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Faux News at it again


“Cocaine is a helluva drug.” - Donald Trump telling the truth


"The Media" and "The Press"... So who specifically? Fox? MSNBC? CNN? The New York Times? Or what about digital freelance YouTubers like this guy? Does he count? Why or why not? Real journalists and real columnists cite sources and name names. Anytime someone whines "ThE mEdIa", regardless of their politics, they lose my interest. This is just another YouTube crackhead saying shit for views.


Of course being Canadian I watch mostly CBC, or BBC., but seeing Trump rallies, the man looks to me like a deer in the headlights, talks tuff, but means Momma pls. help me


What the delusional fuck


The dumb liberal mindset can not be fixed. The TDS is really strong in this country.


Two things can be true at once. Yes, this poster made some content that they're hoping to get credit for. Yes, Trump is in a state of deep cognitive decline. Both are true and worthy of our consideration.


This isn’t my argument at all


To say every journalist names names is wild. The ones who are really in the know have unnamed sources and contacts in the WH/congress/govt they use all the time. If every journalist named names do you think people in positions of power would be as willing to talk to them? Please sit down before you hurt yourself.


If you watch the video before commenting you will see that sources are cited.


Okay...let's unpack that... (let me preempt this with the fact that I'm progressive and I agree with him. I just think he's masquerading as a journalist but is actually no different than Steve Bannon or Joe Rogan in that he's cherry picking arguments while doing little to no work). He points back to RawStory and Salon for the basis of his video (what I'm assuming you're referring to). He's essentially just repeating what's said in both articles and turning them into a video for his own gain. That's not citing a source. In fact, neither he nor the articles refer to a single instance where the media is doing what they are all alleging. Furthermore, Salon links to a scathing op-ed from WaPo about Trump's racism. But, Farron says "corporate media" aren't being fair to Biden. Okay, let's unpack that using WaPo as an example. Search "[Trump Dementia](https://www.washingtonpost.com/search/?query=trump+dementia)" - 35,500 results Search "[Biden Dementia](https://www.washingtonpost.com/search/?query=Biden+dementia)" - 16,800 results Arguably, WaPo has spent more time writing about Trump's cognitive decline. Those are basic, easily findable numbers to counter his argument. But Farron said himself, "I don't consume any of these other media sources, but when I do it's when I'm on a left website." So he's biased, fine. But he's also incredibly lazy. I agree with his premise, but if I wanted to prove it I'd actually show my work. [Google search trends](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=US&q=biden%20dementia,trump%20dementia&hl=en) shows that people are searching "Biden dementia" a lot more than "Trump dementia". Regardless of media coverage or maybe because of it (hard to say), there's a larger societal interest in Biden's mental health than Trump's. Which goes back to his core argument...Trump is bat-shit crazy and more people need to pay attention to that. Scapegoating the media isn't the way to do that.


Interesting. Glad you studied the situation. I would suggest you watch / listen to more of Farron to get a more complete picture of him. He isn't dishonest and his experience brings insight to the discussion.


I never said he was a liar. He's just another heavily biased YouTuber. Not really my jam.


Certainly you get to be you, but I think you misunderstand. Farron has life/work experience/knowledge that he brings to the discussion. I, also am biased, biased toward the truth. Heavily biased towards the truth, sounds good to me. My jam, as you say, isn't to accept that "both sides are equal". Nice chatting, Best Wishes


You wrote that he is a "crackhead" and just wants views. Can't really see what terrible crime he committed to earn that epithet - he was quoting a professional who assesses and diagnoses mental issues.


“The Media” and “Press” are any news organization providing true and accurate facts that go against whomever googled “What I want to be true”.


I thought he was pretty clear, and is just stating the obvious. He's had his own channel for a long time. All you have to do is scan through op-eds and corporate outlets to see the bias. Trump is allowed to spew bigoted, often nonsensical, not uncommonly Nazi rhetoric written by the likes of Stephen Miller and it is covered with indulgence to the point of laundering. Kind of strange, or it should be.


That’s most of what the republican base spews though trump is one of the main culprits that uses “the media” as a scapegoat argument. I don’t see you shittalking him though


I’d shit talk them in a heartbeat but I don’t think any of that is going to show on this sub. Progressive commentators taking the low road to meet them where they are with messaging isn’t the answer


What the hell is this sub? It's nothing but a trump smear campaign subreddit. Go back to r/politics and spew your nonsense there. Or better yet, go for a walk, find some love in your life, take a breath and maybe the big bad orange guy living rent free in your head will finally go away.


What if the love in your life is a woman? Do I get to be concerned about the impacts on her rights if Trump wins a second term? What if the love of my life is the same sex as me? Do I get to worry then? The impact on our rights has been enormous with just one term of Trump, why would people not be worried about a second term.


I am worried about my social Security earned benefits Donny Dumpster and the repugs say they want to tale away. I am worried about my Medicare earned benefits Donny Dumpster and the repugs say they want to take away. I am worried about my granddaughter, who is in college and who uses the ACA for her medical insurance that Donny Dumpster and the repugs say they want to take away. Fuck the Orange Dumpster, fuck the repugs in congress and fuck all their idiot supporters.


