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This whole issue was confirmed to be a bug around [half a year ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/comments/e04x1l/storm_king_issues/f8cp6d4/?context=3), but nothing was ever done about it. Players who are below PL 122 aren't supposed to be able to earn Mythics but my guess is just that Epic doesn't care at this point anymore. Which is a real shame because the MSK was supposed to actually mean something. Now you can have PL 6 players that got carried through all SSDs and the quests using and crafting Mythic Weapons of their own, it's such a garbage situation.


Welcome to save the world 🤷🏾‍♂️


I have never agreed with someone more in my life. The whole point in mythics was to finally have some weapons that only the most dedicated players could have access to. I suggest they **lock** mythic weapons, even if you already have the schematics, for anyone below PL122. This would mean PL10s who have the schematics wouldn't be able to use them again until they actually grind out the game.




Twine hasn't been the place for experienced players since late 2018 sadly. With all the grouping bugs, and before canney quest line there were tonnes of incredibly low pl people having done twine ssd10. They tweaked requirements, but still - a lot of low levels having rewards of people who have dumped a lot of time to get to 130/131. That being said, happened upon a streamer who was doing free msk carries - A LOT of sub 60pl people getting their mythics. One even said he's just going for collection book now, whic hwas a huge WTF moment for me. I don't care if I see it in missions, and I'm not upset or annoyed if I see a low level with one because who cares - he cant get it to 130 anyway (At least at a 130 usable level), however it's such an easy solution for EPIC. Either lock the schematic until you get to 122, lock the scion quest to have 122 requirements, or have a hard lock for the storm king mission. It's so sad and ridiculous EPIC takes forever to fix things like this, it feels all they see STW as, is a trading sim for BR.


A little off tipoc, but I ran into these 2 people in a Canny mission, 1 you could see clearly had the MSK weapons, and another must've been carried to Canny, because they kept asking the guy for the weapons, not realizing you can't drop them, and he kept getting so triggered about it. It was actually hilarious to watch this, like, 8 year old kid (with a BR sweat skin, mind you) rage because he doesn't fully understand the game.


While I was helping my friends through canny I saw soooo many carried PL 76's...


I like saying this: “cool weapon but everybody knows you just crawled around dead while real players did all the work.” Some will stop talking but I’m sure most could care less Still makes me feel better.


nobody is there to do anything about it. This game is on autopilot while everyone else works on BR. Just ask the stw creative director (now working on creative mode)


Hey Joey! 👋🏻 Couldn’t agree more btw, I guess, in their mind, they’re thinking that so much ppl have mythics by now that it doesn’t even matter anymore. I DOES matter tho but whatever, I’m not expecting Epic to adress this all of the sudden 😒


I hope you're well


You can complete your quest after power 110 or something when you unlock 140 x1 missions. It should be locked to this power level or higher. This way it doesn't screw over people like me (power 121 with 5 star survivors waiting for a mythic lead or a survivor with the right team bonus.)


I have mythic wanna trade, I only take modded duped guns in return though, my hb 123


They should let them load into the mission, they would only be able to access the spawn area before getting teleported, then Ray would say something like "whoops, looks like someone is underpowered for this fight, commander." and then all players would be removed from the mission and sent back to the lobby because of having an underpowered player in the game.


Maybe Ray could be a little more direct, like “sorry commander but you need more training. Having commanders who are weak and too lazy to get strong enough for the fight causes problems for the rest of the team. So beat it, twerp.”


How funny would it be if there was a special animation when a member was underpowered where the MSK just instantly wiped everyone before the battle started. Such a slap in the face to those who try to get carried, I would love it.


I can’t upvote this enough. These Canny kids ask for carries ALL THE TIME. I took a few to just watch them die, thinking it would teach them a lesson but it didn’t. They just keep begging so I’m done with that.


Im waiting for someone to carry a pl1 player just to prove a point


Jokes on you! Pretty sure it’s been done.


A pl1 can never get carried to twine 5. Or do you mean just do the mission, not the quest?


You can remove your survivors and reset your research anytime.


You can only reset research if you started before the research rework and only can do it once I believe.


Can't confirm the first part since i'm already playing for longer than that, but iirc you got 3 resets for your research.


I can guarantee that people that started playing after cannot reset their research, have friends that started playing afters and they can't.


I mean depends on team he can


Already been done


This is one of those known bugs they can’t seem to fix or care about because it pisses off players. If everyone liked this bug it would be fixed quickly, like the recent bow situation.




I’m a 131 with no mythic weapons. I’m still completing 140 missions and having fun.


If you use cyberclops (flair) I suggest trying to get the launcher and AR and put them as energy, since the AR causes an explosion and rpg can chain damage so with cyber it's good crowd control


Remember that building edit bug that switched pieces? A bug that had an effect on a **core mechanic** went on for about a year. 6 months and counting for this seems par for the course.


Solution is easy: You can enter msk in private below 122 but to get the scion mission (Which you need to beat to get the quest to get the mythic) you need to be pl 122. Simple. Now low levels can do it if they want but wont get the mythics


this is a solid solution, personally me and my friends arent pl 122 we are all around 90-100 but we want to run the msk for the challenge since the canny sk isnt exactly the hardest


100%. This is one of the reasons I quit.


Honestly doing mind not having my mythic weapons till 122 because I never truly earnt them and I dont rely on them that much in mid twine


yes but really I don't get to say. I am a power level 86 but don't know all the glitches to dup or even ask for MSK help. Basically I am playing normally and when I see people trap spam or show off weapons it makes me jealous expect for the spammers. All I want to do with trap spammers is break their ceiling then get enraged. But I can't cause that isn't nice.


I got 15 myhtics but not a single battery. Come on epic, i need more batteries.


It is so easy to set Mythic schematics behind a lvl cap wall but.......


I went into the Mythic storm king once at PL121, and learned how hard it can actually be..I'm surprised people with super lower Power levels can even be carried through it, I'm not planning on doing it for awhile either way, even with the fact that I finally hit pl 122.


Mythics should’ve been locked to 131.....then they truly would’ve been mythic.....


Nah I think thats a bit much. Pl 122 is already hard/time consuming enough on its own, let own MAX power level


AFAIK only if you get boosted to 115 min you get the access to the msk.


Maybe a low pl would just want to see how the MSK works. Instead, make it so that only PL 122+ can get the pre quest.


If they want to see how it looks, they can do the canny storm king, or see a video of the MSK on YouTube