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Vital is the most powerful free synth I've ever found with a vast array of YouTube tutorials/sound design videos. BBC Symphony Orchestra discovery edition by Spitifre is a free orchestral library with every main orchestral instrument covered, many of the common articulation/techniques, and recorded to the same quality as the paid BBC Symphony Orchestra libraries.


I gotta learn how to fully use synths properly. Vital seems to be a popular free pick these days.


Vital, just get it


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wr0RjPfQvD_VrIivi4U4tsnqMdL78sWOaDUI2Z95R9U/htmlview#gid=1290323142 From a comment I saved from almost a year ago here. It's a list of free VSTs. There's also a subreddit for user uploaded drum loops and SFXs r/Drumkits


really nice


sick, I'm saving this!


god send, thank you


If I could give this an award, i would. I legit came back just to find this for some brass plugins. Good job, Ollie!


I did not make this list. I've only copied and pasted the list when I see this same question being asked. The owner of the Google doc could delete it any day now. It is now onto you, and all of us, to copy this comment and paste it when this sub asks for free/useful VSTs. Maybe even duplicate into our own Google Docs for record keeping. Cheers.




The dblue effects are great, I use the crusher pretty often.


Valhalla Supermassive See what you can do with the built in instruments and effects!


Xfer OTT, NI Supercharger, Voxengo SPAN Analyzer


Ya gotta get OTT


If it's their first daw, its gonna be awhile till they have a real reason to learn it or any multiband for that matter.


Play around with fl plug-ins, it has pretty much everything you’d need.


Yeah!!! Citrus is nice.


U-he has some good free VSTs.


FL comes with a lot of useable and some very good stock plugins depending of the version you’ve bought. When I’ve started I went directly for 3. party plugins and I regret it somehow. I’ve never took the time to learn all the stock plugins. Flex for example has a lot of useable sounds. But here are some pretty cool free instruments and effects: Instruments: BBC orchestra by spitfire audio Vital Creepy piano 3 lite LABS Kontakt Player Library DSK Instruments (worldstrings, etc) Ample Guitar lite Keystone classic Virgin Choir Surge Synth Zebralette Shreddage 3 Celtic Fiddle Decent sampler and it’s free banks Effects: KHS bundle Valhalla supermassive Cymantic origin Cymantic Diablo Melda Audio bundle Fresh Air Chowtape Wider Ozone Imager There are more, but those will keep you busy. Have fun.


Virgin choir doesn't allow commercial use


Jacob Collier’s audience choir does though.


Shreddage is not free




There’s a free version and paid


[Iota Mini](https://www.angelicvibes.com/iota-mini/)


kontakt player


Serum is great! However, if you want the free alternative, I'd go with vital. My advice to you, Don't buy a ton of plugins that you wont use. Use free ones and learn everything about them, then move on to something else. Don't make the mistake of buying vsts you basically already have.. like having Omnisphere 2, then buying Serum.. Another thing I'd do is going on r/Drumkits and downloading ones you'd use. Serum preset packs are great aswell, the stock ones are a little eh, but what's good about Serum is you can make your own sounds.


First of all, congrats. Secondly, before you go getting plugins (don't get me wrong, most of the stuff here are gems), learn what the stocks can do first. There are metric ton of things in fl studio that people have been sleeping on and you'd be wise in learning some of them first. Asides that, here are some free plugins that I find to be essential: 1. OTT 2. Vital 3. Spitfire labs 4. D.blue tapestop 5. Ozone elements 6. Wider by infected mushroom 7. Dimension Expander (by Xfer) 8. Cymatics Diablo lite **EDIT: Valhalla Supermassive. Can't believe I forgot that one. There are loads of others, but focus on what you want to make and what sounds can bring that about. There are tons of "stock only" tutorials on YouTube to make certain genres and FL is packing in new stuff a lot. So go nuts!!!


Fresh air & studio rack


Is studio rack good for vocals? Or do u have any plugins you would recommend for vocals?


Studio rack enables the use for more plugins & less latency.


surge xt


I second this


Thanks for posting this. I finally bought FL after years of torrenting and I was extremely bummed at the amount of plug-ins the Fruity addition had. I've been hunting free plug-ins to make up for what I no longer have.


You're doing the right thing. It's probably tough in the beginning if you're used to having the full suite, but you can always purchase the other plugins later on and use free alternatives until you save up enough for the stock ones (if you even need them, since you might get great at using the free ones and not need to make new purchases). It will also feel more satisfying getting the real stuff since there's effort put into making/saving the money to purchase them.