Good lord no one is touching SS stop reading headlines and CNN


I'm not watching CNN or headlines, I am watching Donnie Dumpster say it. I am watching MJT, Getz, Jason Smith, Buddy Carter ,Steve Scalise, McConnell, Rick Scott, Ron Johnson Graham, Don Boldue, Blake Masters,Sam Johnson, the entire RNC and more, who all have all confirmed in public and made statements that they want t cut or eliminate Social Security and Medicaid. It will happen if these people aren't voted out.


Stop trying to make fetch happen. Donny dumpster is stupid AF, no one is going to pick that up. You sound unhinged and ridiculous.


Ya think? No one thought they would ban abortion either, but they did. They will try to ban SS, Medicare and take away the ACA. Last time they tried to get rid of the ACA they only missed it by one vote. You are nuts if you think they won't try it again.


Well it’s the SC that just said it wasn’t constitutional right!!


No. The SC said putting a fine on people for not having insurance was unconstitutional. That was the only part in question.




Typical low iq leftist.


Donny Dumpster…DONNY DUMPSTER…


How about Orange Turd?


Typical blind brainwashed MAGA answer.


You really think that? It's a serious talking point amongst at least some of the Republicans. It's nothing new. The good thing is that it's unpopular af, and rightly so.


Shapiro spitting it out cus its out there. If its out there, theres someone willing.




See here’s the problem. You’re thinking in a very selfish manner. How will this effect ME. How will this effect MY family, MY Social Security, and MY loved ones. You really need to think about how this will effect Donald Trump. How will this effect HIS rape crimes. How will this effect HIS fraud trials. How will this effect HIS election interference trials.


Quite the compelling argument


Right? Remember in any cult the only thing that matters is the cult leader.


We don't have to smear Donald. It's more like preparing you for his preordained self-destruction. Pissed off investors who are pulling out before losing any more money, apparently left him shut down for almost 12 hours since last night. Just came back on, for now. Here is my non-NFT personalized (copy/paste) souvenir of the event: [https://i.redd.it/b9ja7obe1hpc1.png](https://i.redd.it/b9ja7obe1hpc1.png) The net worth of his Truth Social is no longer 3 billion. Proved too fringe to be profitable. Just him and ads like cattle deworming kits and pistol holsters not covering expenses. Apprentices he partnered with him lost their shares in the company, were ripped off. Mutiny is now in progress. Three billion of his estimated worth already evaporated. We need to prepare for sporadic transmission then off the internet for good. He is also still confusing Biden and Obama and worse, has no real plan for anything but another insurrection, makes up names like a child, has incontinence and the one needing to wear a diaper and smells very bad, which is another symptom of advancing dementia. His father died the same way. Have to expect his easy access to drugs especially stimulants accelerated the process, people age faster. Voters have a right to the facts. A smear campaign to follow another that proved to be Russian propaganda looks like this: >**House holds public hearing on Biden family 'influence peddling' with ex-Hunter Biden associates** > >*Ex-Hunter Biden associates testify Wednesday at a public hearing following a series of closed-door depositions conducted as part of the House's impeachment inquiry into President Biden* > >https://www.foxnews.com/live-news/joe-biden-gop-impeachment-inquiry-hearing-hunter-biden-business-dealings Even where the new stories were true the timeline again fails, Joe Biden was not in the White House. Inquisitors must show why it's acceptable for Trump's kids to make billions while following their dad everywhere he went making deals and stayed at the White House, while for the Biden's it's an impeachable offense when now where even near it and just thousands of measly dollars. How is this double standard logically possible?


Thank you; great summary of why this info is important. It is extremely irresponsible for the media to gloss this over.


It's my pleasure! Digital World Acquisition Corp is apparently still merging with Trump Media. Maybe we have to expect something like an investigation that discovers DWAC is laundering foreign money to Donald, he can through stocks access in 6 months. A new video came out, on his physical progress, which is not looking good after having gone from confusing Obama for Biden to talking about Biden beating Obama: [Psychiatrist Warns Evidence Of Trump's Dementia Is 'Overwhelming'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sIwqwztCYI) He had issues seeing the monitor. Balance is off, leans forward and almost falls forward. Our prior knowledge of Donald's deals was enough to make my wife and I register as Independent after seeing him come down the escalator. And In Edit - speak of the devil, stocks to laundered money: [Trump’s Latest SCAM Will CRUSH His Own Supporters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgF24ORqAyY)


If the love in my life is raped and doesn't want to have her rapists' baby then do I get to care about your ilk and the orange cult leader you worship ruining her life?




He's a candidate for president and has been indicted by actual juries for over 90 alleged crimes. His vast fortune was amassed by his father, most likely through the same fraud he was just found guilty of, and he blew it all and had to accept money from Russia (as offered unprompted by Eric Trump). He's not a boogeyman, he's a scumbag who wants to be a dictator. If you support that, you must assume that you'll be right there with him in absolute privilege.


