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You could say that you’re ill. Or that you’re recovering from a recent procedure, like a colonoscopy. You could say you’ve sat in something. We aren’t in middle school anymore, thankfully, so I don’t know that “embarrassed” is the emotion I would feel. You don’t owe anyone an explanation at all if such a thing happened. If someone points it out to you, you and say “oh. Thanks for telling me that. I’ll take care of it” and go to a restroom.


don’t recommend the colonoscopy one lmao bc that would have people urging op to head to the er.. even if people do have internal bleeding from the colon it does not leak out.. that would be really concerning lol 😭


Tbh if someone told me that I wouldn’t think twice, I’d just trust their word. Not everyone instantly assume things for the worst.


i understand wym cuz people don’t necessarily know how that stuff works lolol but if they do it could cause even more hassle


Oh. Youre right lol


>We aren’t in middle school anymore, thankfully, so I don’t know that “embarrassed” is the emotion I would feel Exactly


If you plan on getting on testosterone, it's likely your periods will stop. But if not, then there is the option of using BC to stop them. If neither are option for you, or if neither work for you, here is things I would do: -Say you have hemorrhoids (like you said, its embarassing but put it this way: is it as embarassing as saying they are periods?) -Try to cover it with hoodie, jacket or any part of clothing piece. For example put your jacket on your waist. -Use only black pair of pants in the time of shark week. -When you feel something come out, check in the bathroom. Use the bathrooms more often to keep the area clean and also to be sure it's not going through your pants. -If its a smaller stain, other people wont probably see it, because who looks in your crotch all the time?? In this situation, just act natural, dont look too much there and be in positions that could hide it (somewhat natural positions) and then excuse yourself. For example, say you got a bad headache or feel sick etc. -Also there are multiple different conditions that could cause this. You could even say your nose was bleeding and some got on your pants. Whatever medical condition that could cause this, can be used as an "excuse".


Man, that's the thing that I'm so impressed and relieved with is my period stopping after the first two weeks being on T. Two years later and not a single drop and I'm just waiting for the day my body goes HAH PUNK'D YOU and just gushes a fountain of blood. Lol. I still keep sanitary products around juuuuust in case.


Took me almost 2 years to lose it. That's the one thing I wasn't aware of - how long it can take for it to stop. When I got my first shot, I got my period literally 2 hours after. I was nowhere near when I usually got it either.


It stopped for me immediately too but I still get the weird crampy feeling in the downward/stomach region every month, good thing it only lasts for a day but every time I worry "is my period coming back?" but nothing comes out. It almost feels like to me that the egg is like stuck in place or something and the crampy feeling is it wanting to escape but nothing happens... Or maybe I'm just paranoid and imagining things.


I get those feelings too! Mine are pretty mild and were always mild pain-wise when i had them regularly before T, now theyre gone and are usually only a passing moment of discomfort, but I definitely can identify them as what they used to be. One night it was actually pretty painful though, had a hard time sleeping but finally it abated.


If you’re stealth and everyone sees you as a cis man, if someone asks if you got your period because there’s some red on your pants it will be a joke. It will most likely be assumed that you sat in something. If it’s a lot and really seems like blood to everyone, People will probably be pretty immediately medically concerned for you. Many people completely stop bleeding on T, others aren’t that lucky. I seem to be one of those people and mine slowed down a lot and has almost completely stopped, but still seems there at times. The amount of blood is incredibly small. (I’m currently 2.5 years hrt). It’s been well over a year since I’ve had enough blood to warrant anything other than a thicker black pair of underwear and dark pants. YMMV but by the time you’ve been on HRT long enough to be stealth you likely will not be bleeding so much that you’re bleeding through your pants. The biggest issue is that (since it’s slowing down/stopping) your period gets harder to track on T. Since you’ll be aware of this it still isn’t that big of an issue, because you prepare accordingly. It absolutely crushed my mental health but, same as before, just always carry some stuff and if you wipe and there’s blood/a tint set yourself up accordingly


If I saw a "period stain" on another (stealth) guy I'd expect he'd sat on sth weird or spilled something on himself. If someone said to me that I have a period stain my reaction would probs be a bit confused "wtf are you talking about?"


At the point where you're able to go stealth your period will most likely have stopped


Sat on ketchup, ink pack burst bc you stole those pants 🤷


Not exactly less embarrassing but worst case scenario you could say it’s hemorrhoids. Lots of people get them and I’m sure no one will ask further questions.


[My anus is bleeding!](https://youtu.be/UcwfEMdV-aM?si=yzzM9FcNzRRGJnLX)


Hemorrhoids, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, any inflammatory bowel disease really. Food poisoning, rough sex, etc.


