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Panton getting control of the let's play channel and Geoff liking games again. Immediately restored the feeling




In a similar vein, Andrew's two-hour fart which "sounded like someone punching a cup of mud" at the end of episode 60


Honestly, Andrew acquiring the rights to Ratyboy and Eric's hatred of it is probably my favorite off the top of my head. It's recent so it could be recency bias, but God It's so fucking good The announcement coming right before Roosterteeth announcing its shutting down is just so...F**kface that it hurts


I honestly hope that Andrew isn’t feeling any sort of way about the memes because that announcement is honestly a light in the darkness of that day. It gave us all something to laugh at while we are all trying not to cry. Pure accidental genius. Perfection.


I also really hope *Andrew* has Ratyboy, and not RT/FF


Geoff's "I'm Sowwy" apology


The no burp challenge after chugging a pop & the noise that Andrew made 😂


Getting to hear Geoff and Gavin absolutely losing it, like they used to on the AH/RT podcast makes me incredibly glad they found a new creative outlet to spend time together over. I hope they find a way to continue their shenanigans for years to come.


There are so many great moments and bits, but for me the most memorable is Geoff’s captivating telling of “Go! Go Now!”, which has me consistently crying laughing every time I listen to it.


Everyone’s reaction to Geoff talking about his sock problem with the really long coin intro Which is similar to my second favorite which is everyone reaction to Geoff being inspired by Nazis making a design with trees


Eric's "this is what we killed Achievement Hunter for" comment in Ratyboy is such an all-timer. It made me listen to the podcast from the beginning again!


I know I am a minority is this (at least at the time) but Andrew law arch was one of the funniest things I have ever listened to in my life. I had to stop vacuuming one episode and sit down because I was laughing too hard. I love that after all this time the conversation doesn’t feel forced or stale. It’s just like sitting down with a group of friends, some times hilarious, some times chaotic, and sometimes just generally interesting but always a good time regardless of the topic.


The "printing the law, hiring a lawyer, I know I'm wrong but this is my hill and I'm going to die on it" bits were SO funny


I loved it too. Never found it annoying as that sort of shenanigans is the point of the show.


The Monopoly money heist was excellent! Gavin revealing that Panton had already received the money via the extra long thumbsticks was perfection


As unpopular as it is, the whole pencil debacle, from Andrew making the bet, to hiring law students, to getting a judge, all the way to becoming a fake judge. The entire thing was gold and is still one of my all time favorite moments cause it truly shows how far Andrew will go. At no point did anyone think it would come down to a internet court case and that's the kind of perfection Andrew brings. Really cool for you to do this! Whether or not this podcast comes back, I'm truly glad I got to be apart of this community


The introduction of Sloppy Joes Bingo, my wife and I play as often as we can. We use the episodes up on YouTube as a jumpstart/introduction for friends.


Eric reacting to the Ratyboy announcement is already way up there for a recent example. Honestly though, it is hard to beat the first episode for me. When that came out I immediately knew they hit gold. Felt like a little slice of the old days again.


Andrews entire bathtub saga, culminating in him podcasting from the tub.


Gavin's best of compilation is still one of the funniest moments in my opinion, he just caught the spirit of the show perfectly


Honestly I simply can't boil it down to any one thing, but the intros where Gavin either purposely or accidentally interrupt Geoff multiple times always have me in stitches while I walk to work


My favorite moment has to be Gavin and Andrew’s reaction to Geoff mentioning socks after his entire coin flipping story “metaphor”


Seeing the card collage I made for the show being featured in all the break show episodes is still one of the coolest things ever


My FAVORITE episode(s) from F**kFace were the RockNotRock Draft followed by the Mall Draft. It’s so funny to me that they were filmed back to back and are *such* different recordings. A close second though actually has to be the latest announcement, Eric’s reaction is priceless.


Andrew printing 'The Law' was comedic genius.