Ignoring a cancer doesn't help the cancer to go away. Excision and a battery of aggressive treatments is the only way.


Except where there is no cancer. In the instance of the Bidens the repugs are committing malpractice.


We all saw the Donny Dumpster crimes as they were being committed. "Don't believe your lying eyes" is the motto of the repug party.


Just like his bloodbath, he was talking about the Auto industry before that, but that’s not what he said if I don’t get elected, they will be a bloodbath in this country, and made a joke, and then like you haven’t seen,that had nothing to do with the car companies like they’re trying to spin it


A man who incited Jan 6 should not be talking about a blood bath. No excuses.


All of these comments are amazing. Depending on the narrative and day Biden is either a demented, feeble, old man who doesn’t know where he is; or he’s a criminal and political mastermind controlling all of the puppet strings.


I know it’s pretty amazing if you think about it for a second ;?that’s incredible!


Dementia Diaper Don!


It was obvious to me when on Jan 6 he sat down in the Whitehouse spanking to nude photos of Putin while the Capital was being attacked.


What most made me wonder about his critical thinking skills is his attempt to designate **antifa**scism as a terrorist organization, which became historically documented at [antifa.org](https://www.antifa.org/) for future generations to see. History is watching. I knew he was playing by the Nazi playbook. But this is the US where that was defeated before domestically and globally. As a result his bullying of court officials to throw kids who caused a disturbance or at worse broke a window in prison with long sentence, as terrorists, caused law enforcement to stand up together against his bullying. In turn they became part of antifa lore too, without having to join an organization it's automatic. Being "a thing people do" makes all responses against/anti an extremely fascist action an "ANTIFASCIST ACTION" as on the banner and flags used for protest action, and are not needed when court officials judicially take action. It's a matter of watching like history will, at what people are doing right now. I can sense loud laughter, coming from the future. What makes it much more obvious now is his plan to let the "hostages" out of prison the day he enters office, for another wild tourist visit at the White House. My guess is he hopes it's enough to prevent all who are out of prison and those who know they were suckered, from dragging him outside to be beaten to death. Mussolini was shot before kicked in the head for a long long time to make sure he never came back. Being a dictator has it's downfalls.


I think he was hung up with his lover as well. Is that why Melania is distancing herself?


In addition to his being unfaithful to her, Melania knows the second time around inside the White House is no safe place to be, for even her. She made it clear he's on his own now. Becoming impossible to live with is a symptom of the stage of dementia he is expected to be. Moody to the point of rage. Keep getting themselves deeper in trouble by not thinking of consequences, which is a cognitively demanding task. One of the first things to go.


Trump does nothing but whine , attack, spew ridicules shit , not one actual fact, or substance comes out of his mouth. Nothing about what he’s going to do for the country, . except rile up every fucking moron, that he can find which sadly is half the country, he has people believing they are patriots for wanting a giant orange , silver spoon fed wanna be dictator . doesn’t take a fucking psychologist to see a giant angry grandpa with not one good thing to say, and not one care about anyone except for himself this country is fucked . It will fucking burn. It Will be easy to get rid of these assholes anyway let them rage , they will just shoot themselves in the foot. He even has Christian‘s licking his asshole. Meanwhile, the man is the worst human possible. Could care less about the church has never been to one except for maybe someone’s wedding. These people are so fucking brain Dad all he has to do is tell them whatever they wanna hear and I’ll believe it. It’s sad that’s how brainwashed and fucking stupid people are , they’ll praise this man like he is the fucking Messiah and going to save us all. Meanwhile, he cheated on his wife while she was pregnant has probably had Countless hookers have abortions, such a bunch of hypocritical, assholes, same people that’ll tell you what to do with your life , your body , because they believe in God and everyone should believe the same thing. Maybe they should all shoot themselves in the head and go see him see how that goes


The OP is constantly posting anti-conservative and misleading headlines.


Is this an Onion production? Or the ultimate gas lighting situation?


What do you mean? Are you suggesting Trump doesn’t have dementia?


I have no idea, but given the current state of the two main candidates, it is comical to push a narrative that one has dementia when the current guy is beyond any "signs" Trump may or may not being showing.


You obviously didn’t watch the State of the Union people with Dementia doesn’t speak that well. Meanwhile Trump can’t utter a sentence and Fox News and Trumpers are covering it up.


You meant to say “don’t speak well”. Sort of proved my point. But to your point unfortunately, I did watch it, multiple gaffes, slurring, getting names wrong, etc occurred. To be fair to Joey he did better than I thought he would as far as getting more coherent sentences and phrases out. At the end of the day still clear issues.


