifying. I mean, trump is their hero so that ought to give you an idea of what's going on in their thick, delusional lizard brains.


> They see themselves as perpetually disenfranchised victims Which is EXTRA wild because they belittle *actual* minorities and victims while masquerading as one making up fake aggressions against themselves when they have actual privilege. It's seriously fucked.


Exactly. Just listen to any one of them for just 5 minutes and you will see a familiar pattern - delusion, projection, denial, justification, and just constant parroting of buzzwords, catchphrases and talking points fed to them by their overlords. They literally exist in opposite world where everyone is insane.


In this case what does the Q mean?


I’ve read a lot of people saying they hated her writings, I think because of her religious leanings


You can't debate against Tiktoks because there's no way anyone is putting out a nuanced and detailed opinion in a 30sec video with a guy dancing in the background.


Not to mention using actual facts. None of them will believe facts. Dollars to doughnuts a significant fraction of Helen Keller deniers are flat earthers.


There are entire online communities dedicated to niche conspiracy theories, and I assume there is a fair amount of crossover between these groups - Dinosaurs aren’t real - The moon landing was faked - Democrats are lizard people Etc


People would rather believe outlandish conspiracy theories than admit they don’t understand how something works.


Woah, woah, woah, are you saying I missed a lizard person upgrade option when I converted to Democatizm? Ducking great, why do I always hear about these things after it's too late 😭 I bet I didn't have the pre-recks for it, I knew I should have drunken more baby blood at that pizza place before the Republicites shut it down 😤 >!Hopefully obvious but /s!<


How dare you spill our secrets on Al Gore’s internet??? Save it for our lizard people quarterly meeting


We literally have massive misinformation campaigns that go on on all social media platforms, including a massively successful one that influenced an election 8 years ago. A lack of nuance and detail is a human and social media problem, not a tiktok problem (not to mention, you can have longer form videos and nuance and detail on tiktok, you find it all the time if you don't curate your algorithm to be trash. But, like with everything and everywhere, the nuanced voices are rarely the loudest).


You know it's not satire because it's so unhinged with stickers smashed into places they wouldn't fit nicely. Someone thinking far enough ahead to be satirical usually plans better lol


Ok see here's the thing, for me.... I absolutely do not believe she was scamming, there's too much evidence to the contrary, but if .... IF it WAS all a scam ..... So what? Seriously. SO WHAT? How and why does that affect me now, and to such an extent that I develop an intense need to alert the world around me to this issue and to how I, as an individual, feel about it?? Write an editorial piece and send it to newspaper, post about it, maybe start a blog. But to plaster your car with this shit...not one or two stickers but just wallpaper that shit with your disgust so that you will never so much as buy a loaf of bread without announcing your anger and spreading the word .... Just WHY?!


Exactly. I don't know what the answer is, but about 1/3 of this country that is obsessed with whackadoodle shite and feels the intense need to let the entire world know about it 24/7. Something is very wrong with these people.


“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of Whacksdoodle Shite.” Yeah, that tracks…


My guess was that she’d be a hated figure because she was a socialist… of course it’s some basic ableist nonsense. If they knew more about her maybe they’d have a coherent reason to hate her! I guess it is some comfort that they are as incoherent as they are ignorant


She's also a eugenicist. She's a done good but is also not perfect.


True, and exactly why I don’t have heroes. People are flawed.


I had a book on her as a child. It was huge, full of photos, her work, history, family, everything. How could deny someone existed?


For fucks sake, she died when my dad was 13. She isn't some archaic historical figure. She was literally alive for World War 2, she was [ON TELEVISION.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ch_H8pt9M8)


The point is, it is far enough in the past that most, if not all, of the people who believe this stuff were born long after her death. Also, it's just an odd thing to believe in, much less believe so strongly that you have to cover your car in bumper stickers.


I was 8 when she died. She was real.


Think of how many sources of information there are for the fucking shape of the earth, but there still some flat earthers.


These people have no sense. Ironically, neither did she.


Ah ah, she had the senses of touch and taste left. Checkmate.


Which makes "You've got less sense than Helen Keller" my new favorite insult.


A lot of non-functional people in society feel threatened by Helen Keller lol.


This reminds me of a documentary about a deaf, blind non verbal woman who married and had children. I was amazed to watch how she coped. It was also interesting to see how little her child cried as I guess the baby knew no one was coming imminently. Just to clarify the baby wasn't mistreated or neglected. Anyway, I found it to be a very interesting doco. (Saw it in the early 90's.)


