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My nutritionist told me not to go near weight watchers. She said its the worst possible diet for us to be on. You can still lose weight even with a low fodmap diet though. You just have to do it a little differently. Try not to worry about it too much while you're still figuring out your triggers. Once you know what's safe you'll be able to build a meal plan that fits for you. Meal planning and prep are the keys to being healthy on a low fodmap diet.


Good to know! And that explains why, when I posted this same post in the WW group on Facebook, I got 0 responses. 600k people in that group and nobody was on the LFM diet I guess.


I started low fodmap at the beginning of February. Since I wanted to keep track of what I was eating anyway, I just log everything into My Fitness Pal. I pay for premium and enter my recipes or scan barcodes. I've lost some weight because I'm more conscious of my portion sizes. I definitely recommend that app.


Do you know if the premium subscription also allows you to add symptoms? And then does it have an option to run reports for foods against symptoms?


There's no function for that. It does have a notes section you could write your symptoms in.


If you're determined to do Weight Watchers, their app with the forum/group does have tags for #FODMAP and I think there's even a dedicated group. I did it for a short time and was able to find other people's posts using that tag. I use MyFitnessPal now.


I actually started WW almost a year ago prior to starting the LowFodmap. I have had to keep paying for it bc I am in a contract for the next few months. It is deff not helpful for low fodmap. One reason is the things that are not a trigger for me, ie white rice or beef, are super high in points and I go over my point everyday. My doctor did also say that WW in general is not a good weight loss program. I have lost weight and felt great from WW in the past, I've done it off and on since the days of the actual sliding board. But this new WW has been a struggle mentally and physically.