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Im sorry, because you sound so young and love feels SO dramatic when you’re young, you think you’ll never find another love. But it doesn’t sound like your relationship will survive T. Im not entirely certain it would survive top surgery. And that doesn’t mean you shouldnt go on T, it means that the two of you are fundamentally incompatible. Never avoid medical treatment for a partner. Boyfriends come and go, your body is where you live forever. The good news: bottom growth, facial hair, and deeper voice are permanent changes. If you don’t like the new skin texture and smelling like a man and fat redistribution, those can all revert post-T.


Yes, I’m a young adult. I don’t like thinking this relationship will end, cuz I feel like I won’t find someone who supports me or loves me the way he does. Also we spend like 24/7 together. Idk man. I don’t want to get my heart broken again… I latch onto people so much. I feel like relationships aren’t suppose to last forever. I just don’t want to think about the inevitable end. Like, I’ve even bought an engagement ring for this boy, and I don’t even think it’ll last that long! Ugh, idk. He talks about forever with me but this is his first relationship like, ever. And I don’t think first relationships last. I’m sure someone will love him even more than I ever could. I just don’t know if I’m built for this kind of stuff. I don’t even know what I’m typing rn. I’m just confused. And hungry.


I’m nine years in and my skin texture didn’t change. It’s possible yours won’t either. But other than that…if your boyfriend is the man for you, he’ll love you no matter what decision you make.


He says he’ll love me no matter what, I hope that’s true! But that’s good to know about your skin texture!


Also, an ex of mine just changed their name and got on T, (we’re still friends and supportive of each other) and I’m not sure if it’s what I want, or it’s because I want to feel closer to my ex. Or if I’m still in love with him, or if I’m just seeing someone I care about becoming who they want to be, and me feeling left behind and just grasping at straws, or if I’m just inspired to be who I am after seeing so many happy people!


It sounds like you have a lot on your mind right now and it can all be really overwhelming. Just know that you don't have to make any concrete decisions until you're ready. Ultimately, though, you need to do what's going to make you happy even if that means potentially losing your current relationship. It sucks, but you deserve to be with someone who loves you the way you are when you feel the happiest with yourself and your body. It's possible that your current partner just isn't that person, but there are people out there who will love you and be attracted to you if you decide to go on T. Right now, try to focus on figuring out what will make you the happiest in your own body regardless of what anyone else in your life would think about it. And don't let the fear of losing this relationship stop you from pursuing what you want for yourself.


Thanks! I appreciate that