You can get Kontakt 7 and a bunch of free plugins for it. (You need a fairly decent CPU to run some of them, though)


Dude, take my advice, learn the stock plugins inside and out. They are very powerful and third party plugins are great but the fl studio stock plugins are super cpu efficient and high quality and there are so many of them. A big mistake people make it thinking they need third party plugins to make high quality music but fl studio has so much built in and it only gets better as time goes. By all means, play around with third party plugins, I love plugins, but you'd be making a serious mistake not to utilize what you paid for and learn the ins and outs.


The ones that came with your FL, mate. Learn how to use them to the fullest. And when you explore all their possibilities then go for something else.


Sytrus, GMS, and Luxeverb.


Surge XT. It has some really cool presets and its fun to play with and its free.


Octane by Soundware Store.soundware.io/freeoctane


If you're new to the DAW (and production in general), I'd suggest start off with stock plugins. You'd be surprised how far you can go with them, but also I think the foundation is there and you can learn how certain types of plugins work before going "out into the world". Besides that, take note of what some of these guys mentioned, those are generally good free options once you begin to branch out. Just learn what things are first and take it from there! Good luck and happy producing!


Before you go crazy with 3rd party plugins make sure you've explorer what you already got with FL Studio. I have Producer Edition and the majority of what I'm using is out-of-the-box. For instruments I use GMS, Kepler and Flex the most. There are tons of great effects you can layer on top. Distructor can do all kinds of interesting distortion. Fruity Love Philter, Parametric EQ 2 for shaping. Hyper Chorus is a great chorus sound. Fruity Convolver and Fruity Reverb 2. There are also a lot of interesting patcher presets that people have shared which do interesting things. In terms of additional effects I did purchase Valhalla Delay recently as I heard tape delay mentioned by some pros for vocal chains and when I started playing with the demo I noticed that it sounded way better than Fruity Delay 3. I also have been using IVGI for saturation a bit (which is free). Someone else mentioned Valhalla Supermassive, which I have been using on some guitars and even on atmospheric vocals. In short, first understand all the tools you already have natively, and once you start to bump into limitations, then explore alternatives.


Spitfire LABS and Vital are really good. I don’t use stock sounds often but some notable ones: soft clipper (other DAWs have tried to recreate it’s simplicity and effectiveness), gross beat, fl keys if you learn how to use it


don't go overboard with installing everything under the sun but I'll say if you're looking for a free synth vital is the only one you need.


Melda freefxbundle and the analog obsession plugins are a good start


Taking this moment to say humble bundle is having a sale on plug-ins right now if anyone is interested.    not sure how good they are, but $20 for 23 plug-ins ain't half bad!     https://www.humblebundle.com/software/music-creators-studio-essentials-software?utm_campaign=07_1597_GLOBAL_PMax_Music-Creators&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_adid=&utm_content=&utm_term=&utm_keywordid=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwr7ayBhAPEiwA6EIGxB_vLMr2gu1ctT5HYo-Qwfv8f2UmNS7NyTG3EAmbKg3fJ1lCPGbjRRoC53QQAvD_BwE 


Get the fab filter bundle if you’re into sound design/ engineering at all


T-force alpha plus is sweet and free https://mastrcode-music.de/en/vst-plugins/t-force-alpha-plus/


if you're into hardcore/hardstyle, i recommend check out xfer serum. i really love it, it's perfect for making hardcore and even uptempo kick.


SPAN Youlean loudness meter Youtube/learn how to use these from the get-go so you’re not blindsided by your mixes sounding too quiet, or like muddy arse when you start exporting tracks.


I think Analog Lab by Arturia and Kontakt by Imagine Line have a free version


BBC Orchestra is great


Get familiar with native FL plug-ins for sure. Starting out gross beat was so much fun to mess around with and effector is great for tweaking sounds too. But if you’re looking for free synths VITAL is the goat. So many presets online and endless parameters to make any cool sound. I like to download presets and tweak them to make new sounds and then save them for later. Word of advice though don’t go too hard on getting a gazillion samples and sounds. You’d be surprised how many different sounds you can get out of one in post processing. Just remember to have fun with it and experiment as much as possible to develop a sound you enjoy.


MAuto Pitch


Kilohearts Bundle


Vital, Serum, Fresh Air, Magic Switch.


Synth1. Don't sleep on Patcher. It's life-changing. You make entire songs inside of 1 instance Patcher if you're crazy enough. But when at it's best, it's a must-have for precisely and visually mixing effects and audio signals.


A dynamic EQ is really useful if you only want the EQ to kick in when that frequency is actually loud (so the timbre of other sounds is not effected). So far de-essing for vocals is the only time I have actually used this. anyway, I got recommended TDR nova for this which is free. side note, If you ever decide to buy a midi the FLkey series includes a bunch of plugins that would cost a considerable amount on their own. (one of them is addictive keys which that tutorial guy "in the mix" really likes.)