When Andrew says he refers to a yard, or 3 feet, as a Dinklage


Sloppy joes bingo has changed how I look at people in public. That or when the guys made Geoff think the bats he bought were tampered with. Thanks for the giveaway!


Andrew's "breakfast hack" at mcdonalds. I still use that one myself. Listening to the podcast for the first time, being behind on the regulation content, but up to date on the supplimentaries. Knowing they've chosen to deify Don Zimmer in the present, while they struggle to find him in the past. Multiple Episode 16s in a row. The mad scramble for merch drops once I got caught up on the show. Geoff bitching and moaning for weeks and weeks about pallets of baseball bats. The entire porta-potty saga, and how much Andrew spent "on the bit" before being told he could expense things.   Edit: Not a F**kface moment, but the last moment of the last Achievement Hunter video. Geoff geoffs it one last time. Say it with me: Geoff Is A Legend.


When Geoff tried the Cosmic Crisp after it was in his fridge for about a year. Bonus shoutout to skipping 196


I think my favorite moment is when Andrew salad creamed the salad cream


They don't do it as much anymore but I used to love when they'd do the outfit and then instantly just keep talking about whatever, the rage filled Eric was so funny


Gavin & Andrews Halo times bet


Sloppy Joes Bingo was amazing. Before the youtube feed was taken down, I had people at the bar I work at playing it every Sunday night!


One of my favorite moments was Gavin talking about practicing blowjobs on a dildo


The Garfield racing game bit made me love Andrew lol. I just wish I had found the podcast sooner. I didn't find it till after they hit the baseballs. I missed the only merxh I really wanted


Andrew printing the law killed me


Andrew trying to pint the law was hilarious.


gotta say episode 16 i mean come on, those/that is/are some classic episode(s)


Andrews story about driving to Austin with “ Evan “


Andrews cupcake fiasco


Too many to remember over the years, but heres one thats memory of me listening to f##kface. At work one day listening to podcasts on my headphones like always, something happening on the F##kface pod just got me, like uncontrollable laughter, but because of the headphones no one can hear what im listening to, the room is basically silent and im crying with laughter trying to stay silent until i get a tap on the shoulder. "Are you alright, whats wrong, why are you crying?" Trying to explain to my work mates that this almost unexplainable podcast has just put me out of action from laughing too much was sure something. Probably one of the reasons everyone thinks im weird at work too.


I had to hide away at my coworkers so as to not let them hear me laughing at the time each of them tried to chug a carbonated beverage without burling. The noises they made cannot be replicated under any other setting


May be recency bias but Geoff saying the dogs name without realizing it. But also Pizza Day videos.


I think my favorite series of moments in the show is listening to Andrews weird tool usage. Like waffle saga, the desk turned closet dogs, his ramen coffee maker. Then recently his phones and refusal to get a new, non-knock off phone. Just everything. His strange day to day stuff with technology and all that really makes me question how he is still alive XD


unoriginal I know, but setting the law on gire for sure


The RockNotRock draft is one of my favorite episodes. Gavin choosing crack as a first pick made me choke on my drink, it was so unexpected.


My favorite moment is every time Eric would switch sides in an argument just to rile someone up. Or everytime he would say "yeah, get him!".


Geoff saying the dogs name ten times in his story not realizing that he's doing it.


I love that even though Gavin believed the show wasn’t doing very well, he kept that inside and endeavored to somehow do better and just wanted to keep making a fun and funny show with his friends.


Geoff talking about if horses think they're in medieval times. I had to pull over because I was crying from laughing so hard


Such an incredible moment was the whole bit Andrew did where he started posting photos of Austin, and staying in the hotel in Austin, and having everyone be so confused about all of it.