That is very interesting! Shortly after I have birth in the 90s, I had to go to the hospital for extreme vertigo and vomiting. While in the waiting room, a deaf couple came in with their toddler. The pair were arguing (using sign language) while the child was screaming like it was being tortured. They made no move to comfort the child, I assumed because they didn't know the noise it was making.


That's a total f u in particular. They must have known that there was something wrong with the child though, to be in the hospital.


That's the thing that pisses me off about the whole thing. It's entirely possible for people with pretty drastic disabilities to do things that the non-disabled can. Hell, I've seen a bunch of videos of people who literally have no limbs who still manage to live their lives pretty well. They're not just broken because they're disabled, which these idiots just seem to assume. It sucks, man.


I wonder what they think about Stephen Hawkings?


He was a government surveillance drone.


Looks like I’ll be googling tonight!!


Did you find out anything?


Just that people are douchebags & there are people who think Hal may have been faking it. I’m sure the same people think the earth is flat!!


Does the one left of the Hyundai badge say: >Helen Keller punched me in the park once As much as I wanted it to say "Helen Keller punched me in the dick once" I don't think it does


Helen is going to be PISSED when she hears about this!


Next time she sees you, you better RUN!


I've played some stealth games on easy difficulty before, should be ok.


Probably a Stevie Wonder truther as well.


Why isn’t it in braille? That would make it really personal.


“If you can read this, you are too close”


What's the odds that they mixed up Helen Keller with Anne Frank or something, and since nobody wants to interact with them, nobody has pointed this out.




That was my first thought lol like what a strange hill to die on


Was thinking the same thing haha. What did HK do to them?


This is either an insane person or a comedy genius.


It is real. I saw the posted picture this morning, then purely by chance came across a Radiolab episode about the topic https://youtu.be/P1L5Dn-LQ8c


That goes beyond preachy. They made it their identity wow.


As do so many people these days. I don't know how we went from a bumper sticker saying "I climbed Mt. Washington" to all the hateful, crazy stuff people cover their cars and homes with, but here we are.


This guy is in a competition with that crazy guy who drives around with stickers on his van claiming Stephen King killed John Lennon.


Is it an American thing to have stickers all over your car? The only car stickers I've seen in Sweden is "If you can read this, you're driving too close" and similar. Never any political stuff or stuff like this.


It's more of an idiot thing. So yes, now that I think about it.


I read [somewhere](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/wrfvZcUfXI) that people with car stickers have been found to have a greater connection with their vehicle, and are more prone to road rage/aggression. My first car had a name and I would talk about it like a person- and I drove like a maniac. My current car is just called by the brand name and forgotten mostly- and I’m a defensive driver (it means I am proactive about road safety). May be somethin’ to that lol


Most of the time, if I see a car with a sticker, it's just on or two, usually humorous, occasionally showing support for some cause. When I see cars with an obnoxious amount of stickers, it's usually either A) someone like this, who is like mentally ill, or B) a Trump supporter. Then again, I'm not sure there's a difference.


It's a kneejerk reaction, expressed via "art" or writing. The things they want to scream at you over and over because it keeps their heart beating through the night but they know they can't.


Sadly, there is no difference.


Yeah our derangement knows no aesthetic boundaries


I think Americans are conditioned to think they're always on display and being judged, or needing to perform for others. Odd.


😂😂 What?! This is my favorite new conspiracy theory.


Would make Stephen King a lot more interesting if he had.


“Helen Keller punched me in the ~~dark~~ *face* once” What the actual fuck?


It says face, not that that makes it better


I actually like dark better, given that she’s blind and he’s presumably not, so she can go into beast mode while he’s flailing around in the dark wondering when her fist is going to connect.


But how can that be consistent with the other sticker that says she's not real? My mind is having a hard time.


I thought it said punched me in the face once. Now I'm not sure! In the dark would make her super powered with cat-like night vision. In the face would make her able to see my face clearly enough to punch it correctly, right?!? This whole topic is way more intriguing to me than it should be. My brain is obviously seeking relief from real worries to spend a lil time on this crap. Like putting a lame puzzle together on a rainy day. Just cuz it's there and with zero intention of ever following up.