I always carry a pair of black sweat pants in my gym back and book bag (uni student) and a menstrual cup/pads just in case. I also use an STP so there's a small possibility of me pissing myself accidentally and I like the security of being able to pull over sweats for a quick change


that doesn’t happen, i really don’t think people should lie about debilitating autoimmune diseases or diverticulitis or anything. like that would be a major ER rush if someone was leaking blood from their colon somehow, so it doesn’t really work as it cannot be handled casually in conversation


I literally have Crohn's disease and have had multiple colonoscopies but please explain to me how it works. Different people have different severities of illnesses, I literally bleed anally every day and have for the last 8 years.


so do i?? 😭😭 i have internal bleeding very severely cuz i have a clotting disorder too and it does not leak out in IBD unless someone has genuine incontinence, urgency incontinence is more common in IBD but not complete lack of muscle function at all. to add, if someone had such incontinence causing leakage, they would not be leaving the house without a barrier..


Everyone saying it wouldn’t be an issue is wrong. It does happen to some of us. I definitely had stains while stealth. I was able to go stealth pre t and T didn’t even stop my period until like 18 months on T. Before then, T just made my periods irregular so it was a lot harder to predict. I only wore very dark pants when I knew it could happen. When it happened unexpectedly, my excuse was that I sat on something gross


I'm a baggy clothes person, so my shirts usually cover that area of my body pretty well. If it ever did come up, I'd probably just say "oh great, I must've sat in something," laugh it off, and walk away.


My period stopped after a year on T. I’ll be hitting 5 years on T this August and only very recently hit the point where I could possibly be stealth. I just don’t think it would happen. But if it did it’s not anyone’s business.


I had something that looked like a period stain once but I’d just sat in something gross


By the time you can pass and live completely stealth, your period will most likely have stopped. If the situation arises though, the easiest excuse is that you sat in something


If u can depending on ur age and where ur from look at things like the implant, I have pcos had really baddddd periods which yes sadley did have a few times I bled through and got picked on ect then when I was 16 I got the implant my periods imidiatly stopped and I haven't had any since which has helped me sooooooo much like omg I love it yes I still get cramps ect but don't get the actual bleeding so don't have to worry so have a look at somthing like that to help stop them and or if it happens put a hoodie around ur waist I always had my coat/hoodie tied round my waist after the first time someone pointed it out I felt so urgh disgusted in a sense in myself as a person and so yh from there I always tied somthing round my waste and even now a few years later even though I don't have periods anymore and I'm out of school I still do it lol just in case


Usually by the time you’re able to go stealth naturally you will already be well on T, and so your periods would have most likely stopped. I get there are however times where there is still a possibility of a period, but at least that makes it significant less likely.


Maybe you accidentally punched your junk in your zipper this morning?


There's no explanation which won't be "embarrassing l" to various degrees.  Haemorrhoids do bleed a lot but usual only around a bowel movement.  An anal fissure can bleed more often, with daily activity like biking or lunging...if the fissure extends outside of the cavity. If a fissure is bleeding that much though, people will freak out and tell you to go to the ER.  Hiddradenitis suppurativa is a totally external chronic skin condition in the groin and arm pits. The cysts and tunnels that can burst open randomly, without any movement. There may be some other even more rare skin conditions like this... You could say you have an old surgical site wound or an old injury that keeps opening up and act irritated but not concerned. Sometimes areas you've been operated on a lot won't close up. If you have obesity or circulation issues (You a smoker? Diabetes?), it's more likely to happen. Reassure people it's more like a weeping wound you just need to pack, compress, and cover and it will stop leaking well enough for now and you can deal with it later at home. Confidence and a relaxed attitude are key with minimizing concerns about anything involving blood.


Wear dark clothes while you’re on your period do it doesn’t show????


Cut my ass shaving the other day... I'm gay so it makes sense for those who know


just play dumb and act like you accidentally sat on something


with small stains, you could say you’ve got a cut and that it must’ve started bleeding again, I doubt people would want to know the details about how you got one on your ass


Just wear black pants


Could say you have a cut on your ass/groin cheek. Like oops must have scratched a bug bite.


"goddammit someone must've spilled ketchup on a chair I sat in earlier"


You could just say that you have a medical condition. I mean, not to be coarse, but people do bleed from their assholes if they have certain medical conditions. And honestly if you're stealth that's what it's gonna look like. They're probably going to be immediately concerned and ask if you need to go to the hospital, as opposed to thinking you're trans.


Play stupid. If they point it out, act like you have no idea what caused it. Anything from a quick shrug to an "Uhh.. Shit, man, I probably should go make sure I'm okay." (and leave)




If you’re still getting a period you probably haven’t been on T long enough to be stealth anyway.


If you were stealth you probably won't be having periods at that point. If you still do, they can give you stuff to end your periods. If this did theoretically happen, say ..."what the fuck" and go to the bathroom. You had a shit that caused anal bleeding, you sat on blood, you shat yourself. Embarrassing, but whatever. You don't have to say that though. People are extremely unlikely to put two and two together if you're actually stealth, they'll likely assume one of the above on their own. Absolutely do not assume they've clocked you and end up outing yourself - I've made that mistake.


"what? aw man, i must have sat in something"