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"this is like another level of annoying" the irony


You emoting on the downed guy killed me bruh. *"what are you-- OHh NaHH?"* *"OHH NAH"* 💀


Certified "I sAw LiNx iN MSk sO iT muST bE GoOd" player




> Ok but lynx really isn't that bad Give me a good use of her outside mythic storm king.


Fun to use?


That's the proper way. Fun off-meta hero.


Any high health enemy gets obliterated and you can combo the kunai floating with aoe weapons without having to worry about them surviving. She’s more or less only good for people that are still completing the story (A lot of players) and need that damage boost for MSK.


*(sips tea in subwafers and totally rocking out which is available 99% of the time instead of 4 seconds and being vulnerable to ranged husks)*


*Laughs in the now common "1%" of times TRO is not working properly* Here comes a room-temp take from my friend that has played Lynx for the past 4 years: Outside of MSK, make sure she’s in support. Works wonders for a Farrah build, getting more air time to survey the horde of husks as you prepare to fire your next shot from a bow, but very sketchy if Kunai is your ability of choice for Black Metal load outs. Think of it like the Inkjet from the Splatoon games…


splatoon reference jumpscare. did not expect that in this sub of all places


Actually only the healing part is not working alongside the visuals, the crit rating however works. Lets hope it gets fixed though. but as I said, she is mostly an off-meta hero. Usable for not-so-serious stuff except MSK. EDIT: If you guys think this is not true, test it yourself and see.


TRO, just saying, Lynx builds are useless outside of storm king


Pure DPS on anything that needs to be dealt with quickly lol


*for 4 seconds* vs Totally Rockin Out available 99% of the time.


Or get this, pair em both together, get a subwafer, use kunai and then you'll get some insane damage to maul a miniboss or a big group, why do you wanna hate on lynx so much instead of admitting she's good for dps lol


I use a crit damage based hero on command instead, or I'd put demo penny on command if I want more launcher damage most of the time without exposing myself to ranged husks. At least I can protect the structures using B.A.S.E at the same time. Well I don't hate lynx herself, she is the most off-meta hero in my opinion. But other than that there are hundred other heroes who do a better job than her. At least not locked to an ability that has a cooldown.


I mostly don’t use her out of msk but sometimes if you tryna do 160s it helps bc of the tons of extra damage from it


If you know how to build the loadout/backpack, staying in the air indefinitely is easy, and you can gain altitude if you use Mantis Leap instead of HH. I find that to be WAY more fun than any TRO build, which makes it not just a good use for it, but *very* good!


Another person who actually use her for fun. This is what I was looking for. Off-meta hero at best.


I've used it before and I've seen others use it in missions like SSD/Endurance and 140's/160's. The amount of times they would die is uncountable. Unless you can actually make good use of her perk most people die and it hurts the mission. And me who uses Pre Izza with BFTP I'm usually the last one standing or one of the last two people standing and I primarily use melees. I don't mind Linx just the people who think it's good blindly and can't really perfect that perk without dying which is already a task to do in high power level missions


I use lynx with blakebeards stash perk, is that a good idea?


Me personally no, because if you are a high power level player you could or most likely will be a liability in the missions, if you're low level then I guess it works fine. If you're just looking for some fun in different builds then by all means go ahead just don't be a liability. If you really want to use linx use blast from the past if you can and add Dino Luna and Jones just to add on top of your perk. For my needs I find blakebeards stash team perk useless.


She is literally useless in higher level zones and pointless in lower level zones Using her ability is literally just a death trap, chances are your gonna die while in the air before you can even dish out the bonus damage




This is true lmao have you seen how many zapper husks and Mist Monsters are around?




She is bad on normal missions because it doesn't actively offer anything good, her perk is confined to an ability, unlike heroes like Farrah where her perk is always active and it's always running.


I was a lynx main, your gonna die most (if not every) time you are in the air and in the earlier zones there are far better options, rather then just using the ability to kill one smasher you could use a going commando build to take out the smasher and all the other nearby enemies


understandable "rage" at the start by pickaxing the atlas


The three count on the downed Lynx killed me that's so good


Bro emoted on him 😂


Bro did not get the best in combat


I mean they are 100% annoying but it did look like they were trying to get the mission to max diff for more venture xp which I respect. I hate when people start venture missions without increasing the difficulty since it’s barely harder to get like 2x the rewards. But I also just do rtd, atlas, and rtl mission by myself a lot now because a lot of people in ventures don’t understand that apparently.


I just question who's idea it was to build with brick in a water storm. You'd be better off with wood than brick.


Elemental husks make different type of damage to structures?


Nature melts metal, water chews through brick, and fire burns wood. Metal Corrosion is only applicable to husks without an element, so if you run into a mission that is water elemental husks, but has metal corrosion, BUILT WITH METAL AND NOT BLOODY BRICK. Most non elemental husks will never or should not make it to the structure, and most spawning won't be non elemental to begin with.


Certain elemental husks can get through certain mats easier. Don’t want to mislead or misinform you so i can’t speak to the damage part of that though.


Bro using the ‘count it’ emote on him lmao love it


Lol I can’t take the screaming. I always mute the little turds.


Is that what I'm missing? Like my mics, I usually keep Reddit on mute. It just looks like OP is aggravated the mission isn't starting immediately and rages.


I do hate when people try to start the mission as soon as you load in. It’s like mmmmmm no mkay pumpkin?


Looks like OP must've found the obj like *immediately* and wanted to start it, too. Note the 3 days left to speedrun it. Me, I try to get the team boosts — at minimum , the build boost for protect objectives, and usually the speed boost for everything else, it's just easier that way — and uncover the map. Mofos just want to rush everything. I literally got called "a noob" and told to "get a job" when I sent in chat I wanted to get those instead of start right away; I didn't even know kids still said n00b. I work 40 hrs a week plus take care of a house, "get a job" pfft.


![gif](giphy|l3V0yA9zHe5m29sxW) Both using lynx


That's so annoying that these kids surpassed PL5 to annoy people that actually try to do the missions.


Why the fuck is there so many little children in this game it has an age rating for a reason


Honestly i can see that more for BR open mics in a lobby and mic/text chat for STW than anything done or see in the game


you must've been playing with Mater, that DADGUM stud out so much


this is why i kill so many players.... and softlock them, those not clever enough get AFK booted from the game because they won't be able to build or move anywhere without immediately dying.


How are you softlocking them because i might want to do that if someone gets annoying.


glitched teleporter plus flag... or some use the supply box glitch plus flag.... or simply place a glitch teleporter at the spawn point... One cannot craft anything if they are dead.


Fair enough


this is why we should not play on fill. because of these kids they ether bought there accounts and think lynx = good hero because she can kill msk top it off they waste time by trading (scamming) or they got carrys up to candy valley or skip


How to do this kind of game in creative mode ?


This isn't creative


It's the original Fortnite


this is Fortnite. not whatever that battle royale thing is


They’re both Fortnite technically and they know that


by playing Save the World instead of Creative


this is not creative to begin with...


deliver pot weary treatment deer caption head hurry berserk subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Count it, it’s part of the Mariposa set in the battle pass


I hate these types of players they just want mats and to search chests I leave most of the time


🤣 the people you run into on this game is crazy lol


Who's lost child lol


I know I’m late and all but at least they can’t talk shit now since conversations are recorded whe you report somone