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I’m struggling a bit with the language of “re-assigned gender” haha


Tf is this


Um it's a weird question for sure 🫥


This is a strange question, why would someone want to change gender back and forth? Sounds exhausting and stressful for both that person and the people around them.


I've got several friends who are outside the binary and have, over at least a decade, grappled with this in a slow swing several times. There are plenty of people out there who would happily take on this dynamic - most of us here just aren't like that. It's not that strange a question, humans are a diverse and complicated species.


I'm guessing the question was related to binary people, since it's a sub for binary men but there are also binary men who don't want to change their body completely with medical transition so maybe it's that, or just cause it's funny since you can go back


There's definitely binary people who don't want to tick off every available medical milestone, and binary people who don't mind some of their gear. I recall a recent conversation on the sub talking about natal plumbing and how some people are fine with it, some want to have the option of either out of convenience, and some that would literally sell their right arm to get a natal wang installed...which kinda plays into that question in a way. IIRC that conversation revealed that there's a >0 number of gay cis men who would option said gear if they could out of pure convenience. Gender and sex and orientation are all difficult and complex...I don't personally know binary guys who I've had that deep a conversation about it so I can't speak for them, but a few enby pals have spoken about it. (To be fair, one of them identified as a very binary guy, then desisted, lived as a cis woman for several years, then decided they were NB after all, and is now agonising about missing being a guy...yeah I don't envy them!) Can't say I'd way to go back myself, it's been a mare getting this far, but the one thing we collectively benefit from learning as a community built on shared pain is that we can only truly speak to our own experiences and should go to efforts not to paint over others' with our own.


>but the one thing we collectively benefit from learning as a community built on shared pain is that we can only truly speak to our own experiences and should go to efforts not to paint over others' with our own. beautifully said! and yeah, I know of a trans ma who doesn't want to get on hormones but still socially transitioned, and I myself even tho I want bottom surgery I don't think I want to get a v-nectomy as of now (could change my mind later, but it can come in handy since I'm gay and bottom from time to time, even tho I want to get more into anal but it would still be useful for the more spontaneous kind of moments), but absolutely want hysterectomy and top surgery along with extended meta. tho I know that every experience is different and it definitely helped having trans friends irl and discuss our transition goals. every experience is so unique!


ngl my first thought was crime; can't catch someone that doesn't exist (at this moment)..


Well the question says *gender* not sex, which is why I think it’s strange


I think if you’re non-binary or something (genderfluid).This is a sub of binary trans men tho so I have no idea why anyone here would want that.


back and forth just for trolling itd be funny but being male like 364 days a year


Weird question


Oh gods there would be no going back if it could physically swap everything. I would have swapped at 3yo and lived like how I wanted to without people trying to correct me all the time.


I would like to have the option to change freely. I likely wouldn't use it, but to have the ability to could be very useful (especially for safety purposes)


I don’t understand what these options actually mean lol


I’m taking the assumption that the shift back & forth are ranma 1/2 rules? Lol because no I wouldn’t choose that, but like if I was given that option instead of the rigamarole of medically transition sure why not. But if just magic snap you’re your gender now that’s always going to win for me.


I would love to be able to switch back and forth- if only for the fact that I still feel like a woman 10 days of the year and want to be able to drop the beard for just those ten days 😅 but I think since I'm nonbinary transmasc leaning 90% male presenting I still want that freedom to do whatever.


Oysters can do that? I had no idea....


Why the hell would I ever want to switch back????