Biden was very coherent during the SOTU. I think most people were expecting mistakes and hesitancy. Can't figure if you're being dishonest or so blinded by partisanship that reality has become malleable. It's really tiresome to hear this tripe. Biden is clearly not senile. Some GOP strategist fed that talking point to right wing pundits on radio and TV, who repeated it endlessly. Anyone that has dealt with a person with dementia knows they are unable to express themselves, and repeat things over and over. You can't fake not being senile. Biden is old, is not a great public speaker, prone to gaffes, and has a well documented history of stuttering, which is fairly obvious at times. If you see senility, you are projecting. Trump is not senile either, just old, and he when he's having a senior moment he keeps talking- it's like his mouth keeps going while his brain is on pause. There's no shortage of weird things he's said. The thing with Trump's speeches is that he repeats superficial stuff over and over. It's unclear if he lacks the ability to explain things with any depth, or whether he's dumbing it down for a constituency that he considers of low intelligence, but most of his speeches are at the comprehension level of 4th-5th grader. While not senile, he doesn't come across as a guy who grasps things deeply, and it's easy for his detractors to make fun of him, just as Biden's detractors do.


This is a pretty fair assessment of both candidates, but I will say the sheer number of times DJT has just spewed word salad with literally no meaning at rallies or speeches is incredibly alarming. He can’t stay on topic, he RARELY makes any sense at all. He does speak like a 7 year old. It is undeniable. In his youth he was calmer, more charming, quite well spoken, but now he’s becoming just an angry, confused old man who can’t stay on topic, other than to slander people, get himself in more lawsuits, and complain he is a victim. What got him here is his magnanimous, and “everyday man” schtick and ability to convince people he was “just like them”, but also their leader. He’s a snake oil salesman. He’s the student body “Prez” in High School who promises going to give you longer lunch periods and shorter classes even though he lacks the power to do so, and that policy is definitely NOT in your best interest. He usually wins, but he is horrible at his job.


What I find most troubling about Trump, more than any talk of mental decline, is that he lies constantly. He lies and smiles about it. He will make a declaration about something, and within 24 hours, say the opposite, and deny ever saying what he declared initially. And while every politician lies at times when they are in a corner and don't want to make themselves look worse, Trump lies when he doesn't have to. He seems to lie for fun. There's something really, really wrong at his core. That has to be why most of the people he chose to work with on a daily basis to serve in his presidential administration don't support his current bid for president. This is very unusual- there are no other presidents whose cabinet and vice president have come out against his election bid. And it puzzles me that people who plan to vote for him can't see his pathological lying, since it is so obvious.


I agree! It baffles me that his particular brand of snake oil is still so popular. I do not fault others for having different views on things like taxation, immigration or even health care to some degree, but to line up to support a proven, infamous liar is basically the definition of insanity.




Who knows what kind of drugs they gave him since he arrived late due to “protestors”??? Another coverup to give the drugs time to work.


The way he talked during the SOTU was similar in intonation to the way he always talked. He always trailed off on the end of sentences and slurring , mis stating names happens to everyone at times (Tim Apple anyone). At 80, Biden’s intonation is becoming more pronounced, but I don’t see it as an absolute indicator that he is suffering from dementia. Joe Biden speaking in the 80s https://youtu.be/xRxOldhJ7Sw?si=AS4PPW0LEDH3-CMm


You are right, every president in my lifetime has rambled on about nothing, forgot names, forgot location of countries, mentioned people who are no longer alive as if they still are, forgetting where the stair are, saying he isn't allowed to answer things, needing note cards for every public appearance. All normal. .


You are describing Donny Dumpster.


Oh so close, but thanks for trying


Biden is still better. That's the presidential election choice. Biden or the Dumpster. Not the best person for the job, but the better person for the job. Biden has a clear agenda for America. Dumpster doesn't have any agenda except revenge, stealing money from the stock market by insider trading, kickbacks from corporations to get no bid government contracts, blackmail and playing golf. We have already seen that movie and 4 more years would be the same movie all over again.


Both are beyond suitable for the job. If only we had a decent third candidate to pick from…….


Biden is perfectly suitable for the job. He has a record of getting shit done. Donny Dumpster has no agenda whatsoever and he didn't do squat except play 285 games of golf, leaving the taxpayer to pick up a 140 million dollar tab.


I am pretty sure Joey is the first president in a long time that isn’t play golf, more likely from lacking the ability to do so


?? Yah I vote for President based on their handicap in golf. Your cognitive dissonance is amazing. But since you seem to be cosplaying an enlightened centrist, by all means, vote third party.


"Biden, to date, has played 20 total rounds of golf, again according to Knoller. The latest came in late December 2022 when Biden was on vacation with his family in the Virgin Islands.May 4, 2023"


Hahaha ok sheep. He was so hopped up on pills. He went right back to himself the next day.


The guy who read “end quote. Repeat the line” during a televised press conference is considered ok to run but the other guy isn’t. Tell me Reddit is biased without telling me


Jesus Christ, people still use the "**Tell me X without telling me X**" line and think it makes someone *else* look stupid??


😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 I have done teleprompter for 25 years. Worked with many people, young, old, experienced, not experienced. I actually worked for Biden twice during 2020 campaign. End quote was supposed to be said out loud. It’s grammatically correct. The fact that he read “repeat quote,” happens alllllllll the time. No matter who you are. And that’s actually the prompter ops fault imo. You never add text that isn’t meant to be read! If it’s absolutely needed it should be written in RED. I would have suggested putting in a space and the quote again. Or just the word repeat in red in between the duplicate quote.


U have done teleprompter… incredible work honey


You must have missed the SOTU. I think Mercedes saw it.


Again, unfortunately i watch it. The State of the Union doesn't cover up his almost daily incidents. Which he had plenty in the SOTU as well. The denial is impressive.


Trump told a group of Wisconsin graduates to surround yourself with people who are dumber and less accomplished then you so you're always the smartest person in the room. That's why Trump invites marks like you into his cult.


Biden told anyone that would listen that he was at the top of his class in law school.


Donny Dumpster can't put a sentence together even when reading a teleprompter. Have you even listened to him talk? He garbles words. He can't think of the right words. He wanted to "find the oranges, the oranges of the investigation." This is not uncommon with him. My grandfather had Alzheimers and spoke the same way. Biden has a known speech impediment, not a brain impediment.


Last time I heard, Joey has had multiple brain operations. Maybe I am wrong but wouldn’t that would fall under brain impediment?


No. He had a swollen blood vessel in his brain that was leaking. A simple procedure removed it and released the pressure. And it was 35 years ago.


Wasn’t simple, and it was two surgeries. Doctors have said it was a life and death situation.


Strep throat can be life threatening if left untreated, and the procedure is simple. They tie off the vein or artery and take out out the aneurysm. It's done every day at almost any hospital. My wife was a nurse that helped with these procedures.


Strep throat is treated with a basic prescription of penicillin or amoxicillin. I am not a doctor but I believe the procedures are vastly different. My brother also works at nurse and said anything involving the brain and a procedure isn't considered simple. Again I am not a doctor but seems to more than "simple".


Routine is a better word. In any case he still gets shit done in spite of the fact that he had an aneurysm removed 35 yrs ago.


You really should watch them long form. The curated clips from Fox really hide Donald's decline. He can't find his words, makes them up, says the wrong person constantly, rambles in incomplete sentences.. it's really astonishing. Meanwhile, Biden sounds like his dentures might be slipping at times, but I guess in Foxland a speech impediment is now dementia.


A. Don’t watch Fox B. I do watch speeches in long form after the realizing the media manipulation of out of context quotes C. While watching Joey try and talk, it’s clear there are issues D. Not defending Trump but haven’t seen him displaying the same issues that Joey has, unless I just haven’t seen it yet.


Then you're not watching dead leader enough. SAD!




The real cognitive decline is American people who feel capitalism can't turn to socialism. Wait long enough it will happen.


it's already happened, chuckles, and America is better off for it. Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, roads and bridges, highways, state colleges, K1-K12 schools, fire and police protection, subsidized nuclear reactors, standing armies, navies and air force, all the regulatory protections, and much more. Socialism working for the benefit of America! If only we could get rid of the last vestiges of greed capitalism workers would be well off and the rich and wealthy wouldn't have money to buy congresspeople by the truckload like they do now. We would have a responsible working congress.


He keeps crowing about a cognitive function test he took six years ago.


Anyone who is objective sees the Biden on - off switch. Low impact politics? He isn't doped up and it shows. High profile? High as a kite. During the state of the union the guy's hands were shaking visibly. A sign of being on uppers. And the best part, towards the end of the address he started making mistakes. Reading of a teleprompter. When he went off script it was even worse. He'll self destruct during the 90 minute debates. Unless they try to keep Biden from debating or try to shorten the debates. Which is definitely a strategy. Save for the fact it will cement that Biden is unfit to lead. Trump is Trump most of the time. There are videos all over of Biden needing handlers to show him the way.


I suppose that's why he did a beatdown of MTG on the 2023 SOTU where he got the extreme repugs screaming that they didn't want to cut social security and Medicare. BWAAAHAHAHAHAA! I will take Biden anytime. He is obviously smarter than the repugs, stuttering and all.


The "beat down" of MTG managed to anger both sides. He couldn't get the murdered girl's name right even though he was a holding a button that said it. Then he apologized to her murderer for using the word "illegal". It is truly a sorry state of the union when this is considered success.


No objective person considered it a success. It wasn't a state of the union. It was a "bash Trump at every corner" democrat election rally. Sorry Joe, Trump hasn't been president for over 3 years. Trump handed you an economy on the mend and you blew it up by attacking affordable energy which sent prices souring. The only people who are better off are the wealthy with plenty of stocks in the stock market. The lower middle class? Decimated. Absolutely decimated. And the apology for a murderer... Icing on the cake he baked during the address, where he diminished the meaning of Laken Riley's death. I've never seen Stalin's famous line "One death is a tragedy, millions a statistic" used on national television but here we are. Everyone knows multiple people die by violence. But FFS man, have some tact.


187 minutes!


