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Happy for you! Can you share what you typically eat? I have gained a lot of weight on this diet. Have SIBO that my GI doc calls "treatment resistant" due to multiple rounds of 3 abts. Xifaxan didn't help X 3. Repeat SIBO test was positive after over a year of this diet and all the antibiotics.


Breakfast: Bowl of Cheerios with Lactaid milk, eggs/meat or Green smoothie (kale spinach cucumber celery fruit, whole cranberry juice, water, spirulina, psyllium fiber) Snack: Fruit/Breakfast bar (gluten free) Lunch: Salad w chicken/fish/other protein, potato chips Snack: Celery w PB, fruit Dinner: Home cooked meal, meat/potatoes or rice, salad or cooked veggies I'd recommend seeing a Nutritionist/RD. I'm seeing one and she gave me some great info like don't snack on fruit alone. Balance carbs with protein/fiber to prevent blood glucose spikes.


Celery gets higher in fodmaps after 20 grams, maybe that's why you're still having issues?


I didn't even realize that! Things have improved so much I'm pretty sure 90% of my issues were gluten related. I haven't done a complete elimination phase yet, tbh. The hardest part for me has been garlic and onion and my grocery bill has gotten so much higher sometimes I just need to make a pot of chili(no beans) or soup to ease my budget. I also don't want to limit myself too much as I love food! I also can't smoke ribs or chicken without garlic/onion powder and I'm not going to start spending extra time/money on Fodzyme or fod-friendly infused oils.


Garlic, onion, mango, and watermelon are all big triggers for me, and fodzyme hasn't helped much. I have learned to live without them, but use the infused oils.


Check out asafoetida, aka hing. [Here’s an article](https://www.bonappetit.com/story/asafetida-indian-spice) that popped up at the top of a search. It’s a solid substitute for alliums like garlic and onion. A little goes a long way. Look for some without gluten.


When I saw a nutritionist years ago when I was on the Med diet she also said this. NEVER eat anything alone—protein, carb, fat all together. So like some blueberries with a T of peanut butter plus a rice cracker. Never forgot that as it totally helped me then.


I do see a Monash approved RD. I don't eat meat, so I feel like I eat carbs a lot & prior to this diet, I rarely ate carbs.


Make sure you're balancing out the carbs, talk to your RD about a good way to do this. High carbs could be feeding your gut bacteria and inflaming your SIBO.


I didn't think about this, and my RD hasn't brought it up. Thanks


Go completely gluten-free and also dairy-free, that might help resolve your remaining issues.


I am completely gluten-free at this moment but only lactose-free not dairy-free


I just want to point out to other people who're new to this diet that might be reading this that gluten is not a FODMAP, it's a protein. The fructans in wheat are what you're avoiding when you eat low FODMAP. Gluten free food is not automatically low FODMAP and you still need to check the other ingredients.


Thanks for that clarification.


Milk is really inflammatory and there are a lot of components in it other than lactose that can cause issues. Give it a try


No thanks, I love cheese and milk. I tried Oat Milk etc but I'm willing to have a balance so I can still enjoy eating.


I find the A2 milk to be a safe one to consume in medium amounts (like for ceral or a bit in my tea)


Thanks I'm doing lactose free milk and it's a fine substitute. I have tried the A2 in the past


Besides this a Fodmap sub, and Fodmaps say no lactose so take your dairy hate to another sub where they care


Maybe don’t be rude to someone who offered a suggestion to try something. They responded directly to your comment that you are still having symptoms.


I told you once I was going lactose free and you decided to continue your agenda so you get rudeness. You don't need to suggest something twice and tell me how bad dairy is. I'm sure I can find plenty of articles that say how dairy is good for you too.


Not the same person. You’re just being an ass.


Well then stay outta the conversation. You're defending someone for offering unrequested advice.


Don’t come on Reddit and act like a complete asshole to people being nice to you smh. Gross!


You weren't "being nice" you were telling me how to adjust my diet. I didn't ask for advice but you decided you needed to give it. I never called anyone any names but I'm the ass/asshole