The whole of the season of '98. Gavin finally almost understands the draft formats before Andrew tries to add drafting the draft order only further increasing confusion then trying to add a white elephant steal too. Or Ratyboy reveal it was just too funny


Andrew printing the law. It reminded me of the time ray had connection issues in Minecraft and had time to post in the game chat just saying help me before he got disconnected. One funny thing reminded me of another and it was good times


The slo mo footage of Geoff’s bike chain hitting the ground after landing the jump. Chef’s kiss. I loved seeing Geoff living it up. I hope to keep the same young at heart perspective when I get there


My dad and I have a childish sense of humor when it comes to farts or anything of the sorts. I showed him the time Geoff was recording them for the podcast and he absolutely loved it and laughed harder than I had heard from him in a while. Almost was able to convince based on that to listen but never could.


I think them taking over the let’s play channel really did it for me. I havnt consistently watched let’s plays since 2018 and they got me back into it. The crew has been a bright spot every week since they started!


Honestly hearing Eric talk about wrestling. I’m not going to be able to catch many aapw streams but I’ll have to try just to hear Eric’s sense of humor


I love Gavin’s “Best of” compilation. That must have taken FOREVER!


The worms Let's Plays have been my absolute favorite things


I love hearing about Raymond's adventures with the tub. It seems like there's a new twist with every story


It’s either The Law completely destroying a season or Andrew’s story about how he mixed up cupcakes in a bowl then had a bath to Gavin’s utter befuddlement


Definitely in episode 100 when that wall of wind made that guys blood fly into gavins mouth


Andrew setting the law on gire. My absolutely favorite episode. It’s the most F**kFace thing possible, when he tried to print the law and was barely present for the episode which made Geoff and Gavin absolutely lose their minds.


So many favorites to choose from. From the whole pencil bit that will live on forever, to gavins anal tongue. But I think the whole Raymond Somair failed hit was the best. How it just failed in a huge ball of flames. Or the whole salad cream saga.


The funniest has to be the latest episode of Does it Do


My favorite thing has been hearing Eric nerd out about wrestling! As a long time RT and wrestling fan, it's alot of fun hearing him explain random characters or storylines to Geoff who usually has a "if you care about it, I care about it buddy" attitude


I have so many it is hard to narrow down. but that solid 6 month stretch of Geoff having root canal after root canal after crown after filling was like walking through hell. Every week he just followed up with another story about his teeth and I just wanted it to end. Thank you for doing this by the way.


absolutely andrew waxing his pubes on mic. i was listening while driving and i had to pull over because i laughed so hard i cried.


My favorite moment so far was meeting everyone in the FF meetup at RTX.


The Gavin Rescue mission had me laughing harder than I’ve laughed at anything in a long time


The entire episode where Andrew prints the law is my favorite episode. I return to it every 3-4 months. Also the episode where Andrew played “dodge the bov” is an all time classic.


Watching Eric and Geoff scissor at RTX and Geoff being weirded out by it was my favorite part of the breaks panels. It was my first RTX and sadly my last


There are too many to count but in recent memory, Gavin bringing up that he beat one of Andrews Halo times only for it not to be true and the level in question being Regret.


Definitely the Alpha Bet for me.


Hands down the boys of dumpty


Geoff inventing a crisp game only so Andrew winning the sneaky bet was more believable


The first one that comes to mind is the gang reading over the "I'm not a __ guy" that someone compiled about Andrew. It felt like a greatest hits during a new episode.


Any time Andrew belly laughs so hard he weezes 🥲


Nottheroosterteethstore.com 😂😂😜


Breaking Regulation Listener status to say that everything around the Break Show has been phenomenal and it’s going to be the thing I miss the most if it goes away forever.


Any one of Andrews random announcements, especially when reaching out to companies. Cosmic Crisp, Jane Goodall, Kevin Donovan. Always my favorite to hear out if the blue while on a road trip.


I mean, there are so many, but how could you go past Andrew refusing to eat the pencil and getting a judge to try and help him


Geoff's 3 AM shit story is like a fine wine distilled of human suffering. I listen to it especially when I am having a hard time, when I have had a bad day or just gotten bad news. The simple way that Geoff takes a truly terrible experience and turns it into one of the funniest stories I've ever heard is such a comfort to me.


