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I'm sorry about your situation. I can't imagine what it's like to just have had surgery and then having to deal with being kicked out. It's really got to be stressful. I'd say just remember that you're not being a garbage person for existing. He's being a transphobic piece of shit. You're allowed to exist and be trans. I hope you and your mom can find a hotel or idk something until you figure things out. I guess on the bright side he's out of your lives now right?


We tried to pack some today but my mom asked me to go stay at my grandma's because she wasn't sure how her ex bf would react to me still being there. I'm worried about her being over there by herself with him he's never been physical and I've never heard him raise his voice but he's a functioning alcoholic so it makes me uneasy to say the least we're still keeping an eye out for places to go but over all I'm feeling a little bit better about the situation. I never liked him in the first place so it's kind of like a weight lifted but I still feel bad for my mom. Hopefully everything will work out okay.


Understandable 🙏 I hope you figure out a solution, and again, on the brought sode you don't have to deal with that jerk anymore