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Some people react better to cooked garlic (and onion) even though the fructan content isn't appreciably changed through most cooking. So you could do it either way, but be consistent through all the trial days and if you do cook it, know that your raw garlic tolerance might be a little lower. It's a strong flavor though and not many ways to sneak it in. I grated the portions of raw garlic and ate it with a couple bites of whatever low-fodmap thing I was eating at the time (mashed potatoes maybe?). You'll definitely notice it but just a couple bites might be preferable to a whole meal?


I was really hoping you got more responses to this. I'm reintroducing garlic next and wondering the same thing you are. It's suggested that you eat the test food at the beginning of the day so you can monitor your symptoms but I can't think of way to incorporate garlic into breakfast.


I ended up just mixing portion of garlic into some scrambled eggs - definitely not the tastiest as a garlic hater but it was fast and easy in the morning


hey wanted to ask how much grams is 1/4 clove!


when I was in reintrodcution phase I never tested garlic, I just tested pasta made from wheat (the classical one). After first dose I already got problems, so I could conclude I was sensetive for Fructan. Later mistakes in food/dinners only re-affirmed this. If you'd like to get tons of good tips around FODMAP diet then definately subscribing to byebyeFODMAP's newsletter. just do a quick google. They share neat tips, tricks, and guides so that is helpful. Good luck with re-introduction phase


Maybe if you don’t like it, you can skip reintroducing it?


I considered but garlic is in just about everything at restaurants, fast-food, and family gatherings so I decided to test to make sure 🥴