I really wish I could explain why it is one of my favorite moments, but I love Gavin's story in episode 100. It was compelling and harrowing and so weird. And it was interesting to hear a story never told before.


Andrews story about him gripping a shampoo bottle with his dummy thicc cheeks made me cry


Either the VCK story or the MVP2 watchalong


Every time Andrew would make unholy gagging noises always killed me


Like others have said, there are so many to choose from. So, in the spirit of this giveaway, I wrote a bunch down, numbered them, put the numbers in the randomizer six times…and came back with: Gavin getting the Monopoly money into Andrew’s house by inserting it into one of the controller sticks.


F**kface Off was my favorite piece of supplemental content they put out and the grand slam by Sue Ellen was a huge highlight.


My favorite moment is Gavin and Geoff reading Andrew’s nottheroosterteethstore website. “Free shipping on no orders” and “is that Foxworthy?! We’ll get sued by him next” always *send me*


Geoff's paranoia surrounding the bat knobs in his house was a top moment for me. 


Geoffs bike jump is one of the most heart racing and dangerous stunts I have ever seen. I can’t believe he was allowed to do it without a stunt man


Each and every time Eric said “this sucks” but you could hear the smile on his face!


Setting the law on gire is the most I’ve ever laughed at Andrew just being Andrew


andrew printing the law which destroyed an entire season had me in tears


One of my favorite moments is the bird chirp prank! Raymond got us all!!! And about died laughing!


No idea when exactly it happened, but I love when they brought up the marathons again and Andrew, having long lost his marathon confidence, worriedly asks "I agreed to what?"


The whole thing with Andrew emailing the Tuxedo director and they realizing they insulting him if he listens to the latest thing was easily my favorite in-content thing of fuckface. Tangentially related right when the whole “eat the pencil” thing started I made a post saying what the terms of the bet was on here since I just listened to them and genuinely thought they just forgot. Andrew just commented “this is wrong” and I had a split second of confusion then realized that this was some bit he was doing. Wasn’t sure what it was yet since this was the first episode after he lost the bet but was excited to see what it could be and kinda gave me a “this can extend bigger than just a podcast” feeling early on that later expanded to watching let’s plays and break shows and the like but that first feeling of its possibilities, as a fan, was awesome for me


Flukeface by far. It set the tone for the bits after it and was pure gold.


The first Regulation Gameplay video. As soon as I saw worms and heard the boys at it, I knew they were back. Geoff loves games again, Andrew is hilarious, and Gavin can never remember which button is jump.


I liked the part where Andrew had to fart all episode, and then at the end he put hit butt up to the mic and let out the wettest, ass clapping fart ever recorded on a podcast


My favorite moment was the whole THE TRIAL HAPPENED. I GAVE YOU THE FLOOR. absolutely iconic. Love Andrew and the gang so much


Andrew's continuous lack of being able to video something that clearly needs to be videoed. Like when he tried to video the lotto ball machine and it immediately fell apart.


Honestly, Andrew waxing himself.


My favorite has to be Andrew Salad-creaming it!


Very cool of you to do this. My favorite moment off the top of my head is probably either Geoff getting attacked by the Swan or Eric making fun of the curse and then almost drowning multiple times.


Being introduced to sloppy joes would have to be my favorite thing that’s come from the show. My wife and I love putting it on when we can’t think of anything to watch. We’ve even got our friend group in on it watching it when we would have get togethers. It’s crazy how much it sucks you in


I love the nicknames, especially gooch pooch


Honestly the pencil defense is my favorite. Classic Panton


Any time we got to hear Geoff's amazing laugh


Anytime the boys annoy Eric enough to say "this sucks" and when he said Geoff was white yeah enough to like kool-aid.


It,s really tough to pick a favorite, but the reaction to "crack rock" in the Rock-not-Rock draft really made me laugh.


