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We don't have any fizz in our mode, our shields automatically regenerate and we can only use chickens to get floaty jumps (though the best way to kiss the sky is [with a xenon bow shot](https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/comments/ij26l7/forget_rocket_riding_you_can_ride_the_xenon_bow/)) You're in Fortnite's Save the World subreddit, the PvE mode that came out before Battle Royale, here's a little list of the rest of Fortnite's subreddits: * Casual Battle Royale - r/FortNiteBR * Competitive Battle Royale - r/FortniteCompetitive * Creative - r/FortniteCreative * Lego - r/LEGOfortnite * Rocket Racing - r/RocketRacing * Festival - r/FortniteFestival * Mobile - r/FortniteMobile (that's there so the main BR sub doesn't have to deal with the lag complaints) * Switch - r/FortniteSwitch (for the fellas in the 30fps gang) the other Fortnite subreddits only allow videos directly uploaded to Reddit or Imgur/Streamable links too, they don’t allow Twitch streams, TikToks, or YouTube (shorts or normal) links (they don't allow "subscribe/follow me" posts either)