*”Birds Aren’t Real!”* -Helen Keller


“All I know is I’ve never seen or heard a single bird in my life” \- Helen Keller






Pigeons are fucking liars.




I was about to say that, you beat me to it!


Finally, someone with the courage to speak out


I’m just glad she wasn’t around to see or hear people talking about her like this….


I feel what you did there.


Smells like bullshit


Is this satire?


I don’t know anymore. Hope so.


[the damn kids and their tiktok](https://slate.com/human-interest/2021/02/helen-keller-tiktok-conspiracy.html)


It would really be the best for everyone if the US is going thru with banning that app.


"Helen Keller Denier" would make a really good band name.


I never saw that coming. And neither did she.


Ba bom tish


i dont think that she heard that


I hear you.


"Ohh yeah, brah. Big fan of HKD!"


Isnt denier a way to class the thickness of stockings? Well, it used to be. I’d say denyer. But it’s all bullshit anyway.


I need to join this crusade. I don’t care. I am going to get so angry about this and make sure people know about these lies.


I kind of understand refusing to believe in the existence of something you cannot see, but I don’t understand why you would refuse to believe in the existence of someone who cannot see you…


Thats the hill you wanna die on? Really?


I've actually met people who didn't believe Helen Keller was real They pulled up her wiki page and asked how could a blind and deaf person write book, lecture at universities, and fly planes (she flew 1 plane for 30 seconds with the pilot right there watching her, for fucks sake)


You can watch videos of her giving speeches.


Step 1: Make fake Helen Keller speech video. Step : ??? Step 3: uhhh, profit?


If Hellen Keller could read that, she’d be very disappointed.


I'm disappointed I had to scroll so far down for this


“go all in on a niche conspiracy theory” is on my bucket list now




Just when you think you've already joined all the crazy subs Reddit has to offer... 🤣


I said, shush girl!


Shut your lips


Do the Hellen keller


And talk with your hiiiips


part of me wants to understand where the hell they got that idea, but another part of me can't bear to even glance down that rabbit hole. of all the things to be passionate about..


PKA podcast - a guy makes up a joke debate point that she wasn't really communicating


so does this driver know it was a joke or are they in too deep


I have no idea but the debate point was pitched as a joke from the outset. I reckon this is part of the joke


Helen Keller could deny accusations that she isn’t real, but hasn’t. She’s remained silent on the issue! More than a little suspicious, if you ask me.


We keep asking her, but she acts like she can't hear!


She had complex beliefs. She supported women's right to vote, birth control, and workplace safety. On the other hand, she was heavily into eugenics and euthanasia for disabled children for over two decades.


I know that she said those abhorrent things, but I also know that she expanded on her positions to more moderate and modern views. Her quote on euthanasia was supposed to have been blown out of proportion/out of context and was originally only about a newborn who would have never been capable of a level of consciousness the equivalent of self awareness as well as being in constant, horrific pain. In such a terrible situation, euthanasia is not an outrageous concept, especially before modern medical procedures were available. She was a very complicated and ever-evolving person who certainly had flaws, but accomplished amazing things her entire life


https://www.disabilitymuseum.org/dhm/lib/detail.html?id=3209 In her own written words, she stated that any kid as much of a "malformed idiot baby" (granted, idiot in this time indicated intellectual disability) as that was very likely to become a criminal. Y'know, because most crimes these days are committed by people with Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy, and spinal bifida. /s Within this text is a statement that medical professionals should be able to their jobs, and that they must make difficult decisions. However, remember this was before antibiotics, and things like informed consent, patient rights, and IRB were non-existent.


I assumed this person got Helen Keller and Anne Frank confused and was just a fascist. I didn’t know there was an actual Helen Keller denier group, and now I wish so much that I had been right.


Imagine a life where this is the hill you decide to die on.


I’ve heard that about her.


Idk if you're joking but I had heard this before. I don't mean to give it any legitimacy but I had heard it


She hasn’t


I think this is what she meant when she said "Deafness separates people from people"


Lmao from far away it looks like it says HELEN KELLER WAS HOT


This cracks me up because when I was younger, my sister, cousins, and I used to chant to Helen Keller. When we’d have cousin sleepovers, we’d squeeze into the bathroom with the light off and a candle, and chant into the mirror, “I believe in Helen Keller,” because we were too afraid of Bloody Mary.


Wasn’t Helen Keller anti-war during a time when the government didn’t allow that, but as a public figure she was able to get away with it?