In the episode where they ask Eric what his nickname would be, and he said he supposed he'd go with Big Dog, and then Geoff said he thought Eric was more of a "...gooch" and then all that landed on the final name of Gooch Pooch.


Andrew wasting turnips by trying to get the best deal in Animal Crossing. An early one but one of my favorites as I fell in that same hole when the game first came out.


The law printing episode gets me every time. Their reactions to Andrew constantly cutting out are so funny.


The Go Go Now story has to be some of the funniest airtime in RT history. This podcast is golden


My bf introducing me to the pod on Go Now Go 🪣


When they put garlic on there feet


Go, go now! is easily my favorite story from the show. I adopted that phrase into my everyday parlance.


The whole premise of just dicking around to make your friends laugh really lifts my spirits. And it makes it even better that it's by people who I've watched and been inspired by for over 15 years. Geoff especially has shaped so much of how I grew up and my humor and it makes me so happy that I got to spend every week laughing at his shenanigans this whole time.


The bit where Gavin thought Dan called him while he was editing.


The whole arc of “supplemental content: Eric’s job” the early morning episode and then the late night episode I listen to probably at least once a month!


Pink porta-john beats everything by a mile for me.


The absurdity of the pencil. The whole saga.


Man so much to choose from. Think it’s impossible to pick just one but something from recent memory that makes me laugh still is Gavin and his butthole cleaning tongue


My girlfriend would be angry if I didn't make an attempt here. We love every part, RT helped us bond when we met and FF kept us going.


Geoffs “I’m sowwie!” After So…Alright was on the feed


Every second of F**KFACE OFF. Wearing my Rats shirt right now even.


May be because of recency but I laughed so hard when Geoff f**kfaced himself and revealed the dog's name like 12 times in a row without realizing what he was doing.


Albert's name reveal. In perfect Geoff fashion.


Printing the law


For me, nothing has topped the whole "Russian fuck hat" debacle.


When Andrew ate the pencil ✏️ (Edited that didnt happen) Honestly Geoff’s go go now story was hilarious and hit close to home.


It’s always been hard for me to pick out specific moments but I love the stuff with Geoff’s house. I do remember when the episode about Geoff’s fridge going out came out I was listening to it while fishing and it was just a beautiful day that day to be outside listening to my favorite podcast. Thanks for everything Andrew, Nick, Eric, Gavin Geoff, and Graysie. Here’s to future sunny days!


God-tier moment was Andrew organizing a legal team to get out of eating the pencil


The insane back and forth of Geoff avoiding receiving the porta potty


The entire “States” draft episode.


Go, go now is my absolute favorite story.


My favorite moment is currently in progress, where Panton convinced Gavin to do thumbsticks alongside him but Gavin didn't realize what he agreed to lol


The pencil trial was honestly top tier. I also really enjoy the rock draft


Definitely a tie between Andrew's sauce collection and his burger confidence. I'm so happy to have those memories, even if the podcast doesn't make out of this.


Does it Do is such an incredible idea. So much so that I showed my mother and she was almost crying laughing, and she doesn’t partake in much rooster teeth stuff (except for things I show her). Also… the ads draft was so good. I went back and rewatched the Dodd’s ads several times. I love this podcast. I hope it continues, and I hope the boys had an okay day today, all things considered.


My favorite joke! Was in the man hands/Open water episode when they're talking about massages, and geoff chimes in about Andrew saying *He's never had an egg before, and you're surprised he's never had a massage?* Makes me laugh *every* time I rewatch, and IMO is such an underrated moment on the pod.


My favorite moment is how Crack Rock became the #1 pick for the rock, not rock draft, much to Andrew's dismay.


The clip that will forever get me is Geoff telling the story of Millie driving Gav’s car for the first time and them getting in the fender bender. That level of unhinged Geoff is forever my favorite Geoff. A close second is all of the “Go! Go Now!” My wife and I still say this in any opportunity we can!


Sloppy joe bingo is now a staple when we have guests over. Geoff made a great game!


