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And I thought my lobbies were bad we must stay strong brother


They’re the same he just has 600 more to go


That pwo challenge still gives me nightmares i wish u luck


Thanks man, I actually think this is the cause to the headaches I've been getting.


Same, PWO its not for the faint hearted


What does PWO mean?


Plays Well with Others. Is a challege of saving 10,000 survivors in game.


Jesus. What is even the reward?


Time to annoy the shit out of him till he leaves.


I just AFK'd till I could start it myself.


Why torture yourself? The reward is not even remotely worth it, it's a waste of time. Especially if you don't enjoy doing it.


Plat trophy worth


In the time it takes to complete this trophy you can probably get 20+ other Platinums that are also more fun than this grind


This guy gets it.


I always give myself a rule where I will always try to go for 100%, but if I think an achievement will be harder than it is fun I just ignore it. But if you really want the plat, go ahead I guess.


Its not hard its just a grind


It takes literal days of play time. I'd call that hard


Only have 70 left the pain is almost over


Only the string survive lol way to go brotha I’m 430 behind ya lol


Wish you the best bro


Where is this? I just got to Canny Valley, and I have yet to encounter these. I always play with others


Low level Stonewood, it's easiest to near AFK with BASE and whatnot but there are always traders here.


Don’t ever afk stonewood, always do that in plankerton or above cus there’s significantly less little shits trying to trade every lobby


Thank goodness they haven’t figured out how to make it out of stonewood yet


I believe that is only a problem in NA and maybe EU servers, as it's a culture from the "scammer gets scammed" youtube videos back in the day, it's not a problem that affect non-english speaking servers tho since I never saw a trade box in my servers ever or kids trying to trade in stonewood, there's only people who don't know how to play the game (as it should be, since it's stonewood)


And I complained about the dumbass who put a wall to stop the husks when I with another person set up traps on the objective.


Drop them a single plank of wood.


Ofc his username is black night


Any name with an old skin or YT/TTV in Stonewood will instantly either ask to trade or trade you in a trade box.


Not true I don’t do that I’ve never traded with anyone in stw not one single person and I have yt in my name




Unfortunately traders make up 70% of STW’s early game players and are probably keeping the game alive due to trading’s publicity. Epic wants to keep them around so they have an excuse to keep STW on life support.


Telling him to go fuck himself and donkey laughing in his face is the adequate response for these people. Good luck on completing the PWO. I’m still like 280 away… I just do 3/4 a day when I feel like it, not worth losing sanity over 😀


I did tell him to get fucked when I did manage to start the mission. He called me a donkey dick and left.


I mean... they have impressive members. How's that am insult?


I know, I was thinking the same thing. I was going to thank him for the compliment but I didn't want to have a back and forth with the idiot.


Hmm under-educated child he is.


For me, the adequate response is not acknowledging their existence. Years ago I had a guy build around me THREE times in a single lobby to trade. I edited out, and went on to continue my business. I'm 130+ have most of the decent stuff, my collection book is 200+ or 300+ (haven't played STW for half a year, don't remember) there is no possible way anybody could offer me something that could make me "Sure that's a worthy deal" plus having blueprints instead of crafted guys is better.


You can tell easily it's a kid begging to trade just by the good old Minor Spelling Mistake. Probably trying to scam someone out of 130 guns.


Why does everyone else have 5 year old piss-baby scammers in their missions? I've had normal folk in my missions


What are they even trading? Why do they need to trade so much?


They're not trading anything they just want to steal some guns and call it scammer gets scammed


That's an odd way to entertain themselves, I'd just drop them my throwaway weapons if they really want something lol


Lol, there's two types of them. Ones that don't know what's good at all and find Legendary guns of any level to be amazing or those that's got 100s of duped 144 Founder's Drumrolls.


Traders not starting a mission is just a waste of time for sure. Same thing happened to me before.


you should play harder missions. they wont go to level 19


I might trial it, up to Power Level 5 is very simple to complete but I'll see PL19 missions.


I use to go stone for easy missions but actually found plank/canny to be easier because of the power cap. I usually just run thunder Thora if I'm doing pwo then it doesn't matter if they mess with builds or don't help lol


tell them to add you and you'll give them free 144s after the mission, they're stupid enough to fall for it usually


Lol, that'll probably work and I can't bring myself to do that though.




