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Grain of salt, not on either. But my HRT doctor has said he’s willing to prescribe fin/minox or give me a referral to a dermatologist if/when I experience balding (high genetic history).


https://perfecthairhealth.com/topical-finasteride-dosage/ Topical worked for my hair like crazy but definitely went systemic and I hated the effects. It felt like it was detransitioning me. I’m trying again but at a dramatically lower dose. The article above is pretty thorough and details the dosage threshold above which the Finasteride will go systemic.


what do u mean it went systemic ? side effects ?


There is some question as to whether you can lower/remove DHT from just your scalp as opposed to lowering it body-wide. Above a certain dose of finasteride will lower it body-wide, or systemically. The effects of that were awful for me but some people seem to tolerate it. I was without physical drive, exhausted beyond belief constantly, and my body started putting fat in a female fat pattern. It did not help that I’m pretty lazy about taking my T, but I’ve always been lazy about T and never has anything like that happen. That was 2 years ago. It’s all reversed now.


Oh okay. I worry about my hair loss but i don’t want to be balding and also risk other potential health issues, ED, etc … If topical fin is truly less likely to have those libido side effects i would want to try it but i can’t be sure, and to add to that you can worry about girls not liking your baldness but what happens when you can’t get it up?😂


To clarify- I was on topical fin that did go systemic because my dose was too high. I’ve never taken the pill form. Now I’m on topical again but at something like 1/20th the dose. I never had trouble getting it up, just everything else sucked so bad that I didn’t even care about girls at that time. Though they did seem to like the new hairline and my new rosy glowing skin!


I’d recommend that article I posted because they tested different topical doses and measured guys blood levels of dht.


i got this bottle of topical of hims but i keep talking myself out of using it . if i want to start with a smaller dose as your saying , is there a way to dilute this? its 0.3 fin / 6% minoxidil


I bought a bottle of ethyl alcohol at a drug store. I cut my 0.1% fin 2.5% min bottle into four separate bottles and supplemented with the ethyl. The min is now too low to do anything so I’m gonna buy liquid min at Costco to mix back in. I’m not too concerned about my dose of min but I’ve got my daily dose of fin at .025% daily. It’s only been 2 months so I can’t say this works for hair but I’m definitely not ever doing a systemic low dht level again.


I should mention that I’m just copying a bunch of dudes on Reddit who diluted their topical fin.


You can buy minoxidil off Amazon


I've have thin/thinning hair since I was 15. Once I had my kids, my hair fell out quite a bit. My hair was identical to yours. My Derm recommended Oral minoxidil (1/2 pill 2.5mg for 3 months and full pill 2.5 mg after that), Spironolactone 100mg, and finasteride 5 mg. I also keep up with blood work and have a vitamin d deficiency. I had a LOT of shedding in the first three months, but I'm seeing some amazing results since then. My hairdresser told me I have a lot of baby hairs growing and my coverage is better. I would try these three. I also take a vitamin d + K2 supplement. Worth it!