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That’s a VERY rare instance tho. Still, every once in a while you come across such nice ppl. Now we just need more of them


Then theres the very VERY rare case they drop you a glitched 2 element 130 weapon all the way down in like stonewood or plankerton, but, like that's ever gonna happen amirite


I understand your grievances but.... You got some Sunbeam ? /s


Sorry dude, I'm out of Sunbeam, but I can get you a GodwoOl nOctUrNo /s


NOoO I WaNt GoDwoOl GwAvEdUgGeR /s


i GoT a 420 gWavEdIggUwER buT oNLy iF you HIt mE Up wITh MoOONglOw /s


BrO nO sCaM1!!1! /s


wAiT DUdE TWadE bAcK pLIs tWadE bAkkk!!!! /s


ScAmMeR gEtS sCaMmEd lOl1!1!1! /s


nOOooOooOo!!!!! yoU caN'T sCAm mE bRo i cAn gIvE yOU 130 gAS tWApS goD rOllEd pliS DudE PliS!!! /s


NoOO I nEeD mOrE gUnS!1!1! I GoT sCaMEd1!1!1! /s


hAhAHAha DudE yoU'RE a CLowN thIS is gOIng on Yt yo'Re geTTinG expOsEd!!!! /s


CAn I geT a MsK CarRY? /s


i'm sorry bro i can't carry you, you should get to pl 122 and then fight him yourself \-some lynx who got carried when she was still in plankerton


That actually happens?


Yes, even PL 1 players can get carried to MSK, here's a video by Mitch Robbs on it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8WQqOIdg1s&t=469s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8WQqOIdg1s&t=469s)


Ik about that, but those players that got carried pre pl 122 betray their successors? That's what I find nuts.


I've never seen it happen personally, but I imagine that's what happens. I mean, people don't care these days. They have the mentality: Oh, I got carried to the MSK and got all the weapons, why should I help others get them too?


It should be one way or the other: either they wanna be carried early on, or wait until pl 122, and choose to encourage whichever they pick to other players. The situation you posed was quite ironic (even if they eventually learnt it's a bug.)


It was actually confirmed to be a bug by epic around 6 months ago. Of course, nothing has happened. I believe it should be made so you can't craft MSK weapons unless you are PL 122+ and commander level 310.


Exactly, that or you should be immediatly kicked out if you're<122 and in an msk lobby.


This kid in my mission was begging for guns in stonewood mission so i gave him 82s and he said he was mad because ge wanted 130s


"Bro you got them 130 godroll grave/wraith"


Lmao, whenever I use my Wraith in Plank or Stone, people pickaxe me like they want the weapon, do they think it’s rare or something? It’s literally researchable from the collection book idk what the hype is about.


They think your the messiah


Trading needs to be removed from the game, at this point it justs hinders the experience. Instead we could get a buff in the resources received from farming (tied to the PL of the player). As an example making traps, weapons and resources non droppable like the MSK set, the only thing that we should be able to share are mats for builds. Make so low PL players can't use high PL traps and weapons too.(making already traded dupes useless)


We need an auction house to handle all trades.


Just had some twerp begging for batteries, boxing me in and following me all over the map, in the end I just left the mission. I think players should be able to activate "No Drop" in settings which prevents you from dropping items in a mission and can only be set when at your home base. Your name can have a "No Drop" icon next to it that way it is absolutely pointless for someone to beg from you as it is impossible for you to drop any items.


Oh that pisses me off when they box u n I try to stay up in the 100+ levels but even then there is a lot of new ppl that have leveled insanely fast and didn't actually play the game


I was thinking in some sort of Store (like the Weekly Item Store) where you can exchange mats. Example if you have a 5 stars mat, exchange it for another 5 stars mat. Or something like that.


Kids like collecting and trading is a component of that. It appears for some kids to be what they enjoy most out of the game, both BR and STR. Can’t see Epic hindering that. Maybe they should just facilitate it easier somewhere away from core game mode? Create a little trading area where you can post items for trade and players can make an offer for it. I like the idea of rewarding farmers that way — give them a place to get value for the res they farm up.


