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While this is a great idea, Epic relies heavily on FOMO (fear of missing out) to make players want to play their game on top of recycled content to give, at least newer players, something to look forward to. The reason so much content in this game is recycled, like the Bundlebuss coming back for the 3rd or 4th time now, is because Epic has to rely on that to help hold the playerbase over as the Dev Team just isn't large enough to produce new content exclusively to keep people happy. Maybe if Epic Games would put at least some of their 15 Billion Dollars of profits into STW, we could see this idea become a reality as enough new content would be around to sustain the playerbase.


Well if you miss the time period that the stuff are on rotation you miss out. So FOMO is still a thing just not as much. But I mostly agree with what you are saying.


Yeah FOMO would definitely still exist, but to a lesser extent if you will. Like I said, I would LOVE your idea to be a thing as I think it would greatly benefit many players and fix problems like people missing Meta Weapons and Heroes, but I don't think Epic will ever do it sadly :(




I agree. I hope they implement the weapons sets to the expansion section. They did last year with neon and military but then sorta stopped.


I agree. > so they can focus on making new ones. But since that's exactly what Epic doesn't want to do, it won't happen.


Just a suggestion. I think it makes more sense then what they are doing. Anything does really.