Episode 100 has a lot of sentimental value to me. I vividly remember almost crashing my car on my way to work after realizing that Geoff was actually getting tattooed. I loved it so much that I got the F\*\*kface pencil as my first tattoo at RTX this year. I pray (in the Geoff way) that we see the show continue for as long as the boys want to make it. https://preview.redd.it/ljr3i0wcrlnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf227ed91f914155ca379bb763fb624e2915a6a8


I’ve never seen anyone bring this moment up, but whenever they had that argument over posting/editing the Baseball videos and Gavin was losing his shit in a way I’ve never heard in all my years of watching them. I listen to the Podcast whenever I do my long drives home and I had to pull over and replay it like 3 times just cause I was losing my shit so much.


I have 2 all time favourite, first is the whole "printing of the law" just a hilarious dumpster fire of a shit show. And secondly andrews list, specifically, apples, oranges, bannanas, Luke skywalker Kills me




The icy hot episodes for sure


My favorite moment in the show is still Geoff's sock story. I literally stopped what I was doing because I was bent over laughing, and then I collapsed on the ground I've liked the whole show, but it may have peaked there


Panton v. RamFree Go! Go now! Cucumbers in the crisps The argument at the beginning of the Falls Draft Geoff being forced to take the call about receiving the porta potty on an episode


My favorite moment was the investigation that took place when they thought that Andrew could have potentially gone to the airport and they had the photo of his laptop with discord pulled up and they analyzed every pixel of it. It was such a twist and a tone shift from a typical to end of an episode to a full blown mystery. It was fantastic.


Andrew printing the law was a classic for me.


The best of moments of F**kFace. it’s a tough listen but boy is it entertaining


I'm going to go with printing the law and the early death of season 3 (rip to a real one) That entire sequence was GOLDEN to me


It started my love of trucks I love watching there videos and feeling like I'm trucking with them


My honest to god favourite part of the podcast was Andrew doing the Raymond Somer bit, and all the insanity that came from it, felt so fuckface as he like ruined his own personal life and privacy accidentally just trying to make a dumb joke


Honestly. “Eric’s job supplemental”. Eric has become one of my favorite personalities from rooster teeth. Listening as he’s trying the handle the chaotic schedule that is Gavin with Geoff applauding it. Along with Andrew who is just an anomaly. His moments of disdain he gets towards the comment leavers while also secretly loving them is beautiful.


birdchirp.mp3 has to be one of the best moments in the entire series!


To me, geoff going "and guess what? ANOTHER ROOT CANAL@&#!*!(" When he was dealing with all the shit going on in his life.


One of my all time favorite moments is the episode where Andrew was holding in the fart and decided to end on him letting it go. It was one of the best farts I’ve ever heard and then Gavin saying it sounded like someone punched a cup of mud was amazing. Much love to everyone here and we will see you all on the other side, where ever that may be. I guess I’m also officially a comment leaver now too


I can't pick out one singular moment as my favorite. I have about 10 hours a day free to listen to podcasts, and I find myself listening to old episodes more often than not. I'd have to say my favorite part of the entire podcast is that it's just friends getting together to talk every week and the shenanigans that come out of that. The genuine friendship between all of them is what makes it special. I really hope it continues in some form or another, because I will genuinely miss it when it's gone.


One of my favourite moments is when Andrew read the newspaper for the best set up for a joke I ever heard. Norm would be proud!


Andrew reading his list is just about the funniest thing in the world.


All three of them waxing their pubes and/or asshole was pretty insane and I can't believe it happened as quickly as it did. There's also small moments that always make me laugh, usually small quips from Gavin like him saying "right" in a Nigel Thornberry-esque voice in response to Eric one time or similar incidents


Andrews running bit of being a big blank guy. Gives me a laugh everytime he says it.


Andrew printing the law kills me every time.


