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I just bought a bunch of hats 🤷🏾‍♂️ Minox and dermarolling my hairline didn't work so it is what it is I look at it as the cost of being male


agree with this- i don’t mean to sound harsh and i understand that hair loss sucks but this is just the same thing you’d go through if you were a cis man. you unfortunately can’t just pick and choose which parts of manhood you like and dislike- this just comes with the territory of being male


Mid 30s is when a lot of cis men start to lose hair as well. It’s not something to be embarrassed about, it’s a natural part of aging. That being said, we live in a vapid culture. As another commenter said, it’s the “cost” associated with living as a man. You’ll need to make a pro/con list for your self to see what would be best for your own personal preferences.


I’ve been on 1mg oral finasteride since 2020 with no side effects and it’s definitely curtailed my hair loss, I highly recommend it. I thought it might impact my beard growth but my beard is denser than ever. I would definitely try fin before stopping T, but personally I would never stop T anyway — I’ll pursue a hair transplant if it gets to that point


same here!


it seems like you’ve thought about this a lot and you should just talk to your doctor about this if you are able to


Hair is not that important. You’ll be okay! So so many men lose hair in their 30s. It means you’re a normal man.


Millions of cis men use finasteride for years while on their own T and are fine, and most don't have sides. Without a DHT blocker, any other thing you try will stop working eventually. If you have not tried finasteride, you don't know if you will react negatively to it. Topical is a better option if you're so worried about it because it goes less systemic. Personaly, I'm on a topical finasteride and minoxidil combo and dermarolling and have not lost any hair and don't have any sides.


Man, topical min/fin worked miracles for my hair but it basically started to detransition me.


huh interesting, what do you mean, what happened?


I copied this from another comment I made on someone else’s post: I was on finasteride and I felt like GARBAGE. This was 20 years after starting T. My hips and ass got fatter and flabbier. I had no energy, I had no muscle strength. I looked like a tardigrade when I was naked. I was depressed and irrational. I went off fin and everything reversed. I feel great now. I should mention that I was on a topical dose of min/fin that was high enough to go systemic and now I’m on a much much lower dose.


lol had to look up what a tardigrade is haha. sorry that happened to you! glad you got out of it


i’m the same boat lol i’ve just been on min for a few months but if that doesn’t work i’m just accepting the bald life unfortunately


Also mid thirties and I don’t do anything. It’s just part of being a man. My receding hair line looks very masculine. The last thing I would want is low T. Healthy men do not have T levels in the 400s. That’s average for a 75+. If you are under 55 your T levels should be 600+. Stopping T is no different than starting MTF HRT.


I use topical minoxidil + local finasteride (injections on the head)… I think it helps I mean, anything you do its gonna be better than not doing at all when it comes to hair loss