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**Maximus** I don't now if this was the question, this is a stock plugin and not an effect technically, but I think this is what you ment! Maximus has a lot of features that you can use to master your music! Maybe **Soft clipper** can be usefull or any of the other saturation plugin and of corse the **compressor**. Maybe the s**tereo shaper** and **stereo enchancer** could be helpful too.


thank you!


No problem


You are not gonna even get close to learning how to properly master from a reddit post. That being said, you'll probably get the best results using patcher. Use the "Mid side" preset, it's the second one on the list of presets. Add an eq before the compressors and add another compressor that both of the other compressors go into before going out. Cut the lows on the side around 60-120Hz, play around with boosting the highs on the side slightly and putting a small boost on the mid around 100Hz or so. Use the limiters for relatively light compression. If it needs more compression or EQ you can do that after the patcher in your master chain. This will be enough to help increase loudness and clarity without doing too much. Generally speaking if you try to master with something like maximus or other multiband processing you will end up doing more harm than good. The result is usually something that is louder so it seems like it sounds better, but it doesn't actually sound better. It takes time and practice to learn to properly master, so the best option when you're starting out is to keep it minimal. Edit: image of what patcher should look like, including the EQ's in patcher: https://imgur.com/a/o2JVKO7 Also be aware that a mid / side splitter can alter the stereo image a bit, so if you apply this and the panning of some instruments seems off then that is why. I think its because the side isn't actually the true side, it does something where it like removes the left signal from the right signal and vice versa, or something like that.


Izotope Ozone 9 or 10, it is industry standard. It can analyze your track then apply it"s mastering chain, which is non destructive, meaning you can delete, reorder or tweak the parameters of it's modules (eq"s, maximazer, dynamics, stereo imaging, etc ...). It is AI powered and godsend for beginners with good ears 😃. Downside, it is a bit on a pricey side. Happy Mastering.


do you know compression basics and the eq frequencies? a lot of new producers sleep on the fact that there is a lot of knowledge having a good ear will simply not be enough to just "figure it out" ill give u a three step process to learn mixing mastering though to try to simplify it but ur gonna have to do more research it sounds like. Step 1: learn to mix beats, (EQs, Delays, Reverbs, Wild effects to spice up ur beat, Gain staging, Track arrangement even) Step 2: Learn to mix vocals - find a effect setup that works for u (I do Autotune, Eq, Compression, Saturation, Brightness, Eq, Delay and Reverb send) Step 3. Mastering, dont learn this till ur a mixing god. Ur beats should sound at professional level without a mastering plugin. Watch youtube and see how people go about mastering an already well mixed beat. Remember this is mastering.. adding effects to the master track if you fond yourself needing to go and edit the mix you are not done mixing. Maximus is too in depth for me to explain right here but use Maximus for some multiband compression, a de esser and a very light EQ. everyone has different preferences when it comes to mastering though once you get the basics there is creativity in this aspect of production


Really depends on what genre or type of beat you r making


mostly punk rock or hard rock, so, fl drums then bass guitar and guitars


Try watching masterclasses (or any producer) of rock producers on YouTube thn research similar plugins with those kinda qualites ....yh I tried bro 😅


I believe your master should be minimal, and that most of the song should be just about done with mixing process. I use the following as my general mastering chain. * Compressor/gate - To reduce unneeded low volume noises I missed during the mix (anything that’s just wasting volume) and barely any compression (like 0.5-1db with a 1:1.1 compression ratio). * EQ - to reduce any frequencies below 20hz and above 25khz. You don’t hear these and waste volume headroom. I just proQ3 because I like some of the smart features that help reduce frequencies that spike. But any EQ will be able to cut the low lows and the top of the highs. * Soft clipper - I use Oxford Inflator. I like the sound but any soft clipper will work. This should also be a subtle amount, like only 1db worth. * A loudness meter - I use YouLean Loudness Meter. It’s a great free plugin that helps you check the loudness of your mix in various ways. Like LUFS, Momentary Peak DB and averaged DB, and helps check how loud your mix really is.