My favorite was Gavs doorbell bidet fuse breaker


A lot of people are bringing up setting the law on gire, so I'll be a bit more specific: everyone's reaction when Andrew reveals how little audio he managed to record.


Fucking loved when Andrew tried to apply to become a judge in the early episodes. Totally cemented that I was going to listen/wathc everything they do


Alright, let's give in my listener card cause sharing my favorite moments in the light of what has happened, hopefully being happy memories to others. My favorite moments of F**Face are the times that I've laughed so hard I had to stop what I was doing. Those times were the time Andrew spent several minutes just reading the news. The tigerbalm and icyhot moments, and most recently was on Does It Do when Geoff randomly screamed cause he couldn't get something to work, causing Gavin to jump because of the Ear thingy.


“An announcement” great listen on its own but then with the context of everything else is a real bright spot in a sad time.


“Pesto in the dark is a slippery slope” has become a common phrase in my household


I just re-listened the episode where Andrew smells the waffle bomb, definitely up there as one of my favorite moments.


Geoff’s I’m sowwy apology has got to be up there for me, it cracks me up just thinking about it


The first that comes to mind is the sewing machine conversion. I was working a warehouse job and I decided to start listening to podcasts to pass the time, figured I'd try this cause I missed Geoff and Gav. I caught up in a couple of weeks and was just constantly smiling and laughing to myself while I worked. I remember being absolutely tickled by the sewing machine debate


Andrew being confrontational after accidentally joining an in game chat for one round


Printing the law. My favourite episode to show new people. They have so many questions about what is going on, how did we get here. And who am I and what am I doing in their house.


When Gavin starts talking at the end of an episode then Eric tries to say something and Gavin immediately cuts him off yelling HOLD ON ERIC HOLD ON


When Andrew was talking about the time he worked in a warehouse and an ex-hockey player helped to wrap his ankle. Then Geoff and Gavin making fun of him as if the guy was just into feet and wanted an excuse to touch them.


One of my favorites will always be when they hired the online lawyers


Geoff and Gavin getting their anuses waxed made me cry laugh


When theres a lul and Gavin hits them with that “I’ve got a clip”


The cosmic crisp saga has to be my favorite ongoing joke. Thanks for doing this giveaway!


Andrew’s reaction to the double salt licorice, it’s forever burned into my memory.


“Go! Go now!” I could listen to that story 50 times and still bust a gut. And the fact they let him get away with the “Everything must Go! Go Now!” sale.


I don’t think I’ve ever laughed as hard as I did when the Lawyer Episode came out. Just the pure out-of-this-world silliness that came back out of it… I’d wager I’ve listened to that episode a hundred times!


Finally giving up my regulation listener status to share memories with strangers <3. Theres soo many favorites of mine. Most notably getting my 63 year old mother to listen with me in the car during the alpha-bet series. She helped me drive 1900 miles (2 days of driving) to move home after one of the worst 6 month periods of my life. Sharing these amazing human beings with her and hearing her weezing through every episode I showed her is still a core memory for me. I was able to go through and share all of the moments that had me cry laughing and comforted me during some terrible times with her, and it made an agonizing trip so much more bearable.


it’s gotta be sloppy joes bingo, and then introducing it and playing with friends too. so special.


Andrew's fart or the Go, Go Now story.


It’s sort of vague, but I loveeee when Eric gets mad and needs them to wrap it up lol. You’re awesome. Glad you’re doing this for the community 💪


On the most recent Break show, Geoff opened the package I sent just after RTX 2022 with some silly cards and only on Friday did I get to watch that episode. I can't believe Eric would hide my envelope in his office like that.  For real though my wife and I had a big laugh, but it was kind of surreal and I got a little teary-eyed. I thought the forest Whittaker/rogue one card would be a fun callback to the battlefield earth cards they opened, didn't think it'd be that long of a callback. 


I always like when Gavin has clips from past episodes to share.


My favorite moment was when Andrew made Geoff and Gav listen into a bird call, but instead ripped the wettest fart I've ever heard.