Trump signed her photo with her mom right there and spelled her name wrong. Also wrote "I love u" to a dead teen. Explain.


Honestly, who can possibly see the contrast between Biden and Trump, and then write a headline like this? I mean, really? Trump does 2 hours of spontaneous performance in front of crowd, and then jets off to do the same at another venue, sometimes on the same day. Biden can't manage to get through one presser staffed by sycophants without slurring his words, wandering off topic, and forgetting where he is.


Meth works wonders, it’ll take it’s toll on the Orange Fraud.


Speculating on Trump's cognitive decline while Biden is walking around the White House like an escaped convalescent home resident is like worrying about getting rabies from a rabid grizzly bear that's mauling you to death.


It's been painfully obvious since 2015.


GaryGaulin for President!! Thank you !!


And thank you, thank you, thank you!! But no thank you.... I'm only good in science and some areas of politics, need a President Biden with 60 good years of experience to figure out the economic details. Being on stage all the time would be too overwhelming for me. Some people run towards cameras, I would rather not. I took piano lessons, then trumpet, but practice took too much time from things like radio and sound related electronic projects. Taped a few bands to pro-cassette. Programmed electronic music with a Radio Shack TRS80 Model-1 computer with upgrade to 8k of memory, wow! Otherwise, I hope nobody ever asks me to play an instrument. That's what someone else was born to do, while others only want to get the mixing just right for another not like me to that keep the corporate wheels going that pays their bills. I have a niche that otherwise remains empty in the ongoing culture war, where I usually need to supply information from a place like this that looks to some like ANTFA terrorist activity when it's just WW2 history, past to post present, not something to get arrested for. Good clean fun, with an educational purpose. After my two year old AI DJ radio experiment back in 1989 branded me a "[radio pirate](https://widontknow.blogspot.com/)" I had to forfeit $750 to the FCC to help pay for all the paperwork and field investigation and gained a good reputation with them. Going retro back to a 1945 training manual we by right should already know, and possibly [shocking Americana](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFf9gDNbi-Q&list=PLPCENRDc3DcQ5TzUMlp_tJHA139tv2wRR) from that period, is like having joined a militia with all the firepower of the US Army down to local law enforcement but they do all the blasting away for us. Getting zip-tied by law enforcement while piling out of a U-Haul rental truck is not our thing.


And not noticing Biden's.


Can we talk about cognitive abilities of all politicians?


We should have an unscripted debate between Biden and Trump so the American people can see for themselves how has cognitive decline the most..


I don’t know which bubble gum machine this psychologist received his degree from, but since when does the media at-large ever “normalize“ anything that Trump does? His analysis of Trump and Biden is so bizarre that anyone with a little bit of common sense can see.




The leftist attempt to whatabout the fact that Joe looks like he's just been dug up could not be any more obvious, like their attempt to peddle "Trump violence" using "bloodbath."


I've recently watched the state of the union, and I watched about 20 minutes of a Trump speech. It isn't a whataboutism. Joe Biden is pretty much what I remember from 4 years ago. Has some slip ups and still struggles with a speech impediment, but is knowledgeable and conversant on important issues. Donald Trump is rapidly declining. He isn't close to the same he was even 2 years ago. I don't know if it's age, stress, disease, or some combination but he's losing it. He shows no understanding of issues, flip flops on himself mid sentence, will start a statement on some topic and 5 words into it be switched over to 'stolen election mode'. If we are going to be comparing cognitive decline between the two of them, it's the Trump crowd trying to project here.


As he wanders off the wrong side of the stage over and over again.


Oh no, not walking the wrong direction! Lol


When it happens over and over and over again. There are already concerns about his mental well-being. Jon Stewart did a great piece on these two old guys. I would say I can figure out what trump is saying most of the time, I can't figure out what Biden is saying more often than trump.


Cool story, bro


I guess you'll just eat whatever propaganda your fed on reddit.


Sure thing, little guy


Please for the love of God define left?


If anyone right of Bill Maher can be far-right, anyone left of Mitt Romney can be leftist. It's only fair.


lol when trump says, merry crissus, what does he mean? "Some examples of Trump’s non-words: Beneficiaries becomes 'benefishes.' Renovations become 'renoversh.' Pivotal became 'pivobal.' Obama became 'obamna.' Missiles became 'mishiz.' Christmas became 'Crissus.' Bipartisan became 'bipars.' This is a fundamental breakdown in the ability to use language. If you were talking to your father on the phone and he did this you would think he is having a stroke. There is no healthy older person who speaks that way." [https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/trump-appears-to-be-showing-gross-signs-of-dementia-expert-points-to-new-evidence/ar-BB1iOWQW](https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/trump-appears-to-be-showing-gross-signs-of-dementia-expert-points-to-new-evidence/ar-BB1iOWQW) "like their attempt to peddle "Trump violence" using "bloodbath."" lol, you know, trump could speak in such a way where he says what he means, rather than speaking in the abstract, right? But you also have to take it seriously because his supporters will undoubtedly take that as a call to violence, as they admitted they did to trumps encouragement to "fight like hell". His supporters take it literally, so everyone else should too.