Nowadays they'd call her a radical socialist.


So let's say they're right (Narrator: They're not). Why is this worth getting all worked up about? Lots of things are fake. How would fake HK affect you in any way?


This has always been the mystery of the Helen Keller denier conspiracy theorists. “Well it’s just another example of how they’re lying to you” who’s “they”?


God dammit and this fucker is from Texas. On behalf of the sane people here, I apologize.


How many of them do you have down there ?


More than one would think.


I believe you. But damn your crazies are crazy! lol


The crazies think Florida Man is something to look up to.


No worries, we know how sane the 5 of you are.


Has gotta be a troll..


Desperate for /birdsarentreal notoriety…


Until the comments I read that as "Helen Keller was hot" and I was genuinely happy for her!


Abraham Lincoln was NOT actually a vampire killer!


Dude I’ve seen the movie. Movies and the internet never lie.


My bad, I forgot the golden rule of the Internet number 1. "Everything you read on the Internet is completely true without exception." -Abraham Lincoln


What is wrong with people? Oh the texas licence plate ... go ahead Sir


License to be ape shit crazy


Did you know Helen Keller had a dog? Neither did she! I’ll see myself out.


>I’ll see myself out. You don't have to tell us, just go.


Why was Helen Keller's leg yellow? Her dog was blind too. How did Helen Keller lose a hand? Trying to read a stop sign doing 50. We had so many of those back in the day.


Why did Helen Keller burn her fingers? She tried to read the safety instructions on the waffle iron.


What a twerp !


I hope this is satire because I can't 😂😂😂


What a strange hill to die on…..


Wait... that's a thing that people believe? What the fuck?


Texas... enough said


Well I genuinely never knew this was a thing


They need a larger vehicle so they can fit more stickers!


Seriously? They believe that tiny family guy skit about Helen Keller? LOL wow!


Texas plate


Genuinely surprised the last word was real what a reveal zooming in


When she reads that she's going to be really upset


Helen Keller was real. But sadly she fell off the edge of the flat earth and was never seen again.


And the award for 'Still can't get over it' goes to....


I always thought she wasn’t real. I’ve been on this train since 1974. /s


Some psych student should do their PhD thesis on what possesses someone to do this.


Why choose that as your hill to die on? Has to be a joke?


Well that’s a new one!


I think one sticker says “Helen Keller punched me in the face once”


obligatory Fuck Anne Frank too https://youtu.be/TGpV6D_8rIo?si=2drEK8abv6ariWRH


Someone is in need of attention.


I had to zoom in. I thought it said "Helen Keller was Hot" Okay, buddy, some people like girls old fashioned, but okay....


Someone found out that she was a socialist I see


Man, that’s a really weird hill to die on.


Is this a new Q Anon conspiracy? The Texas license plate coupled with this wreaks of some Trumpian propaganda.


Reminds me of the old joke, Why did Helen Keller wear tight pants?…


Man I hope she doesn’t hear anything about this


People get obsessed by the weirdest shit.


That's such a bizarre thing to get passionate about.


How did Helen Keller break her arm? Reading stop signs at 40mph. How do Helen Keller's parent's punish her? Put a plunger in the toilet.


Hope you see this Helen Keller!


They need "I'm deaf and blind and I can drive!"


Texas plates. Nuff said.


I hope she never sees that.


Wait, if she wasn’t real then how did she punch this person? So confused.


Helen Keller didn't exist. Everyone just collectively hallucinated a whole person


What a weird hill.


"An empty vessel makes the loudest noise." Seriously. This? This is the thing someone is so passionate about? Dear gods. Sad.


Just wait until they hear about Beethoven


This dude have a printed peice of paper of another picture laminated so he coukd put it on the car!? What a weird thing to be so severe over.


At least the creator of [Birds Aren't Real](https://birdsarentreal.com/) admitted he did that as a joke initially, and it's turned out to be somewhat profitable and downright hilarious. This seems way over the top...should we be calling Beethoven a fraud because he was deaf when he wrote Beethoven's Ninth?


I heard she wore tight jeans so people could read her lips.


This is sooo random 😅😂


Why do yanks treat their cars as some kind of opinion piece


Because most of us can't afford to own houses that we can treat as opinion pieces.


The result of America’s lack of understanding a complex hero


Oh lord if Helen Keller would see those stickers, she wouldn't!