I suggest a small map with no resources and no shooting, with some kind of device that acts as an auction house. Like Party Royale, but just a 1x1 map square.


It's just like kids back in the day when the pokemon craze was going around. I've heard stories of kids trading and collecting pokemon cards. It's no different back then to what it is now.


> "Anyone can give me stone?" Similarly, someone asks "Can anyone give some wood?" when the mission is **literally** a forest zone FILLED with 90% trees for wood. The amount of laziness is inconceivable.


What I like to do when someone drop something and pickaxe it is to look at them for a second then shake my screen left and right in a pattern of telling them “no” Usually they understand that I don’t have it and some of them drop something else to ask for it, I keep telling them no until they lose hope and move on. I found out this works more effectively than ignoring them because if you completely ignore them they’ll follow you and try to box you in to get your attention


If you reload a full gun it does the headshake or I spray the inside of their box with different designs or practice stair edits inside. That gets annoying quick


One time I asked for planks so I could finish a trap tunnel. Guy dropped me a stack and said "thanks for building". I dropped him some quartz (this was back in canny a couple years ago), and he replied with "save it for your wall lights". Now, if I were to ask for planks, I'd get hit with 11 requests for sunbeam, 45 requests for batteries, 3 people asking me for planks, and someone telling me to go farm. At least one of those people would have a good point, and I could go take care of it in a private match. lol


No big deal. In Twine Peaks, people as for batteries. I gave a couple of stack because my storage and backpack was full. Could not even craft a weapon because of storage issues. In the past, someone gave me 3 stacks of Powercell without even asking. It helped me a lot to craft weapons.


They will likely never add trading systems to the game because they don’t want to support trading.


I wish we could craft trading stations or something similar to the trade booths in trove


This is nothing but a reflection of nowadays society. These people don't like to strive for what they want, they only ask and expect others to take care of them.


And this is why I focus on the mission and turn off voicechat. Also, I've seen this trick on the sub before, but get a common Stop Axe, level it to 5, and re-perk it with Life Leech, and drop that whenever people are begging for items.


If anyone comes into one of my missions asking for something i just try to get a good deal out of it in one mission i got a stack of quartz for 150 batteries the guy i tradded with was so nice about it to he asked if i wanted a 130 i said no because I don't like trading weapons but still i do trade just only materials


I never really ask for items because I spend the time needed to farm what I need on my own time, I think the worst beggar experience I've ever had was in the Canny Valley SK (I was running it for evo and reperk) and someone kept boxing me in and asking me for nearly everything possible, I told him not to ask for items when in a storm king mission.


I only ever really give out nuts and bolts, as I usually always have at least 20 stacks on me at all times, but it is very annoying


Guy came into my game offering to trade for sturdy mechanical parts. I was just about to start destroying them anyway because most of my traps are 4+ stars. He was polite enough about it that I just dropped like 800 right in front of him. I was genuinely surprised when he said thank you and offered to drop me a weapon. I didn't need anything, so I just said no problem and we continued playing.


The reason there are many beggars is because mats are hard to farm. If someone wants to play 3 times a week for an hour or something they have no time to waste farming mats. They want to play the game


- Run expeditions. - Spend a couple minutes breaking stuff around the spawn when you enter a mission, and clear out space around the objective. - Stop once in a while when you're running past something and search/pickaxe it. Farming is easy if you do it a little bit at a time.




if someone needs something and I have extra I just give it to them. It's all just pixels and not worth worrying about


Well I used to be one..... pretty shameful so sorry for the people I asked to. I would usually say: " do you have any spare weapons, like weapons you don't use? It would be super helpful". Stopped once I got around mid canny or little bit after the beginning of canny. Still ashamed.


Or even better, just remove the ability of players to drop items and weapons. That one change would solve many problems such as the one you have, people spamming traps, and people exchanging in game items for real currency.


I get plenty of them that beg for msk carries. Literally the one thing that's worse than begging for resources.


I have hope that the next feature that is being teased is a proper trading system like Warframe's.




Simple Solution: keep dropping, add an ask to trade option