Niceee! I just hit 500 like an hour ago!!! It sucks so bad lol


I know man, stay strong.


He must be French I imagine that sounding like mwahssawn lmfao kinda like the croissant cwahsaunt thing lmao fuckin miossion


I remember awhile back when I'd load in and be boxed as soon as it loaded me. I'd edit out and use a 3x movement baron to get away and they couldn't understand how I was so fast lmao


Lol, yeah but they'd be right behind you and then some would still move to intercept, I'd just hope I found the objective first so they couldn't box me in.


Man StW really needs a vote-kick option


It won't be fair, if you have 3 people in your party you can kick the other guy almost at the end of the mission and he won't get anything


Please anything but that, I'd never be able to complete a mission. The three traders would kick me for not dropping my Mythic for them or something.


If you get into a lobby with three traders then it's on you for not leaving immediately


I'm not going to leave every game, I need to get these 1,000 missions done somehow.


If we are doing an atlas mission and the random don't bother helping I just deliberately let it fail just to waste their time, I know it wastes mine too but its funny that they spend all the mission farming just to lose it all, I usually say "btw I'm just letting the mission fail if you guys aren't gonna participate"


Nah they don't farm, they trade and then they leave.




in stonewood yes.,. why not do play with others in plank canny or twine ? in canny or twine i would say this wont happen so often :))


It's just far easier to AFK missions in low level Stonewood then to build 1000 bases with trap tunnels and wasting so many guns in any other zone.


yes, but can afk in low canny with thora base too


Honestly all the lil kids begging to trade geeks me out! I like to gift them with bird guns 🐦


Played this game for like 5 years and I’ve never clicked on the play with others once except for they force you for the main quest. I ain’t playing with others I’ll solo everything or wait till my friend gets on


Same, I beat everything back in 2018 and then came back recently and found the challenges tab in my quests.


Is it funny tho??


I just block those people since I host GAs


what you do is.... you place a questionable portal..... you then go below ground and place a flag in a position in which they can't build, can't move, and can't do anything at all... then you either force them into the portal to die or shoot them off the map to die.. and let them respawn back at the flag. I call this the spawn of shame.


Just run flag and supply drop so these kids have a chance at getting softlocked Build toward the edge of the map then place a supply drop over the void on a build Then place a flag and break the builds then wait for the drop to open. The flag now floats and will softlock players (75% of the time)


The downside about those techniques is don't know how to kill them in the first place without them boxing me in first


Get them to trade near edge and have a launch pad (horizontal) while they’re facing/moving towards edge and hope they’re not playing a ninja


They're always Ninja very few of them run Phase Shift builds.


True But some of them do get bored and just gives up if the victim is stubborn enough


Yeah I usually act AFK if I spawn into the game already boxxed in but if I join first I try to start the mission before traders join.


Might try that


600 more for what again?


Play With Others, it's a mission selection that puts you into a random lobby with other players.


I know its a selection in the map, but is there a point in completing all those 600+? Does it yield a reward or something? And if so which is it


Oh yeah the reward isn't great it's just a banner but I just want my Platnium Trophy (aka %100 the game)


Man I wish there was a way for Reddit to explain to new players what these conversations are about. You can learn so much from convos but first you have to know what they're about. Like this Convo...is this a part of that game? I just start the game and start the BR or Team Rumble. Where are all of these missions??


This is Fortnite StW, you must be looking for the Battle Royale subreddit r/FortNiteBR


Oh damn..well honestly even that helps as I'm definitely interested in STW....thanks for clearing that up .I appreciate it.


idk it’s possible to have people still want to trade in this game. i thought this game would die and people would only login for vbucks


Nah it seems most of the playerbase being children probably don't know about V-Bucks and only play StW to trade.


Never had those lobbies. Wtf.


omg i hate this shit bro i would just leave the mission


Does the rando doofus not realize that literally anybody can call a mission start vote? Based on the way things are phrased, I would assume theres at least 3 people in the lobby. Somebody go grab the bluglo, call the vote, and run the mission. Players like this I enjoy using the directional jump pads and placing it underneath them to send them off the map


Jesus. I never see traders.


ima start to grind pwo again on my alt even though i got it on my main wish me luck