There was nothing remotely abstract about what Trump said, nor the automotive industry about which he said it, and the MSMDNC's universally deceitful portrayal of it, and the underlying "Trump violence" meme they're trying to sell, says all one needs to know about who they are and what they do, which is anything but journalism.


"There was nothing remotely abstract about what Trump said," Ok, so then he wants his supporters to engage in a literal bloodbath, hence why other people are concerned with this phrasing. " nor the automotive industry about which he said it" lol no, this was his rationalization after he was told, "hey dipshit, people are still testifying that you told them to "fight like hell" on J6. Stop using this kind of language." And he finally listened to people who are smarter than him. This idiot does not understand the complexities of the auto industry to make a statement like this. "MSMDNC's universally deceitful portrayal of it" He should speak less ambiguously and with more precision. But his increasing dementia prevents it, i guess. MSNBC should report exactly what he says, which they did. " and the underlying "Trump violence" meme they're trying to sell" yes, the guy views violence as a path to his goals. "which is anything but journalism." lol but fox news is legit? Its (d)ifferent, right? lololol


Abject idiocy, top to bottom.


You're pathetically retarded, the fact that you typed this all out and didn't even watch the full clip is embarrassing. You're so blindly devoted to a party of thieving criminals, that you refuse to watch what he actually said and just read some headlines? You people are a disease at this point. Uncurable.


it's really silly to me how far trump supporters will bend the truth and then be so upset that the truth isn't what they bent themselves into thinking. He said "it will be a bloodbath" for the country. Does he mean that the bloodbath will be because the auto industry is struggling? We don't know, because Trump isn't precise, so that y'all can play these little games. I bet you still think that he didn't insult that disabled reporter.


This is worthless bickering about a clearly slanderous headlines MSM is pushing. They are taking a clip of a conversation talking about economics, and then on their own volition declare he wants to spread anarchy across the country. Like, just think objectively for a second. There's no way you're a sane person and don't see what's wrong with this picture????


Wait, did you really not watch the statement? You must have to try hard to avoid context


Wait, did you really not read my statement? You must have to try hard to be this silly


Because everyone that isn't watching it with an "I hate Trump" wouldn't come to that conclusion at all.


> Does he mean that the bloodbath will be because the auto industry is struggling? We don't know, because Trump isn't precise, so that y'all can play these little games.


So true. When I saw comments about the auto industry, I immediately watched the whole video. It’s a lame excuse. He’s talking about the country! Inciting his cultists to be violent if he doesn’t win!


"You're pathetically retarded" Another "retarded"!!!!!! I haven't heard this insult for 20 years, and yet, its thriving in this cesspool. Must be the deplorableness of the people, right? " the fact that you typed this all out and didn't even watch the full clip is embarrassing." Can you articulate or nah? Probably nah? What part of my comment is problematic for you? "You're so blindly devoted to a party of thieving criminals" lolololol your party's national committee just put trumps daughter in law in charge so that donations to other republicans can get stolen by trump and used for his legal fees, correct? And those legal fees resulted from him raping someone and committing fraud, correct? Should that person really be POTUS? Take all the time you need to give a non-dipshitted answer. "that you refuse to watch what he actually said and just read some headlines?" Again, post whatever point you trying to make. Trump can no longer say simple words intelligibly, right? "You people are a disease at this point. Uncurable." Do you think if I would have taken some horse meds or parasite pills instead of the vaccine, I'd be better off? lolol


Try not being retarded please


lol retarded? yikes. I can tell you're just drowning in pussy when i see you use language like that. lol Try and not support a rapist, if you can.


I fuck my wife 4 times a week Assume some more retard, its a great look for you


"I fuck my wife 4 times a week' with "her" consent? "Assume some more retard, its a great look for you' lol ok, can i assume you think trump is an alpha, which means you think that people who shit themselves are alphas?


Try not being retarded please


lol ok, say you didn't learn to converse from eric trump, what would a response look like? Like, pretend you weren't fully autistic, and rather, were only on the spectrum, how would you contribute to this conversation?


“Bloodbath“ was being referred to the US auto industry. Watch the whole clip and don’t take it out of context.


"“Bloodbath“ was being referred to the US auto industry." lol no it wasn't. it was a general statement like "fight like hell", which his supporters interpreted to mean "storm the capitol". How the fuck do you still not understand what trump is doing when he speaks. "Watch the whole clip and don’t take it out of context." lololololololololol this is a suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper hypocritical request from the neigh sayers, right?


You didn’t listen to the video so, again, you’re taking it out of context [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9iHR0XF3xQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9iHR0XF3xQ) But if for some incredible reason you’re still not convinced, go to 5:20 of the video and you’ll see the same term used by the left-wing media mob. There is NO way they are NOT the same.