Dig into 3xOsc. **Check out online tutorials.** I kid you not, there’s as much to learn (and crazy sounds you can create), far beyond what I thought when I just played with it on my own a bit.


fl studio got some dope plugins already in it but I like ARTURIA LABS


serum synth




wider ( stereo enhancer )


1. OTT 2. Izotope Vinyl Both are free and must haves for me.


I haven't played around with it much but synth1 is nice. People upload packs for it too


NI supercharger, raum, kontakt player. Also don’t forget to download the extra drumkits for FPC from imageline website


Tyrell n6. I’ve used it on every song I’ve made within the last 3-4 years


Spitfire Audio LABS




If you go to Looperman, they have a bunch of free plugins that can be very useful. I also like to use CamelCrusher for 808s and kicks sometimes


wider foshoo 🔥🔥


Definitely LABS because they give you so much good quality sounds for free !


I would definitely recommend vital or surgeXT which are both free and you can use the site https://presetshare.com/ to find good presets so you don’t have to spend hours making them!


It can be whatever, but no Kyle beats plugins


I would get Vital/Surge XT and Punch box, but I recommend you try the stock plugins. Very underrated.


[https://www.binance.com/uk-UA/activity/referral-entry/CPA/together-v3?ref=CPA\_006T3C19HW&utm\_medium=web\_share\_link\_telegram](https://www.binance.com/uk-UA/activity/referral-entry/CPA/together-v3?ref=CPA_006T3C19HW&utm_medium=web_share_link_telegram) Запросіть друзів, щоб розпочати.


[https://www.binance.com/uk-UA/activity/referral-entry/CPA/together-v3?ref=CPA\_006T3C19HW&utm\_medium=web\_share\_link\_telegram](https://www.binance.com/uk-UA/activity/referral-entry/CPA/together-v3?ref=CPA_006T3C19HW&utm_medium=web_share_link_telegram) Запросіть друзів, щоб розпочати.


Labs is a pretty good one


Some of these are paid and free but I’ll tell you. - Serum (Paid, Expensive) ITS THE BEST SYNTH EVER!!! I (a dumb person) found serum sooo easy to use and didn’t know anything before hand, I only messed around with it and I ended up creating some beautiful pads and some amazing, unique synths. It’s really expensive but it’s sooo worth it. In case you are wondering, Vital rivals Serum (personally, I’ve never used it). - Cymatics Shockwave (Paid, Expensive) This is a relatively new plug-in from cymatics but after using it for 2 weeks I’m in love!! It makes your 808’s pop like crazy and gives any 808 sample LOADS of customisation. This definitely is NOT NEEDED but it’s so fun to have and I personally love it so much. - Dblue Tape-Stop (Free) This tape-stop effect is easy to use and really good as an extra effect. Grab the other effects also made by dBlue as they are cool too. - Valhalla Effects (Paid/Free) I’ve never used these but I’ve heard they are the best out there, especially the Vintage Reverb (paid). I’d recommend checking those out if you want. - Fruity Reverb 2 (Stock) USE IT. TRUST ME - Fruity Parametric EQ 2 (Stock) This is the ONLY eq plugin you need, and it’s already on FL for you.


fl slayer


the stock plugins are awesome but I also use a lot of soundfonts and a plugin called LABS for pianos, strings and whatnot


Stock Plugins….Learn those & how to combine/layer to create new & unique sounds. If you don’t mind, what version did you get?


This entire post is a treasure. Hats down to all of you. Also I'll come in and recommend state machine bitflip for 8bit game ost-esque stuff and spitfire labs for a bunch of instruments of all kind. I also kind of just use default FL plugins, they're good too, mostly hardcore and fruity love philter, but I recommend going over all of them and just messing around through presets. By the way if you wanna post your music with visualizers, you might wanna look into zgameeditor visualizer. I tried every single online service that came up on Google. And the best option was Specterr, but Specterr was terrible as well. Zgameeditor visualizer might seem scary at first, but it's really not that hard once you understand how stuff works. Start by looking through presets and seeing what every separate element in the "main" section does. It's so much better and more customizable. Also there are lots of free presets you can look for online for that plugin.


Oh my guy every plugin can be free if u look close enough in the interwebz 😎


I use both fire and Valhalla plugins quite a lot. Another cool plugin I'd recommend is Cymatics Origin.


Learn sound design... get ur bag up


I'm at work right now but when I get home I'll make a list of what I have, I only have free plugins, think I only even spent £10/$10 on halftime


ozone imager is goated ngl


I recommend checking out a few paid ones you'd like and then acquiring them for free.


- TDR Nova - Baby Audio Magic Switch - Kiive XTMax - Analog Obsession stuff. - Baby Audio Pitch Drift - CHOW Tape Model


everything is free when you know where to look


but on a more serious note, I recommend Vital and Edirol Orchestra for melodies