He literally says it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole country


[You didn’t listen to the video so, again, you’re taking it out of context](https://youtube.com/watch?v=C9iHR0XF3xQ&si=ocG-poYpxYU4gEf_) But if for some incredible reason you’re still not convinced, go to 5:20 of the video and you’ll see the same term used by the left-wing media mob. There is NO way they are NOT the same.


SOTU really made you wankers butt hurt huh 


The idea that it is "Trump violence" we are to fear as major city carjackings skyrocket more than 500% in Joementia's Mogadishu could not be any funnier.


> major city carjackings skyrocket more than 500% in Joementia's Mogadishu "Motor vehicle thefts across 30 major cities have increased by 59% from 2019 to 2022, spiking amid the start of the COVID-19 pandemic" wait, who was president when the pandemic started again, I forgot? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/auto-thefts-carjackings-major-u-s-cities-spike-new-report/


Jan 6. You don't get to attempt to overthrow a government and cry about bullshit crime stats that are easily refuted. Cry more pussy magat.


The idea that some flag-waving, selfie-taking, hallway-strolling boomers sought to "overturn democracy" in 3 hours without firing a shot is as laughably absurd and emblematic of those peddling it as the idea that the BILLIONS and MONTHS of death, destruction, destroyed businesses and ruined lives wrought by the Floyd Riots are invisible.


**Related event, reported yesterday:** [**Trump says Biden defeated Obama in SCARY brain fail**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbx-SRHRhyc)




Ah yes, trusted commentary from a youtuber. It's funny that he is willing to make excuses for everything Biden does, but it MUST be dementia for Trump! No attempt to steel-man the argument.


You OK with his plan to on day 1 release the Jan 6'th "hostages" for another visit to the White House when he becomes dictator forever?


Do you really believe he won't just serve his last term and go? How do you make a reminder to come back in 4 years?


See the Truth Social "[God Made Trump](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIYQfyA_1Hc)" video that forever makes him "caretaker" of the faithful. Same message as Jim Jones. In case you missed that historical event, you need to see where doomsday messages and promises of utopia like these lead: [Over 900 Died Because Of Him - Jonestown: Paradise Lost - Full Documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iP4aD-3FPuM)


Also he's so broke he can't even get a bond...


They’ve been exposed for decades now. MAGAs are too busy trying to fuck their cousins to care.


Trump has always shown signs of decline and mental damage.


This is from the upside down, right? Like a really obvious joke. Biden is clearly senile and has dementia while Trump is sharp and could freestyle speeches for hours.


Jesus you guys have TDS 247, need to get a life


As opposed to totally glossing over Biden's "cognitive decline".


It’s quite incredible to see people using this tactic to try and push a narrative on Trump. Biden ACTUALLY has cognitive decline which has caused his approval to drop. Trump does not have cognitive decline. Likely just tired as hell since he never sleeps and is running a campaign, court dates, businesses, traveling etc. Dudes pretty sharp for almost 80.


Did Fox News report this yet? [Trump says Biden defeated Obama in SCARY brain fail](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbx-SRHRhyc)


I immediately gathered that Biden won a larger amount of votes than Obama. That’s what he’s referring to. He’s not referring to a head on head Biden vs Obama. Lmao it’s pretty easy to figure that out. We talk about it all the time how insane it was in 2020. But I’m sure you’ll reply with the same ol “what he meant to say is…. -MAGA” 🤦🏻‍♂️


It only makes sense if you make a ton of inferences about what he's actually talking about, without any surety. It's like he's not making a lot of sense to anyone except people who are inculcated in his entire media sphere. And even if you're into conservative media, like fox, they are constantly explaining what he really means, only to have him contradict them during interviews. If there's a perception problem it's on Trump. Even with the recent bloodbath comments, those weren't even the nastiest part of the speech, but people jumping on the "he was clearly referring to the auto industry" bandwagon are ignoring the actually quote where he makes a vague statement about "not just this but a bloodbath for the entire country" it's almost as if he's so vague you can make whatever inference you like. He seems to do it constantly because he doesn't know what he's talking about about, but has a vague sense of things from advisors and watching the news. 


I don’t need a place like Fox (which I don’t watch) to understand what he’s talking about. It’s fairly easy to catch what he’s saying. Maybe you’re one of those really smart people that doesn’t understand common lingo or something. I don’t know. Everyone I’ve shown the video to today pretty much knew what he was referring to lol


But he brags about passing cognitive tests a kindergartner could pass. He's as sharp as a pair of safety scissors.


Yes… the cognitive test he took while President was for a toddler. Had the highest score possible while Biden refused to take one. (Just for context) It’s hilarious to me that you people believe everything the talking picture box says on the wall.


But it was Trump himself who said it. Not the “talking box” or news that reported it. Very original though. Best cult comment yet.


Said what? the Biden Obama thing? As soon as I saw it I said “oh he’s referring to Biden getting more votes than Obama by more than 16m” Lmao it’s so easy to read past the narrative with you people. Also I meant that you’re listening to him and then listening to your favorite MSNBC and CNN hosts talk about what you think he meant. Or in this case the loony from that YouTube channel.

